Immortal-killing Sword Intent

Faced with the arrogant words and sarcastic attitude of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord, Gu Changsheng ignored it because there was no need to vent his anger on a dead man. However, he ignored it, but Li Beifei stuck out his head and faced the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord. Said: “Old guy, you are awesome, you actually show off in front of my master. If you survive one move, I, Li Beifei, will take your last name and mine!” Before the

incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord could react, the White Tiger Demon King on the side Just chuckled, Xiao Feifei said, no matter what, you won’t suffer.

But as soon as Li Beifei spoke, Gu Changsheng turned around and kicked him in the butt.

“You dare to question your master’s strength, you should be beaten!” Gu Changsheng said coldly.

Li Beifei covered his buttocks and looked at Gu Changsheng with a look of resentment. Then he looked at the White Tiger Demon Emperor and said softly: “Aunt Bai, look, Master always bullies me!” ”

You…enough is enough! “The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord has an extremely gloomy face. These people are so presumptuous in front of him, and that kid actually said that he can’t take one of your master’s moves? Arrogant, too arrogant.

“That’s enough. It’s a waste of all the energy I spent.”

Gu Changsheng said, and a solid sword intent appeared in front of him.

“This sword is called Zhanxian. It is the sword’s meaning that a friend of mine realized before he died 300,000 years ago!”

Gu Changsheng said. Li Beifei behind him stopped rubbing his butt and stared at Gu Changsheng. That sword intention, Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang, Zhandao and Zhandi are all the magical powers of swordsmanship recorded in the Seven Star Sword Art he practiced, and the Immortal-Slaying Sword in front of him He felt a sense of familiarity from the depths of his soul, as if this sword intention was created by him.

Three hundred thousand years ago, that must be the Sword Emperor Li Beichen.

After the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord appeared with the Immortal Killing Sword Intent, the original arrogant expression gradually disappeared and was replaced by a kind of recognition.

“This sword intention is very strong. I can feel the unyielding will in it.” The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord is very calm at the moment. He is the Sword Immortal Lord. It can even be said that he is the strongest person in the world of swordsmanship. He He has been pursuing the peak of swordsmanship all his life, and when he saw the sword intention that made his eyes light up, even if the two sides were enemies at this time, he was not stingy with his evaluation. He is extremely sincere in the way of swordsmanship!

It’s a pity that if the person he faced was not the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, then his resurrection plan today might have succeeded.

“Unyielding will, that’s not bad.” Gu Changsheng recalled the scene where Li Beichen would rather die than die and become an immortal against the will of heaven. In comparison, the Heavenly Sword Immortal was simply the opposite of Li Beichen, who would do whatever it took to be resurrected.

He couldn’t make a general conclusion about who was right or wrong between Li Beichen and the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord. However, he liked people like Li Beichen. Otherwise, why would Li Beichen be his friend if there were so many human emperors in the world of mortals?

“What you just said about wasting a little energy is to condense this sword intention that does not belong to you?” asked the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord.

Gu Changsheng just smiled and did not answer.

“That’s all, because you took out the sword intention that excited me, I will let you die without pain.”

After saying that, a wisp of sword intention appeared in front of the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord . The sword intention makes people feel a kind of domineering power that is proud of the heavens.

“This sword is called Heavenly Sword!”

the incarnation said calmly. His true form was revered as Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord, not because he was the master of the Heavenly Sword world, but because of his swordsmanship, holding the sword on behalf of the sky. He is the Heavenly Sword, and the world of Heavenly Sword is also named after him.

“Do you hold the sword for Dai Tian?”

Gu Changsheng’s tone was calm, but in his calmness, there was a hint of disdain.

Since he is holding the sword on behalf of Heaven, he should obey God’s will. But now that Heavenly Sword Immortal Master wants to defy heaven and be reborn, in Gu Changsheng’s view, he has deviated from the swordsmanship he has adhered to his whole life, so he disdains it.


The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord snorted coldly. He also understood what Gu Changsheng meant, but he did not refute.


The incarnation shouted softly, and the sword light spread across 90,000 miles and struck Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng just said softly: “Look carefully!”

Li Beifei and the sixth child in his body stared at it.

In fact, Lao Liu didn’t need to be so nervous at all, but when Gu Changsheng said this, he became nervous. Looking at the three thousand chaotic world, even the controller above the broken path can see some details, but Gu Changsheng Immortality, in front of it, is not only a mystery, but also a mystery.

Gu Changsheng asked him to look carefully. Is he not nervous?

Wouldn’t it be using a power that transcends all others? While Lao Liu was thinking, Gu Changsheng moved.

He did not use power beyond the scope of the Immortal King, and even the power he used was not as strong as the current incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord. However, the Immortal Killing Sword Intent turned into a three-foot long sword and stabbed straight at the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord. In an instant, The heavenly sword pierced him, and then sank into his eyebrows.

The breath of the incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Master was stagnant. Feeling the long-lost pain coming from the center of his eyebrows, he was confused.

“How is it possible?” What he was confused about was not that his Heavenly Sword would be broken by Zhanxian. What he was confused about was the strength of the user of Zhanxian.


Gu Changsheng said awkwardly: “Ahem, I forgot. When I was Supreme, I could suppress the True Immortal. When I was the True Immortal, I could crush the Immortal King. Just now I should have suppressed my cultivation to You are a true immortal. I have not used such low-level power for so long that I have forgotten it.”

“…” The Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord transformed.

“Who are you?” This was the second time he asked Gu Changsheng, and he was more serious than the first time.

“We over there call me the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, and also the Emperor of Immortality!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Great Emperor?” The incarnation of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord was startled, and then his face was full of bitterness. You are an Immortal Emperor, why do you have to get involved in the affairs of my little Immortal Lord? Aren’t you bullying others?

Obviously, when he heard the word “Great Emperor”, he thought that Gu Changsheng was a terrifying Immortal Emperor. The Immortal King was like an ant in front of the Immortal Lord, and the Immortal Lord was like an ant in front of the Immortal Emperor. This is why the Three Hundred Sword Immortal Lord Thousands of years ago, he tried his best to break through the shackles of the Immortal Emperor.

“Actually, you misunderstood, I am not the Immortal Emperor!”

Gu Changsheng said.

“Then what state are you in?” asked the incarnation.

“I don’t know!” Gu Changsheng replied.


“It’s time and destiny! I have a request. Your Majesty, you might as well listen to it,” said the incarnation.

“Actually, I know even if you don’t tell me, you want my apprentice to inherit your mantle. If you don’t tell me, I will snatch it away. But since you are so sensible and take the initiative to mention it, I don’t need to bother snatching it away.” Gu Changsheng He directly said what the avatar wanted to say.

“…” Incarnation, he found that for countless years, he felt speechless more times today than before combined.

“Are you really a strong man who surpasses the Immortal Emperor?” The incarnation finally asked, his figure becoming more and more illusory, and the sword just now had completely cut off his vitality.

“What do you think?” Gu Changsheng threw the question back.

“Unlike character!” said the incarnation.

“Who stipulates that a strong person must be as cold as an iceberg? I can’t be down-to-earth and close to the people?” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

Okay, you are the boss and you have the final say.

(To be continued)

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