The Immortal Sutra (two in one)

Master Purple Shirt saw that the smell of gunpowder between Li Beifei and Yuan Tian was getting stronger and stronger, and he quickly said: “Everyone, hurry up and choose, you only have two days.”

Sure enough, this sentence is still very useful. They are not Li Beifei. There is a plug-in in his body. Since they have a chance to cut the stone king, they naturally need to be extremely careful and careful. Two days may not be enough. They wish they had two months or even two years to look at these stone kings. Where is the king?


Yuan Tian snorted coldly at Li Beifei, turned around and walked towards the twenty-four stone kings. The others quickly followed, for fear of falling behind others and losing a few breaths to figure out the stone kings.

“There’s no need to rush like this!”

Li Beifei muttered again. Upon hearing this, the Master in Purple Shirt said: “Master Li Yifei, you should hurry up!”

The Master in Purple Shirt was helpless at this time. If he was not a member of the Stone Fighting Festival, The host, he wanted to scold Li Beifei, and “Li Yifei” was Li Beifei’s pseudonym. They were disguised and obviously couldn’t tell themselves their real names.

Hmm…isn’t he similar to Bai Yifei? If Bai Yifei hadn’t been present, Li Beifei would probably have used Bai Yifei’s name. After all, he was used to it!

Li Beifei muttered again and walked slowly towards the Twenty-Four Stone King.

Seeing his nonchalant look, the audience booed.

“This guy has no strength at all. Picking stones depends entirely on luck. He can really take his time.”

Someone said, thinking that he had pointed out the mystery, and everyone around him echoed his words, making him extremely proud.

“Hey, tell me, this guy won’t get first place by luck again, right?” someone asked.

“Him? If he gets the first place, I, Long Yun, will stand on my head and eat shit!”

Someone immediately said something, with a tone full of ridicule towards Li Beifei, which made everyone laugh. Naturally, they did not believe that Li Beifei would get the first place in the finals, but They might as well use Li Beifei as a joke.

At this time, Bai Yifei and others were sitting in the specially arranged auditorium, and happened to hear Long Yun’s shameless words.

Xuan Mingzi sneered: “There are still people who like those dirty things. Could it be that they are dogs?”

“Woof woof…”

Xuan Mingzi’s words obviously contained a certain dragon that turned into a dog.

Li Beifei’s leisurely wandering was not just wandering around, but discussing with the sixth child in his body.

“Lao Liu, which one of these stones is the most precious?” Li Beifei asked.

“There are three stones, and the treasures cut out of them are of almost the same value.” Lao Liu didn’t talk nonsense. Those people mocking Li Beifei were equivalent to mocking him, so naturally he wouldn’t cheat Li Beifei.

“Three pieces?”

Li Beifei was surprised in his heart, and at the same time extremely regretful. Everyone could only choose one stone, so he would miss the other two treasures. I didn’t know that it was okay, but now that I know, it was extremely distressing.

“Lao Liu, it’s all your fault. I’m in a big loss now!” Li Beifei passed the blame to Lao Liu. Who asked him to tell him three yuan? Just tell him one yuan!

Lao Liu ignored Li Beifei’s complaints and said to himself: “That piece in the east corner contains a semi-miracle medicine. There is a fist-sized fairy mark orange gold hidden in that piece over there. Finally, there is a piece over there. There is a skull inside!”

Li Beifei, who was recording the location according to Lao Liu’s instructions, was startled when he heard what was inside the last stone king.

“Bone again?” Li Beifei thought that he was related to things belonging to the dead. Yesterday, he cut out a quasi-emperor’s hand bone, and now another bone appeared.

“It’s not a bone, it’s a skull!” Lao Liu corrected.

“It’s different?” Li Beifei asked.


Li Beifei was about to go to the Stone King where the immortal gold was hidden, but Lao Liu in his body said: “I suggest you choose that skull.” ”


Li Beifei was puzzled, but he still stopped.

“Because that skull is golden!” Lao Liu said.

“Then what?” Li Beifei continued to ask. Golden skulls are not unusual. There are so many races in the universe, and it is normal for some races to have golden bones.

“Although this skull’s true form is only at the peak of Quasi-Emperor, he practiced the Immortal Sutra during his lifetime.” Lao Liu said.

“The Immortal Sutra?” Li Beifei was even more confused. He had never heard of the Immortal Sutra, but the name sounded pretty cool.

“I let you choose, why do you talk so much nonsense? What a bitch!” Lao Liu was angry.


“Damn, am I the host or are you the host?” Li Beifei cursed, but he still listened to Lao Liu’s words and walked up to the Stone King who had the skull.

This stone king was only as tall as an adult, but three feet wide. It looked like a fat man sitting in front of Li Beifei.

When he thought of Fatty, Li Beifei couldn’t help but think of Duan Fei who was far away on Beichen Star.

“I don’t know how well this kid has managed the sect!” Li Beifei muttered, and then made his mark on the “big fat man” stone king in front of him. Only he has the rights to this stone king now. Disposed of.

The time from when Li Beifei asked Lao Liu to when he decided on the stone was only a dozen breaths. It was beyond the audience’s expectation that he picked the stone so quickly, but it seemed to be reasonable.

“As expected, people rely on luck again.”

“Damn, I’m so envious and jealous. Why can he kill the Stone King without any ability at all?”

The audience was so jealous of Li Beifei that they went crazy. There are few people who are willing to spend 10,000 high-grade source crystals to come here who don’t like stone gambling. No matter who they are, they dream of cutting a stone king themselves. There are even some people who are addicted to stone gambling. This is likened to becoming a saint!

It can be seen from this that Li Beifei chose a stone so casually, which was a heavy blow to them.

Yuan Tian naturally saw this scene, and he said disdainfully: “Fantasy!”

What kind of whimsy? Naturally, it is fanciful for Li Beifei to get the first place by luck.

Li Beifei is not a person who can tolerate being scolded, not to mention that now that he is in disguise, he is even more unscrupulous.

He walked to Yuan Tian without looking at Yuan Tian, and said as if talking to himself: “A dog was cut out yesterday, will a cat be cut out today? I’m really looking forward to it!” ”

You…” Yuan The weather is urgent. The news that he cut out a big black dog yesterday has spread throughout Zixiao City. He is the heir of the Yuan family, but he cut out a dog. This news will undoubtedly be a big blow to him and even his family. It was a humiliation, but for the sake of the Yuan family, others did not dare to mention it openly in front of Yuan Tian, but Li Beifei was not the others. In terms of background, who was older than him? He is the direct disciple of the Holy Emperor, although this personal disciple is a bit unjustifiable.

Yuan Tian was so angry that even the running source technique stopped for a moment, but Li Beifei seemed not to see or hear, and continued to talk to himself: “I brought the dog here today, right at the guest viewing platform. While watching, it must be thanks to someone that it can reappear in the sky!”


Yuan Tian’s breath was unstable and he almost tripped over the Stone King in front of him.

“Master Purple Shirt, I protest. This person has been interfering with me and preventing me from making a normal choice!” Yuan Tian couldn’t defeat Li Beifei, so he protested to the host, Master Purple Shirt.

But before the Master in Purple Shirt spoke, Li Beifei spoke.

“There is no rule in the finals of the Stone Fighting Festival that you cannot interfere with your opponent.”

“This…” The Master in Purple Shirt was confused for a moment, but Li Beifei was right. There is indeed no express rule that no interference is allowed in the Stone Fighting Festival. Opponents, but that’s because for so many years, everyone in every final has been fully focused on selecting the Stone King. How can they have the time or the mind to interfere with other people?

Yuan Tian was stunned for a moment, and when the others saw this, they immediately retracted their words that they wanted to mock Li Beifei. They didn’t want to be interfered by Li Beifei. If you don’t see, even the heirs of the Yuan family of the Golden Family could not function normally under his interference. Have you chosen a stone?

Seeing this, the Master in Purple Shirt was speechless for a moment. In a blink of an eye, he came to the referee’s seat and said, “Everyone, you are the referees of this event. It is you who have to decide this matter!”

The Master in Purple Shirt also said If he directly prevents Li Beifei from interfering with Yuan Tian, although judging from the current mood of the audience, it will not have any impact. This stone fighting event is a once-in-a-century event, hosted by the immortal forces of the Eastern Region in turn. If he If he tried to stop Li Beifei, he would inevitably fall into the trap, and from a personal emotional point of view and to safeguard the interests of Ziwei Holy Land, he hoped that Yuan Tian would choose a not-so-good stone under Li Beifei’s interference.

After all, Yuan Tian’s Origin Art attainments are already terrifying. Even if the Holy Land has sent Origin Art masters to help out, it is not necessarily guaranteed that he can defeat Yuan Tian.

Dou Shi, in addition to strength, also requires a bit of luck. The man named Li is a good example.

But since Yuan Tian had already protested, he had to do nothing, so he had no choice but to kick the ball to the person sitting on the referee’s bench.

The representative of Ziwei Holy Land naturally had the same thoughts as Master Zishan. He wished that Li Beifei kept disturbing Yuan Tian, so he smiled and said: “Everyone, you decide. I am not easy to talk to!

” Nodding to express understanding, Ziwei Holy Land, as the organizer, was embarrassed to express its stance.

“We are holding a stone fighting event. Although there is no explicit rule not to interfere with the opponent, there is no rule to interfere with the opponent. Let that kid stop!” The representative of Taishi Holy Land laughed.

The rest of the people also agreed one after another. The Qin family and Dao Sheng Sect Long Taoist all agreed. They all thought that Yuan Tian could win the first place and then win when he challenged Ziwei Holy Land. In that case, Ziwei Holy Land would not be able to steal the chicken. Lost a lot of rice.

The representative of Ziwei Holy Land naturally knew the inner thoughts of these people, but he was helpless. Although they took turns hosting the stone fighting event, they were competitors after all. If he thought about it from their perspective, he would also hope that Yuan Tian could win.

“What do you two think?” Seeing that neither Gu Youxian nor the middle-aged beautiful woman spoke, the representative of Ziwei Holy Land couldn’t help but ask. As long as any one of them holds an opposite opinion to the representative of Taishi Holy Land, he can make some moves to make Li Beifei Continue to interfere.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, listen to you!” The beautiful middle-aged woman said to Gu Youxian.

The Yaochi Holy Land and the Gu family are related by relatives. For hundreds of thousands of years, most of the saints in the Yaochi Holy Land have married into the Gu family. To a certain extent, the attitude of the Gu family will represent the attitude of the Yaochi Holy Land. That’s why the beautiful middle-aged woman is now so Said, there is nothing strange about the others.

Gu Youxian laughed and said, “I don’t have any objections!”

No objections? What do you mean, do you have no objections to Li Beifei’s interference with Yuan Tian, or do you have no objections to the suggestions put forward by representatives of the Taishi Holy Land?

But the middle-aged beautiful woman understood Gu Youxian’s words.

“Then let him stop interfering!”

Finally, Master Purple Shirt came forward to ask Li Beifei to stop interfering with Yuan Tian.

“Tch, it’s boring!” Li Beifei hissed, then sat in front of the stone he chose, leaning on the stone, but he asked about the Immortal Sutra in his heart.

“The Immortal Sutra is a legendary body-training technique!” Lao Liu said.

“You haven’t even seen it?” Li Beifei secretly smacked his lips. Lao Liu is known as the number one plug-in in Three Thousand Chaos, and he even uses the word “legend”. One can imagine how many origins this Immortal Sutra has. Amazing.

“I’m just a plug-in, I’m not omnipotent and omniscient.” Lao Liu really wanted to roll his eyes at Li Beifei. Apart from anything else, Gu Changsheng didn’t know what state or strength he was in now. It would be very difficult to have another Immortal Sutra. Is it strange?

“Then how do you know the Immortal Sutra?” Li Beifei was chewing on the words.

“Because the existence of the Immortal Sutra is similar to me!” Lao Liu said.

“I was born in the Hongmeng space, and the Immortal Sutra is also a skill conceived in the Hongmeng space. It’s just that since the collapse of Hongmeng, no one has really perfected the Immortal Sutra, so over time, the Immortal Sutra has become three thousand Chaos is a legend.”

“Hiss…” Li Beifei gasped, how many strong men there are in the three thousand Chaos, countless is not enough to describe, there is no one who has cultivated the Immortal Sutra to a great extent, then no The appearance of the annihilating sutra will be extremely powerful.

“That’s not right. Then why can a quasi-emperor at the peak of his level be able to practice the Immortal Sutra?” Li Beifei asked.

“I think you misunderstood what I said. I meant that no one has truly cultivated the Immortal Sutra to great perfection, but I’m not saying that no one can cultivate it. How do you think the owner of the skull cultivated to the peak of the quasi-emperor? Then It’s because he almost cultivated the first level of the Immortal Sutra to the entry level. If he successfully cultivates to the entry level, he can prove himself and become an emperor, and he will also be an extremely powerful emperor.” Li Beifei was

shocked by Lao Liu’s words. He asked: “Which one is stronger, the Immortal Sutra or the thirty-three days of creation and creation?”

“Are you insulting our Hongmeng birth existence?” Lao Liu asked in return.

“Uh…” Lao Liu didn’t need to answer, he knew which one was more powerful.

“As long as you practice the Immortal Sutra to the seventh level, you can control the three thousand chaotic worlds.”

“You are so awesome. If I practice the Immortal Sutra to a great level, wouldn’t I be able to make Gu Changsheng kneel down and sing Conquer? ?”

Li Beifei suddenly thought about letting his master sing “Conquer”.

Fortunately, Lao Liu has no face, otherwise he would definitely have a dark face at this moment. You haven’t even gotten the Immortal Sutra yet, and you are starting to fantasize. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk tsk, Gu Changsheng would be so unlucky to have a master and rebel disciple like you!

“The Immortal Sutra?” Gu Changsheng had a thoughtful look on his face.

“This is very suitable for a daughter-in-law to practice!” Gu Changsheng used to worry about how to make his unborn daughter-in-law stronger. Not to mention becoming as strong as him, but at least the life level cannot be too different, otherwise the bridal chamber will be closed. , my wife can’t bear it!

The appearance of the Immortal Sutra is just right!

“However, it seems that this boy has not been taught love education for more than a year. As the saying goes, if he has not been given a Fang Jie Wa for three days, and he has not been beaten for more than a year, this boy will be in trouble! ”

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