: The competition to suppress the Qilin Prince with one move ends, the human race wins

“Congratulations, Brother Bai, for bringing this beauty home!”

As soon as Bai Yifei returned, Li Beifei and others came up to congratulate him.

“What?” Bai Yifei was still confused and didn’t understand what they were saying.

Xia Wuji was the only one in the small team who was clearly single. He patted Bai Yifei on the shoulder and said, “I’m from here. I can tell at a glance that Princess Tianyan is interested in you.” When

Bai Yifei heard this, he was stunned for a moment. .

“Nonsense, did she look like she was interested in me just now? I don’t know how many times I would have died if I had the Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill.” Bai Yifei, who came back to his senses, gave him a blank look, obviously not believing Xia Wuji’s words.

“Uh…” Xia Wuji was speechless for a moment, and that’s right. Just now, Princess Tianyan showed no mercy to Bai Yifei. Even if they went up, they might not be able to escape unscathed.

Did I see it wrong? No, the tone of Princess Tianyan’s last domineering words was exactly the same as Princess Jiuli’s attitude towards him. Is it really wrong?

Xia Wuji couldn’t help but begin to doubt his own vision.

The Princess Tianyan did not return to the camp of the princes and princesses of the ancient clan, but returned to the sky realm where her ancient clan Tianyan was.


A great sage from the Sky-Eye Ancient Clan wearing a silver armor came out and greeted the Sky-Eye Princess.

Princess Tianyan nodded and said, “Go back, there’s nothing good to see anymore.”


He didn’t ask anything. Since the princess said there was nothing good to see, then there was nothing good to see.

With a wave of his hand, the great sage of the Ancient Sky Eye Clan built an ultra-long-distance teleportation array, and then left with his tribe and the Sky Eye Princess.

Everyone in the ancient tribe looked at each other in shock when they saw the Tianyan ancient tribe leaving.

“Including the Heavenly Eye Princess, our ancient clan has already had two children of ancient emperors defeated by human geniuses.”

Yougu clan said with difficulty.

“Fart, just now Princess Tianyan just let him go.”

“Then tell me why Princess Tianyan let him go. Does she have a crush on that human race?” “What

you said is not impossible.”

“Get out of here, keep beeping blindly. I’ll chop you off, Princess Tianyan belongs to our ancient tribe.”

Another fanatic took out a big knife and put it on the opponent’s neck.


The threatened Ancient Clan looked at him speechlessly, Damn, why is it you again? Are you a fan of the Sky Eye Ancient Clan? I just avoided you, why are you still following me?

The Ancient Clan lost two children of the Ancient Emperor to the Human Race in a row, and their morale suddenly dropped again.


Seeing the Sky-Eyed Princess “fleeing”, Prince Qilin couldn’t help but snorted mockingly, and said: “In this case, I have no choice but to come on.”

But before he came on the stage, the academy’s Dharma boat flew out. A figure.

“Human race, ancient Gu family, Gu Tianjun!”

Gu Tianjun’s voice sounded faintly!

“Gu Tianjun, it’s Gu Tianjun!”

“The number one of the younger generation in Tianhuang Star, the Human Race Holy Body Gu Tianjun!” ” This competition is about to end. Gu Tianjun alone can suppress those princes and princesses.”

Gu Tianjun had just entered the stage .

, whether they were on site or in major cities watching the live broadcast of the brand interface, the young monks went crazy.

In terms of family background, Gu Tianjun is the divine son of the Gu family, the first aristocratic family in ancient times, and no one can compare with him!

In terms of appearance, Gu Tianjun has a slender figure, temperament like a banished immortal, majestic weapons, and a rich spirit like jade.

In terms of strength, Gu Tianjun is recognized as the number one among the young generation of Tianhuang Star.

All of the above made him the dream lover of countless female monks. Now that he appeared on the battlefield, he naturally caused countless people to go crazy.

“Boss, this descendant of yours must be the Ancient Holy Body!” On a mountain peak, the Golden Ancient Emperor said. This was the first time he met Gu Tianjun, but he could tell at a glance that Gu Tianjun was extraordinary.

“That’s right!” Gu Changsheng smiled. He was quite satisfied with the younger generation Gu Tianjun.

“It seems that this competition is coming to an end.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said. He could see how powerful Gu Tianjun was. Among the geniuses of the ancient clan, only the Sky Eye Princess who had just left was Gu Tianjun’s opponent. The others, including his son, were all Even worse than Gu Tianjun.

Prince Tianpeng looked at Gu Tianjun in surprise. He had met Gu Tianjun in the Changsheng Emperor’s Tomb and knew that he was a holy body, but he didn’t know that he was a blood descendant of the Changsheng Emperor.

Now listening to the conversation between the Golden Ancient Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, it seems that Gu Tianjun is far beyond his peers.

Is he stronger than the lady in red?

Prince Tianpeng was full of doubts, and he was quite convinced of Honghong who defeated him so powerfully.

“The number one young person in Tianhuang Star?”

Prince Qilin couldn’t help but sneer on his face when he heard everyone’s praise for Gu Tianjun.

He took one step forward and came to Gu Tianjun.

“I heard that you are known as the number one young person in Tianhuang Planet?” Prince Qilin asked.

“It’s just the reputation of others, don’t take it seriously!” Gu Tianjun is very humble and not at all proud. In other words, he is proud, but he will not write all his pride on his face like others.

“He is self-aware…”

Before Prince Qilin could finish speaking, Gu Tianjun interrupted him.

“But it’s not difficult to suppress you!” Gu Tianjun chuckled.

“You… are very good, you succeeded in irritating me.”

Prince Qilin roared angrily, his long dark red hair standing on end, and a terrifying aura like an angry volcano erupted from his body.

Faced with such a powerful momentum, Gu Tianjun just raised a finger!

Prince Qilin was startled!

“One move!”

Gu Tianjun said calmly.



As soon as Prince Qilin finished speaking, a majestic figure appeared behind Gu Tianjun. The outline of his face was somewhat similar to Gu Tianjun’s. He transformed into a version of himself, sitting high in the nine heavens, with a majestic appearance, like a statue. Immortal King.

One of the nine visions of the Holy Body, the Immortal King comes to the nine heavens!


The power of that figure seemed to be slowly descending from the nine heavens to the mortal world. He wore a nine-dragon crown on his head and a ten thousand dragon fairy robe. His momentum was overwhelming, suppressing the world.

Gu Tianjun stretched out a hand towards Prince Qilin in front of him, and Immortal King Yixiang behind him also stretched out a hand to press towards Prince Qilin.


The Immortal King’s big hand was like a universe, locking Prince Qilin’s energy, making it impossible for him to hide or escape.

The void shook, and he was almost crushed by this big hand. The powerful momentum made Prince Qilin’s face tremble.

The shocking killing power dimmed the stars in the sky and made the sky almost burst.

This scene completely stunned everyone, including the princes and daughters of the ancient clan.

So is this what Princess Tianyan meant when she said “there’s nothing to see” before she left? She has already seen the scene of the ancient clan being suppressed by Gu Tianjun alone?

“I don’t believe you are so strong!”


Prince Qilin roared, and a blood-red Qilin appeared behind him, roaring towards the Immortal King.

With a “boom” sound, the Immortal King directly suppressed the bloody unicorn with his big hand, and then patted the unicorn prince below.


A huge palm print appeared, and Prince Qilin’s body was embedded in Beishan, covered in blood, with only his last breath left.

Gu Tianjun glanced at Prince Qilin and said regretfully: “It’s a pity that I can’t have a discussion with Princess Tianyan.”

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Among the geniuses of the ancient clan, only Princess Tianyan can be his opponent. He had seen Princess Tianyan defeat Taishi with one move before. After the Holy Son was defeated, he wanted to take action against Princess Tianyan, but he did not expect that Princess Tianyan would be the first to invite Bai Yifei to fight, and Bai Yifei did not refuse, so he suppressed his restless heart.

Now that Princess Tianyan has left, he feels that it is boring.

So, Gu Tianjun stood in the void with his hands behind his back, looked

at the ancient clan in the distance, and said: “Who else is there? I’ll take it all!” The calm voice and the calm tone showed unprecedented domineering, which made Gu Wei and watch the battle from a distance. Gu Changsheng was very satisfied. Only in this way can he be called the divine son of the Gu family!


“Too arrogant!”

“Prince Huang, you were the first one to play but failed. It just so happens that this guy is too arrogant. How about you suppress him?”

The princess from the Double Star Ancient Clan said to Huang Jin. Prince Gu said.

The Double Star Ancient Clan is a very special ethnic group. Their offspring must be twins of dragon and phoenix. The prince standing next to her with a similar face is her brother. Back then, the two of them were searching for the Azure Dragon elixir in the Immortal Tomb.

The Ancient Golden Prince’s face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: “I think it’s better to let the Double Star Prince take action, or it would be better for you two to take action at the same time. You two brothers and sisters have a spiritual connection, and taking action together will definitely achieve unexpected results.”

” …”

All the princes and princesses were complimenting each other, hoping that someone would stand up and suppress Gu Tianjun.

To be honest, even if Gu Tianjun asked them to go together, they would not go together. They could not afford to lose face.

After a long time, no one dared to challenge Gu Tianjun, which made Gu Tianjun feel quite disappointed.

“Since there is no one to challenge, then our human race will win this competition.”

At this time, the voice of the dean rang out from the academy’s boat.

The faces of the people from the ancient clan changed slightly, but when they saw Gu Tianjun who was like an immortal king on the battlefield, and then glanced at the Qilin Prince who was rescued by the Qilin Ancient clan, they all shuddered. Even the son of the ancient emperor could not survive in front of him. Zhao, although they didn’t want to admit it, in this competition between the ancient race and the human race, the human race won.

“It’s the Ancient Holy Body again. It was the Ancient Emperor who also owned the Ancient Holy Body and forced us ancient tribes to proclaim themselves the source of gods. Holy Body, damn it!” The

ancient tribe let out an unwilling roar and looked at Gu Tianjun with a look in his eyes. A hidden murderous intention.

This competition was originally intended by the Ancient Clan to show off the peerless combat prowess of the princes and princesses, but they did not expect that so many geniuses would appear in the human race. Not only did the effect of establishing prestige fail to be achieved, but the human race also established their prestige. This was not the same as theirs. contrary to the original intention.

Looking at Gu Tianjun on the battlefield and the prodigies of the human race on the Academy’s Dharma Boat, all the forces from the ancient clan showed different looks, ranging from wonder to murderous intent.

Since ancient times, too many geniuses have been strangled in their cradle before they could grow up.

“Let’s go!”

the Great Saint Ancestor King of the ancient Qilin clan said, a teleportation formation was built, and he left with the seriously injured Prince Qilin.

Seeing this, the other ancient tribes also opened the teleportation formation one after another and left the top of Beishan.

Soon, all the people from the ancient clan left, leaving only the human clan staying in place.

“Is it finally over?”

In the city far away from Beishan, countless monks could only see the competition site by branding it on the sky. This competition lasted less than a day, but its excitement was indeed a storyteller. Ten days and ten nights would not be enough to finish.

“We win, we win!”

“Long live the human race!”

After a moment of silence, all the cities watching the competition burst into violent cheers. The chorus was so majestic that it resounded throughout almost half of China.

But the atmosphere on the academy boat was a little subtle.

All eyes looked at Li Beifei.

As the first man to be challenged and the first man to refuse to play in this competition, he should be saluted like this.

They were all very curious about Li Beifei’s true strength. They thought that this time the competition would be able to bring out Li Beifei’s strength, but who would have thought that the competition would be over before the sixth man took the field.

“Brother Gu, actually you shouldn’t have appeared so early.” Xia Wuji walked up to Gu Tianjun and said.

The competition ended too quickly, and there was no chance to see Li Beifei take action.


At this moment, a sound broke through the air, attracting everyone’s attention.

Immediately afterwards, a golden roc appeared under the bright moon, and above the roc, there was a red silhouette.

“Senior sister?”

“Miss Honghong (sister)?”

Everyone was stunned when they explained, and soon, the golden-winged roc came to the academy’s dharma boat.

“Why do I think this big bird looks familiar?”

Xuan Mingzi, who had fought with Prince Tianpeng, looked at the golden-winged roc and said.

“This is Prince Tianpeng!”

Honghong jumped down and returned to the academy’s boat.

“Senior sister, what’s going on?” Li Beifei asked.

“Prince Tianpeng is now my mount and one of my own.” Hong Hong explained.

“That’s it.” How could Li Beifei not understand what happened at this moment? Prince Tianpeng must have changed his attitude after learning the identity of his master. Thinking of this, Li Beifei couldn’t help but start to despise Prince Tianpeng, you bastard Can you learn from me? No matter how many times he was beaten, the goal of making Gu Changsheng kneel down and sing about conquest never changed.


Suddenly, Li Beifei was slapped on the back of the head by Honghong.

“Ouch, senior sister, what are you doing?” Li Beifei asked in confusion.

“Master asked me to do it, don’t blame me!” Hong Hong shrugged.


“Why is this old guy always observing my thoughts? Doesn’t he know what I’m thinking?” Li Beifei muttered.

Others looked at Prince Tianpeng curiously. They never imagined that the previously arrogant Prince Tianpeng would now become Honghong’s mount.

“Prince Tianpeng, are you really Prince Tianpeng?”

Xuan Mingzi walked up to the golden-winged roc and asked.

“My defeated general, go away!”

Prince Tianpeng’s proud voice sounded.

“Let me go, it’s really you. I said you have become my eldest sister Honghong’s mount. Why are you so proud?” Xuan Mingzi said angrily.

“You know what the heck, it’s my honor to be the mount of the lady in red!” Prince Tianpeng is still so proud to be able to get in close contact with Emperor Changsheng, and even eat the meat roasted by Emperor Changsheng himself. How many people in the world are there? Can you have this blessing?

Everyone marveled at the transformation of Prince Tianpeng,

“Sister Honghong!”

At this moment, a Nuonuo voice sounded.

Yin Yangzi took Bei Weiwei to the Dharma boat.


Honghong was also very surprised when she saw Bei Weiwei.

“Master, why are you here? Who is she?”

Xuan Mingzi was also confused.

“Her name is Bei Weiwei, she is my master’s close disciple, and she is also your junior sister.” Yin Yangzi said with a smile.

“Junior sister?” Xuan Mingzi looked at the delicate-faced Bei Weiwei, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She actually had such a beautiful junior sister. Could this be the wife that Master specially found for me? In that case, it would be too hot.

At this time, Li Beifei pulled Xia Wuji to a deserted corner.

Li Beifei asked, “Have the locations been checked out?”

“Don’t worry, Brother Li, they’ve been checked out!” Xia Wuji nodded.

“Okay, I’ll grab my senior sister later and get ready to take action!” Li Beifei said.

“Wait a minute, Brother Li, let’s leave privately. What if the dean blames us?” Xia Wuji asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already said hello to the dean in advance.”

A smile appeared on Li Beifei’s face.

They were going to rob the rich and give to the poor, and the dean agreed, but just told them to be careful.

“That’s okay!”

Xia Wuji nodded.

(Gu Tianjun’s final achievement will be no worse than that of a few people with cheats. Is this a spoiler?)

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