Inheritance and the Incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord


After they completely disappeared from the sky, those watching the battle breathed a sigh of relief.

“This man is so scary. Who is he?”

No one answered. They were all in shock at this time, and they were not in the mood to think about this question.

Soon, some people gathered their mood and flew towards the ocean.


The man had just left the shore, and fell into the golden ocean as if pulled by some force. Apart from a scream at the beginning, there was no sound at all.

And this person is one of the only two supreme beings present.

When everyone saw this, they couldn’t help but feel the souls of the dead.

“How is it possible? It was clear that those three people were flying just now. Why is this happening?”

Someone immediately saw that there is a strange forbidden power in this golden ocean and cannot fly across. Otherwise, even the Supreme One can only When the body dies, the Tao disappears.

But Gu Changsheng’s flight with Li Beifei and the White Tiger Demon Emperor just now is still fresh in his mind.

“Who is he? Is he an immortal?”

Everyone was extremely confused, but didn’t it say that only monks below the level of immortals are allowed to enter the Tianyuan Secret Realm? If he was an immortal, how could he enter the Tianyuan Secret Realm?

Could he still be stronger than the Heavenly Sword Immortal?

As soon as this idea came up, these people were quickly killed. Do people who are stronger than Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord need the inheritance of Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord?

Doubts, all doubts in my heart.

With doubts, they explored the golden embankment, and soon someone discovered that there were small boats in some places on the shore. If they wanted to fight for the crossing, they could only take a boat!

So these people walked along the coastline one after another, starting a battle for the boat. They knew that only by boarding the boat could they cross the ocean and find the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword Immortal.

Fights for the boat broke out in various places in Tianyuan Secret Realm. For a time, almost half of the countless monks who came in died while fighting for the boat.

The fallen monk seemed to have been cleared out of the secret realm, with no bones left.

While others were fighting for a small boat that could cross the golden ocean, Gu Changsheng took Li Beifei and Xiao Bai for a leisurely stroll on the ocean.

The continuous embankment has long since disappeared. Surrounding them are endless golden waves, but these are not real waves. The Tianyuan Secret Realm is transformed by the Divine Sea of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord. The Divine Sea is the ocean of divine consciousness. In order to reach the state of concentration, one can open up the Divine Sea. The higher the cultivation level, the larger the Divine Sea will be.

When it comes to Immortal Lord, the Divine Sea can be said to be endless, like a world.

Each golden wave represents a touch of divine thought.

“Haha, as expected, there is no such thing as a free lunch, and there will be no free lunch in the world for no reason.”

Suddenly Gu Changsheng said.

“What do you mean?” Li Beifei scratched his head, confused by Gu Changsheng’s sudden mention of this topic.

Gu Changsheng did not answer his words, but looked into the distance. In front of him, an island appeared.

“There’s something!”

Li Beifei shouted, and he also discovered the island in front of him.

Gu Changsheng quickly led the two of them to the island. It was an island rather than a huge reef with nothing on it. It was like a huge platform. The golden waves kept beating against the reef, making a roaring sound. .

“Go up!”

Gu Changsheng said to Li Beifei.


Li Beifei was confused, but he walked up obediently.

The moment he stepped onto the reef, he instantly felt a whirlwind. This feeling was very similar to when he first comprehended the Thirty-Three Creation Immortal Techniques. At this time, he knew that this was not an island or a reef, but a inheritance!

The first person to step on it can trigger the inheritance.

At this time, Li Beifei came to a space filled with sword intent. There were countless swords floating around, and the sword intent emitted by each sword was different.


Suddenly, Li Beifei’s heart beat violently, and every heartbeat was as powerful as thunder exploding from the sky. With the beating of his heart, he felt the spine on his back. Something strange was also heard.

If Li Beifei could see behind him, he would find that his back was exuding a faint divine glow.

Wake up!

Suddenly Li Beifei remembered what Gu Changsheng had said to him before. The ultimate purpose of bringing him to this world was not to inherit the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord, but to awaken his own sword body and sword bones. At this time, the sound coming from his heart and spine The strangeness made him suspect that he was awakening.

In the eyes of Gu Changsheng and the White Tiger Demon Emperor, Li Beifei was just standing on the rocks, motionless.

“Master, will something happen to Xiao Feifei? I always feel that this Immortal Lord has a strange inheritance.”

The White Tiger Demon King said.

“Haha, as long as I’m here, nothing will happen.” Gu Changsheng smiled and signaled her not to worry.

At this time, there was a splendid palace in the center of Tianyuan Secret Realm. Inside the palace, there was a middle-aged man.

“Huh? Someone triggered the inheritance so soon?”

The middle-aged man had a look of surprise on his face, and then he disappeared in a flash.

In a world filled with sword intent, Li Bei sat flying with his eyes closed and realized the changes in his body. He found that his perception of the sword intent around him became clearer and clearer.

At this time, a voice woke up Li Beifei.

“I was born with a sword body and a sword bone. I didn’t expect that besides me, there are people in the world who have such a peerless physique.” The

middle-aged man appeared in front of Li Beifei. Li Beifei looked at him cautiously and asked: “Are you… …Sky Sword Immortal?”

“Yes, and no!” The middle-aged man shook his head.

“I am just an incarnation left by the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord during his lifetime, and my duty is to guard the Tianyuan Secret Realm. But you, who only have the eighth level of the life and death realm, are the first to trigger the inheritance.”

The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord said this, He looked at Li Beifei with eyes full of appreciation.

“Doesn’t it mean that I have inherited the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword Immortal?” Li Beifei said in surprise. Although he possesses the supreme immortal art of thirty-three days of creation, he still likes swordsmanship more.

“Haha, it’s not that simple. If you want to obtain the inheritance of this deity, you must first fully awaken your physique.”

said the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord.

“Completely awakened!” Li Beifei felt the changes in himself. He was sure that he was awakening, but to what extent he was completely awakened, he really didn’t know.

“It’s rare to find an existence that matches my physique, so let me help you!”

After the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord said that, a ray of divine light penetrated Li Beifei’s body. After the divine light penetrated Li Beifei’s body, Li Beifei instantly entered a state of enlightenment. And his body in the outside world is also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Seeing this, the Heavenly Sword Immortal Master flashed a meaningful smile on his face. He waved his hand and disappeared together with Li Beifei from the outside world.

“Master, Xiao Feifei is missing!” The White Tiger Demon King exclaimed.

“Don’t worry!”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng took the White Tiger Demon Emperor and disappeared.

In the palace at the center of the Tianyuan Secret Realm, the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord returned here with Li Beifei. At this time, Li Beifei was still in a deep state of enlightenment and had no idea that he was in a different place.

“Hahaha, God will not kill me!”

Suddenly, a crazy laughter sounded in the hall.

(There will be another update later)

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