: One person, one dog and one turtle kill extraordinary people

“What do you want to do? Don’t come here. I am the sole heir of the Shen family of the saint family. If you attack me, the Shen family will not let you go.”

Shen Huan looked at Li Beifei walking towards him and was frightened. He had to retreat continuously, and the three Nirvana realms arranged by the family were all killed by Li Beifei instantly. He was only a monk in the life and death realm, how could he be Li Beifei’s opponent?

The people from other forces were about to run away, but before they could get far, they were nailed to the void by the sword energy and could no longer die.

When Li Beifei slashed at Shen Huan with his sword, a shield appeared on Shen Huan’s body and his sword blocked it.

“Huh?” Li Beifei was stunned for a moment, but then he was relieved. After all, Shen Huan is also the heir of the Shen family. Even if he is a playboy, it cannot be justified if he does not have some life-saving magic weapon.

When Shen Huan saw that Li Beifei’s attack was blocked by the shield emitted by the treasure robe on his body, the panic on his face gradually disappeared, and then there was a flash of excitement.

“Boy, what if you can kill the Nirvana monks? The treasured clothes on my body can withstand the attacks of the extraordinary monks.”

Shen Huan’s face was full of disdain for Li Beifei. He did not believe that Li Beifei could break the defense of his treasured clothes. .

“It’s really troublesome!” Li Beifei looked at Shen Huan who was protected by the shield. He originally wanted to hide his strength, but now if he doesn’t show his true strength, he obviously won’t be able to break the shield. He doesn’t want to let it go. Shen Huan, when dealing with enemies, you should kill them all!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared above, attracting Li Beifei’s attention.

“Damn, so fast!” Li Beifei cursed secretly. The figure in the sky exuded a powerful aura. He was a strong man in the extraordinary realm. As for how far he had gone in the extraordinary realm, Li Beifei couldn’t feel it.

“Fifth elder!”

Shen Huan’s eyes lit up and he recognized the person in the sky. They were the fifth elder of the Shen family, and their cultivation had reached the third level of the extraordinary realm.

“Fifth Elder, take him down quickly, he has immortal gold and the skull of a quasi-emperor on him!” Shen Huan said loudly.

Li Beifei’s heart was awe-inspiring. He was now only at the eighth level of the life and death realm, two realms away from the extraordinary realm. He was confident that he could win the ordinary ninth level of Nirvana realm, but in the extraordinary realm, even at the first level of the extraordinary realm, he had to be careful. treatment.

Now facing the unknown fifth elder of the Shen family, Li Beifei was extremely cautious, but he never thought about escaping.

“The old guy must be watching from a corner, watching me kill the enemy across two realms, which makes him blush!”

Li Beifei muttered.

“…” Gu Changsheng.

“Haha…” The White Tiger Demon Emperor smiled. She had a preference for Li Beifei. After all, he called her Aunt Bai. If Gu Changsheng hadn’t allowed it, she would have smoothed over those who wanted to attack him. Li Beifei had the power to take action.

“You!” Gu Changsheng shook his head helplessly, why are you so optimistic about this kid?

When the fifth elder of the Shen family saw Shen Huan hiding in the shield, his eyes narrowed.

“Fifth Elder, why don’t you take action to take him down? Take action quickly!” Shen Huan shouted loudly, not showing the respect he should have for a strong man in the extraordinary realm. Li Beifei saw it, if he was this Fifth Elder If he did, he would definitely shoot Shen Huan to death while no one else was around. As for his enemy, it didn’t matter if he saw it. Can he believe what the enemy said?

“Fifth elder, why don’t you take action?”

Shen Huan continued to call, but the fifth elder of the Shen family did not take action. He seemed to be thinking about something, and looked at Shen Huan with an inexplicable look.

Li Beifei noticed his look and was shocked.

“This guy doesn’t really want to kill Shen Huan, does he?” The more Li Beifei thought about it, the more likely it was. Now there was no one else except him. After the fifth elder killed Shen Huan, he could blame him. Then the Fifth Elder took action to kill him, and then no one in the world knew about it. As for Gu Changsheng, Li Beifei had already excluded him from the category of human beings.

As for why the fifth elder wanted to kill Shen Huan, the reason is very simple. For a family of saints to want a playboy to be the heir, this would be harmful to the development of the family but not beneficial. As for why Shen Huan can become the heir, this is It’s not Li Beifei who can know.

“Fifth Elder…”

Shen Huan shouted loudly to the Fifth Elder. At this time, the Fifth Elder moved so fast that Li Beifei only saw a flickering shadow.


There was a muffled sound, and the shield around Shen Huan’s body shattered. Shen Huan looked at his chest with confusion on his face, and a big hand exuding blood-red aura penetrated from behind him. His body was filled with blood. He was very familiar with this big blood-red hand. It was the fifth elder’s famous secret skill, the Blood Cloud Hand!

“Why?” Even if he is penetrated through the heart, he will not die instantly with his cultivation in the life and death realm. Although Shen Huan is a playboy, he is also a solid monk in the life and death realm. Naturally, he will not die immediately. He is asking, asking five questions Why did the elder take action against him?

The fifth elder looked like a very cold middle-aged man. He said: “For the Shen family to continue to exist forever!”

After saying that, a powerful aura erupted from the fifth elder’s body, and “boom” With a loud sound, Shen Huan’s body exploded into a ball of blood mist, leaving no residue behind. Apparently, in order to prevent others from discovering it, the fifth elder directly destroyed the body and eliminated any traces.

Then he even attacked the corpses killed by Li Beifei, and the powerful force exploded them into blood mist. When Li Beifei saw this, he couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

The methods of the fifth elder of the Shen family were too cold and clever. If Shen Huan was the only one who exploded into blood mist, and the others were just cut into pieces by Li Beifei, that would obviously leave clues, so he took action directly, not even sparing the corpses. , all exploded into blood mist, so even if Li Beifei could escape, he could justifiably blame Li Beifei for Shen Huan’s death.

With no evidence to prove, Li Beifei’s enemy is naturally a good scapegoat.

Sure enough, there are too few stupid people like Shen Huan in the world of immortal cultivation. Those who can succeed in cultivation are not only as smart as demons, but they are also cunning and cunning.

“Hand over the quasi-emperor’s skull and fairy gold, and keep your whole body!”

The fifth elder said to Li Beifei calmly, without taking Li Beifei seriously at all.

This is normal. Which Transcendent Realm powerhouse would consider a Life and Death Realm powerhouse as an opponent? The Fifth Elder has reached the third level of the Transcendent Realm. Li Beifei is only at the eighth level of the Life and Death Realm. Let alone the eighth level of the Life and Death Realm. Even if he is at the eighth level of the Nirvana Realm, he will not take Li Beifei seriously.

“You want me to hand over my things and you want to kill me? Do you think I’m stupid? Or are you too stupid?”

Li Beifei laughed, his laughter was so sarcastic.

“Seeking death!” The fifth elder’s face turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, a huge palm of spiritual power condensed in the air and flew towards Li Bei.

Li Beifei’s eyes were like lightning, and he waved the Tianshu Sword against his spiritual palm, and an arc-shaped sword energy shot out.


The sword energy and spiritual power collided with the palm, and the powerful sword energy instantly tore the palm and split it into two.

“Huh?” The fifth elder was stunned for a moment. Although his palm did not use his full strength, it was not something that ordinary Nirvana monks could resist. But now it was broken by a little guy at the eighth level of the life and death realm.

“Did he hide his cultivation?” the fifth elder thought to himself.

Naturally, Li Beifei did not hide his cultivation. He was just using the magic of creation for thirty-three days. The sword just now increased his combat power by ten times. In addition, Li Beifei’s own strength was not weak, so he could easily kill him. The spiritual power palm breaks it.

“Tianshu Sword Domain!”

When the fifth elder was stunned, Li Beifei directly opened the long-lost Tianshu Sword Domain, and then slashed at the fifth elder with the Tianshu Sword.


The fifth elder, enveloped by the Tianshu Sword Domain, felt a powerful binding force, which not only bound his physical body, but also the spiritual power in his body and the consciousness in the divine sea.

“You want to compete with me just because of this? You’re talking nonsense!”

The fifth elder’s cold words sounded, and then, his body suddenly exuded a powerful aura, resisting the binding power of Tianshu Sword Domain, and he stretched out a A blood-red hand exuded a terrifying and bloody aura.

“Blood cloud hand!”

The fifth elder shouted softly, and patted Li Beifei with a bloody handprint.

“Xueyun?” Li Beifei suddenly thought of a certain Blood Cloud Tower that was destroyed by his master.

“With this name, you won’t be able to die today!” Li Beifei roared, his sword energy surged, and the Tianshu Sword showed its sharp edge. At the same time, he used thirty-three days of creation magic to create an invisible and formless sword energy.

Traceless swordsmanship!


The traceless sword intent and the blood-colored handprints collided in the air, and the aftermath of the burst of energy spread to the surroundings. The surrounding mountains could not withstand the violent fluctuations, and collapsed one after another, and the rocks penetrated the air, changing the terrain here. .


At this time, a bloody figure appeared in the sky. Li Beifei’s eyes turned cold. He could smell the strong smell of blood at the bloody figure. What magical powers did this fifth elder cultivate?

“Blood cloud big handprint!”

The bloody figure was naturally the fifth elder. He shouted loudly and slapped Li Beifei. A bloody handprint that was dozens of times larger than before pressed towards Li Beifei.

Li Beifei was shocked. At this moment, he actually felt a kind of mental pressure.


At this time, Li Beifei saw a scalp-numbing scene. The huge bloody handprint was actually composed of countless blood-red skulls. The skulls exuded extremely heavy resentment and resentment, and turned into countless wronged souls. He got into Li Beifei’s divine sea and gave him inexplicable pressure.

“You actually sacrificed so many people in order to practice your magical power?” Li Beifei’s voice was cold, and the sword intent on his body was like an abyss and a prison, condensed into a giant sword, resisting the bloody handprints.

“They are just ordinary ants. There are so many human beings in my race. They can be the nourishment for me to practice my magical powers. It is the highest honor in their lives.” The

fifth elder is so cold that he actually regards the mortals of the same race as ants.

“You deserve to die!”

Li Beifei roared angrily, and the Tianshu Sword emitted a burst of powerful sword intent, slashing towards the fifth elder in the sky, but was easily blocked by the bloody handprint.

“It’s just the eighth level of the realm of life and death. Do you think you can go against the will of heaven? Forget it, I will suppress you quickly and change will happen later!” The fifth elder whispered. The Shen family

was not the only one who wanted to attack Li Beifei. He was the first one to take action, and also the fastest one.

Li Beifei actually nodded and said, “You’re right. Originally, I wanted to suppress you personally, but now it seems that I can’t.”

He was confident of suppressing the fifth elder, but it would take a certain amount of time, but now he is Being chased by people who were worried about the treasure didn’t give him much time to show off his muscles.

Now, he needs to use some unconventional means.


the fifth elder roared angrily. Just as he was about to use all his strength to suppress Li Beifei, he suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his butt.


He looked back and saw a big black dog standing up as tall as a man biting his butt.


Suddenly, the fifth elder cried out in pain, and the big black dog actually tore off a piece of meat.

“Damn, that’s disgusting!”

The big black dog spat out the pieces of meat in his mouth.

“You evil beast, you are looking for death!” the fifth elder shouted angrily and slapped the big black dog, but only a “bang” sound was heard. The big black dog was only repelled by the powerful force, but there was no damage at all. .

“Comfortable, where did you learn your massage techniques? It’s much more comfortable than that fist named Xuan Mingzi.” The big black dog smiled mischievously.

The fifth elder stared at the big black dog in disbelief. At this moment, he felt another severe pain. He lowered his head and saw that the ghosts of the dead were coming out. A turtle that was only as big as two palms was actually Biting his crotch.

“Woof woof, you damn turtle, you have such a special hobby.” The big black dog mocked beside him.

“Shut up, this is a painful point.” Li Wangba cursed, and then pulled hard.

That scene, that bloody scene, made Gu Changsheng above the clouds cover the eyes of the White Tiger Demon Emperor.

“Don’t look at it, it’s the one with the eye of a needle.”


“Well done!” Li Beifei shouted, but there was an extra sword in his hand, it was the second sword Tianxuan Sword!

Li Beifei controlled two swords that had reached the level of holy weapons, and used the thirty-three days of creation magic to the extreme that he could bear – eighteen times, and pierced the blood cloud hand seal. Then he came to the five elders and stood in front of him. With the cooperation of Big Black Dog and Li Wangba, one sword pierced the heart of the fifth elder, and the other sword pierced the head of the fifth elder.

“You… you…”

The fifth elder never expected that he would die in the hands of an eighth-level life and death realm.

“Bastard, take his storage ring.” Li Beifei said.

“Okay!” Li Wangba responded, biting off the fifth elder’s finger that was wearing the storage ring, and then took off the storage ring.


At this moment, a powerful aura came from the distance, and there were more than one!


Li Beifei said and sat directly on the big black dog, while Li Wangba stood on Li Beifei’s shoulders.

“Woof, woof, don’t forget the benefits you promised me!”

the big black dog barked, and then his figure flashed, and he traveled hundreds of miles with one step. In an instant, he had already escaped thousands of miles.

Shrinking the ground into an inch, as Li Wangba said, is the best choice for killing people, stealing goods, and running away for one’s life.

When the pursuers arrived, they had already fled thousands of miles away.

“This is… the fifth elder of the Shen family?”

Three figures with powerful auras landed next to the body of the fifth elder.

“Isn’t this too tragic? Even that thing was broken!”

Someone’s mouth twitched.

“The cultivation of the fifth elder of the Shen family has reached the third level of the Transcendent Realm. Even he has fallen into the opponent’s hands. We must be careful.” “If that

doesn’t work, we can ask for help from the Holy Land.”

“Yes, he actually defeated us in the Stone Fighting Competition. If you want to leave like this, I’m afraid it’s impossible.”

The three of them talked to each other, and then they chased in the direction where Li Beifei and the others escaped. Their speed was also very fast, no slower than the big black dog.

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