Taixu Realm

This chaotic world has naturally spawned hundreds of thousands of large worlds. Each world can support at most one person to cultivate to become an Immortal Emperor. In theory, hundreds of thousands of large worlds can give birth to hundreds of thousands of Immortal Emperors, but this is not the case.

Not all big worlds have people who can cultivate to the level of Immortal Emperor. Gu Changsheng once observed all worlds. There are only three thousand powerful Immortal Emperors, and one of them was born after the Red Dust Heavenly Emperor disappeared.

Outside the world is boundless chaos, and the world is separated by boundless chaos. Even if the two closest worlds are apart, it will take the immortal immortal ten to two hundred thousand years to reach the other from his own world. The world is still not lost in chaos.

Only powerful people above the Immortal King level can lock the coordinates of the world in the chaos and prevent themselves from getting lost in the chaos.

Every world has a world barrier to block the storm of chaos, and only immortals can sense the existence of the chaos barrier. This is also the reason why so many supreme ancient emperors have been unable to get out of the world of mortals for countless years.

Taixu Realm is a world very, very far away from the world of mortals. It is so far away that no living being in this world has heard of the Emperor of Heaven and the world of mortals.

The Taixu Realm is a world where the origin of the Great Dao is complete, and the heaven and earth are filled with immortal matter. In this world, even mortals who cannot practice have a life span of thousands of years, which is comparable to the saints in the world of mortals.

At the same time, Taixu World is also a world without an Immortal Emperor. The strongest person in this world is an Immortal Lord named Taixu Immortal Lord.

Under the Taixu Immortal Lord, there are one hundred and eight Immortal Kings, each ruling one hundred and eight Immortal Domains.

Jialan Fairyland, Tianxuan Continent.

Yao family!

“Husband, are you okay, ancestor?”

A beautiful woman with a slightly bulging belly worriedly asked the current head of the Yao family, Yao Tianchen.

When Yao Tianchen saw his wife, his solemn expression softened slightly, and he said softly: “Don’t worry, I will hold up if the sky falls. The most important thing for you now is to raise the baby with peace of mind and let our baby girl be born smoothly. .”

Mrs. Yao shook her head gently. She looked down at her swollen belly and said softly: “How can you make me feel at ease in this situation?” When

Yao Tianchen heard this, his face suddenly became extremely solemn and gloomy, and he said in a deep voice Said: “… Immortal King, you are going too far!”

He did not say which Immortal King it was, because as long as he said the name of the Immortal King, the Immortal King himself would sense it.

Mrs. Yao sighed. The Yao family is a true immortal power. Her husband and the ancestor of the family are both true immortals, and the ancestor is an extremely powerful true immortal. He is already half a fairy. I have stepped into the threshold of the Immortal King. And she is also a Supreme at the pinnacle of the extreme realm. Under normal circumstances, she would also try to overcome the tribulation and become an immortal.

But not now, she’s pregnant.

The stronger the person, the harder it is to get pregnant. She and Yao Tianchen have been married for nearly two million years, and now she is finally pregnant with Yao Tianchen’s offspring, who will be born in a thousand years.

She narrowly escaped death during the catastrophe of becoming an immortal. She didn’t want to harm the innocent child in her belly, so she thought of waiting for a thousand years to give birth to the child before deciding whether to survive the tribulation.

But not long ago, a devastating change occurred in the Yao family.

When the ancestor of the Yao family went into seclusion to break through to the Immortal King, he was forcibly interfered with and interrupted his breakthrough. He suffered a very serious Tao injury. Now his life or death is uncertain.

As for being able to forcibly interfere with the breakthrough of a strong person who is about to enter the Immortal King Realm, the answer is already revealed. There will also be a real Immortal King. Only then can he have a premonition that someone is about to break through the Immortal King and interfere.

The Yao family is under the jurisdiction of Jialan Immortal King. Obviously, it was Jialan Immortal King who took action.

As for the reason why the Jialan Immortal King takes action, Yao Tianchen naturally understands that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. As the overlord of the Jialan Immortal Domain, the Jialan Immortal King naturally does not want others to compete with her.

“Husband, I’m scared!”

Suddenly, Mrs. Yao’s face was full of worry.

“Madam, what’s wrong with you?” Yao Tianchen quickly asked with concern.

Mrs. Yao looked frightened and said, “Just now, the child in my belly gave me an inexplicable warning. I’m afraid… he won’t let us go.” ”

Is this happening?” Yao Tianchen frowned. , he looked at Mrs. Yao’s swollen belly. After cultivating to their level, any warnings born in the heart are for a reason, and a child who has not yet been born can give them a warning. Presumably this child is a person with great destiny. .

“Our daughter’s future achievements will definitely be limitless.” Yao Tianchen said.

“Then we have to congratulate you, Yao Tianchen!”

At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared above the Yao family. Each of them exuded a terrifying aura, crushing the surrounding space.

Three true immortals!

Yao Tianchen’s pupils shrank, he silently stood in front of Mrs. Yao, and said to the three people in the sky: “Did Immortal King Jialan send you here?”

Since this situation has already happened, he is not afraid that Immortal King Jialan will sense it.

One of the three people said: “It’s good that you know it. The wise man surrendered and went back with us to apologize to the Immortal King!”

“What’s my crime?” Yao Tianchen asked coldly.


The man’s voice was so cold that even the surrounding air began to condense into ice.

“If you want to add this crime, there is no reason to hesitate. If you really want to destroy our Yao family, you can just take action directly. Why add these unwarranted charges to our Yao family? I didn’t expect that the Immortal King Jialan would be so hypocritical!

” After the crimes they committed against the Yao family, Mrs. Yao finally couldn’t help but taunted her. Immortal King Jialan not only wanted to destroy their Yao family, but also wanted to make their Yao family infamy for hundreds of millions of years.

“How dare you, the Yao family, dare to insult the Immortal King!”

“What a Yao family, not only deliberately plotting rebellion, but also treasonous and insulting the Immortal King. It is really a way to die!” “If you

don’t drink a toast and eat a fine wine, take action and wipe out the Yao family. !”

The three true immortals spoke to each other, and their voices spread throughout the Tianxuan Continent.

Yao Tianchen’s face changed. They were determined to make the Yao family convict of these crimes. Even if the Yao family could escape by chance today, they would only be like rats crossing the street in the Taixu Realm in the future, and everyone would shout for beatings. The Yao family is the victim, but those people or forces who want to take the opportunity to get close to Jialan Immortal King will not let them go.

“What a ruthless Jialan Immortal King!”

Yao Tianchen felt a chill in his heart. Such a scheming Immortal King wanted to target the Yao family. Can they cope with it?

“Do it!”

At this time, the three people in the sky shouted angrily and attacked Yao Tianchen together.


Yao Tianchen stepped forward and blocked the three true immortals with his own strength.

For a time, the entire Tianxuan Continent was filled with the aura of the extremely domineering True Immortal, and countless forces turned their attention to the Yao family.

“The Yao family, a family with two true immortals, will be destroyed today!”

The Yao family, a family with two true immortals, is also famous in the entire Jialan Immortal Domain, making countless forces envious and jealous. Now the Yao family has offended Jialan Immortal. King, destruction is a foregone conclusion.


Mrs. Yao looked worriedly at Yao Tianchen in the sky who dealt with the three true immortals on his own. With the help of the Yao family’s true immortal formation, Yao Tianchen temporarily withstood their attack, but how long can he hold on?

“No, I have to help my husband!”

Mrs. Yao murmured, and was about to take out the Yao family’s true immortal weapon and step forward to help Yao Tianchen, but was blocked by a cyan figure.

“That’s not possible. What if I hurt my wife?”

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