for forgotten children’s shoes)

“Woof, woof, when are we going to fight back? We are hiding in this dog hole and are suffocated.” The black dragon barked.

“Dog hole? Isn’t this suitable for you?” Li Wangba stood with his hands on his hips and looked at the black dragon with disdain. He didn’t expect that this girl would come to his door to be ridiculed by him. What a stupid dog.

“Damn you bastard, Master Long, I don’t share your experience.” Hei Long glanced at Li bastard and refused to be fooled.

“Stop arguing, let me think about it!”

Li Beifei said. He was really thinking about how to kill the three people who were chasing him. Three people at the peak of the Transcendent Realm, he definitely couldn’t kill them by himself, even if With the help of Li Wangba and Black Dragon, at most he could take down one person by surprise, and he might not be able to kill him. After all, the peak of the Extraordinary is not comparable to the fifth elder of the third level of Extraordinary. If not for the two swords in Li Beifei’s hand are both Saints. Soldiers may not even be able to break the defense.

“It’s difficult. Do we really have to hide in this dog hole until they move to rescue the troops?” Even though Li Beifei was such an old man, there was nothing he could do for a while.

“I said, why don’t you ask your master for help?” At this time, Li Wangba asked.

When Li Beifei heard this, he rolled his eyes at him and said, “Do you believe that he is watching us being hunted down in a corner right now?”

“No way? So lacking…” Li Wangba immediately covered his mouth with both hands, not daring to put his hands on him. When I said that last word, I still vividly remembered the beating I received before. It really hurt.

Li Beifei gave him a “you know” look, and Li Wangba never dared to mention this topic again.

“Woof woof, who are you talking about? It’s so mysterious, so let’s make it clear.” Heilong didn’t know who they were talking about at all, and the curiosity in his heart made him extremely uncomfortable.


One person and one turtle looked at each other. Somehow, they both had a plan in mind. This plan was not against the pursuers, but against the black dragon.

They are trying to trick the Black Dragon.

“Dead dog, what do you think of his cultivation?” Li Wangba asked, pointing at Li Beifei.

“Ma-so-huhu, when I was his age, I was already a Supreme.” Black Dragon said, this guy is shameless enough. He is from the True Dragon clan, and a True Dragon is a Supreme as soon as he is born. There is no comparison.

“Ahem, how strong do you think my master is?” Li Beifei said.

“Your master?” Heilong glanced at Li Beifei, and then said: “No matter how strong he is in front of Master Long, it’s just a slap in the face. What’s there to say?” ”


Everyone raised their eyebrows at him. Thumbs up, face full of wonder.

Li Wangba even said: “Master Long is indeed Master Long, what he says is different.”

“Huh?” Heilong had a premonition that something was wrong, and always felt that he had been tricked by the two guys in front of him.

“It’s actually here!”

At this moment, an exclamation came from the outside world.

“F*ck!” Li Beifei yelled, and the curtain that sealed the tree hole turned into the original black robe lying on the ground. Without the black robe to block their breath, they were discovered all of a sudden.

“Haha, traitor, you want to force me to show up and beat you like this, right? It’s not that easy.” Gu Changsheng naturally noticed their conversation. He could see through the little thoughts of Li Beifei and Li Wangba at a glance. It was nothing more than asking Black Dragon to say something bad and make him show up. Whether it was beating someone or beating a turtle or a dog, as long as he showed up, the current crisis of Li Beifei being hunted would be lifted.

But how could Gu Changsheng let them get their wish, so he removed the black robe.

“Master, will Xiao Feifei be okay? I think that monk has reached the peak of the extraordinary. Xiao Feifei is no match. How about I go?” It was rare for the White Tiger Demon Emperor to say so many words, but they all revolved around Li Beifei.

“You, I’m testing him. Unless it’s someone above the Xiaoyao realm, you can’t take action. Do you understand?” Gu Changsheng warned him. He was really afraid that Xiaobai would give up the Holy Land with a slap for him, a traitor like him. The photo was gone. This was the test he gave Li Beifei.

“Oh!” The White Tiger Demon King responded, but his eyes were always fixed on Elder Li in Ziwei Holy Land, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

“…” Gu Changsheng.

Yes, it’s for nothing.

Disciple, today’s account has been recorded in my notebook.


Li Beifei shouted, grabbed the black robe and Li Wangba, and then skillfully jumped on the black dragon. The black dragon also used the magical power of shrinking to an inch to escape from here without saying a word.

“Where to run!”

As a voice fell, a terrifying aura struck behind them.

Li Beifei looked back and saw that the souls of the dead were coming out, and an energy full of destructive aura was about to fall on them. As a last resort, Li Beifei could only use the black robe to block him behind him. The terrifying energy hit the black robe and was instantly swallowed up by the black robe. Er Jing.

“Huh?” Elder Li looked at the black robe in surprise, a trace of greed flashing across his face.

“This black robe is definitely a treasure.”

Elder Li thought, and for a moment he was debating whether to inform the other two people. In order to pursue Li Beifei, they had divided their forces into three groups before, and agreed to summon whoever they encountered. If the other two people had not seen this black robe, Elder Li would have informed the other two decisively, but now, he does not plan to notify them.

Because there is no information about this black robe. As long as he suppresses people, then this black robe will be his trophy.

When he thought of this, Elder Li’s eyes suddenly flashed with light, and his pursuit speed could not help but speed up by three points.

“Wow, he’s the only one, why should we run? Go back and fuck him!”

Heilong didn’t feel the presence of the other two, so he suggested taking the initiative to attack.

“Huh?” Li Beifei was also startled. He looked back and found that there was really only one person.

“Did they split up?” Li Beifei guessed their plan at once. After all, he is only a monk at the eighth level of the life and death realm, and any one of the three of them is a strong man at the peak of the extraordinary realm. Just one of them can be used. It was easy to suppress Li Beifei. Although they had seen the body of the fifth elder of the Shen family before, they were relatively cautious towards Li Beifei, but they were not cautious enough to be afraid of Li Beifei.

There is no record of the eighth level of the life and death realm crossing the border to kill the peak of the extraordinary realm.

It is naturally impossible for Li Beifei to kill the Transcendent Realm monk by himself, but don’t forget that he has two assistants beside him.

“Wait a moment while I attract his attention, and you two will wait for an opportunity to make a sneak attack, do you understand?” Li Beifei said through a voice message.

“No problem.”

“Do you even need to tell me?”

One Turtle and One Dog agreed readily. Their cultivation levels were not as good as before, but after all, they were all peak monks. To sneak attack on a little Kara who was at the peak of the Transcendent Realm was like eating shit to them. Drink water, cough, eat and drink water.

So Li Beifei asked the black dragon to stop, and he hung in the air swaggeringly, waiting for Elder Li’s arrival.

“Huh?” Elder Li was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then slowed down.

“Is there an ambush?” Elder Li thought like this. His spiritual thoughts swept around and found that except for the underground monsters in the primeval forest, no one was aware of the ambush. However, he still did not dare to act rashly. The fifth elder of the Shen family Death is still a bit of a deterrent.

“Damn, why did this old man slow down?”

Li Beifei cursed in his heart. Their sneak attack plan required the opponent to enter the range of his Tianshu Sword Domain. Although the Tianshu Sword Domain could not completely suppress the Transcendent Realm monks, All he had to do was be stunned for a moment, which would be enough time for Li Wangba and Black Dragon to take action.

But now Elder Li has scruples, slowing down, and has not entered the range that can be covered by Tianshu Sword Domain, which makes Li Beifei very painful.

You said that you, a monk at the pinnacle of the Transcendent Realm, are so cautious about me, a young monk at the eighth level of the Life and Death Realm. Are you not afraid of being laughed at if you tell me?

No, you have to take the initiative.

So Li Beifei took out the Tianshu Sword and galloped towards Elder Li.

“Huh? Is it really a scam?”

Elder Li was startled, then stepped back.

“Holy shit!” Li Beifei almost yelled when he saw this. Are you serious about backing off?

“Hey, that old man, you have the guts to fight me for three hundred rounds and let me teach you not to easily chase down a young monk at the eighth level of life and death realm.” Li Beifei said provocatively.

But after hearing this, Elder Li became more cautious indeed.

“Why does he focus on introducing himself as a young monk at the eighth level of life and death? Could it be that he has hidden his cultivation?” Elder Li thought to himself.

“That must be the case. The fifth elder of the Shen family may have been killed by him because of his carelessness, and he died in a way that would annihilate his descendants. This person is definitely insidious and cunning!” Elder Li couldn’t help but feel glad that he was not obsessed with the treasure. mind.

“Holy shit!” Seeing that Elder Li was not fooled, Li Beifei felt very helpless. Why was this man so timid? Li Beifei couldn’t help but think of the Titan ape he met at the Demon Suppressing Tower. When he saw something was wrong, he threw a tantrum. Just ran away.

“Master, what on earth is this man doing? Is he afraid of Xiao Feifei?” The White Tiger Demon Emperor also couldn’t understand Elder Li’s operation.

“Maybe I think this kid is hiding his cultivation!” Gu Changsheng was also speechless. Elder Li of Ziwei Holy Land was too cautious.

Although you have the same luggage as that kid, can you be more generous and go up and beat that kid up?

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