Turtle and Black Dragon (two in one)

They had seen shrinking to an inch before on Gu Tianjun. When Gu Tianjun fought against the four Nirvana Realm monsters alone, he was disillusioned step by step in the void. What he used was shrinking to an inch.

It was not like Li Beifei had never thought about shrinking into an inch. Gu Tianjun owed him two favors at the beginning. He could have wanted to shrink into an inch, a method of cultivating body and magical powers, but after careful consideration, he still chose Immortal Gold. , because his Seven-Star Sword Box needs immortal gold to return to its peak state.

Now his Seven-Star Sword Box has swallowed immortal gold three times, but it has only returned to the level of a Saint Soldier. It is still a little far away from the Saint King’s Soldier. There are also Great Saint Soldiers and Quasi-Emperor Soldiers on it. It is best to be an Emperor’s Soldier. Bing, I don’t know how much immortal gold it takes to swallow this. The Seven-Star Sword Box is really a big gold swallower.

The immortal gold that Seven Stars has now swallowed is enough for him to re-create two imperial weapons. However, the Seven Stars Sword Box has an advantage that other imperial weapons cannot match, that is, the Seven Stars Sword Box can warm and nourish the swords inside. With the Seven Stars Sword Box, After promotion, his Tianshu Sword and the newly refined Tianxuan Sword have also reached the level of holy weapons.

The Seven-Star Sword Box can hold nine swords, which means that he will have nine Emperor Swords in the future. Plus the Seven-Star Sword Box itself, that is ten Imperial weapons. If the Seven-Star Sword Box is promoted to an Immortal Weapon, the Emperor Sword will also be promoted to an Immortal Weapon. Immortal sword, so although the Seven-Star Sword Box is a big spender, it is worth it!

Several people were shocked when they saw the big black dog shrinking to an inch, but Li Beifei knew that this dog had an extraordinary origin without asking Lao Liu.

“Hey, hey, Master Long, I just want to eat a bone. As for using a sword to chop me?” The big black dog actually spoke human words and even called himself a dragon, which surprised several people.

But before Li Beifei could be surprised, he heard the disdainful tone of the big black dog and immediately shouted angrily: “That’s the quasi-emperor’s hand bone. Do you think it’s an ordinary bone?” ”

Isn’t it the quasi-emperor’s hand bone? The bone’s true identity He will definitely feel very honored to know that he was eaten by me, Mr. Long.”

The big black dog said proudly, then he chewed the last bone into pieces, swallowed it into his stomach, and then looked satisfied. .

“It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten such delicious bones!”



Several people cursed, and even Li Ruoyu’s mouth twitched. They had seen many narcissistic people, but such a narcissistic dog, It’s really the first time I’ve seen it.

Isn’t it the quasi-emperor’s hand bone? Why don’t you spit it out for us?

It was obviously impossible to make the big black dog spit it out. They were also very shocked. Even if they tried their best, they could not leave a trace on the quasi-emperor’s hand bone. And the one in front of them looked like an ordinary dog. An ordinary big black dog could easily bite the quasi-emperor’s hand bones into pieces and then swallow them into his stomach without anything happening. How powerful must it be?

“Lao Liu, what is the origin of this dead dog?”

Li Beifei directly asked Lao Liu in his body, and Lao Liu’s answer shocked him again.

“Well… this big black dog should be a dragon in its true form, and it’s not a dragon from this chaotic world, but from other chaotic worlds.” ”

Other… chaotic worlds?” Li Beifei looked at the self-proclaimed Dragon Master in surprise. He had never seen a creature from other worlds. He didn’t expect to see a creature from other chaotic worlds at this time. Although it was a dragon that looked like a dog, no wonder he could eat the quasi-emperor’s hand bones as snacks. Generally speaking, if you eat it, you must know that the lowest level of a true dragon is the Great Emperor.

“But there seems to be something wrong with this dragon that looks like a dog!”

Li Beifei couldn’t help muttering. The dog in front of him reminded him of Li Wangba, who was still sleeping soundly in a special space inside his body. Extremely powerful but not at all cultivated.

Li Beifei’s words were heard by the big black dog.

“Woof woof woof…”

The big black dog barked crazily, very dissatisfied with what Li Beifei just said, but soon it stopped, and then lay on the ground, a sense of sadness emanating from it.

It’s like accepting his fate!

“Boss, what should we do now?” Xuan Mingzi asked. They were still thinking of selling the quasi-emperor’s hand bones. Unexpectedly, a big black dog came out halfway and gnawed the quasi-emperor’s hand bones, not even the stone. You are not afraid of being choked to death.

“Why don’t you stew it? This dog has become a sperm. Stewing it will definitely help!” Xia Wuji suggested.

“Often…I see that your boy also has the luck of a real dragon. I didn’t expect that you actually want to murder Mr. Long and me?”

The big black dog was furious and kept barking at Xia Wuji.

“Hey, this dog is not simple!” Bai Yifei looked at the black dog in surprise. As the next emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, Xia Wuji was protected by the Great Xia Dragon Vein. He was rich in true dragon luck. Bai Yifei was practicing Tianji. He said, one can naturally see the true dragon’s luck on Xia Wuji’s body, but now a dog can actually see the true dragon’s luck on Xia Wuji’s body. Obviously, this dog is not easy to describe.

“Hmph, when Lord Long and I were all-powerful, your ancestors didn’t even know whether they were born or not!” the big black dog said with a proud expression.

“Too arrogant, I can’t stand it anymore!”

Xuan Mingzi took a step forward and punched the big black dog. He was just venting his punch. He thought the big black dog would get out of the way easily, but he didn’t expect the big black dog to do so. Just lying on the ground, with no intention of dodging.

Xuan Mingzi thought he would get out of the way, so he had already used the fastest speed. At this time, it was too late to withdraw his fist.


When Xuan Mingzi’s fist hit the big black dog, there was a sound of gold and iron. Xuan Mingzi felt that what he hit was not the flesh, but a piece of extremely hard immortal gold. His arms were numb.

“Oh, this little hand massage is so comfortable. Boy, don’t stop. Give me a few more punches. It’s so comfortable!” The big black dog said with a satisfied face. He just avoided Li Beifei’s Tianshu Sword just so that he wouldn’t be disturbed. He had just finished eating the Emperor’s hand bones, and now that he had finished eating, even if he had no cultivation at all, his powerful physical body was not something that Li Beifei and the others could do anything about.

“Holy shit!” Xuan Mingzi couldn’t help it when he heard his mean tone and looked at his mean look. He directly activated the complete fighting holy method and returned to the underground black market after robbing the black market. After arriving at the Humanity Academy, Li Beifei asked for the complete holy fighting method from Gu Changsheng, and then gave it to Xuan Mingzi.

Xuan Mingzi was naturally so moved that he almost pledged himself to her, thinking that both of them were men, so let it go.

The aura of Xuan Mingzi, who was running the holy method of fighting, greatly increased, and his combat power increased tenfold.

“Dead dog, let me tell you, my combat power has increased tenfold. If you die, don’t blame me.” Xuan Mingzi said to the big black dog, obviously reminding him.

But the big black dog was surprised: “Ten times the combat power? Boy, can I give you a supreme magical power in exchange for it?” ”

…” Xuan Mingzi was speechless for a while, Damn, my combat power has increased ten times. Shouldn’t you be scared? Why did you suddenly withdraw your trading magic?

The big black dog continued: “You just saw me shrinking to an inch, right? It is a supreme magical power like body movement. It can be said to be the best choice for killing people, stealing goods, and running away for one’s life. How about it? I’ll shrink the earth to an inch in exchange for you, and you’ll make a lot of money!”

This tone, this demeanor, I’m afraid that others won’t hear that it is deceiving people. Although body and magical powers are rare, something like shrinking the earth to an inch is comparable to the sky. The magical power of Peng Shenfa is definitely rare, but compared with the Holy Dou Zhan method, it is not on the same level.

The holy method of fighting can allow practitioners to exert ten times their combat power. Combat power is a comprehensive issue. It includes strength, speed and defense. If the combat power is doubled, the strength, speed and defense will also be doubled. Ten times, to a certain extent, it has made up for the practitioner’s speed problem.

How could Xuan Mingzi be fooled by the big black dog? He punched the big black dog immediately, and as expected, there was a muffled “bang” sound.

“Go away and play!” Xuan Mingzi directly removed the magical power. The body of this big black dog is too abnormal. It can compete with Li Wangba, but Li Wangba is only as big as two palms, and his speed is not as fast as this big black dog. Dogs are fast, so he can still bully Li Wangba.

For example, grabbing Li Wangba’s tail and swinging it back and forth like a bell!

Seeing that the deception was not successful, the big black dog wanted to continue deceiving him, but suddenly his vision went dark, and something flew towards his face quickly.

“What the hell!”

The big black dog was shocked. Just as he was about to dodge, the thing hit his face.

“It’s you, the dog, who ate this tortoise’s bones, right?”

This thing was naturally the tortoise’s.

“What?” The big black dog shook its head, trying to get rid of the tortoise on its face, but no matter how it shook it, or even hit the wall, it could not get the tortoise off its face.

After a while, the big black dog stopped and asked: “Who are you? Come down quickly, or I will eat you, Mr. Long!”

Faced with the threat of the big black dog, Li Wangba sneered and said: “You actually followed Call me master, I am your grandpa turtle!”

A dog and a turtle are now on their knees!

Here, Bai Yifei and others couldn’t help but look at Li Beifei, their expressions full of confusion.

Li Beifei knew what they were going to ask, so he said: “I told Li Wangba that the quasi-emperor’s hand bones were going to make soup for him!”

When several people heard this, they suddenly realized that Li Wangba was treating the big black dog as a harm to him. The main culprit for not being able to eat the quasi-emperor’s bone soup was because they knew that Li Wangba’s way of cultivation was to eat, eat and eat. The more precious and high-end the food he ate, the better for him. The quasi-emperor’s hand bones were rare. , now that it’s gone, it would be strange if Li Wangba wasn’t angry.

But what Li Wangba didn’t know was that Li Beifei was originally planning to sell the quasi-emperor’s hand bones, and now he was telling him this just to get him to come out and treat the dog.

One is a Chaos Black Turtle who has lost his cultivation and is extremely powerful in body, and the other is a dragon who has lost his cultivation and turned into a big black dog but his body is still powerful. It seems good to fight!

“Fuck, get down here, Mr. Long!”

“Damn it, spit out the bones first, and I’ll get down next, Grandpa Turtle.”

“Your sister, can you still spit it out after eating it? How about I pull it out for you?”

“First of all, I don’t have a girl. Secondly, if you don’t spit it out, don’t blame me for being rude!”

“You’re welcome to try it!” The big black dog’s tone was full of disdain, but the next moment, he felt a sharp pain Coming from the waist.

“My waist…wow…”

Li Wangba left the big black dog’s face directly, climbed to his waist, and then bit down, causing the big black dog to go crazy with pain.

Li Beifei and others were very satisfied, and it was indeed the right thing to let Li Wangba out.

“Your sister, how dare you bite me, I will bite you back!” The big black dog was not to be outdone. The dog’s head turned in an astonishing arc, and then bit Li Wangba in one bite.

But the bite from the big black dog almost broke his tooth!

“Hahaha, you idiot, don’t you know that the turtle’s shell is the hardest part? It didn’t break your teeth, did it? Hahaha…”

Li Wangba smiled proudly. Finally, he could also bully others. … No, you’re bullying a dog.

But the next moment, Li Wangba couldn’t laugh anymore. He felt a sharp pain in his tail. He looked back and found that the big black dog was biting his tail with a proud look on his face.

“Let go!” Li Wangba muttered while biting the big black dog.

“You bite me first, let go first!” The big black dog bit Li Wangba’s tail and wouldn’t let go.

The big black dog bites the big black dog’s waist, and the big black dog bites the tail of the big black dog. This scene is so harmonious.

At this moment, the moon has climbed up.

Li Beifei and the others shrugged and returned to their rooms, ready to let the two living treasures continue to confront each other in the courtyard.

Outside, Shen Huan and several guards looked at Zuixianju with squinted eyes. At this time, one of the guards said, “Master, they dare to kill Agui. This is a slap in your face!”

“Huh?” Shen Huan glanced at him, and the man immediately fell silent. He was Agui’s cousin. What he said just now was just to stimulate Shen Huan and let Shen Huan help his cousin Agui take revenge. Even Shen Huan, no matter how dandy he was, could see this. Get clear.

However, he originally planned to take action against Li Beifei and the others. Now that Li Beifei and the others have killed his bodyguard Agui, it is logical for him to take action against Li Beifei and the others, and he can gain a reputation as avenging his subordinates.

“Don’t worry, Agui’s death will not be in vain, but one of them has entered the finals of the Stone Fighting Festival and cannot take action now.” Shen Huan said.

Several guards also nodded. If they take action now, it will undoubtedly be like slapping Ziwei Holy Land in the face. That is an act seeking death.

“It’s a pity that the quasi-emperor’s hand bones will eventually be handed over to Ziwei Holy Land!” Shen Huan was extremely regretful at this time. The fact that Li Beifei cut out the quasi-emperor’s hand bones had already spread throughout Zixiao City, but no one dares to touch it now Li Beifei, because they all believe that in the end the quasi-emperor’s hand bones will fall into the hands of Ziwei Holy Land. If he touches Li Beifei now, he will be robbing a holy land. Ten lives are not enough to kill him.

“Let’s go!”

Shen Huan waved her hand and left with the guards.

And when the sun rises the next day, the final selection of the Stone King begins!

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