The two people whose throats were strangled by fate

In Central China, four major divine dynasties have been born since ancient times, namely the Great Xia Divine Dynasty, the Jiuli Divine Dynasty, the Middle Ancient Divine Dynasty and the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty. After a long passage of time, the Middle Ancient Divine Dynasty and the Great Zhou Divine Dynasty have disappeared in the long river of history. , only the Great Xia Divine Dynasty and the Jiuli Divine Dynasty each controlled hundreds of millions of territories.

The Central China is very large, and even the two major divine dynasties cannot achieve complete unification, and there are still many neutral areas.

The Northern Qi Wasteland is one of the neutral zones.

The Northern Qi Wasteland is a vast plain that stretches hundreds of thousands of miles in length. There are many cities in it that are not under the jurisdiction of the Divine Dynasty. Most of these cities are in the no-nonsense zone and are the favorite places for criminals wanted by the Divine Dynasty.

The Great Xia Divine Dynasty and the Jiuli Divine Dynasty also adhere to an unspoken rule. As long as those wanted by the Divine Dynasty can escape the pursuit of the Divine Dynasty and hide in these three-no-mind areas, they will not continue to pursue them unless they These wanted criminals once again entered the territory of the Divine Dynasty.

It can be said that most of these three-nothing zones are monks who hate the divine dynasty. However, even if they hate the divine dynasty no matter how much they hate the divine dynasty, they would not dare to step into the divine dynasty’s territory again. It is great luck to escape once. They can Not wanting to experience the feeling of being hunted again, they could only carry their grudge against the Divine Dynasty into the coffin.

Qianqi City is the largest and most prosperous city in the Northern Qi wilderness. When the seven people who took the Disguise Pill and the Hidden Pill came to this city, they were also shocked by the sight in front of them.

These seven people are naturally Li Beifei’s six-member group and Hong Hong and her mount Prince Tianpeng.

Beishan is quite far away from Qianqi City. It took them five days to get from the top of Beishan to Qianqi City.

“Brother Wuji, didn’t you say these are all three-nothing zones? It doesn’t look like it.” Li Beifei looked at a bearded man beside him.

“Boss, I am Xuan Mingzi. Brother Wuji is behind you.” Xuan Mingzi’s voice came from the bearded man.


Li Beifei slapped his forehead. Everyone took the Disguise Pill and the Invisibility Pill. Not only did their appearance change drastically, but they couldn’t even feel their breath. For a moment, he forgot who was who. If it weren’t for He might not be able to tell the difference between the person his senior sister transformed into and the person he transformed into is still a woman.

I have to say that the effects of the old guy’s Disguise Pill and Invisibility Pill are too powerful. I wonder if he often did this kind of sneaky thing before.

Xuan Mingzi rolled his eyes at Li Beifei, “You still say that I am blind, don’t you think the boss is the same?”

Li Beifei turned around and looked at the middle-aged man in brocade robes behind him. This man was Xia Wuji.

Xia Wuji understood what he was going to ask, so he replied: “The Sangui Zone is just the collective name for these places by our Daxia Divine Dynasty and Jiuli Divine Dynasty. Because this place is not controlled by the laws of the Divine Dynasty, it is called Sanjiang.” Zone, since this is the headquarters of the underground black market, naturally someone has formulated relevant regulations for people to abide by.”

Li Beifei nodded to express his understanding.

Li Beifei looked at the sky. The sun was already setting in the west and it would be dark soon. He said, “Let’s find a place to stay and start taking action at noon tomorrow!” ”

Why noon tomorrow?”

Xuan Mingzi Several people expressed confusion.

At this time, Honghong said, “Because something will happen sooner or later!”

“Hey, senior sister knows better!” Li Beifei chuckled.


Everyone was speechless for a while, but in the end they chose to listen to Li Beifei’s suggestion. They were not afraid of ten thousand, just what if something happened sooner or later?

So a few people started looking for an inn to stay. When they came to an inn with a very familiar name, Li Beifei was speechless.

It’s Zuixianju again!

Because Li Beifei shamelessly asked Gu Tianjun for a token to stay in Zuixianju for free, so when he showed the token, the owner of Zuixianju respectfully took them to a luxurious courtyard. There are several rooms in the hospital, enough for seven of them.

After the shopkeeper left, everyone returned to their original appearance.

“Brother Wuji, the Gu family’s headquarters can open Zuixianju to this place in the Eastern Region. As the hosts of the Central China, why do you expand the territory and unify these neutral areas?”

Xuan Mingzi couldn’t help but ask in confusion. .

Hearing this, Xia Wuji smiled bitterly and said, “Just like we are both academy students, there is a big gap between talent and combat power, and there is also a gap between the immortal forces. The Gu family is well-deserved as the strongest immortal force. There is still a big gap between our Great Xia Dynasty and the Gu family.”

Hearing this, Li Beifei couldn’t help but secretly thought, the biggest gap is that there is an old guy in the Gu family!

“Brother Bai, what’s wrong with you? Why have you been so restless these days?”

At this time, Li Ruoyu’s voice sounded, drawing everyone’s attention to Bai Yifei.

Bai Yifei shook his head slightly and said, “I don’t know why, but I always have a feeling of unease in my heart.” ”

No, don’t scare us. We are going to do something big tomorrow, and you’re just telling us now?” Li Beifei He was suddenly shocked. Bai Yifei is a practitioner of Tianji Dao. He had an uneasy feeling. Doesn’t that mean that something unexpected will happen to them tomorrow?

But Bai Yifei shook his head and said, “It has nothing to do with tomorrow’s events, it only has to do with myself.”

Bai Yifei didn’t say clearly what kind of bad premonition it was, and he couldn’t explain the reason for that premonition. The feeling of being sold made him feel uncomfortable.

“You should have said it earlier, as long as it has nothing to do with tomorrow’s affairs. Everyone, go back, have a good rest, recharge your batteries, and work on something big tomorrow to achieve financial freedom.”

Li Beifei laughed, and the others also smiled slightly, realizing financial freedom. Freedom is naturally an exaggeration, but it is very certain that you can gain a lot of wealth.

Bai Yifei: “…”

They are all beasts. They have nothing to do with you. Can’t you care about those who do?

“Forget it, as long as I can’t die anyway.” Bai Yifei didn’t think much about it. The premonition was not life-threatening, it was just an uncomfortable feeling like choking on water.

It’s like fate is holding you by the throat!

At the same time, in the territory of the Ancient Sky Eye Clan in the Southern Wilderness, the Great Saint Ancestor King of the Ancient Sky Eye Clan was persuading Princess Tian Eye.

“Your Highness, have you really decided? What if that human race has the same virtue as Old Man Tianyan…”

“Stop talking!” Princess Tianyan interrupted him.

“Since it’s fate and I can’t change it, instead of being forced to accept it, why don’t I take the initiative!”

A proud smile appeared on the beautiful face of Princess Tianyan. Even if she knew the outcome of her fate, she would still do it in her own way. Choose this fate rather than be forced to accept it.

The great sage ancestor of the Tianyan Ancient Clan did not persuade him any more. He just sighed inwardly, Your Highness, Your Highness, if you do this, it is not fate that is guiding you. In the final analysis, you still cannot escape the shackles of fate!

Princess Tianyan didn’t know what he was thinking in his heart, but said: “Go down and prepare everything. Tomorrow, set off for Tianji Pavilion!”

“I’m going to propose marriage!”

(Prince Tianyan married Bai Yifei, this seems good!)

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