The White Tiger Demon King’s Divine Thoughts

When they were three hundred feet closer to the palace, the underworld ape behind them stopped unexpectedly.

“Ho ho ho…”

The Dark Water Ape kept roaring at several people, full of warnings.

“It seems to be warning us not to get close,” Bai Yifei said.

“It’s a joke. If it warns us not to come close, why don’t we come close? If we don’t come close, will we go back and be eaten by it?” Li Beifei was dismissive of the warning attitude of the Dark Water Ape. You warned us not to come close. Not only do we have to come close, We still have to go in.

The other people also felt that it was very reasonable. If they retreated, they would definitely have to face the underworld ape. Instead of doing this, they might as well go into this mysterious palace to find out.

“Demon Palace, is the owner of this palace a peerless Demon Emperor?” Li Ruoyu couldn’t help but question as he looked at this magnificent palace.

Xuan Mingzi looked at Xia Wuji who was standing aside and asked: “Xia Wuji, do you know which demon emperor this demon

palace belongs to ?” Looking at these buildings, they don’t look like they were left over from ancient times. This underground ruins have a history of at least more than half a million years.” ”

Although I don’t know which Demon King it is, I can be sure of one thing! ”

Oh?” Several people looked at him curiously.

Xia Wuji said seriously: “This demon emperor, who is comparable to the emperor of the human race, is definitely the emperor of the demon clan!” ”


“Damn it, listening to your words is like listening to a single word!” Even Li Ruoyu couldn’t help it. Swearing loudly.

“Ahem, shouldn’t I ease the atmosphere of being chased just now?” Xia Wuji touched his nose awkwardly.

“What you said is so cold, even colder than the chill that comes from birth!” Li Beifei complained.

“No, if Jiu Li were here, she would definitely laugh!” Xia Wuji said.

“Damn it, could you please stop being so mean at this time? I don’t know what Princess Jiuli likes about you!” ”

That’s right, you can tell such a cold joke, it’s in no taste!”

Except In addition to Hong Hong, everyone including Prince Tianpeng began to criticize Xia Wuji. They had no choice but to do so. They were all singles and could not tolerate others spreading dog food in front of them.

Honghong ignored their noise and began to ask Xiao Wu in her heart.

“Xiao Wu, do you know who this demon emperor is?” Honghong asked.

“Yes, I know. She is a pet that your master raised eight hundred thousand years ago. She was once a mortal white tiger. After being enlightened by your master, she went through all kinds of difficulties and finally became a demon emperor.” Xiao Wu responded. road.

“White Tiger Demon Emperor? Then why are there no records about her in the ancient books?”

“She is different from other supreme ancient emperors. She is very low-key. She did not rule the universe after she became enlightened. Naturally, there are not many records about her in the world, otherwise she would not There is a saying that ‘from ancient times to the present, only two women, the Holy Mother of Yaochi and the Queen of Heavenly Eyes, have succeeded in attaining enlightenment.’ The White Tiger Demon Emperor is also a woman!”

Xiao Wu explained.

“Is that so? Now that her palace is here, does it mean that she has passed away?” Honghong asked.

“The White Tiger Demon Emperor was originally a mortal white tiger. She is not even a monster. Her talent is mediocre. Enlightenment is already her greatest achievement. Your master was in seclusion to break through, otherwise you could have given her a hand!”

Xiao Wu It was not stated clearly whether the White Tiger Demon King had passed away, but Honghong already knew the answer.

In the world of mortals, the supreme power only has a life span of about 20,000 years. If you add the elixir of immortality to live for a lifetime, the total life span is 50,000 years at most. Not to mention that the White Tiger Demon Emperor lived 800,000 years ago. figure.

“Let’s go in!”

Honghong said. Since she already knew that this was the palace left by Master’s pet, Honghong didn’t worry too much.

“Okay, listen to senior sister!”

Li Beifei and others quickly stopped criticizing Xia Wuji and walked towards the Demon Palace together.


The Dark Water Ape behind them roared crazily, wanting to get closer, but seemed to be afraid of some kind of existence and dared not step within the three hundred feet of the Demon Palace.

The dark water ape’s big lantern-like eyes reflected the shadows of Li Beifei and others. In the end, it chose to return the same way unwillingly.

The closer Li Beifei and the others got to the palace, the more they felt a strange atmosphere. From the moment they stepped within a hundred feet, they felt uncomfortable all over.

“Have you ever felt like you were being stared at?”

Bai Yifei asked. He practices Tianji Dao and can best understand this mysterious feeling.

Everyone nodded, they all felt this way.

Seeing this, Bai Yifei couldn’t help but look solemn and said, “It seems that we have just escaped from the wolf’s den and entered the tiger’s mouth again. I have an ominous premonition!” ”

What?” Several people were shocked. Bai Yifei had said before that he had an ominous premonition. , but after they robbed the underground black market, they were chased by the Underworld Ape. Now when they heard Bai Yifei say that he had an ominous premonition, they were all shocked.

Hong Hong frowned slightly, and she also felt that things seemed not as simple as she imagined.

“Xiao Wu, are you okay?” Honghong asked Xiao Wu cautiously.

“Don’t worry, miss, there is no danger!” Xiao Wu replied.

At the same time, Li Beifei also asked Lao Liu in his body, and Lao Liu’s attitude was not as good as Xiao Wu’s.

“Are you scared?”

“I’m not even scared of Gu Changsheng, but I’m scared of his pet?” Li Beifei said to Lao Liu shamelessly.

“Then go in!” Lao Liu laughed.

“Uh…are you okay?” Li Beifei asked weakly. In the end, he still obeyed his heart.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen!” Lao Liu said with a smile, as long as no one is killed, then everything will be fine!

For some reason, Li Beifei felt like he was being tricked, but he also believed that Lao Liu would not lie to him, and if nothing happened, nothing would happen.

Exploring is definitely a bit dangerous.

Li Beifei comforted himself.

At this time, Bai Yifei took out a few simple copper coins and wanted to try divination, but found that the heavenly secrets were chaotic and he couldn’t understand anything.

“Hey, it would be great if there was an ancient turtle shell!”

Bai Yifei sighed. The natural texture of the ancient turtle shell is very consistent with the Tianji Dao. The most precious treasure of their Tianji Pavilion is a demon saint from ancient times. The turtle shell can only be used by the master of Tianji Pavilion. With Tianji Technique, even a strong quasi-emperor can guess something.

“Turtle shell?” Li Beifei’s eyes lit up, and he asked, “Can a living turtle do it?”

Bai Yifei shook his head and said, “It has to be an ownerless one, so that I can use my heavenly skills to my heart’s content.”

“Then. What a pity!” Li Beifei shook his head regretfully, he couldn’t chop down Li Wangba’s old turtle.

At this time, in a special space opened by Lao Liu in Li Beifei’s body, Li Wangba, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up as if he had a nightmare, sweating profusely.

“Damn it, what kind of bastard is trying to trick me, Old Li?” Li bastard became so cruel that he even scolded himself.

The more Wang Ba Li thinks about it, the more something is wrong. Could it be that his enemies have woken up?

“No, we have to find a way to restore our cultivation as soon as possible.” Li Wangba was worried in his heart. His enemies were all chaos gods and demons, and they were all strong men in the Dao-breaking realm.

A group of seven people cautiously approached the Demon Palace. Just before they came to the gate of the Demon Palace, the gate suddenly opened, and they saw a ghost silhouette staring at them. The aura exuded by that silhouette was stronger than that of the Dark Water Ape. The aura was countless times colder, like an extremely terrifying ghost, which made them feel terrified inside.

“God’s thoughts!”

Everyone couldn’t help but exclaimed!

(Students who have forgotten can go back to the first chapter to read. In the 200,000th year, the protagonist adopted a white tiger, and it was a female!)

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