Taixu Immortal Lord who experienced life and death

Taixu Immortal Lord was awakened by the sudden sound. He was about to follow the sound and look at Gu Changsheng, but there was a “bang” and his body was blown into nothingness by some kind of force.

“Immortal Lord…”

Several Immortal Kings exclaimed, their faces filled with fear. The most powerful person in their Taixu Realm, Taixu Immortal Lord, actually fell in front of him. But the next moment, something happened that they would never forget.

They saw Taixu Immortal Lord, who had exploded and died, condensed his body again, and appeared alive in front of them again.

“My name is Emperor Changsheng. In order for the next conversation to proceed smoothly, I have to let you show off my strength to the death.”

A smile appeared on Gu Changsheng’s face, and several people around him shuddered. Who is this person? , killing people and then resurrecting them is just to make the conversation smooth. Wait, the person who can kill the Immortal Lord instantly is at least a terrifying Immortal Emperor, and the person who can resurrect the Immortal Lord in an instant, even the Immortal Emperor cannot do it. Arrive?

Countless astonishing thoughts flashed through the minds of several people, and they came to the conclusion in an instant. Although the Immortal Emperor in front of them was an “Emperor”, his strength had definitely surpassed that of the Immortal Emperor, reaching a level they could not imagine.

Among the people, the person who felt the deepest feeling was not the Jialan Immortal King who was lying on the ground writhing in pain, but the Taixu Immortal Lord who came back from Chaos with a confused look on his face, died in a confused look on his face, and then resurrected in a confused look on his face. .

“Boss, if you have something to say, you don’t need to play with the younger ones like this!”

Immortal Taixu smiled apologetically, which surprised the True Dragon Immortal King and others. Is this the Immortal Taixu who rules the Taixu Realm from above? ? In their impression, the Taixu Immortal Lord was the kind of Jue Juezi who would rather die standing than live on his knees. It was said that he went to other worlds to challenge the Immortal Emperor 30 million years ago. Such a character is now The realization is even worse than a dog-leg, and he actually calls himself “small”!

Immortal Taixu naturally noticed the expressions of the great Immortal Kings, and complained in his heart, “You have died once and you know what it means to be terrified between life and death. The most terrifying thing is not death, but the inability to die even if you want to. Obviously, facing The big boss in front of him couldn’t die even if he wanted to.

Gu Changsheng nodded slightly, very satisfied with Taixu Immortal Lord’s attitude, and said: “As expected, if you can do it, don’t beep too much. This will save you a lot of wrangling time.” ”


Taixu Immortal Lord heard this. With a look of shame on his face, he wanted to say that he was a good talker and there was no need to come up and kill me, but he didn’t dare to say this. He already knew that the big boss in front of him didn’t seem to want any nonsense to happen. .

After Gu Changsheng’s magical operation of killing and resurrecting him with one hand, the conversation that followed was naturally very relaxed.

Gu Changsheng briefly told that he owned the Yao family and wanted to give the Yao family the management of this fairyland and change its name to the Yaochi fairyland. Upon hearing this, Taixu Immortal Lord immediately agreed. Not only that, he He also gave this piece of fairyland to the Yao family and threatened that even he would not interfere in the affairs of the Yaochi fairyland in the future.

“Boss, I already know the matter about Immortal King Jialan. I was negligent in the past and allowed a narrow-minded person like Jialan to be the master of the Immortal Realm. Don’t worry, Jialan did such a thing to the Yao family. , I will come to apologize in person.”

In order to completely calm Gu Changsheng’s inner anger, Taixu is now trying his best. At the same time, he also completely hates Jialan Immortal King, even if Gu Changsheng did not intervene in this matter , he would not let Immortal King Jialan go if he knew the truth afterwards.

As the ruler of the Taixu Realm, he naturally hopes that the world he rules will be as powerful as possible, so that he will gain more face in his own circle.

You know, their Taixu Realm has not given birth to a strong Immortal King for 20 million years. When he mentioned this matter, he was often laughed at by his friends who were also the Lords of the Realm. Jialan Immortal King said The ancestor of the Yao family did something that harmed others and was not beneficial to himself. Not only was he damaging the foundation of Taixu Realm, but the most important thing was that if his friends knew about it, wouldn’t he be ridiculed again? That would be embarrassing.

Gu Changsheng was not interested in knowing the thoughts of Taixu Immortal Lord, but he greatly appreciated his attitude of admitting his mistakes. He couldn’t help but compare Taixu Immortal Lord with his traitor Li Beifei. He I found that even Taixu Immortal Lord, who was killed by me once, had a better attitude than this traitor!


Gu Changsheng couldn’t help but curse!


Taixu Immortal Lord looked confused, what’s going on, boss?

“It’s okay, I’m not talking about you.” Gu Changsheng said.

Then Gu Changsheng gently waved his hand at Jialan Immortal King who was still writhing in pain, and completely dispersed his body and soul. Even the chance of reincarnation was gone. This made Taixu Immortal Lord and others feel Feeling cold inside.

This boss, who seems to be easy to talk to, is too ruthless in his actions!

They can also do this to completely kill a person, but they generally won’t do it, because the reincarnation after death is a law established by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. If they do it too cruelly and disperse the soul, then Even if they go against the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, they will be tainted with cause and effect. Even they would not dare to do this.

All I can say is that the boss is indeed a boss, and he is not afraid of karma.

“Since you have such a good attitude, I am not a person who likes to take advantage. Do you want to break through the Immortal Emperor? I will show you a way. Whether you can succeed or not depends on your luck.”

Gu Changsheng said to Taixu Immortal Zun said.

“Big brother, please tell me!”

Immortal Taixu looked excited. The path pointed by such a big boss must be extraordinary!

Gu Changsheng took out a feather that exuded the yin and yang breath of heaven and earth and handed it to Taixu Immortal Lord. Taixu Immortal Lord took the feather and felt the amazing breath of yin and yang avenue emanating from it, which made his heart surge.

He practices the Tao of Yin and Yang, so he can naturally feel the extraordinary power of this feather.

“You take this feather and go to Chaos. Whether you can succeed or not depends on your luck.”

After Gu Changsheng finished speaking, he left.

The feathers he gave to Taixu Immortal Lord were naturally the feathers on Hun Kun’s body. This feather was stained by the last time he asked Hun Kun to cut his flesh. As for why he gave the feather to Taixu Immortal Lord, besides Taixu Immortal In addition to cultivating Yin and Yang, the most important thing is that he feels that these two guys, Hun Kun and Zu Long, are too idle.

My majestic and invincible Holy Emperor not only recruits disciples and creates a family, but now I also need to find a wife. You two cannot be so idle.

“It’s a pity that the real dragon just now was a little less talented, otherwise he could have been thrown to that Zulong guy.”

Gu Changsheng did not return to the Yao family, but he did arrange a bodyguard for his unborn daughter-in-law.

Taixu Immortal Lord was also very resolute in his work. He said that he would go to the Yao family in person to apologize, and he actually did so. This made Yao Tianchen feel very frightened and at the same time felt the terror of the Immortal Emperor again.

Not only did they eliminate Immortal King Jialan, but they also asked Immortal Taixu to personally come to apologize. Their Yao family also became famous in Taixu Realm.

No, the next day, there were descendants of other Immortal King forces in the Immortal Realm who wanted to tie the knot with the Yao family, and the target was actually his unborn daughter.

To these people, he naturally rejected them very forcefully. Just kidding, his daughter was the Taoist companion of Emperor Changsheng. If he dared to agree, the Taixu Realm might be gone.

“Am I saving the world?”

Yao Tianchen couldn’t laugh or cry!

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