Yao family, I covered it

But before he could finish being happy, his waist was pinched by Mrs. Yao next to him. Perhaps because he was pinched so often, his body did not reject it, and he immediately felt a pain.

“Madam, can you save some face in front of the emperor?” Yao Tianchen said with a bitter smile.

“Why are you so happy? Jialan can’t break through anymore. He is also the Immortal King now. You are a true immortal and I am a supreme realm. How can you be happy?” Mrs. Yao rolled her eyes at him.

“Madam, you are right. I am too complacent.” Yao Tianchen also looked ashamed.

When Gu Changsheng saw these two people flirting in front of him, a trace of envy flashed in his heart?

“There are still a thousand years. I have been waiting for so many years. It is only a thousand years and it will pass soon!”

After thinking about it, in order to prevent the couple from continuing to mess around, he flicked his finger and a stream of light sank into the body of the ancestor of the Yao family. In an instant, he The Dao injuries on his body were eliminated and his soul was condensed.

When the couple saw this, they both marveled inwardly at Gu Changsheng’s method of conquering the heaven and earth. The Immortal Emperor was worthy of being an Immortal Emperor, and it was not something they, the True Immortal Supremes, could understand.

Gu Changsheng said: “I have repaired the Dao injuries on his body, and his soul has been regrouped. When he wakes up, he should be able to break through the Immortal King.” ”

Thank you, Emperor Changsheng, for your help!”

Yao Tianchen hurriedly took Mrs. Yao with him. Kneeling in front of Gu Changsheng, Gu Changsheng’s move can be said to be a blessing for the Yao family.

Gu Changsheng waved his big hand, lifted the two of them up, and said: “Since my wife has become attached to you, I will naturally not stand by and watch.” ”

No matter what, we will always remember your great kindness to us, Emperor Changsheng! ”

Yao Tianchen said that he has not been related to Gu Changsheng because his daughter is the reincarnation of Taoist monk Gu Changsheng. This fact makes Gu Changsheng very satisfied. To be honest, he doesn’t want to suddenly have some inexplicable things happen to him. ‘s elders.

“Okay, let me take care of some small things first.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Great Emperor, if you want to go…” Yao Tianchen hesitated to speak.

Gu Changsheng said coldly: “No one can bully my wife!”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng disappeared.

Yao Tianchen looked at the place where Gu Changsheng left and murmured: “The Jialan Immortal Realm, no, it should be said to be the Taixu Realm, is about to change!”

Above the nine heavens, the palace of the Jialan Immortal King is located here.

At this time, Jialan Immortal King is sitting high in the sky. He is wearing an imperial dragon robe and a nine-dragon crown.

“Are they all dead?”

Immortal King Jialan showed a look of surprise on his face at this time. Some time ago, he sensed that the old immortal of the Yao family was about to break through the shackles of the realm and step into the realm of the Immortal King. He did not want to rule the immortal realm There was an extra Immortal King to compete with him, so when the Yao family ancestor was about to break through, he suddenly took action and interfered with the Yao family ancestor, causing the Yao family ancestor to fail to break through and suffer a fatal Tao injury.

Jialan Immortal King cherished his feathers very much. In order to prevent this incident from spreading and damaging his reputation in other immortal realms, he decided to wipe out the Yao family, so he sent three true immortals to rebel in an unfounded way. The Yao family was wanted to be wiped out on the charge of treason.

But he didn’t expect that the three true immortals sent out would die without warning.

“Is the old immortal of the Yao family okay?”

Immortal King Jialan thought, and then he shook his head. He was very sure that the old immortal of the Yao family was in very bad condition. Even if Immortal Taixu came out of seclusion at this moment, it would be difficult to cure him. .

Suddenly, Jialan Immortal King’s pupils shrank, and a cyan figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Who are you? How dare you break into the palace of my Jialan Immortal King!”

Jialan Immortal King’s eyes exuded a shocking chill. He didn’t know Gu Changsheng, but he could feel the fatal threat from Gu Changsheng. This It made his heart sink.

However, for him who has been sitting in the Nine Heavens all year round, he is used to being aloof. It is a shame for him to see Gu Changsheng entering his palace without his consent.

Gu Changsheng said nothing and looked at Jialan Immortal King coldly.

Jialan Immortal King was so frightened by Gu Changsheng’s eyes that he was about to speak when he heard Gu Changsheng’s cold words.

“Who are you messing with? Why are you messing with my wife?”

“Your wife…”

Before King Jialan could ask his inner doubts, he was horrified to find that his body was constantly expanding.

“Crack, click, click…”

The sounds of broken bones sounded one after another. Immortal King Jialan felt very painful at this moment, very painful. This kind of pain was the first time he had felt since he started practicing. It was like a mortal’s pain. It was as if the bones were being chewed by countless ants. This kind of pain should not appear on a fairy king. It was unreasonable, but it happened that this kind of unreasonable pain appeared on him.

“You… ah… who… are you?”

Immortal King Jialan asked with difficulty as his face twisted in pain.

“I’m just an ordinary person looking for a wife!”

Gu Changsheng said lightly. His mentality at the moment was indeed the same as that of ordinary people, he was looking for a wife.

“Ordinary… ordinary… people? How… is it possible… ah, kill me, kill me quickly, I don’t want to live anymore, kill me quickly!”

Immortal King Jialan shouted in fear, screaming. The sound spread throughout the palace and throughout the entire Jialan Immortal Domain.

“Is this… the voice of Jialan Immortal King?”

Some strong men wondered, could such a miserable voice be made by their Jialan Immortal King?

“Tsk tsk, Jialan Immortal King is so lucky. He can let the Emperor use torture to serve him. Even if he dies, he can rest in peace.” When

Yao Tianchen heard the screams of Jialan Immortal King, it was like hearing a very pleasant fairy song. He looked happy, with a very contented expression on his face.

Soon, Jialan Immortal King’s screams were captured by the Immortal Kings from other surrounding Immortal Realms.

Several Immortal Kings came to the Jialan Immortal Realm at the same time. When they saw the Jialan Immortal King crawling on the ground in pain, their faces could not help but show horror.


At this time, Gu Changsheng’s faint voice sounded, which immediately attracted the attention of several immortal kings.

“Senior, why did you bring us here specifically? As long as I can do it, I will go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of fire, absolutely duty-bound!”

A fairy king with long horns said respectfully.

“You are very discerning!”

Gu Changsheng glanced at this Immortal King and saw his true form at a glance. No wonder his tone was so doggy. It turned out to be a real dragon, with the same virtue as their ancestor, the Ancestral Dragon.

“I asked you to come here mainly for one thing. I cover the Yao family on the Tianxuan Continent of the Jialan Immortal Territory, and also, from now on, this Immortal Territory will be changed to the Yaochi Immortal Territory.”

Gu Changsheng’s words made several great immortals Wang’s expression changed.

The True Dragon Immortal King spoke with difficulty: “Senior, of course we dare not disobey what you said. However, the name of the Immortal Realm must be changed by Taixu Immortal Lord…” The

True Dragon Immortal King did not finish his words, but Gu Changsheng also knew his meaning.

“In this case, I have to talk to Taixu Immortal Lord.”

“Senior, Taixu Immortal Lord is…”

Before the True Dragon Immortal King could say the word “retreat”, he was stunned and said to Like him, there are several immortal kings accompanying him.

Immortal Taixu, whom they had not seen for millions of years, suddenly appeared in front of them!

Immortal Lord comes as soon as he says?

The Taixu Immortal Lord was also confused. He still remembered that he was looking for a way to break through the Immortal Emperor in the chaos. Why did he suddenly return to the Taixu Realm? Did I enter some teleportation formation?

“Wake up, don’t be confused!”

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