You are not allowed to die without my permission

Princess Tianyan said coldly: “Although I can see many futures, I don’t believe in this future. I want to try to change the future. If you can survive this move…” ”

Boom! ”

Before Princess Tianyan finished speaking, the terrifying chaotic divine light fell on Bai Yifei, bursting out with a powerful and dazzling light that overshadowed the brightness of the bright moon and countless stars in the sky.


Like a chain reaction, the nearby mountains were affected by this powerful energy wave, and began to collapse one after another, with a huge and continuous sound.

The Heavenly Eye Princess calmly stared at Bai Yifei who was in the center of the divine light. After merging with the Heavenly Eye transformed by her mother, she could see her own far, far future. However, in that future, a human race appeared, and she hated it extremely. The descendant of Tianji Pavilion.

The Ancient Sky Eye Clan is good at deducing the secrets of heaven, so she knows how difficult it is to change the future. It is a mysterious power intertwined with cause and effect and destiny. Without absolute strength, even if you know your future, you cannot change it and can only be forced to accept.

But she wanted to try to challenge her fate, so she showed no mercy at all with that move just now. If Bai Yifei died, it meant that her future had changed. If…

there was no if!

The Heavenly Eye Princess shook her head. Bai Yifei’s Tianji Dao was very strong, but his combat power was similar to that of the human race who was defeated by her previous move. It was impossible for him to survive her full blow.

“This is more cruel than her mother!”

Gu Changsheng sighed.

The Queen of Sky Eyes also saw the future between herself and Old Man Tianji, and knew that Old Man Tianji would eventually leave her for some reason, but she still fell in love with Old Man Tianji like a moth to a flame. If the Queen of Sky Eyes could be like that If her daughter is so cruel, Tianji Pavilion will cease to exist.

“Boss, do you know something?” The Golden Ancient Emperor looked at Gu Changsheng with a complacent look.

“How can you understand someone who only relies on his thick skin to pick up girls?” Gu Changsheng glared at him.

Hearing this, the Ancient Golden Emperor shrank his neck and muttered: “You are still talking about me, why don’t I understand? Boss, you have been my first brother for half a million years.”

“You are looking for death!” Gu Changsheng cursed angrily and slapped the Golden Ancient Emperor away from the Tianhuang Star Territory.

Prince Tianpeng looked at this scene dumbfounded, but Honghong on the side explained: “Just get used to it, it’ll be okay.”

Sure enough, the Golden Ancient Emperor came back after a while, but his right cheek was obviously bigger than his left cheek. A little, and a little brighter red.

The returned Golden Ancient Emperor continued to watch the battle as if nothing had happened, which made Prince Tianpeng feel ashamed. Is this how the big guys get along?

Bai Yifei, who was at the center of the Heavenly Eye Princess’ terrifying pupil technique, felt very painful.

Before the powerful divine light of chaos fell on him, he quickly took out a nine-turn life-sustaining pill and put it into his mouth.

The Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill is the first life-sustaining and life-saving pill under the Immortal Medicine. Its powerful medicinal power is continuing to work at this moment.

Bai Yifei can clearly feel that his body is in a state of being reborn at the moment of being destroyed. This state caused him unspeakable pain, as if there were countless ants climbing on him, making him extremely uncomfortable.

The Heavenly Eye Princess has already closed her Heavenly Eye at this time. After all, her Heavenly Eye is too powerful and is equivalent to a terrifying imperial weapon. But because she is connected by blood, she can exert one billionth of the power. She just used it The pupil technique has consumed 90% of the spiritual power in her body.

I don’t know how long it took, but the power of the pupil technique gradually weakened, and the afterglow of the divine light gradually dissipated.

For some reason, Princess Tianyan was extremely nervous at this time, and there was a feeling in her heart that she couldn’t tell whether it was uneasiness or relief, which made her very strange.


At this time, a weak cough sounded, causing the eyes of the Heavenly Eye Princess to shrink.

“How is that possible?” Princess Tianyan looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

Bai Yifei was seen hanging weakly in the air with his back bent. At this time, his clothes were ragged, and even a corner of his pants was damaged.

Bai Yifei didn’t care about his image and spoke with difficulty: “What’s wrong with you, a woman? You are so beautiful, but you are so ruthless. I have no enmity with you, so there is no need to be so ruthless, right?”

Tianyan The princess did not answer Bai Yifei, but looked at Bai Yifei with a complicated expression.

Bai Yifei was shocked by the look in her eyes. Is this vicious woman planning to use some big tricks to kill me? No, I have to admit defeat quickly.

Just when Bai Yifei opened his mouth to admit defeat, Princess Tianyan spoke.

“I give up!”

As soon as the Heavenly Eyes Princess said this, everyone present fell silent. Even Gu Wei in the sky frowned at this time. She could see that the Spiritual Power in the Heavenly Eyes Princess’ body was almost exhausted at this time, but Master Bai Yifei was weak. It was unbearable. In the current situation, Bai Yifei had only two options: admit defeat or be defeated, but she never thought that the one who would admit defeat would be Princess Tianyan.

Bai Yifei was also dumbfounded. What happened to this woman? You were ruthless and cruel to me just now, why did you suddenly give in?

“Did I hear you correctly? Did Princess Tianyan just admit defeat?” A member of the ancient tribe asked his companion in disbelief, and his companion’s eyes were also dull.

This is unbelievable. How could the extremely powerful Sky-Eyed Princess admit defeat? It must have been late at night and I was too tired to have auditory hallucinations.

Of course, these are all excuses. They are all monks, so how can they hear hallucinations? However, they don’t believe that Princess Tianyan will admit defeat, just like they don’t believe that Prince Tianpeng is now willing to become Honghong’s mount.

But Princess Tianyan didn’t pay attention to those strange looks. She looked at Bai Yifei with bright and slightly charming eyes, and opened her red lips lightly: “Can you tell me how you survived?”


Bai Yifei was startled at first. , what happened to this woman? You just wanted to kill me, will I tell you?

“It’s nothing, I just took a nine-turn life-sustaining pill.”

However, Bai Yifei blurted it out.

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Princess Tianyan, and then she murmured: “It turns out that you have come into contact with someone with a stronger destiny. No wonder…” ”

Since you are not dead, then live well for me. You are not allowed to die without my permission. !”

Suddenly, Princess Tianyan said to Bai Yifei in an extremely domineering tone.


Bai Yifei looked confused, what is this and what? He was about to ask what happened, but found that Princess Tianyan turned around and left. He had no choice but to suppress his doubts and return to the academy’s boat.

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