Boss, can you do it?

After hearing Li Ruoyu’s words, the gamblers showed doubts.

“How do those mortals compare to me? They should be honored to die for providing us with resources!”

Someone said, their words full of contempt for mortals.

The currency of this world is Source Crystal. Even among mortals, low-grade Source Crystals are circulated among them. Three low-grade Source Crystals are enough to cover the expenses of a mortal family of three for a year.

Among these gamblers, there must be someone who would kill a mortal family for a few low-grade source crystals. Thinking of this, Li Ruoyu’s inner anger grew even stronger.

“In this case, it is your honor to die in my hands!”

Li Ruoyu shouted deeply and extended a hand to these people. The next moment, a huge spiritual palm appeared and pressed against these gamblers.


There was a loud noise, and the entire gambling house trembled violently. In an instant, dozens of gamblers exploded to death.

When these gamblers saw this, their pupils suddenly shrank, and their expressions were full of panic.

“Fight them!” Someone shouted, and the gamblers swarmed Li Beifei and the others.

But most of them are people who have transcended the mortal realm, and a few have reached the Condensation Realm. As for the people who have broken the void realm, there is no one. Even the ordinary Nirvana monks are not Li Beifei’s opponents. How could these people be Li Beifei? Several opponents.

Just when Li Beifei and the others were about to take action, Li Ruoyu said, “Don’t take action, let me do it!”

Seeing this, Li Beifei and the others naturally did not take action.

“It seems that Brother Ruoyu is really angry this time.” Bai Yifei walked in from outside and said.

“If Brother Yu has an extremely stable mentality on weekdays, what can make him get really angry? It can only be said that what these gamblers have done has touched the bottom line of the monks.” Xia Wuji said softly.

He may not hate evil as much as Li Ruoyu, but when faced with these gamblers who slaughter mortals, he can’t wait to kill them quickly.

Prince Tianpeng frowned and looked at these gamblers. He couldn’t understand why the human race had such a powerful man as the Immortal Emperor and these filthy worms.

“The base of the human race is so huge that even Master cannot make everyone be kind, courteous and thrifty.”

Hong Hong saw Prince Tianpeng’s doubts and explained.

Prince Tianpeng nodded. He understood what the red-dressed lady meant. The human race was extremely large, so large that it could be compared with the total number of other races. Although the Tianpeng Ancient Clan was the royal family among the Taikoo Clan, the number of their members was very small. They are rare, and there are less than a hundred of them, so it is naturally very easy to manage.

The human race is huge in number and unpredictable. Unless the Immortal Emperor uses his supreme power to reverse the hearts of all humans, it is possible to put an end to such dirty things. But in that case, will the human race still be the human race?


With a bit of shock, hundreds of gamblers were all killed by Li Ruoyu, and no one was spared.

Li Ruoyu’s face was very calm. This was the first time he had killed a monk who was at a lower level than him, and they were also from the human race, but he did not feel any discomfort.

“Even if the strong are respected, that’s no reason for you to slaughter mortals wantonly.” Li Ruoyu said coldly, looking at the corpses on the ground.

From the time Li Beifei took action until Li Ruoyu killed all the gamblers, only a dozen breaths passed.

“The underground black market is under this gambling house. You guys get out of the way first and I’ll open a passage!”

Li Beifei said to several people.

“Boss, are you okay? If not, let’s attack together!” Xuan Mingzi said. He just tried the floor of the gambling house. He could leave a huge hole with one blow, but he couldn’t penetrate it directly. A passage, because there is a formation underground, which can not only provide defense, but also isolate it from the detection of spiritual consciousness.

“Go away, how can a man say he’s not good enough?” Li Beifei said angrily.

Xuan Mingzi shrugged, then followed the others and stepped aside.

Li Beifei came to the center of the gambling house. He stamped his feet first, as if to confirm his position.

“This is the right place.” Li Beifang said.

Several people in the distance began to bet on how many moves Li Beifei would use.

Xuan Mingzi had just tested the thickness of the floor and the defensive power of the underground formation. He needed at least fifteen moves to break it, so he said, “I bet the boss will need ten moves.”

“Xuan Mingzi, are you? I look down on Brother Li, although he is very old, but he still has some strength, I bet on eight moves.” Bai Yifei said.

“Seven moves!” Xia Wuji said.

“Five moves!” Li Ruoyu, who had been beaten by Li Beifei, had high hopes for Li Beifei.

Prince Tianpeng couldn’t help but curl his lips when he saw them like this. If you knew who Li Beifei’s master was, you wouldn’t say that.

“I think he can do it with just one move!” Prince Tianpeng said.

“Go, go, go away, you, the horse, have no right to speak!” Xuan Mingzi was obviously still brooding over his defeat to Prince Tianpeng.

“Tch, my general is defeated!” Prince Tianpeng responded directly.

Everyone is used to it. It has become a daily routine for these people to quarrel with each other these days. Any day they don’t quarrel with each other, they have to wonder if they have been taken away.

Li Ruoyu looked at Honghong and asked, “Miss Honghong, what do you think?”

“One move!” Honghong said with a smile.

“No way, is the boss that strong?”

“Hmph, let me show you my strength, boss!”

At this time, Li Beifei’s cold snort came.

I saw Li Beifei clenching his right hand into a fist, and the mysterious power began to condense on his fist. Immediately afterwards, Li Beifei exuded an aura that was like a god. Except for Hong Hong and Prince Tianpeng, when the other people felt this aura, they all It was horrifying.

“Damn it, the boss is almost as powerful as Gu Tianjun!” Xuan Mingzi said in shock.

“With this momentum, he actually refused the challenge of the Golden Ancient Prince. Brother Li is indeed the sixth brother!” Bai Yifei sighed.

Xia Wuji and Li Ruoyu also nodded, sighing at Li Beifei’s extraordinary patience. With such strength, he was still so forbearing. He was worthy of being the sixth child.

And Li Beifei has been operating the Immortal Art of Creation for thirty-three days at this moment. This great achievement in cultivation is the supreme Immortal Art that can exert thirty-three times his own combat power. According to Lao Liu, even if it is placed in the world of Three Thousand Chaos, It is also a secret method that ranks among the best. He can understand the method of cultivation, and he is the kind of lucky person who steps on shit when he goes out.

Although he has not yet been able to fully utilize the power of this magical technique, he can still exert ten times his own combat power, which is already very terrifying.


Li Beifei shouted angrily, waved his divine fist, and hit the ground hard.


The entire Qianqi City was shaking violently as if an earthquake had occurred at this moment. Bai Yifei and the others felt it the most violently, and the powerful air wave almost pushed them into the corner.

At this time, a huge bottomless hole appeared in front of everyone.

“Let’s go!”

Li Beifei greeted and jumped down first, and the others also caught up.

While Li Beifei and the others were robbing the rich and giving to the poor, Gu Changsheng gave the Golden Ancient Emperor a few days of long leave, and he left the world of mortals again.

He was going to solve some things for his wife’s family!

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