White Tiger Rebirth Technique

“Boss, is this another trap set by your son to lure the old guys in the Forbidden Land?” The

vast imperial power came from the wilderness of Northern Qi, and the Golden Ancient Emperor naturally felt it for the first time, and immediately slapped him His son was sent back to the clan, and he rushed over immediately. By chance, he met Gu Changsheng. Looking at the majestic momentum in the Northern Qi wasteland in front of him, he couldn’t help but think of what happened at the Changsheng Emperor’s Tomb a few months ago.

It was really a father-son game, with the son planning and me ending!

Now that the emperor was so powerful again, he had to wonder if this was Gu Shengbu’s fault.


But before Gu Changsheng could answer, the Ancient Golden Emperor let out a cry of surprise when he saw the figure of the white tiger in the endless light!

“Isn’t this the White Tiger Demon Emperor? I didn’t expect her to be here!”

Obviously, even though the Golden Ancient Emperor and the White Tiger Demon Emperor lived in different eras, he also knew about the existence of the White Tiger Demon Emperor.

After all, he had previously proclaimed himself in the Forbidden Land of Immortality, and the Supreme Ancient Emperor in the Forbidden Land of Life would naturally pay attention to the enlightened people of each era. Some Supreme Ancient Emperors who even killed themselves believed that contemporary enlightened people would threaten their lives. It is safe and will also make sneak attacks when it is going through a calamity.

For example, the Immortal Emperor was sneak-attacked by the Immortal Mountain, and the Queen of Heavenly Eyes was also sneak-attacked by a Supreme from the Immortal Forbidden Land when she became enlightened.

When the White Tiger Demon Queen becomes enlightened, she will naturally be watched by all the forbidden places of life. The Golden Ancient Emperor knows that she is normal.

But looking at the surprised expression on the Golden Ancient Emperor’s face, one knew that things were not that simple.

“This White Tiger Demon Queen is also a strange thing. After she became enlightened, she did not rule all the races in the universe. Instead, she mysteriously disappeared. At that time, the other supreme ancient emperors thought that this white tiger had not succeeded in attaining enlightenment. Now it seems that she is I don’t know where I’m hiding, weird, really weird!”

said the Golden Ancient Emperor. There is no powerful person in the past who didn’t rule all the races in the universe after attaining enlightenment, and the White Tiger Demon Emperor is an outlier among them.

“Hey, boss, why don’t you say anything?” The Golden Ancient Emperor looked at Gu Changsheng strangely.


“The weird thing you are talking about is the pet I raised back then!” Gu Changsheng said quietly.

The Golden Ancient Emperor was shocked, and then said with a smile on his face: “Weird? Boss, you must have heard wrong. You see, the White Tiger Demon Emperor is extremely magnificent and graceful, just like a fairy in the fairy world. Why? Maybe it’s weird?”

“How did you see this from a white tiger? Gu Changsheng asked curiously, now the White Tiger Demon Emperor has become its true form.

“I saw her when she became enlightened, I saw her!” “The Golden Ancient Emperor added.

Gu Changsheng glanced at him. We are in a good mood today, so we won’t argue with you.

Upon seeing this, the Golden Ancient Emperor was completely relieved. He looked towards the Northern Qi wasteland, and saw from the endless light In the midst of it, I felt a majestic anger.

“Is it possible that she is going to be resurrected against the will of heaven? “The Ancient Golden Emperor was shocked in his heart. This is a way to seize the fortune of heaven and earth. It goes against the great road of heaven and earth. Who dared to do this in the past? Well, it really happened!

The Ancient Golden Emperor stole a glance at Gu Changsheng next to him. This man back then But he was the first person in history to conquer all the ways with his own way and successfully prove the way against heaven.

Could it be that the White Tiger Demon Emperor also wants to create such a unique miracle?

At this time, the wilderness of Northern Qi has turned into a dark and gloomy world , the White Tiger Demon Emperor transformed into a body the size of a hundred feet. The imperial power emanating from his body tore the surrounding space apart, and space storms swept across. In just a few breaths, the Northern Qi Wasteland completely became a wasteland, with millions of The living being has become the life force of the White Tiger Demon Emperor, adding a slim possibility to her resurrection against the heavens.

In the sky, the gloomy calamity clouds flashed with thunder, making a “sizzling” sound, making people in the wilderness of Northern Qi The outside observers felt their scalps go numb after hearing this.

“Why is this thunder calamity still falling? Why does it feel like I am holding back my ultimate move!” ”

Xuan Mingzi couldn’t help but murmured as he looked at the thunder calamity.

“Shut your crow’s mouth! “Li Beifei said angrily, but in his heart he also felt that Lei Jie was holding back some big move. It’s been half an hour and he still hasn’t talked about Thunder Punishment. If he wasn’t holding back his big move, could he still be thinking about letting Aunt Bai go? ?

“Boom! ”

As soon as Li Beifei finished speaking, a white sky thunder with a thickness of one foot struck the White Tiger Demon King.

“Roar! ”

After being struck, the White Tiger Demon Emperor looked up to the sky and roared angrily. The sound was like a big bell, shaking the heaven and earth.

Li Beifei and Hong Hong looked at the White Tiger Demon Emperor nervously. Since they learned that the White Tiger Demon Emperor was raised by their master, As pets, they regarded the White Tiger Demon Emperor as one of their own. Now the White Tiger Demon Emperor is suffering a rare punishment from heaven. The punishment from

heaven is no better than the thunder tribulation. The thunder tribulation is a test of heaven for monks, and there is still some chance of survival. .

And Heavenly Punishment is purely a punishment sent by Heaven. It is an attitude of rushing to kill those who defy Heaven. Therefore, the power of Heavenly Punishment is dozens or hundreds of times that of Thunder Tribulation. The

White Tiger Demon Emperor is an emperor. Furthermore, her heavenly punishment is superimposed based on her power to survive the Dao Tribulation, and the power and difficulty are almost equivalent to the quasi-emperor’s peak to endure the Immortal Tribulation.

“Lao Liu, do you think Aunt Bai will succeed? Li Beifei asked.

“Didn’t I tell you?” A narrow escape from death! “Lao Liu replied.

“Tell the truth! Li Beifei said. ”

Ten deaths but no life!” ”


“Then you said you had a narrow escape?” “Li Beifei cursed, this sixth man is so unreliable.

“Who knows if your master will take action? “Lao Liu said helplessly. The reason why it said that the White Tiger Demon Emperor had a narrow escape was because it didn’t know whether Gu Changsheng would take action, so it said that. It is the most powerful plug-in in Three Thousand Chaos, and it will last forever. It can calculate the future now, even for a strong person in the Dao-breaking realm, but its ability is completely useless when used on Gu Changsheng.

“Boom! ”

The heavenly punishment continued, and the thunder that landed became thicker and thicker. It was only one foot thick at the beginning, and now it has become ten feet thick. At this time, the White Tiger Demon King no longer dared to resist with his physical body. , she roared angrily, and countless sword lights condensed with killing energy appeared behind her, fighting against the punishment of heaven.

“Stab! ”

Another thick thunderbolt fell, directly shattering the White Tiger Demon Emperor’s sword light, and then landed on her body. The

White Tiger Demon Emperor’s body was shaken, and the white hair was already showing signs of being scorched black, and many parts of the body began to overflow. Blood, she who was originally pure white and holy, now seems to be polluted by darkness, and her grace is no longer.

“I will not die until I see my master!” ”

The White Tiger Demon King spoke human words, and his aura surged. The injuries on his body were also healing rapidly. The charred black hair fell off, and new pure white hair grew out. The

White Tiger Rebirth Technique!

This is the supreme skill created by the White Tiger Demon King himself. The art of self-healing, and she relied on this supreme divine art to start her journey to rebirth today.

This is why Gu Changsheng praised her for her ability.

The White Tiger Demon Emperor may not be as powerful as the Golden Ancient Emperor and Sword Emperor Li Beichen , but in terms of magic, she has higher attainments than these two people, which is why she can perform heaven-defying methods today.

Perhaps the White Tiger Demon Emperor herself knows that she was originally an ordinary white tiger in the mortal world, and she was fortunate enough to be Gu Changsheng enlightened her, but her bloodline was not as good as other geniuses after all, so she worked hard on the art. The

White Tiger Rebirth Technique was the pinnacle of her own magic at the moment.

As the White Tiger Demon Emperor performed the White Tiger Rebirth Technique, Her own aura had also reached the peak of her previous life.

But when Gu Changsheng saw this, he shook his head secretly.

When the Golden Ancient Emperor saw this, he knew that the White Tiger Demon Emperor was going to fail!

(Eat first)

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