: Heaven-defying Methods (Two in One)

The holy light on the body of the Demon Emperor God Nian is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time, the cold aura on her body gradually disappears as time goes by.

Several people looked at the changes in the gods’ thoughts, and they didn’t dare to breathe.

“Is she going to awaken her past life memories?” Li Ruoyu spoke at this time, his tone full of uncertainty.

“Memories from past lives?”

Everyone was stunned, but Prince Tianpeng said: “Maybe it’s not just as simple as memory!”

His words immediately attracted the attention of several people.

“How do you say?”

Prince Tianpeng said: “She is the spirit of the Demon Emperor and is closely related to the Demon Emperor. I think she has not only awakened the memory of her previous life, but may also awaken the Dao Fruit of her previous life.”

“Dao Fruit?” ”

Everyone was stunned and looked at Shen Nian one after another. The cold and cold aura could no longer be felt at all. She was bathed in the sacred light. A moment ago, she looked like an evil ghost from the Nine Nether Hell. Even though she was already beautiful, she was so beautiful. It still gives people a chilling feeling.

Now, she is like a god above the nine heavens, extremely sacred, and the radiance emanating from her body shines on everyone, just like the warm sun in the cold winter, very comfortable.

“It should be okay now, right?”

Xuan Mingzi muttered.

“Shut up!” Several other people glared at him. Every time this guy spoke, something would happen.

Sure enough…

“Buzz buzz…”

Suddenly there was a tremor in the space, and gradually, the ground began to shake. Several people lost their balance instantly, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

Faced with such a turn of events, several people looked at Xuan Mingzi angrily. When Xuan Mingzi saw this, he giggled to hide his inner embarrassment.

Of course, others did not really blame Xuan Mingzi, but lamented that this guy was so unlucky that something unexpected happened every time he finished speaking or sending messages.

Several people flew into the air, but Li Beifei left the black robe in front of Shen Shen Nian. He was afraid that if he took the black robe away, this seemingly good change would be terminated.

His choice was undoubtedly the most correct. It was because of the feeling of Gu Changsheng’s remaining breath on the black robe that the White Tiger Demon Emperor Divine Nian awakened the memory of the previous life and summoned the Tao Fruit of the previous life. At the same time, she not only wanted to do this, she More…


As the light of the gods became more and more dazzling, this ancient ruins also underwent earth-shaking changes. Those buildings with different styles seemed to have lost their old age. Like skin, it became brand new, and even exuded a mysterious aura.


A faint voice fell, and this ancient ruins began to emit a burst of soft light. Soon, this originally dark underground ruins became as bright as day, which surprised Li Beifei and the others.

“These rays of light are exactly the same as the light on Divine Nian’s body!”

Hong Hong stretched out her slender white fingers and carefully felt the light emanating from the ruins. It was the same as the holy light on Divine Nian, the White Tiger Demon Emperor’s body, giving her a warm feeling. Feel.

“It’s true!”

Others also felt the light carefully. Not only that, they also discovered that the light was converging towards the Demon Palace from all directions, and finally entered the body of Shen Nian.

As more and more light entered Shen Nian’s body, Shen Nian seemed to be reborn, and they could actually feel the “life” breath from her body.

“Is it possible that she will be resurrected against the will of heaven?”

Li Beifei clicked his tongue. This idea is very shocking. From ancient times to the present, there is no record of any supreme ancient emperor or human emperor having the history of being resurrected. If he falls, he has fallen and resurrected. ? Can’t even think about it.

“It’s not really going to be resurrected, is it? Are we going to see a living Demon Emperor?”

Xuan Mingzi couldn’t help but speak again. His opening attracted the attention of others.

Bai Yifei patted Xuan Mingzi on the shoulder and said, “Brother Xuan Mingzi, do you still remember what I told you at the beginning? I think you are very suitable for our Tianji Pavilion. If you don’t want to switch to our Tianji Pavilion, I will make the decision to appoint you to become our Tianji Pavilion.” My next Tianjizi?”

Isn’t that right? Xuan Mingzi’s mouth seems to have been illuminated.

“Go away, don’t even think about taking advantage of me!” Xuan Mingzi scolded, and asked me to be your next Tianjizi. Don’t you want to be my senior?

However, Xuan Mingzi still stared at the gods very nervously. If they were really resurrected, wouldn’t they kill them casually?

At this time, Li Beifei and Hong Hong couldn’t help asking about Lao Liu and Xiao Wu in their bodies.

“Lao Liu, what is going on?” Li Beifei asked.

“As you said, she is trying to resurrect!” Lao Liu’s answer made Li Beifei feel surprised and happy in his heart. He was shocked by the White Tiger Demon Emperor’s incredible methods. What he was happy about was that if he said this, he would have another thigh to hug him. If the White Tiger Demon Emperor is resurrected and she, as Gu Changsheng’s chief second disciple, returns to Beichen Star and asks her to help suppress the three major forces, she shouldn’t refuse, right?

Thinking of this, Li Beifei muttered: “Aunt Bai, you must be resurrected successfully!”

The old man in the body saw that Li Beifei, a shameless person, started to have a relationship now. Not only did he have a relationship, but he also called his aunt, tsk tsk, Fortunately, it has no eyes, otherwise it would have rolled its eyes wildly, but now it can only be despised.

“Don’t think it’s so simple. People who have been dead for hundreds of thousands of years want to be resurrected. The avenue of heaven and earth will not allow it.” Lao Liu said.

“You mean, Aunt Bai won’t succeed?” Li Beifei asked. He was able to say the name “Aunt Bai” so calmly. I have to say that he was indeed thick-skinned enough to withstand Gu Changsheng’s slap. .

“A narrow escape from death!” Lao Liu said.


At this moment, a shrill cry came from the distance, like the last unwilling roar of some kind of creature before death.

“What’s going on? Is the underworld ape dead?”

Naturally, they immediately heard the cry of the underworld ape, which made them curious.

“I thought that the White Tiger Demon King was going to be resurrected and turn this place into a world full of vitality. A Yin beast like the Dark Water Ape, which can only live in a Yin Qi and death Qi environment, would naturally not be able to stand this sudden change.”

Hong Hong He spoke.

“White Tiger Demon Emperor? Miss Honghong, do you know the origin of this Demon Emperor?” Others looked at Honghong in shock, while Li Beifei looked confused.

He asked Lao Liu in his body: “Lao Liu, you said before that my master divided your body into ten parts, right?”

“Yeah!” Lao Liu responded.

“No wonder, I felt something was wrong with Senior Sister before. It turns out that there are brothers or sisters of yours in my body!” Li Beifei sighed. At the same time, he also felt that this was normal. He was assigned a sixth child. Senior Sister is loved by Master. One, how could it not be.

“Since the Dark Water Ape is dead, why don’t we evacuate quickly?” Bai Yifei suggested.

His proposal was naturally supported by others.

Li Beifei and Hong Hong thought for a while and felt that this was safer. Even though they knew that the White Tiger Demon Emperor would not harm them, who knew whether the White Tiger Demon Emperor’s resurrection would cause a disaster, and they did not dare to get involved.

In the end, Li Beifei left the black robe here, and they returned the same way. In less than a cup of tea, they returned to the underground space of the underground black market, and then left along the underground passage that Li Beifei opened before. The underground space returned to the ground.

When they returned to the ground, they discovered that the once prosperous Qianqi City had now become a ruin. Countless monks flew into the sky, covered in dust.

The sky was gradually becoming extremely gloomy, like the end of the world, and the entire Northern Qi wasteland was shrouded in dark clouds.


“Holy shit, run!”

Li Beifei shouted, and directly pulled out a magic boat. This was the escape boat. Before he came, he specifically borrowed it from Gu Xiruo. It could save lives at critical moments. Unexpectedly, he actually used it.

Several people also embarked on the Escape Boat without hesitation. Li Beifei learned the lesson of going in the wrong direction last time. After determining the direction of the academy, he burned the high-grade source crystal and disappeared without a trace.

There are still countless monks stranded in the sky above Qianqi City. Most of them are important criminals wanted by the two major dynasties. Qianqi City suddenly collapsed. They realized that there might be some secret realm under Qianqi City.

For them, For desperadoes, nature is extremely attractive, so even if they noticed the dark clouds in the sky, they did not leave immediately.


Suddenly, Qianqi City seemed to be swallowed by the sea and began to sink. Smoke and dust were flying all over the sky, and rocks were piercing the air. The huge noise not only did not scare these desperadoes, but even made them feel excited. .

“Secret realm, there must be an ancient secret realm underground in Qianqi City!”

Someone shouted wildly, extremely excited.

Little did they know, they had already stepped into the gate of hell with one foot at this moment.

At this time, Li Beifei and others had left the Northern Qi wasteland and the area shrouded by dark clouds. They stayed on a thousand-foot peak. Even though they were hundreds of thousands of miles away from Qianqi City, they could still feel a wave of heart palpitations. Feel.

“Wuji, do you know how many monks there are in the Northern Qi wilderness?”

Li Beifei suddenly asked.

“About one or two million!” Xia Wuji said. Even if the Northern Qi Wasteland is a three-nothing zone, the Great Xia Dynasty will investigate the Northern Qi Wasteland clearly. If it goes beyond the control range, the Great Xia Dynasty will send strong men to control it. Eliminate these people who are beyond control and prevent them from threatening the Great Xia Dynasty.

“The Northern Qi Wasteland is the largest Sangui zone in Central China. Almost 80% of the desperadoes in Central China are gathered here. That’s why there are so many monks.” Xia Wuji continued.

“By the way, why are you asking this?”

Li Beifei shook his head and said, “They are all desperadoes, so it doesn’t matter. They deserve to die.”

As soon as Li Beifei finished speaking, before Xia Wuji could ask why , the entire Northern Qi wasteland was instantly enveloped by a powerful light.


“What is this…”

Countless cruel screams resounded through the sky. Even though they were far apart, Li Beifei and the others felt their hair stand on end.

“Fortunately, we ran fast, otherwise we would have been stuck inside.” Xuan Mingzi looked shocked.

“Brother Li, what’s going on?” Xia Wuji asked.

“The White Tiger Demon Emperor is going to be resurrected, and these desperadoes can just serve as life energy.”

Li Beifei said.

“How dare you, Miss Honghong, even mentioned the White Tiger Demon Emperor? Do you know?” The others looked at Li Beifei and Honghong curiously.

Li Beifei and Hong Hong looked at each other and saw each other’s meaningful eyes. They nodded, but did not explain why they knew each other.

When the others saw this, they didn’t ask any questions. They were all attracted by the sight in front of them.

Countless miserable screams continued, and in the sky of the Northern Qi wasteland, the vast dark clouds became more and more condensed. In a trance, lightning and thunder could be seen, and silver snakes danced, as if the doomsday was coming, which was extremely depressing.

The changes in the Northern Qi Wasteland naturally attracted the attention of the major forces in Central China. Soon, a chariot, surrounded by a group of guards exuding a tyrannical aura, arrived outside the Northern Qi Wasteland.

“Uncle Eighth Prince!”

Xia Wuji recognized the figure in the chariot at a glance. He was the Eighth Prince of Zhenbei of the Great Xia Dynasty, the eighth brother of the current Emperor of Great Xia, and Xia Wuji’s uncle.


The Eighth Prince also saw Xia Wuji. He stepped forward and came to them, looking at them curiously.

“Shouldn’t you be in the academy now? Why are you here?”

Facing the Eighth Prince’s question, Li Beifei was fine. Several others, including Hong Hong, were more or less uncomfortable. Do I have to tell you that we Are you here to rob the rich and give to the poor? You can’t let other people know about this.

“What’s wrong?” The Eighth Prince noticed something was wrong.

Xia Wuji coughed twice and said: “It’s nothing. As the host, I’m just inviting them to come and enjoy the mountains and rivers, so that they can fully appreciate the great rivers and mountains of our Great Xia Dynasty.” I have been hanging out

with Brother Li for a long time . , I don’t even make drafts anymore to brag, I was never like this before!

The Eighth Prince frowned and said, “You are serious, why did you come to the Northern Qi Wasteland to travel around? Don’t you know how many people in the Northern Qi Wasteland want to kill you?”

Faced with his uncle’s accusation, Xia Wuji smiled. , said: “Isn’t it okay, uncle, what are you doing here?”

The Eighth Prince did not continue the topic. He looked at the wilderness of Northern Qi, listening to the countless screams, and said: “There is such a big movement, I am King Zhenbei, can you not come?”


As soon as he finished speaking, a vast and incomparable power rushed towards them, and everyone was shocked. They had experienced this kind of power a few months ago.

Imperial power!

“My mother, are you really going to be resurrected?”

Xuan Mingzi couldn’t help but speak again.

Li Beifei and the others almost sealed his mouth. Didn’t you see anyone else there?

The Eighth Prince naturally heard what Xuan Mingzi said, and he also knew that they were not just here to enjoy the scenery, but since Xia Wuji chose to hide it, he no longer pursued the matter. He believed that he, his nephew, was destined to become the Emperor of Great Xia. He will not do anything harmful to the Great Xia Dynasty.

The appearance of Diwei instantly made Tianhuang Star the center of the universe.

Before the powerful man sent by Zifu Holy Land a few months ago had time to leave, he once again received a message from the Holy Land, asking him to stay in Tianhuang Star to observe the situation.

A saint came to the Zifu Holy Land. He murmured: “How come the great emperors and ancient emperors are no longer valuable recently? The six supreme ancient emperors just appeared a few months ago, and now they are here again?” After the

vast divine power a few months ago, At this moment, Tianhuangxing was not as nervous as before.


A roar like a god sounded, and then countless people saw a huge white tiger appearing on Tianhuang Star, which shocked everyone.


In the wilderness of the Northern Qi Dynasty, heaven’s punishment was coming. Heaven noticed that the White Tiger Demon Emperor was going to be reborn against the will of heaven, so he sent down the punishment. For the White Tiger Demon Emperor, this was a desperate situation, but also an opportunity.

If it passes, he may become the third mortal immortal in a million years!

If you become an immortal in the mortal world, you will naturally become an immortal in the mortal world!

“Aunt Bai, come on!”

Li Beifei kept talking to Aunt Bai, which made Honghong roll her eyes. His junior brother’s face was getting thicker and thicker. She guessed that maybe Master I can’t even get through his face.

At this time, Gu Changsheng happened to return from Taixu Realm. He saw the white tiger in the endless light, and a smile appeared on his face.

“The little guy is quite capable!”

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