The Great World of Heavenly Sword

The Great World of Heavenly Sword, just like its name, is a world dominated by sword cultivators. Here, you can see people flying with swords and enjoying the world. Compared to the world of mortals, the Great World of Heavenly Sword is more like The legendary world of cultivating immortals.

But the Heavenly Sword World ranks inconspicuously among all the worlds. Compared with the world of mortals at its peak, it is completely incomparable.

Because in the world of Tianjian, three million years ago, the only powerful Immortal Master died in the process of breaking through the Immortal Emperor. Now that three million years have passed, several Immortal Kings of Kendo have been born, but there is no Immortal Lord.

A world without an Immortal Lord has naturally become a favorite for powerful people from other worlds. Today’s Tianjian World is in the midst of war and disputes. They are at war with another world at this time, and that world is called The world of Heavenly Sword.

Heavenly Sword and Heavenly Sword seem to be twin brothers, but in fact the masters of both sides are really brothers.

The younger brother, Tian Sword Immortal, and the older brother, Tian Sword Immortal, parted ways countless years ago. Now that Tian Sword Immortal has died, Tian Sword Immortal will take the opportunity to capture the Heavenly Sword World, and then use the Heavenly Sword World and the Heavenly Sword Immortal to The fortunes of the two worlds in the Sword World impact the Immortal Emperor. However, the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord has deployed a super powerful formation in the Heavenly Sword World. If the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord breaks through forcefully, he will have to pay a heavy price even if he succeeds in breaking through. .

Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord captured the Heavenly Sword World in order to break through the Immortal Emperor. Naturally, it was impossible for him to be damaged. However, no matter how strong the formation was, he would not be able to remain strong forever after losing Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord.

The Heavenly Sword Immortal is waiting, waiting for the formation to be at its weakest, and at that time, the Heavenly Sword World will become his possession.

He has been waiting for three million years.

“Almost, almost!”

The Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord in a long robe looked at the Heavenly Sword World with cold eyes. Now the power of the formation guarding the Heavenly Sword World is weakening, and the Immortal King and the following powerful people are making great efforts. You can pass through it after paying a certain price. Only he, the powerful Immortal Lord, can cause a fierce counterattack from the formation.

“Heavenly Sword, hum!” For his elder brother, the Heavenly Sword Immortal just snorted coldly.

Just when the Heavenly Sword Immortal was about to leave, suddenly a ray of light flashed through the chaos and submerged into the Heavenly Sword world.

“Huh?” Tian Sword Immortal Lord rubbed his eyes, “Haha, I must have seen it wrong. How could someone enter the world of Tian Sword without using the formation? It seems that the closer to success, the more nervous I feel. No. , I have to go back to retreat, otherwise I will be in trouble if I want to break through the Immortal Emperor.”

The Heaven Sword Immortal Lord attributed the scene he just saw to the fact that he was too nervous, and even the Immortal Emperor could not enter the Heaven quietly. He didn’t believe anyone could have such ability in the world of swords without triggering the protective formation.

Naturally, what Tiandao Immortal Lord saw was Gu Changsheng and his party.

The Tianjian World is the center of the Tianjian Continent.

Tianjian Continent is the center of the world of Tianjian. It has the most splendid swordsmanship civilization and has also given birth to the strongest swordsmanship monks ever.

Gu Changsheng led the two of them to a city. Everywhere in the city, monks wearing long swords or short swords could be seen. Their swordsmanship was surging, and Li Beifei couldn’t help but feel excited.

When he first arrived at Beichen Star, he felt that the entire planet was exuding powerful sword intent. Now, he arrived in a world filled with sword intent. At this time, he felt that something inexplicable was happening in the blood and bones in his body. He didn’t know if this was an illusion caused by his inner excitement.

But coming to this world was like a fish in water, his whole body was jumping for joy, like a man who had been thirsty for three years suddenly came to the land of girls, like the fairy in green suddenly confessed his feelings to him… he

couldn’t think about it anymore. !

Li Beifei quickly gathered his thoughts and asked: “Master, why are these people in such a hurry?”

Li Beifei noticed that although these people were wearing long swords or short swords and their cultivation was much stronger than him, they were still in such a hurry. Just like a secular soldier going to war.

“Because they are at war with another world.” The person who answered Li Beifei was not Gu Changsheng, but his Aunt Bai.

“Hiss? World war?”

Li Beifei gasped. He was not a person who didn’t know anything. A war between big worlds would be at the level of annihilation.

“Wait a minute, Master, you asked me to come here, didn’t you want me to participate in this battle?” Li Beifei suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He was only at the eighth level of the realm of life and death. Such a complete world between In this war, even the Supreme Bone Emperor is an ant. Master, do you think too highly of me?

“Haha…” Gu Changsheng rolled his eyes at him and sneered: “Don’t you know how much you weigh?”

Li Beifei didn’t pay attention to Gu Changsheng’s tone, but patted his chest and said, “Don’t let it go. I just need to join the battle…”

“The physique of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Master is the same as yours, and the sword body and sword bones coexist. Soon the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Master will appear in this world. At that time, you go in and snatch the inheritance.” Gu Changsheng said. , this was the reason why he took action to get Li Beifei out of the chasing state. The inheritance of Tianjian Xianzun was obviously much more important than the chasing game.

If Li Beifei knew that his pursuit was just a game in Gu Changsheng’s eyes, he would probably cry again.

“Uh… That’s it, that’s easy!” Li Beifei chuckled. With the blessing of Lao Liu, he could understand even the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor in an instant, let alone the Immortal Lord.

“Who are the opponents?” Li Beifei asked.


“Supreme… what, Supreme?” Li Beifei’s voice couldn’t help but raise an octave, “Supreme, isn’t that a powerful person at the level of the human race emperor?” Damn it, I would rather participate in a world war, so that I can die with great success.

“Don’t you say it’s simple?” Gu Changsheng looked at him with a half-smile.

“This…I mean it’s simple for you, Master, but for me, it’s worse than hell.” Li Beifei’s face was full of bitterness.

“Hehehe…” The White Tiger Demon Emperor on the side laughed like a silver bell. If it weren’t for the barrier around Gu Changsheng, I’m afraid they would have been watched by countless people, not because of anything else, but because of the domineering power of the White Tiger Demon Emperor. And beautiful.

“Xiao Feifei, don’t panic, I’m here!” The White Tiger Demon King touched Li Beifei’s head, his face full of affection.

“Aunt Bai, are you going too?” Li Beifei was startled, and then he was full of surprises.

“My cultivation level is also supreme, so I can naturally participate.”

The White Tiger Demon King said with a smile.

“Haha, that’s great!” The gloom in Li Beifei’s heart was swept away. He knew how powerful the person in front of him was. Even if he had been dead for 800,000 years, he could still be resurrected. He got through it with the help of Master, but just being able to be resurrected after being dead for 800,000 years, which great emperor or ancient emperor in the past can do it?

Only Aunt Bai!

“Stay here first!” Gu Changsheng said.

The two nodded, and at this moment, Li Beifei finally sighed, there was finally no Zuixianju here.

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