Instant Kill in Nirvana Realm

In Tianji Pavilion, Tianjizi was doing his daily practice. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart. He opened his eyes and a flash of divine light flashed. Then he stood up and came outside the hall, looking in a certain direction.

“Good disciple, good disciple, it’s not that I won’t save you as a master, but you are actually too far away from me, and I am helpless as a master.” Although Tianjizi

said this, he couldn’t hide the smile on his face. No, but what he said makes some sense. Although Tianji Pavilion and Zixiao City belong to the same Eastern Territory, Tianji Pavilion is located almost in the extreme east of the Eastern Territory, while Zixiao City is located in the extreme west of the Eastern Territory, spanning the entire Eastern Territory. mainland.

“Hey, I hope you turn the bad luck into good luck!” Tianjizi smiled, and actually announced directly to the public that he was going to retreat. If Bai Yifei knew, he didn’t know if he would cry, why his master was so unreliable.

Outside Zixiao City.

After Li Beifei and the other two used the Yi Rong Dan to change their bodies again, they left Zuixianju. In order to deceive others, they did not leave together, but left one by one, and finally gathered outside the city.

Originally they thought that even if this method was not foolproof, they could temporarily avoid some informants, but unfortunately, the Shen family was not the only one who was targeting them. They were targeted as soon as they left Zuixianju.

Several people had already guessed that these forces would rather kill than let go, but when it came to this situation, they still felt helpless.

In a dense forest, several people gathered together and were discussing something. Xuan Mingzi looked at Li Beifei dissatisfied.

“Boss, you look down on us too much, don’t you? You attract their attention yourself and let us escape first? I, Xuan Mingzi, can’t do such an unloyalty thing.” The

rest of the people also had dissatisfaction written on their faces.

Li Beifei was helpless and said: “The target of the five of us is too big. The five of us are together. No matter how we change our body shape, they will see it at a glance. Instead of doing this, it is better for us to act separately. They are targeting me.” I’ll go out to attract their attention. You can go back and bring in reinforcements!”

A few people frowned slightly. They all understood the truth, but the way Li Beifei did this was too dangerous. If they didn’t have time to recruit troops, Please come, Li Beifei has an accident. If this happens, they will feel bad for the rest of their lives.

At this time, Xia Wuji also felt a little regretful. He took the lead in this operation. Originally, it was just to let Ziwei Holy Land suffer some losses at the Stone Fighting Festival, but he didn’t expect that Li Beifei was so powerful and the things he cut out were always better than the others.

At this time, there was some rustling movement outside the dense forest.

Li Beifei said quickly: “Don’t hesitate, don’t worry, I won’t die so easily.”

I can even take Gu Changsheng’s fist and slap, but these ordinary people want to keep me, Li Beifei?

“Then…Boss, do you have anything else you want me to bring to Fairy Tsing Yi?” Xuan Mingzi no longer insisted.

“Get out!” Li Beifei glared at Xuan Mingzi, damn it, as if I wanted to leave my last words.

“Oh, okay, I will pass it on to Fairy Tsing Yi truthfully.” Xuan Mingzi nodded.

“Fuck!” Li Beifei ignored him and said, “Go out to attract their attention later, and you can find a chance to leave.”

Several people nodded, and Li Ruoyu said, “Brother Li, you hold on for a few days, and I’ll return to the sect. Please ask my master to take action.”

“Hey, it’s only a few days, no problem.”

After Li Beifei said that, he transformed again into the appearance of participating in the stone fighting event, and then walked out of the dense forest.

Looking at Li Beifei’s desolate back, several people somehow felt a tragic feeling of a hero who will never return.

As for Li Beifei, he was currently asking the sixth child in his body.

“How about it? Do you have the feeling that a strong man is gone and never comes back?”

“Idiot!” Lao Liu said with contempt.

“Hehe, this can be regarded as compensation for cheating them.” Li Beifei smiled. Why did he say he cheated them? Of course, it was about recruiting them to join the Seven Star Sword Sect. In this matter, he did not say clearly that the Seven Star Sword Sect would face the three quasi-emperor forces in eight or nine years.

The process of their acquaintance was for their own benefit at the beginning. Bai Yifei and others were interested in the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill in his hand, while he was interested in the power behind them. It can be said that both sides were interested in it at the beginning. Maintained by interest relationships.

But over time, they got along and became close friends. Bai Yifei and the others no longer mentioned the Nine Revolutions Life-Sustaining Pill, and he naturally felt a little guilty for tricking them into joining the sect, so he took advantage of this opportunity Chance wants to make it up to them.

In Lao Liu’s view, this kind of behavior is extremely stupid. In Lao Liu’s view, it’s enough to just confess. If you have to engage in these life-and-death scenes, who should you show it to?

“Boss, take care!”

“Brother Li, take care!”

Well, I didn’t expect these little guys to really believe it. Lao Liu was speechless.

Li Beifei didn’t even look back, he just waved to them.

At this time, dozens of monks were already surrounding outside the dense forest. They all came from different forces in Zixiao City, and the strongest among them was naturally the Shen family.

Shen Huan stood in the center of a group of people like a star holding the moon. Next to him were three monks with powerful auras, each of whom was at least as good as the fifth level of Nirvana.

In Shen Huan’s view, Li Beifei and the others were at the eighth level of the Life and Death Realm. One Nirvana Realm monk could crush them. However, in order to ensure safety and deter other forces, the Shen family sent three Nirvana Realm monks.

Nirvana monks are the mainstay in all major forces, while monks above the Transcendent realm, even in the Immortal Force, are elders and deacons, and they will obviously not easily participate in the pursuit.

It can be said that the three Nirvana monks next to Shen Huan are already the strongest among these pursuers.

“Hey, there are so many people!”

At this moment, a voice sounded. To Shen Huan, this voice sounded so mean and harsh.

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“Li Yifei (Li Beifei’s pseudonym for the competition)!” Shen Huan said through gritted teeth as he looked at the figure walking out of the dense forest.

“It’s you. Why did you find so many people to chase me after I lost only five million high-grade source crystals?” Li Beifei secretly paid attention to these people, but he breathed a sigh of relief. The three strongest people were only in the Nirvana realm. No. Speaking of him, Xuan Mingzi can defeat these people, but for the sake of safety, he has to hide his strength. Otherwise, if he is too strong, the opponent will send extraordinary and above strong men to chase him, and he will be in despair. escaped.

“Hmph, don’t pretend to be dumbfounded. Hand over the treasures on your body and I will consider letting you live.” Shen Huan said coldly.

“Oh, that’s what you’re talking about!”

Li Beifei looked like he suddenly understood, and even took out the Quasi-Emperor Skull and the Immortal Mark Orange Golden Boy and dangled them in front of them.

“Yes, that’s it, hand it over quickly!” Shen Huan looked greedily at the Quasi-Emperor Skull and Immortal Mark Orange Gold in Li Beifei’s hand. Not only him, but others were also attracted by the treasure in Li Beifei’s hand.

This is what Li Beifei wants.

He chuckled, put away the two treasures, and said, “If you want them, you have to catch up with me.”

After saying that, Li Beifei turned into a rainbow and flew away into the distance.


Shen Huan gave an order, launched a magic boat, and chased after him with three Nirvana monks, while people from other forces also used their own methods to fly towards Li Beifei.

All of a sudden, those who were chasing Li Beifei were lured away by Li Beifei.

After a long time, several strangers walked out of the dense forest, and they looked in the direction in which Li Beifei was leaving.

“Brother Li, take care!”

Then several people turned into streams of light and flew away from all directions.

As time went by, Shen Huan and the others found that the gap between themselves and Li Beifei seemed to be always at a certain distance. No matter how much he urged the magic boat to speed up, the distance did not shorten.

Just when Shen Huan was confused, Li Beifei in front suddenly slowed down.

When Shen Huan saw this, his face was overjoyed, “Quick, he can’t hold on anymore.”

“Can’t hold on?”

Li Beifei stopped and turned to look at them.

Except for Shen Huan, most of these people were around the seventh level of life and death realm. They were obviously some forces who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

“Boy, I will give you one last chance to hand over the treasure and spare your life.” Seeing Li Beifei stop, Shen Huan said arrogantly.

Li Beifei did not answer him, but muttered: “It should be almost done.”

“Boy, what did you say?” Shen Huan frowned, this Li Yifei, how could he be so calm even when he was about to die?

“Does your father have a grudge against you?” Li Beifei looked at Shen Huan.


“If you don’t have any hatred, I sent three Nirvana realms to protect you. Isn’t this asking for death?”

Li Beifei said, and took out the Tianshu Sword.

“Master, be careful!”

As soon as a Nirvana monk in front of Shen Huan finished speaking, a sharp sword light split him in two.


This scene made everyone shudder. A monk at the eighth level of the life and death realm instantly killed a strong man at the fifth level of the nirvana realm. Is this too outrageous?

“Who are you?” Shen Huan looked horrified and asked Li Beifei loudly.


Guess your sister! Shen Huan almost vomited blood, but he suddenly panicked. He could instantly kill the fifth level of Nirvana with his cultivation level of the eighth level of the life and death realm. The origin of this person is definitely not simple. Could it be that he is a peerless genius whose strength cannot be hidden?

“Come up, come together!”

Shen Huan said to the remaining two Nirvana monks. They were all strong men at the seventh level of Nirvana, much stronger than the one who was killed instantly.

The two looked at each other and actually divided their forces into two groups to outflank Li Beifei.

But their fate was the same as that of the previous one. They saw two sword lights flash past, and before they had time to react, their heads were in different places.

“Too weak!”

Li Beifei muttered, which made the other party break into a cold sweat.

weak? How could the Nirvana realm be weak? If the Nirvana realm was not weak, that could only mean that Li Beifei was too strong.

“It’s your turn!”

Li Beifei looked at Shen Huan. After dealing with these people, he still had to deal with bigger troubles. Just now Lao Liu told him that in the distance, a powerful monk was coming as fast as he could.

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