Underground ancient ruins


After Gu Changsheng’s affairs came to an end, Qianqi City made an earth-shattering noise. The huge city was shaking constantly, and the ground cracked, as if something was coming. It looks like it came out of the ground.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know, there was an earthquake all of a sudden!”

“Earthquake? Are you kidding? The Northern Qi wasteland is not between tectonic plates. It is covered with grassland for hundreds of thousands of miles, and there are no large ancient volcanoes. , you told me there would be an earthquake?”

“You asked me, who should I ask?”

Countless monks flew to the sky to avoid this inexplicable disaster.

Thousands of meters underground in Qianqi City, there is an extremely huge space, and the seven culprits are being chased by a giant ape with a height of dozens of feet, covered in black gas.

“Brother Wuji, what’s going on? Didn’t your intelligence say that the strongest person in the underground black market is just a monk who has entered the first level of the Saint Realm? What’s going on with this underworld ape?” The

seven people gathered around at top speed. They are escaping in the underground space. The underground space is very large, and there are many ruined houses. However, these houses have very different styles and are very different from the human race. But what is certain is that a long time ago, this place was once a desert. The prosperous city, but I don’t know what happened, causing this big city to sink and become an underground ruin.

But Li Beifei and the others were not in the mood to appreciate this underground city at all. They just wanted to escape quickly.

“Brother Li, this Dark Water Ape must have nothing to do with the underground black market. It is very likely that we came to an ancient ruins by accident.”

Xia Wuji explained.

The headquarters of the underground black market has long been taken over by them. A total of nearly 10 billion high-grade source crystals and countless rare treasures have been harvested. The strongest person in the underground black market is a strong man who has entered the first level of the Saint Realm. Honghong took out Hunkun’s feathers and slapped him to death.

Afterwards, they came to this ruins by accident. At first, they thought that this ruins had some connection with the underground black market, so they wanted to explore it. Maybe they could find something else here. There were treasures of materials and earth, but before they had time to explore, they were chased by the underworld ape.

The Dark Water Ape is said to be a Yin beast that guards the Netherworld, but this is just a folk legend. They are not ordinary people. Naturally, they know that the Dark Water Ape is not a Yin beast that guards the Netherworld. However, the legend is not without some truth. The dark water ape likes yin and hates yang.

In other words, this ancient ruins is probably a cemetery.

The underworld ape behind them has reached the ninth level of the Saint Realm according to its cultivation level. The red Hunkun feathers have been sealed by Gu Changsheng and can only exert three abilities beyond themselves. As for the power of the realm, Honghong only has the strength of the fourth level of the life and death realm at this time. Hunkun Feather can at most suppress the fifth level of the holy realm. Facing the underworld ape at this moment, it can only hinder its pursuit at most.

“Damn old guy, why do you want to seal senior sister’s feathers?”

Li Beifei kept murmuring about Gu Changsheng’s faults while running away.

“Boss, please think of a way. I’m still a junior brother. I don’t want to die here. I also have a beautiful junior sister!” Seeing the Mingshui Ape getting closer, Xuan Mingzi was also anxious. He spoke out his innermost thoughts.

“Go away, who here is not Brother Chu?” Li Beifei rolled his eyes at Xuan Mingzi. Qing Yi was still waiting for him to go back in the academy. Fortunately, he didn’t bring Qing Yi out, otherwise he would have regretted it.

Seeing that the Dark Water Ape was about to catch up, Li Beifei was also extremely anxious. He looked at Honghong next to him and he didn’t believe it. Senior Sister Honghong was here, and the Master would sit and watch Senior Sister get hurt.


The Dark Water Ape looked up to the sky and roared, and the powerful sound waves pressed towards several people.

“Not good!”

Li Ruoyu exclaimed, turned around and drew a Tai Chi yin and yang diagram, trying to defend himself against the Dark Water Ape’s attack.

It fell with a “bang”, and the Tai Chi Yin and Yang Diagram was shattered. Li Ruoyu also spat out a mouthful of blood. The gap between the two sides was too great. Even if he practiced the Emperor’s Scripture, he could not make up for the gap between the two sides.

In the end, it was Hong Hong who waved the Hunkun Feather in her hand and sent out a powerful storm to barely block the Dark Water Ape’s sonic attack.

“It’s not going to be good if this continues!”

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://readwn.com///)

Bai Yifei’s face was solemn. It’s not like they hadn’t thought of sending a message to the elders to ask for help, but this ancient site seemed to be guarded by a large formation, and their message could not be sent out at all.

“Boy, go west!”

“Miss, go west!”

At this time, Lao Liu in Li Beifei’s body and Xiao Wu in Hong Hong’s body gave them guidance almost at the same time.


The senior sister and brother said in unison. After they finished speaking, they looked at each other and saw each other’s doubtful eyes. But now is not the time to explain doubts. It is important to escape.

When the others heard this, they immediately changed their direction and flew to the west.

Prince Tianpeng turned into his true form, the golden-winged roc, and said to Honghong: “Miss Hong, stand up!”

Honghong didn’t hesitate at all. Although she could move the universe, her endurance was not as good as that of Tianpeng. Prince Peng himself, after all, speed is the golden-winged roc’s talent.

“Come up, too!”

Hong Hong said to Li Beifei and others. Only if she spoke would Prince Tianpeng allow them to stand on his back.

Li Beifei and the others were naturally rude, especially Xuan Mingzi, who stood on the back of the golden-winged roc with a suppressed smile even though it was a life-and-death moment.

“You’re so ridiculous!” Prince Tianpeng snorted at him, and then used Tianpeng’s movement technique, turning into a golden stream of light and heading west.


Upon seeing this, the Dark Water Ape also chased after him quickly, but the Dark Water Ape was not a monster or an ancient tribe, but a Yin beast that was similar to a ferocious beast. It didn’t have much intelligence and only had a powerful body. It has great strength, but it can’t even fly. Otherwise, Li Beifei and the others would have been overtaken by it long ago.

“Rumble!” “Rumble!”…

The Underworld Ape chased them step by step. Every time its huge body jumped, the ground made a deafening sound, especially in this underground world, the sound was particularly obvious.

“What’s going on with this underworld ape? We haven’t offended it, so why is it chasing after us?”

Li Beifei complained.

“Are you stupid for arguing with an underdeveloped Yin beast?” Honghong gave him a blank look.

“Hehe, this is not just a complaint. Prince Tianpeng, if you hurry up, it will catch up again!”

Li Beifei smiled mischievously, and did not forget to give instructions to Prince Tianpeng.

“Fuck off, you can do it, why don’t you come?”

After spending this time together, Prince Tianpeng also knew how mean Li Beifei was. Even if he knew that he was a disciple of Emperor Changsheng, he dared to retaliate.

“This… there are specialties in the art, but you are the best at flying.” Li Beifei said with a smile.

“Hey, there seems to be something in front of you!”

At this time, Xia Wuji, who had been looking into the distance, said, and his words instantly attracted the attention of several people.

That’s a palace!

And it is also a palace of the demon emperor.

Because above the gate of the palace, there is a golden plaque with the words “Demon Palace” written on it!

(Who remembers that the protagonist once had a pet!)

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