Xiao Feifei is so cute

In the main hall, Li Beifei was still in the state of awakening his physique and had no idea about the outside world. The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord was currently watching the battles breaking out in various places in the Tianyuan Secret Realm.

The Great World of Tianjian is a world with a complete avenue. It is vast and boundless, and there are countless monks. There are countless monks who want to obtain the inheritance of the Tianyuan Immortal Lord. Moreover, the entrance to the Tianyuan Secret Realm is not known to the Tianjian Continent, but there are also entrances to other continents.

The number of monks who have entered the Tianyuan Secret Realm is estimated to be more than the current monks in the world of mortals combined.

At this time, earth-shattering battles broke out all over the Tianyuan Secret Realm. Some were fighting for a small boat that could cross the ocean, some were fighting to be the first to set foot on a huge rock that could start a legacy, and some were even fighting to resolve personal grudges.

The war raged, and monks fell every moment. The fallen monks fell into the golden ocean and were swallowed up instantly.

“Fight, fight with all your heart!”

The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord looked at the people who once supported him and were fighting to the death for his inheritance. A cruel smile appeared on his face, which was different from the one he showed when he met Li Beifei before. Not the same person at all.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord looked at Li Beifei with greed in his eyes.

“Originally I was less than 10% sure, but I didn’t expect that someone with the same physique as me would appear. God will not kill me!” ”

Tiandao, you never thought that even if I die, I can be resurrected! ”

At this time, the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord has made no attempt to conceal his thoughts, and his intention to bring Li Beifei here has become clear.

Seize the house!

He fell in love with Li Beifei, who had the same physique as him.

The physiques of sword body and sword bone are not uncommon, but the coexistence of the two is different. At least Tianjian Immortal has lived for countless years, and he has only met the second person with such a physique.


Suddenly, a vibrating sound came from Li Beifei’s body, and a hint of joy flashed on the face of the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord who had had the same experience.

“Awakened so quickly!”

The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord was full of surprise. He originally thought that it would take some time for Li Beifei to fully awaken, but he didn’t expect that he would be completely awakened not even an hour later. This is What he didn’t expect was that he was just an incarnation of his true form. Even if Li Beifei was taken away, he might not be able to be resurrected successfully. He still needed to fully activate the Divine Sea.

Tianyuan Secret Realm is the divine sea of this deity, and activating the divine sea requires the life source of countless monks.

“If that’s the case, we have no choice but to do this!”

The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord murmured, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

But at this time, Tianyuan Secret Realm underwent earth-shaking changes.

The golden ocean suddenly poured in, and any monk touched by the waves was instantly swallowed up and turned into the most primitive life essence.

Countless monks didn’t know what happened, but they were instantly swallowed by the golden waves, and their screams resounded throughout the Tianyuan Secret Realm.

After these monks were swallowed, the life essence transformed into them was continuously transported to the central palace.

Naturally, Gu Changsheng and the White Tiger Demon Emperor could not escape this scene.

“Master, does this Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord want to be reborn through this?”

asked the White Tiger Demon Emperor. She had done similar things before, so she was no stranger to the scene before her.

“Yes, that’s why I said before that there is no such thing as a free lunch. How could someone show off their inheritance so openly?” Gu Changsheng said.

“Then the Immortal King of this world doesn’t know?” the White Tiger Demon King asked.

“I know, so what? Don’t forget, this world is facing a huge threat. If there is no Immortal Lord sitting in, it will only be a matter of time before it is breached.”

Gu Changsheng said lightly, and now the Tianjian World is facing a huge threat. The Heavenly Sword Great World is at war, and there is an Immortal Lord in the Heavenly Sword Great World. In front of the Immortal Lord, it is meaningless to have more Immortal Kings and True Immortals. The two sides are not in the same dimension at all.

Because of this, the Immortal Kings of the Heavenly Sword World also guessed the role of the Heavenly Sword Immortal in leaving the Tianyuan Secret Realm, but they did not publicize it. After all, this was just a guess. What if the Heavenly Sword Immortal was a virtuous person?

However, Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord is obviously not a virtuous person. After just a few moments, half of the monks who came in have fallen, and the rest are still struggling desperately. It is only a matter of time before they fall.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord felt a steady stream of life energy gathering towards the palace, and a hint of excitement flashed across his face.

“Huh? Where am I?” Li Beifei woke up and found himself in a strange hall, and couldn’t help but wonder.


The avatar appeared again, but his attitude towards Li Beifei was quite indifferent.

Li Beifei also felt the change in the other party’s attitude, but before he had time to think about it, Lao Liu in his body told him what happened outside.

“Boy, he is interested in your body and is going to take your body.”

“Seize your body?” Li Beifei was shocked, but blurted out.

“Huh? You actually know?”

The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal was startled at first when he heard this, but then he didn’t take it seriously.

“I didn’t expect you to know about it. In this case, I won’t hide it anymore.” Tianjian Immortal laughed, “Originally, I only needed to use the life source of hundreds of millions of monks to activate my divine sea, but I didn’t expect to enter Tianyuan. Among the monks in the secret realm, there are actually people with the same physique as me. Even God is on my side. Resurrection is just around the corner.”

Li Beifei also calmed down at this time. He had nothing to be afraid of now, so he asked calmly He said: “Then, can you answer my question before you take my body?”

“Ask me!” The incarnation smiled contentedly.

“Is it a lie that the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord exists in the Tianyuan Secret Realm?”

“Of course it’s not false!”

The incarnation shook his head, as if he had a chance to win, and explained patiently: “My resurrection plan has less than a 10% chance of success. After all, No matter how many monks enter the secret realm, the strongest one will only be the Supreme.” ”

Then why not let those true immortal kings enter the secret realm? It stands to reason that their life source is more powerful, and your resurrection plan has a higher chance of success. Greatly increased.”

“You have so many questions.” Incarnation said, but still answered Li Beifei’s doubts.

“The Immortal is too strong. I am just an incarnation of this deity. After my death, I am like a duckweed without roots. After three million years, I have reached my weakest point. If I am a strong person above the true immortal, I But it can’t be suppressed.”

“Do you still have any questions? If you have any, ask them all at once.”

The incarnation looked at Li Beifei.

“One more thing, the Tianyuan Secret Realm is transformed by the Divine Sea of Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord. You must be able to control everything in the secret realm, right?” Li Beifei asked.

“Of course!”

“Then don’t you wonder, how did I, a little Karami, who is at the eighth level of the life and death realm, surpass countless people stronger than me and be the first to contact the inheritance platform?”

Faced with Li Beifei’s question, the avatar was startled. , yes, why didn’t he think of this doubt before? No, something is very wrong.

In an instant, the incarnation felt a strong unwillingness, which was a kind of prediction of danger.

“Who are you?” Incarnation suddenly asked Li Beifei. He found that the reason why he ignored this doubt seemed to be that someone was deliberately disturbing him.

“Me, I’m just a little Karami in the realm of life and death.”

Li Beifei said.

Just when the avatar was about to ask, Li Beifei continued: “No matter how Calami I am, I can’t resist the fact that I have an awesome master.” ”

Master, stop hiding, I know you are watching in secret Wait.”


The hall was silent.

“Master? Stop joking, come out quickly!”

There was still silence.


“That’s enough!”

Incarnation suddenly yelled angrily, damn, he felt like he was being fooled by this kid.

“Stop shouting. I have just carefully observed the Tianyuan Secret Realm. There are no living creatures anymore. They have all turned into life essence. No matter how strong your master is, here he can only become the nourishment for my resurrection.”

” Uh… you fart, even if the sky falls, my master will be immortal forever.” Li Beifei cursed loudly, with an excited expression, which made the old man in his body call his acting skills terrible.

“Haha, even I am dead, who is your master? How can he not die? What a joke!” The incarnation looked disdainful.

“You bastard, you dare to call my master a joke, I will fight you!” Li Beifei’s eyes seemed to be on fire, as if he didn’t want to hear his master being insulted.


Another scolding sounded, but this time it was not the incarnation who said it, but someone else.

“Who?” The incarnation was shocked, with a face full of horror.

Gu Changsheng, who was dressed in green clothes, and the White Tiger Demon Emperor, who was naked and jade-footed, walked out.

“What acting skills? Are you going to blind my teacher?” Gu Changsheng looked at Li Beifei angrily. The way Li Beifei looked so protective of him just now almost made him vomit out the wine he drank yesterday. It’s really annoying to the eyes.

The White Tiger Demon King was covering his mouth and laughing.

“Xiao Feifei is so cute!”

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