Li Beifei in the impression of the White Tiger Demon Emperor

What Li Beifei and the others didn’t expect was that a turtle and a dog actually bit each other all night. They didn’t let go until the sun rose and they set off to the stone fighting venue. It was rare that Li Beifei didn’t ask to enter the special space inside Li Beifei’s body. Instead of sleeping, he hung like a big black dog behind Li Beifei and others, following them.

Xuan Mingzi curiously asked the reason. Li Wangba glanced at the big black dog and sneered: “To prevent this dog from stealing my food.”

Obviously, Li Wangba was not satisfied with the big black dog eating the quasi-emperor’s hand bone. This incident still bothers me.

Several people didn’t have any objections to this, and they had no choice but to follow the big black dog shamelessly. The big black dog had an extraordinary origin. Although it was unknown why he changed from a real dragon to a dog, his eyesight was still there. It can be seen that Li Beifei and others are people with great luck. If you follow them, you will have bones to eat!

So a strange scene appeared on the street. Five ordinary-looking people (after the disguise) were walking on the street. It was normal for them to be followed by a big black dog, but there was actually a turtle following them. This made them go from Zuixianju. A beautiful scenery on the road to the Dou Shi venue.

“Hey, aren’t these the people who killed Mr. Shen’s bodyguard yesterday? How dare they wander around on the street? Are you tired of living?” ”

One of these people has entered the finals of the Stone Fighting Festival. No matter how awesome Mr. Shen is, , and don’t dare to stir up trouble in front of Ziwei Holy Land.”

“Hush, keep your voice down!”

Someone reminded his companions that Shen Huan didn’t dare to offend Ziwei Holy Land, so couldn’t he deal with them? His companion soon thought of this and hurried away.

“Boss, it seems that the Shen family is the leader of Zixiao City!” Xuan Mingzi said.

Zixiao City is very large, and every stone fighting event is held in Zixiao City, which makes Zixiao City a special city. Those who can defeat local snakes in Zixiao City are obviously not ordinary forces.

“After all, it is a family of saints. It is enough to be the leader of Zixiao City.” Bai Yifei said. A family of saints is naturally a family that has produced saints in its ancestors. Such a family is comparable to Xuan Mingzi’s Yin Yang Sect.

“It seems that we have to run away immediately after the finals!”

Li Beifei said, stroking his chin. Although each of them has an extraordinary background, they do not want to reveal their true identity in this operation. The harvest will definitely arouse the covetousness of countless monks. If their true identity is exposed, maybe nothing will happen to them on Tianhuang Star.

But don’t forget, on the Jingzhe Day two years later, they will embark on the ancient starry sky road. Leaving Tianhuang Star, even if you are the emperor’s son, your life will not be guaranteed. Their harvest this time will be difficult to guarantee for those who are interested. He will not chase them away from Tianhuang Star and attack them.

At least they thought Ziwei Holy Land would not let them go so easily!

This may be bias, but they have to be careful.

Five people, one dog and one turtle came to the Dou Shi venue. Originally, Bai Yifei and the others were not eligible to enter the venue after being eliminated in the semi-finals. However, Li Beifei was one of the top ten finalists and had the right to bring ten people into the venue. However, most people did not He just knew how to use it, but Li Beifei was not an ordinary person, so he used it. Not only did he bring four people into the venue, but he also brought a dog and a turtle. This was extremely explosive in previous finals.

When they entered the venue, the other nine contestants had already arrived early, and the auditorium was also full of people. Even though these two days were the time for picking stones, their enthusiasm did not diminish at all.

Because soon, they will see the twenty-four stones of Wangle. Even if they cannot touch it with their own hands, seeing it with their own eyes is a great blessing in life!

When they saw that Li Beifei and his party were still late, they couldn’t help but think of a guy who advanced to the finals yesterday due to luck.

“Damn, this guy is so late!”

“That’s right, it’s a waste of our time!”

Li Beifei and the others were naturally not late, but the audience looked down on Li Beifei’s “luck” to enter the finals, plus only ten people arrived in the finals Only when they are all together will the Stone King be revealed. The main thing is a fair selection time.

These people just wanted to see King Shi as soon as possible, so they vented their grievances on Li Beifei.

But does Li Beifei seem like someone who will be affected by this? Obviously impossible…no.

He smiled disdainfully and said, “What’s there to say about a group of people who can’t touch the Stone King in their entire lives?”

Li Beifei’s words were not loud, so the audience could not hear them, but the referee’s seat, the host Purple Shirt Master and other contestants Naturally, I heard it clearly.

“Ahem, now that everyone is here, I declare that the finals of this stone fighting event have officially begun.” The

Master in Purple Shirt quickly announced the start of the finals. He was afraid that Li Beifei would make some shocking remarks for the audience to hear. , that would affect the reputation of their Ziwei Holy Land.

As soon as the Master in Purple Shirt finished speaking, a golden light suddenly appeared in the center of the venue. The golden light was extremely dazzling, and everyone’s face reflected this golden light.

“It’s out!”

Except for a few people, everyone held their breath, waiting for the thing they had longed for to appear.


There was a faint sound in the air, the golden light fell, and twenty-four stones of different shapes suddenly appeared in the center of the venue. The smallest stone is as big as three people surrounding it, and the largest one is as big as a small building.

Strange rocks!

Stone King!

At this moment, the millions of spectators at the venue were extremely silent. No one made a sound. Everyone was attracted by the twenty-four stone kings, as if anyone who made a sound at this time was a blasphemy to this sacred moment. .

However, there are always people who are different.

“Tsk, this is the Stone King. Except that it is a little bigger, it is no different from other ores!”

Everyone couldn’t help but look at the person who spoke. When they saw it, their eyes were filled with anger.

“Damn, it’s this little brat again!”

“Damn, he knows nothing about this shitty luck thing. He actually said that Stone King is no different from other ores. I’m really angry.” The

audience was all shocked . Li Beifei’s words ignited the fire, and all kinds of curses came towards Li Beifei, but fortunately, they all just cursed “fuck”, “fuck”, “f*ck” and the like, and did not greet Li Beifei’s elders, otherwise Gu Changsheng They might not care, but Gu Youxian, who was sitting on the referee’s bench at this moment, would probably kill them with a slap.

Li Beifei’s conspicuous speech naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the only three Source Masters among the ten finalists. They looked at Li Beifei with cold eyes. If it weren’t for the explicit stipulation of the Stone Fighting Festival that no force could be used, they would probably have used their own magic to suppress Li Beifei. , even though he knew that his cultivation level was not as good as Li Beifei’s.

Yuan Tian, who came from the Yuan Family of the Golden Family, snorted coldly and said: “You should feel lucky to have the opportunity to cut the stone king, instead of talking nonsense here like a clown!”

“None of your business!” Li Beifei picked his nose. , flicked in the direction of Yuan Tian.

“You… rude person!”

“Master, is this your apprentice?” Above the clouds, the naked White Tiger Demon Emperor was sitting on a cloud. Li Beifei was startled when he saw her, her memory Among them, Li Beifei was quite polite and even called her Aunt Bai!

“Traitor, it’s always been like this!”

Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

“Oh!” The White Tiger Demon King nodded, but he thought in his heart that those people’s words must have angered the master’s disciples, which made the master’s disciples make such rude actions.

I have to say that Li Beifei’s first impression on the White Tiger Demon Emperor in the Northern Qi wilderness was really good!

In her opinion, Li Beifei was very polite!

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