Are you going to stir up trouble?

Elder Li couldn’t help but become extremely cautious when he saw Li Beifei taking such an unusual initiative to attack him. He is such a person. He can cultivate to the pinnacle of the extraordinary realm. Apart from being a disciple of Ziwei Holy Land, the most important reason is that he is cautious enough and, to put it harshly, timid enough.

This kind of personality allowed him to avoid many murders when he was young. Now he secretly guesses that Li Beifei is not a simple monk in the life and death realm, and may even have hidden cultivation. Even if he covets the black treasure robe that can swallow energy, Dare to approach Li Beifei rashly.

God knows whether he will suddenly explode and kill him like the fifth elder of the Shen family. You know, the fifth elder of the Shen family not only died, but also cut off his descendants before his death. Thinking of this, Elder Li felt a rush in his crotch. chill.

“There is a fraud, there must be a fraud!” Elder Li looked at Li Beifei with great vigilance. Li Beifei took one step towards him, and he took three steps back. Then a strange scene appeared. It was clearly Elder Li who was chasing Li Beifei, but now… It was changed to Li Beifei taking the initiative to pursue Elder Li.

“Holy shit, that old man, if you dare, stop and fight me for 300 rounds!”

Li Beifei was furious. He was at the peak of the Transcendent Realm. How could he be so timid like a mouse?

“Have the guts?” Elder Li’s face changed slightly. This man is indeed a pervert. No, I can’t be fooled by him. Caution is the boat.

Suddenly, Li Beifei stopped, with a strange expression on his face.

“Old…ahem, Master, why did you come out?”

Elder Li was surprised, Master? I haven’t sensed anyone within the scope of my consciousness. Do you want to deceive me? no way!

“…” Gu Changsheng.

“A cultivator at the pinnacle of the Transcendent Realm was so frightened by a monk at the eighth level of the Life and Death Realm that he kept retreating. Are you serious?” As soon as

Gu Changsheng finished speaking, Elder Li turned around in a dream, only to see Gu Changsheng in a blue shirt appearing in front of him. In front of him, and then his back felt cold. The other person was three feet behind him, and he couldn’t even feel it at all. How strong must the other person be?

“Sure enough, there is an ambush!”

Elder Li, who is cautious by nature, quickly calmed down. Since the other party wants to ambush him, it means that the other party’s strength is not much stronger than him, or even equal to him. As for being able to approach him silently, Reminiscing about the fact that I had been searching for a long time before finding the boy who owned the treasure, maybe they all mastered this secret method that could conceal their aura.

“Ambush?” Gu Changsheng raised his eyes slightly, and Li Beifei’s face instantly turned red after hearing this. He was suppressing a smile.

“Hahaha…” Li Beifei couldn’t hold it in any longer, “Old man, you’re so awesome. You actually said that my master was ambushing you. I’ll go. Hahaha… You’re so awesome.” ”


Li Beifei It crashed directly into a nearby hill, which instantly turned into a big crater.

“Smile, laugh, you’re laughing your ass off!” Gu Changsheng’s angry voice sounded. The reason why he appeared was naturally not to help the rebels resolve the crisis, but he felt that Li Beifei had just teamed up with Li Wangba to dig a hole for Black Dragon and let Black Dragon say Those arrogant words, he originally wanted to tolerate it and let it pass.

But I endured it, and the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. I haven’t beaten him in more than a year, and this kid is going to be unlucky.

Of course, another point is that he feels that the elder of Ziwei Holy Land is too ink-stained, so ink-stained that he can no longer stand it.


Elder Li was stunned when he saw Gu Changsheng slap Li Beifei away after a disagreement. I heard him call you Master just now. How can this be Master? This is the enemy who killed his father. Bar?

After swatting Li Beifei away, Gu Changsheng glanced at Elder Li.

“It’s useless to give you a chance!”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and Elder Li was directly praised.

Elder Li didn’t know until his death that his caution caused him to delay taking action against Li Beifei. This made Gu Changsheng very dissatisfied, so Gu Changsheng took action himself.

“You brat, stop pretending to be dead.” Gu Changsheng said to Li Beifei who was lying in the pit. After being slapped by him, Li Beifei changed back to his original appearance.

But Li Beifei just couldn’t get up. He closed his eyes tightly and made it clear that he would pretend to be dead to the end.

On a mountain peak, a dog and a turtle who were supposed to launch a sneak attack on Elder Li were also lucky enough to see this scene.

“Tsk, tsk, I got beaten again!” Li Wangba gloated.

The Black Dragon looked at Gu Changsheng curiously and said, “Is this that boy’s master? It doesn’t look like much, not domineering at all. That boy’s body is really weak. He couldn’t even sustain this slap, but he started Pretending to be dead, contempt!”

“Huh? Damn turtle, what are you doing?”

Heilong, who had just finished his review, suddenly noticed that Li Wangba was far away from him and asked in confusion. At this moment, he suddenly felt a shadow appear under him.

“Huh?” As soon as Heilong turned around, he felt a sharp pain, and then his whole body flew towards Li Beifei at high speed. With a “boom”, another big pit appeared.

“Woof woof…it hurts Lord Long to death.” Black Dragon screamed, feeling like his whole body was about to fall apart. This was the first time in his life that he had felt this way. It was so painful.

“Hahaha, you deserve it. I let you bluster and show off.” Li Wangba laughed at the side. He and Li Beifei conspired to trick Black Dragon, wasn’t it just to see this scene?

“Oh, you’re smiling so happily!”

Gu Changsheng looked at Li Wangba.

“Yeah, it’s so enjoyable. That damn dog, let him… uh…” Li Wangba suddenly felt something was wrong. The way Gu Changsheng looked at him looked so familiar. By the way, it was the same as the one who beat me for the first time. The time is exactly the same.

The next moment, Li Wangba flew out like a cannonball, and there was another big hole between Li Beifei and Heilong.

One person, one turtle and one dog lay neatly motionless in the pit.

“Woof woof, you dare to hit me, Mr. Long?”

The first person to recover was Heilong. He was beaten the first time he saw Gu Changsheng. As a true dragon, he was naturally angry and glared at Gu Changsheng.

“Damn it, you don’t want to live?” Li Wangba asked in a low voice. Li Beifei also opened his eyes wide at this time, looking at the black dragon in disbelief.

Gu Changsheng, on the other hand, looked at this black dragon that turned into a dog from other chaotic worlds with great interest. He had not been to other chaotic worlds yet, why not study the creatures in other chaotic worlds?

He had arranged for the sky-swallowing giant beast to be his wife’s bodyguard. Now that he was not around, it was impossible to study it. However, this black dragon appeared just in time.

“Wow, as monks, we have nothing to fear from death!”

Black Dragon said with an upright tone.

“Ouch, woof woof…what are you doing? Put me down quickly.”

Black Dragon suddenly shouted. He found that his body was suddenly shot into the air, and he couldn’t break free no matter how hard he struggled.

“I heard that when you were at your peak, you could slap me to death?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Humph, it’s good to know.” Black Dragon obviously hadn’t realized the importance of the matter.

“It’s over, let’s start the pot!”

Li Beifei said.

“Huh?” Li Wangba was puzzled.

“Eat dog meat!” ”


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