Boss, your hand is gone

“I’ve seen the White Tiger Demon Emperor!”

Gu Youxian and Gu Wei did not forget to salute the White Tiger Demon Emperor.

The White Tiger Demon Emperor just stood respectfully behind Gu Changsheng and did not respond at all to the greetings of the two people. The two of them were used to it. In the world of the White Tiger Demon Emperor, Grandpa (the ancestor) is the god. Their greetings If he could attract her attention, he would probably have to wonder if the White Tiger Demon King had been taken away by some being.

“Grandpa, what did you mean just now to allow your junior uncle to be hunted down?” Gu Youxian asked.

“Uncle Junior?” Gu Changsheng was startled, and then joked: “You are quite open-minded.”

Gu Youxian chuckled, what can you do if you don’t look open? Who makes me your senior disciple? No matter how young you are, it can’t change the fact that you are senior.

Gu Changsheng did not struggle with the issue of title, but answered Gu Youxian’s question: “Anyway, if you die, I can be resurrected, so let them go!” ”


Gu Youxian and Gu Wei felt speechless for a while, even if Who wants to die if they can be resurrected? They couldn’t help but feel pity for their little uncle (ancestor). Facing an invincible master like their grandfather (ancestor), sometimes it’s not a perfect thing!

But what Gu Changsheng said next made them feel uneasy.

Gu Changsheng said in an indifferent tone: “The human race has developed peacefully for half a million years, and it is time to eliminate some cancers.”

Gu Youxian and Gu Wei didn’t know who the cancer was referring to, but they seemed to have encountered mountains of bones and blood. The scene of the sea.

“Grandpa, do you want to take action personally?” Gu Youxian asked, suppressing the shock in his heart.

“What is my identity? What is my strength? Do you need me to take action?” Gu Changsheng smiled.

“Let that kid handle it by himself. I wonder if a holy land will be uprooted. I’m really looking forward to it!”

Gu Changsheng looked longingly. Although he can spy on the secrets of heaven and know the future of eternity, he is not so If he does this, he will lose countless joys in life. Recently, he has even actively blocked his sixth sense. Of course, he can still sense when the traitor scolds him, but he has not blocked it.

When Gu Youxian and Gu Wei saw this, they couldn’t help but pray for the unknown holy land. Grandpa (the ancestor) said that there must be a holy land involved.

At this time, after Li Beifei and the others returned to the courtyard of Zuixianju, Xuan Mingzi immediately said: “Boss, hurry up. Take out that stone!”

Xuan Mingzi’s anxious look was like a marriage ceremony. The last moment is as anxious as the bride’s before the bridal chamber.

Li Beifei took out the uncut piece of ore from the storage ring. The moment he took it out, a faint quasi-emperor breath emanated from the metacarpal bones. Several people felt this breath and their expressions were lifted.

“The bones left behind by the powerful quasi-emperor still retain the aura of the quasi-emperor. Although it is less than one billionth of what it was in its heyday, it is still amazing enough.” Bai Yifei sighed. Their ancestor Tianji Pavilion, Old Man Tianji, is said to have It was just the quasi-emperor realm. Facing the hand bones left by the quasi-emperor, he naturally paid enough attention to it. Even though they had seen the real Demon Emperor a year ago, that level was too far away from them, and The quasi-emperor’s hand bones were right in front of him, and this feeling was completely different from before.

“You guys watch first, I’ll go back to the room to get something first!” Li Beifei said, placing the ore containing the quasi-emperor’s hand bones on the ground, and then he returned to the room. He still wanted to ask the sixth man. What was going on with the big black dog? He didn’t believe that a big black dog that had been sealed in the source of the gods for who knows how many years was really an ordinary mortal dog.

A few people didn’t say anything, but carefully looked at the quasi-emperor’s hand bones.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

“Hey, tell me, what will happen if we fuse this quasi-emperor’s hand bones with ourselves?” Xuan Mingzi’s eyes lit up and he asked a very bold question.

“Death by exploding!”

Li Ruoyu said.

“Uh…” Xuan Mingzi’s expression froze, and then he touched his nose in embarrassment. He had really had this idea.

Li Ruoyu was right. If they forcibly fused the quasi-emperor’s hand bones, they would definitely explode and die. Their situation was different from that of the Heavenly Eye Princess. The reason why the Heavenly Eye Princess was able to successfully fuse the Heavenly Eyes transformed by the Heavenly Eye Queen was because One is that the two have a strong blood relationship, and they are blood relatives; the other is that the Queen of the Sky Eye transforms into the Sky Eye, which is a voluntary act. When the Queen of the Sky Eye merges with the Sky Eye, the Sky Eye will independently cooperate with the Queen of the Sky Eye to complete the process. Fusion.

This process is also extremely dangerous, and if there is a slight mistake, it will lead to an irreversible end. However, Princess Tianyan is very lucky, she succeeded.

Back to the subject,

just when Li Beifei walked into the room and Bai Yifei and others were staring at the quasi-emperor’s hand bones, the big black dog that ran out of the divine source was staring at the quasi-emperor’s hand bones with gleaming eyes.

Bones have a natural sense of temptation for dogs, not to mention quasi-emperor-level hand bones. To the big black dog, this is undoubtedly like a few sexy bitches saying crazily in front of him, “Come on, Come on.” This made the big black dog roar.


A dog barked. Before Bai Yifei and the others could react, they felt a black shadow pass before their eyes, and then… the quasi-emperor’s hand bones in front of them disappeared!

“Click!” “Click!” “Click!”…

There were bursts of shattering sounds, attracting the attention of several people. They looked intently. When they saw the real picture, they couldn’t help but be startled, and then they shouted in unison. :


They saw that the big black dog that had been following them for a long time was tearing at the quasi-emperor’s hand bones, and the stone covering the quasi-emperor’s hand bones had long gone. They guessed , probably also eaten by the big black dog.

“Boss, come out quickly, your hands are gone!”

Xuan Mingzi shouted, and others stepped forward to stop the big black dog, but the big black dog was extremely fast and extremely agile. Just as he was about to go up, the big black dog dropped the quasi-emperor’s hand bone and flashed to the other side of the courtyard.

The speed shocked them all.

How could this be a big black dog in the world? This speed is even faster than the Nirvana Realm Great Demon.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Before Li Beifei could ask Lao Liu, he was attracted by Xuan Mingzi’s shout.

“Boss, your hand was eaten by it!” Xuan Mingzi’s words were very ambiguous, but Li Beifei didn’t care so much. He looked at the big black dog. Good guy, the quasi-emperor’s hand bone was already eaten by him. There are four fingers left, and there is only one middle finger left. I don’t know if this beast did it on purpose.

“Nima, you can chew the quasi-emperor’s hand bones if you want, and you’re not afraid of breaking your big teeth?” Li Beifei immediately exploded. Although the quasi-emperor’s hand bones are of no use to him, they can be sold for money. If they are sold to a holy land, It is estimated that he can sell hundreds of thousands or even millions of divine sources. With so many divine sources, his Seven Star Sword Sect will not have to worry about training resources for hundreds of years in the future. He did not expect to be eaten by this big black dog.

“Spit it out!”

Li Beifei immediately took out the Tianshu Sword, and with one step, he was about to slash the big black dog, but the figure of the big black dog seemed to disappear, and with a “dang” sound, the Tianshu Sword slashed On the ground, leaving a long sword mark, but the big black dog appeared on the other side.

“What the hell… shrunk to the ground?”

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