
Nearly half a month has passed in Tianhuang Star, and the situation in Tianhuang Star at this time can be described as turbulent.

Without the knowledge of the monks in the world, first, a great sage ancestor king from the Tianyan Ancient Clan in the Southern Wilderness came to the Ziwei Holy Land in the Eastern Region with the ancient imperial soldiers from the Tianyan Ancient Clan, forcing the Ziwei Holy Land to activate the defensive imperial formation, and even Ziwei Holy Land The Holy Land also dispatched an ancestor who had claimed to be a god for many years and was also a Great Saint. He held an imperial weapon to confront the Great Saint Ancestor King of the Tianyan Ancient Clan.

That’s shocking enough, but it’s more than that.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the Dao Sheng Sect, which was also an immortal force in the Eastern Region, also walked out of an old Taoist man, holding the Yin and Yang Diagram of the Dao Sheng Sect’s Imperial Arms, and descended on the Ziwei Holy Land. When everyone thought that the Dao Sheng Sect was trying to help the Ziwei Holy Land, which was also a human race, they were shocked to find that the old Taoist didn’t say anything, but directly held the Yin and Yang Diagram and shot out a terrifying yin and yang energy pressure towards the Ziwei Holy Land.

Fortunately, the Ziwei Holy Land’s defensive formation was not closed, and it was able to withstand this terrifying energy that was enough to sink an area millions of miles away.

Just when the world was in an uproar and confused about this, a hole suddenly opened in the sky above Ziwei Holy Land, and a jade seal appeared, exuding the aura of the imperial way that suppressed the eight wastelands of the nine heavens and ten earths.

Daxia Zhenlongxi is the ultimate imperial soldier of the Daxia Dynasty in Central China who suppresses luck. He would not be dispatched easily, but he appeared at this moment, and the target of the suppression was actually the Ziwei Holy Land.

The conflict between the Ziwei Holy Land and the Divine Dynasty is well known to the world, but they won’t send out imperial troops, right? Moreover, they joined forces with the ancient tribe to suppress the human holy land, which puzzled countless human monks in the world.

But it was far more than that. After the Daxia Zhenlong Seal appeared, a nine-story imperial tower appeared. The aura it exuded was no weaker than the three imperial soldiers in front of it, and even had an ethereal temperament.

The Xiwang Pagoda in Yaochi Holy Land!

The founder of Yaochi Holy Land, Our Lady of Yaochi, is also known as the Queen Mother of the West. The Tower of the West King is the imperial weapon she refined after she attained enlightenment.

The four emperor soldiers are presided over by four great saints. Although they cannot exert one ten thousandth of the power of the emperor soldiers, they are still enough to intimidate the Ziwei Holy Land.

This confrontation lasted for three full days. During these three days, all the monks in the Eastern Territory were in panic, because if a battle between the Ji Dao Emperor’s soldiers broke out, the entire Eastern Territory would be sunk. At that time, there would be a loss of life and blood. Flow into a river.

At this moment, countless people hope that the Gu family can come forward. They believe that as long as the Gu family takes action, this war will not be fought.

And the Gu family did not disappoint the monks all over the world. On the third day of the confrontation between the two sides, a fairy-like woman walked out of the Gu family. No one knew her origin, but she was like a fairy walking out of heaven, and she captivated the country and the city. .

She is Gu Youxian’s youngest daughter and Gu Changsheng’s great-granddaughter, Gu Qingcheng.

As soon as Gu Qingcheng arrived, he used unparalleled methods to suppress the confrontation between the five emperor soldiers.

“Grandpa Zu said, just give him a small lesson, and someone will naturally handle the future matters.”

After saying that, Gu Qingcheng left.

Who is this Gu family member? It was so terrifying that it instantly suppressed the five great saints holding imperial weapons. This is something that even ordinary quasi-emperors may not be able to do.

Moreover, she also has a grandpa!

This is even scarier!

What’s next? Will anyone still settle accounts with Ziwei Holy Land Qiuhou?

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

Gu Qingcheng’s few words caused an uproar, causing countless people and forces to speculate about her strength and who her grandfather was. Could it be a living emperor? This idea was quickly extinguished. If someone became an emperor, the whole universe would know about it and it was impossible not to know about it.

They tried their best to guess, but in the end they couldn’t tell a reason.

And this inexplicable battle between imperial soldiers ended like this in the eyes of the world, but little did they know that Ziwei Forbidden Land paid a lot of price for this.

Five of them were compensated for the holy medicine alone, and countless source crystals. According to rough statistics, the loss of Ziwei Holy Land was the combined profits of all their industries over the past century.

How much revenue has the Holy Land generated over the past century? That must be an astronomical figure, comparable to the wealth of half a major religion, but Ziwei Holy Land suffered such a loss, but it can only be broken into pieces and swallowed.

Who would have thought that the little monks who were hunting down those life and death realms all had extraordinary origins.

Bai Yifei, who has already made an engagement with Princess Tianyan!

Li Ruoyu, a Taoist disciple of the Daosheng Sect.

Xia Wuji, the next emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The remaining Li Beifei and Xuan Mingzi were nothing to them. After all, one was a casual cultivator and the other was just a descendant of the Yin Yang Sect. However, why the Yaochi Holy Land would take action made them puzzled. They did not hunt down the Yaochi Holy Land. Female! But now that the matter has come to this, we can only endure it for the time being. When the Starry Sky Ancient Road opens, even the immortal forces will be beyond their reach.

The reason why Yaochi Holy Land took action was all because Xuan Mingzi mentioned Li Beifei’s accident to Honghong after returning to the academy. Li Beifei suddenly disappeared and they could not contact him, so they thought that Li Beifei was in trouble. Xuan Mingzi told Hong Hong about it. Unfortunately, the Saint of Yaochi was also there at the time.

The Saint of Yaochi knew that Li Beifei was her sister’s junior brother, and that her sister’s junior brother was bullied. It was a good opportunity to get along with her sister, so she secretly contacted the Yaochi Holy Land and asked the Holy Land to cooperate with the other three major forces to take action.

“Boss, this is all we can do. Don’t worry, when we become stronger, we will definitely destroy the Ziwei Holy Land and avenge you.”

In Li Beifei’s courtyard in the academy, Xuan Mingzi and Bai Yifei actually made a pledge for Li Beifei. The tomb.

“Brother Li, you can go with peace of mind, we will definitely send Ziwei Holy Land to accompany you!” Bai Yifei said with a sad look on his face.

“Brother Li, rest in peace!” Xia Wuji, who had always been more active, looked very serious at this time. He burned a stick of incense at Li Beifei’s tomb, feeling extremely regretful. It was his idea to go to the stone fighting event. Now that Li Beifei was in trouble, he How is it possible not to regret or feel guilty?

Li Ruoyu did not speak, but sat down and chanted the Buddhist Rebirth Mantra. When he discussed Taoism with the Holy Buddha, the two parties had already exchanged some Buddhist and Taoist teachings that were not secrets, so Li Ruoyu also knew the Rebirth Mantra.

“You…what are you doing?”

Just as the four of them were immersed in sadness, a questioning tone broke the atmosphere.

Several people looked towards the door and saw Honghong, Mu Qingyi and Yaochi Saint standing at the door, and it was Honghong who asked questions.

“Miss Honghong, we can’t find Brother Li’s body, so we can only build a tomb for him.” Li Ruoyu said softly.

“The Tomb of Clothes?”

Honghong stared at them with eyes wide open, looking at them in disbelief.

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