The quasi-emperor’s hand bones are followed by a big black dog


The divine source burst, and the big black dog jumped out.


the big black dog barked at everyone. It seemed to be no different from the big black dog in the world. It barked when it saw strangers.

“This is really a mortal dog!”

None of them felt the aura of a monk in the big black dog, and they all thought that it was just a big black dog in the mortal world.

Even Gu Youxian, who was sitting in the audience, thought so. He didn’t see anything extraordinary about this big black dog. Either this was a big black dog that could be seen everywhere in the world, or the cultivation level of this big black dog Even stronger than him, so he couldn’t see it.

The latter was directly eliminated by Gu Youxian, but since it was sealed in the divine source, there might be something special about it!

“Woof woof woof…”

The big black dog ran around wildly and kept barking. To everyone, this was like a normal behavior of a dog in a strange environment.

“What a pity. I thought it was other ancient creatures. In that case, it would be of great research value. I didn’t expect it to be a mortal dog!”

Everyone expressed regret.

Everyone in the same group as Yuan Tian congratulated Yuan Tian on his successful promotion. Not only that, he also cut out a dog!

When Yuan Tian heard this, his face was darker than charcoal, but he looked at the big black dog and sighed inwardly. He would not care about a dog, otherwise he would make a bigger joke.

Before the finals, all the items cut by the contestants belong to themselves, but according to the rules of the Stone Fighting Festival, after the finals, except for the first place winner who wins the organizer, everyone else needs to sell the items they cut at half price. To the organizer.

This rule is undoubtedly a domineering clause, but the organizer is an immortal force, and the tough attitude is considered normal by the world.

The rest of the people saw that Yuan Tian had no intention of taking the big black dog back, so they naturally didn’t care about the big black dog. On the referee’s bench, the representative of the Qin family smiled and said: “This dog is worth a low-grade source.” Is it crystal clear?”

His words were naturally meant for the representatives of Ziwei Holy Land. In the final analysis, the more outrageous things the contestants cut out, the better. After all, in the end, everything basically goes into the organizer’s pocket, and the first place in the finals For those who challenge the organizer, based on past experience, the winning rate is less than 10%.

When Ziwei Holy Land saw Yuan Tian cutting out a big black dog, he was naturally dissatisfied, but he, a dignified Holy Land representative, would not have trouble with a dog.

So a strange scene happened. The big black dog was running in the huge field, but no one stopped him. Even the audience thought it was an unexpected performance, and they all smiled. The man in purple shirt saw the audience. No one had any objections, and they were even very happy to see this scene. Naturally, they would not take down this big black dog.

The big black dog may have been tired from running, so it lay directly on the ground panting, but its smart eyes were observing the surroundings. It was obvious that this was no ordinary dog.

Suddenly, it noticed Li Beifei who was cutting stones with his old master, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Woof woof woof…”

The big black dog ran wildly towards Li Beifei, and his speed was three minutes faster than before.

“Boss, be careful!”

Xuan Mingzi noticed the big black dog and immediately reminded Li Beifei. But Li Beifei was concentrating on talking with his old master and didn’t even notice a big black dog running toward him.


“Damn it, who slapped my butt?”

Li Beifei suddenly felt a force of gravity hitting his butt. When he turned around, he found a big black dog standing up with at least one tall person staring at him.

“Where did the dog come from?” Li Beifei asked.

Bai Yifei and others shrugged and said, “The first place is chosen.”

The first place is naturally the first place in the preliminary round. They don’t know Yuan Tian, so they have to use the first place instead.

“There is also a huge piece of divine source!” Xuan Mingzi added, otherwise Li Beifei would definitely think that the first place only cut out such a big black dog.

Li Beifei looked at the big black dog. The big black dog was also sitting on the ground and looking up at him. One person and one dog were looking at each other affectionately.

“I’ll go, the boss has fallen in love with this dog, right? But my dog is a male!”

Xuan Mingzi clicked his tongue.

But Li Beifei just looked at it for a while and then turned around. He hadn’t finished cutting the stone yet.


the big black dog barked again.

Li Beifei suddenly turned around and said to the big black dog: “If you bark again, I’ll stew you later!”

These words were still very threatening, and the big black dog immediately didn’t dare to bark, but he still stared at Li Beifei, even Sometimes he would circle around him, sniff it with his nose, and then sit down again and stare at Li Beifei.

This scene surprised Xuan Mingzi and the others, but now Li Beifei was cooperating with his master in cutting stones, so it was not easy to disturb him.

On Li Beifei’s side, the old master’s movements became slower and slower, and became more and more delicate. At this time, the stone Li Beifei picked had turned into the shape of a palm.

“Swish, swish, swish…”

The old master polished it carefully, and finally, a flash of white light appeared, and he stopped his movements. When the white light dissipated, he looked stunned.

“This is…bone!”

The part exposed by the stone is a white bone, and judging from its shape, it is a metacarpal bone.


Suddenly a powerful invisible pressure emitted, sweeping the entire place instantly.

Except for Gu Youxian, everyone at the referee’s table could not sit still and stood up one after another, staring at the uncut stone in front of Li Beifei. The pressure radiated from this stone.

“This is…”

Several people sounded uncertain.

“This is the quasi-emperor’s hand bone!”

At this time, Gu Youxian spoke.

“Hand bones of quasi-emperors?”

Everyone exclaimed. Their strongest ability was only to enter the Bible. Saints were unattainable in front of them, let alone quasi-emperors.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, are you reading that correctly?” asked the representative of Ziwei Holy Land.

Gu Youxian just chuckled and didn’t answer.

It’s just the quasi-emperor’s hand bones. He has killed quasi-emperors before, so what’s so strange about the quasi-emperor’s hand bones.

However, for him, the quasi-emperor’s hand bones were not unusual, but it was different for others.

The powerful quasi-emperor is the person closest to the emperor. Even the bones of his hand are priceless treasures. Quasi-Emperor-level bones are as hard as fairy gold. When used to refine weapons, they are not much worse than fairy gold. Moreover, the coercion emitted by the hand bones just now shows that the aura of Quasi-Emperor still remains on the hand bones. , maybe you can understand the Tao and Dharma of the Quasi-Emperor from it, which is equivalent to obtaining the inheritance of a Quasi-Emperor.

This… is extremely tempting!

Countless people looked at Li Beifei with bright eyes.

Especially the representative of Ziwei Holy Land. According to the rules of the stone fighting event, as long as Li Beifei is not the first in the finals, he will sell everything he cuts to Ziwei Holy Land at half price. He now regards this hand bone as his own. He really hopes that the final will come soon, but unfortunately, there are still two days left before the final.

“Young man, do you want to continue cutting?” the old master asked.

Li Beifei shook his head and said, “I won’t cut it anymore. I’ve advanced to the next level anyway.”

This is indeed true. Bai Yifei and the others actually found a few pieces of waste rock, all of which were broken. Li Beifei only needs to cut something out. , you can advance smoothly.

The scene in which Li Beifei cuts out the bones of the quasi-emperor’s hand is naturally regarded as a lucky one by the audience.

Li Beifei was successfully promoted, and other groups were able to quickly determine their promotion spots. There were three Source Masters in total, and the person who cut out the semi-holy medicine in the preliminary round was also among them.

After the Master in Purple Shirt stepped forward to congratulate him, he announced that today’s game was over.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be the time to select the Stone King. Every stone fighting event will give two days to select the Stone King. The reason why so much time is given is because the Stone King is a very special ore. This kind of ore, even if Even Gu Youxian, a powerful man at the pinnacle of quasi-emperor, couldn’t see what was inside.

Two days are spent to pick the Stone King that I think will rise sharply. Time is very tight.

After Li Beifei and the others walked out of the venue, they headed towards their residence, and the big black dog followed them.

“Boss, this dog has been following us!” Xuan Mingzi looked at the big black dog. They stopped, and the big black dog also stopped. They walked, and the big black dog quickly followed.

Several other people also noticed the big black dog. Li Ruoyu said: “I don’t think it is following us, but following Brother Li!”

Li Beifei was also full of doubts. What does this big black dog have to do with him?

“Forget it, just follow it if you like!” Li Beifei said, but in his heart he planned to ask Lao Liu when he went back.

So five people and one dog became a beautiful scenery on the street.

What they didn’t know was that, far away from them, there were several people sneaking behind them. Soon, they followed Li Beifei and his family and stopped.

“Agui, just keep an eye on me here. Let’s go back and report to the young master!”

A leader-looking figure said to another person.

“Okay!” Agui nodded.

The other two people left in a hurry, while the person named Agui stared at the inn chosen by Li Beifei and the others.

“These guys dare to offend the young master. They are so reckless.”

Agui muttered, but suddenly his line of sight was blocked. He said impatiently: “Who is so bold and dares to block the young master?”

Agui scolded dissatisfiedly. As a family of saints in Zixiao City, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Shen family is the first family in Zixiao City. However, because this is the location where the stone fighting event is held, they are not so arrogant in fighting Zixiao. The name of the first family in the city, but the Shen family’s behavior is that they really regard themselves as the first family.

Even the servants of the Shen family are superior to others outside, not to mention Agui, who serves the young master of the Shen family. Now when he sees someone blocking his sight, he will curse and even take action.

But just when he was about to take action, he found that his cultivation in the late stage of Concentrating Soul Realm was sealed.

“Who are you? Why are you following us sneakily?”

Li Beifei said coldly, while Bai Yifei and others also looked at Agui coldly.

“Who is following you? The road is facing the sky. I can go wherever I want. Do you have any evidence that I am following you?”

Even though his cultivation was sealed, Agui still looked arrogant. He is from the Shen family. The young master’s bodyguards, he didn’t believe these people dared to attack him.

Agui shouted very loudly and soon attracted crowds of passers-by.

“Isn’t this Mr. Shen’s bodyguard? Why is he here?”

“Obviously these outsiders have offended Mr. Shen. Mr. Shen is sending people to keep an eye on him!”

“Hush, you don’t want your life?”

The people around were discussing in low voices. , the voice was very thin and cautious, as if she was afraid of being heard by others and reaching Shen Huan’s ears. But Li Beifei and the others were all experts at the eighth level of the life and death realm. No matter how low their voices were, every word they spoke came into their ears.

“Young Master Shen?”

Li Beifei and others looked at each other. When had they ever offended someone named Shen?

“It can’t be the guy who lost in Dou Shi before, right?” Xia Wuji said.

When he said this, several people thought it was very reasonable, so Li Beifei looked at Agui and asked: “Did your young master participate in the stone fighting event today?” After hearing this,

Agui said proudly: “My young master is Shen Huan, the only heir of the Shen family, you’d better let me go now, otherwise when my young master comes, you will be left with nothing to eat.” ”

Hey, this dog is actually more noble than a human being? “Xuan Mingzi looked at Agui in surprise. He didn’t know how a small guard in the Concentration Realm dared to be arrogant in front of their five masters in the Life and Death Realm.

“Woof woof woof!”

As soon as Xuan Mingzi finished speaking, a dog barked, and the big black dog stared at Xuan Mingzi with an unkind expression.

“Ahem, I didn’t say you, I didn’t say you!” Xuan Mingzi explained.

After Agui heard Xuan Mingzi’s sarcastic words, not only was he not angry, but he also looked proud.


Xia Wuji asked.

Li Beifei nodded, while Bai Yifei looked indifferent. Needless to say, Xuan Mingzi had already wanted to take action, and only Li Ruoyu thought more about it.

“After the killing, when the finals are over, I’m afraid we will face the Shen family’s revenge. Then everyone should be prepared!”

Li Ruoyu also supported the killing, but reminded several people to be prepared to run away. They all Those who have transformed themselves don’t have to worry about being hunted down.


Agui’s body exploded directly, leaving only a pool of blood on the spot. Agui never knew until his death why these people were not afraid of the master behind them, who was the heir to the Saint family.

The onlookers were frightened when they saw this scene.


Someone shouted, and everyone dispersed in a hurry. They were all afraid that Shen Huan would cause trouble for them. After all, Shen Huan was a little overlord in Zixiao City. There was nothing he dared not do. of.

Li Beifei and others returned to Zuixianju.

This Zuixianju is really spread across all human cities!

For them, killing someone who is about to become a hostile force does not affect their mood.

Now they are all curious about the quasi-emperor’s hand bones!

“I’m afraid my junior uncle is going to be hunted down!”

On the cloud, Gu Youxian had a panoramic view of the scene just now. Behind him, Gu Wei stood respectfully.

“Should we take action then?” Gu Wei asked. Since we know that Li Beifei is the disciple of the ancestor, it is appropriate to take action when Li Beifei is in danger.

Just as Gu Youxian was about to speak, a voice sounded.

“Why are you taking action? These little guys are all going smoothly so far. Before the Starry Sky Ancient Road opens, it is necessary to go through a fight.”

Gu Changsheng, dressed in green clothes, walked out, followed closely by a naked man. A beautiful woman with jade feet.

“Grandpa (ancestor)!”

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