This man is definitely insidious and cunning

No one except the Shen family knew about the heavy death.

The Shen family also learned about it because the family’s heavy fate card was broken.

The life card is a treasure used in the world of immortality to connect the monks’ spiritual thoughts. The monk places a touch of spiritual thought on the life card. If the monk himself dies, the divine thought in the life card will be broken, causing the life card to explode. In this way, I learned about the situation of the monks operating in the outside world.

Of course, things like life cards can only be stored in monks below the saint. It is absolutely impossible for the saint and above. A saint can tear the earth with a single hair, and a touch of divine thought can move mountains and fill seas. How could it be possible? A life card can carry it.

The Shen family also learned about the death of Shen Shen because Shen Shen’s fate card suddenly shattered. The death of the family head is naturally an earth-shattering event for a family. Under normal circumstances, the whole family will use their strength to avenge the head of the family, but Shen Shen died suddenly and suddenly, and the Shen family concealed it immediately. Was it because the Shen family only had a strong man like Shen Shen, and they were afraid that their enemies would seek revenge if the rumors were known?

Of course not. From the cold killing of Shen Huan by the fifth elder of the Shen family, we can know that the Shen family is not so harmonious and heavy. Maybe some Shen family members will applaud.

Of course, one of the people who applauded was the eldest elder of the Shen family. His cultivation level was the same as that of Zhong Zhong, but his combat power was slightly lower than that of Zhong Zhong. When he learned of Zhong Zhong’s death, he immediately jumped out to take charge of the overall situation of the Shen family. Supporters who wanted to avenge Heavy were scolded by him.

“Revenge? Do you know who the enemy is? You don’t naively think that a young monk at the eighth level of life and death can kill the family master, right? The family master died less than a cup of tea away. The cultivation level of the person who took action must be Much more powerful than the head of the family, otherwise the head of the family would not have fallen so quickly and wanted revenge? Do you want our Shen family to fall into a situation that is beyond redemption?” Faced with the words of the

great elder, those who were supportive also calmed down. They initially It was because he was so irritated by the message of heavy body death that he went to his head. Now that he heard what the great elder said, and after thinking about it for a moment, he knew that the death of the family leader would not be that simple.

Seeing that they were silent, the Great Elder continued: “You must know that the forces that know and want to seize the quasi-emperor’s skull and immortal gold are not only our Shen family, but those Immortal Holy Lands will not let that monk go. .”

“That monk” naturally refers to Li Beifei.

“Great Elder, what should we do? Did the family leader die in vain?” someone asked.

The great elder shook his head and said: “Of course the family master’s death cannot be in vain, but we can’t act rashly. We can no longer entertain the idea of immortal gold and quasi-emperor skulls. I guess the death of the family master is related to this.”

“You mean. , the head of the family personally took action, alarming the strong men in the Holy Land, and then they took action…”

“Hush, be careful!” The great elder glared at him, and then made a look that everyone understood.

“Damn it!” Someone roared angrily, thinking that his family leader died in the hands of the Holy Land. Even if they came out in full force, they would still be no match for the Holy Land.

The eldest elder of the Shen family didn’t know that just because he gave up chasing Li Beifei and allowed the Shen family to continue to survive in the future, the fifth elder’s words to kill Shen Huan were considered effective.

It is always bad to be chased by others. Li Beifei was thinking about how to make a strong counterattack at this time. No matter who is chasing him or the force, tell them that even if they are just a person at the eighth level of life and death realm, The little monk is not something to be manipulated casually.

But now, he first has to evade the pursuers of the three transcendental peaks behind him. He is confident that he can suppress and defeat the fifth transcendental third-level elder of the Shen family, but if they want to escape, he cannot stop them. Fortunately, he has Two helpers.

A turtle is named Tortoise, and a black dog is named Black Dragon.

In a primeval forest full of towering ancient trees, Li Beifei and the others hid in a tree hole. The tree hole was blocked by a black curtain, blocking their breath.

This curtain is naturally the black robe that Gu Changsheng left for Li Beifei. Ever since he swallowed the Heavenly Punishment, the black robe can be transformed at will, and now it has been turned into a curtain by Li Beifei.

“I can’t hide like this. It’s only the first day, and there are people at the peak of the extraordinary realm chasing me. If it takes a few more days, wouldn’t there be a few saints?”

Li Beifei said. Of course, saints are impossible. Yes, but it is possible if you enter the Holy Realm or the Free Realm.

He didn’t know that just now, his Aunt Bai had helped him eliminate an enemy that he couldn’t deal with now. If he had known about it, he would have shamelessly hugged the White Tiger Demon Emperor’s thigh and cried to her about Gu Changsheng’s past years. This is how he was treated. He had used this trick when he first met Su Wanqing. Unfortunately, Su Wanqing was a loyal Gu faction. (You can go back to

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