Deliberate, definitely intentional

“It’s a pity that there are countless people in my world of Tianjian.” The incarnation sighed. He didn’t regret it. For him, it is impossible to regret that one general has made thousands of bones dry. It’s just a pity that these things were swallowed up by him. People with life essence just don’t play the role they should.

“Are you talking about them?”

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and a world appeared in his hands. When the avatar looked at it, his pupils shrank. Aren’t the people in the world the same people he devoured? How can this be?

Could it be… He remembered what Gu Changsheng said just now about wasting a little energy. He thought that Gu Changsheng was talking about wasting energy by suppressing cultivation. Now it seems that he was just wasting a little energy to create countless life essences.

“The Holy Emperor of the Human Race?”

The incarnation murmured one last time before disappearing completely. After he dissipated, the golden ocean in the Tianyuan Secret Realm quickly withered until finally, it dried up completely. And directly below them, a solemn corpse sat cross-legged on the ground. It was the corpse of the Heavenly Sword Immortal.

“Bring the body with you!” Gu Changsheng said to Li Beifei.

“Oh!” Li Beifei was still confused at this time. He didn’t see anything about Gu Changsheng’s sword just now. He was asking Lao Liu just now, and Lao Liu said it was no problem.


Li Beifei was suddenly knocked away by some force, vomiting blood and almost died.

“Damn it, I forgot that you are in the realm of life and death and can’t touch the immortal body at all. It’s my fault for being careless.”

Gu Changsheng rescued Li Beifei from danger with a wave of his hand.

Li Beifei’s face was full of resentment when he heard Gu Changsheng’s exaggerated tone. He did it on purpose, absolutely on purpose.


The White Tiger Demon King let out a beautiful cry.

“Aunt Bai…”

The White Tiger Demon Emperor immediately calmed down and whispered, “Xiao Feifei, are you okay?”


Li Beifei sighed inwardly.

Due to the complete fall of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord, the Tianyuan Secret Realm lost the support of its strength and began to slowly collapse. And those who Gu Changsheng had rescued also stood outside the Tianyuan Secret Realm with confused expressions on their faces.

Gu Changsheng naturally does not save everyone. He saves all humans, and they are all humans with good intentions. Even though the monks and humans who entered the Tianyuan Secret Realm account for the vast majority, less than 10% of the people who have come out alive now are one.

In this regard, Gu Changsheng could only lament that the right path in the world is subject to vicissitudes of life.

The collapse of Tianyuan Secret Realm naturally attracted the attention of the two Immortal Kings. The sword intent of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Lord suddenly appeared, but now it completely disappeared, giving them a bad feeling in their hearts.

“I’m afraid… it failed.” Xuan Ye said with a complicated expression.

“Did you fail?” Chi Yan also had a complicated tone, but for some reason, he felt relieved when he saw that so many people came out safely.


Suddenly, the Scarlet Flame Immortal King felt something in his heart. He looked in a certain direction and saw only a young man exuding sword intent walking in the void accompanied by two elders.

“A natural sword body and a natural sword bone!” Immortal King Xuan Ye also discovered Li Beifei.

They have followed the Heavenly Sword Immortal King for many years, and naturally know the physique of the Heavenly Sword Immortal King. Now Li Beifei’s physique has just awakened. Although he has tried his best to hide himself, the two Immortal Kings are both strong swordsmen, and their perception of the sword’s intention is beyond ordinary people. Immediately he felt the sword intent on Li Beifei.

With the same physique, there will inevitably be similarities in the sword intent and aura emanating from them. If other people were there, no matter how strong the sword intent was, they would not notice it.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

The two immortal kings looked at each other, nodded, and in a flash, they came to Gu Changsheng and others. When they came to Gu Changsheng, they were stunned. Their attention just now was on Li Beifei, not at all. They noticed the person next to Li Beifei who they couldn’t see through.

However, they were stunned for a moment and quickly adjusted their mentality. The Scarlet Flame Immortal King held his hands to Gu Changsheng and said, “I’m here, Chi Yan. I wonder if you can stay here?” ”

Oh, you want to steal my disciple?” Gu Changsheng pointed. Li Beifei said.

Li Beifei was startled, how could he become a piece of cake? The Immortal Lord wanted to take over his body because of his fancy, and now two Immortal Kings appeared to take over him.


Chi Yan and Xuan Ye both looked embarrassed. To be honest, if it weren’t for Gu Changsheng, they would really have planned to rob Li Beifei. They might even have fought with each other in order to take Li Beifei under his wing. As a disciple.

Can you not be embarrassed now that someone has exposed your thoughts with just one word? But after all, they are also powerful Immortal Kings who have been practicing for countless years, and they are not ordinary thick-skinned.

“Fellow Taoist, you are joking. How dare I do it when you are here?” Chi Yan responded.

“It’s just that I don’t dare, it’s not that I don’t want to.” Gu Changsheng said calmly.


Chi Yan and Xuan Ye were completely speechless. Brother, please step down, otherwise we won’t be able to continue talking today.

“Forget it, I won’t tease you anymore.” Gu Changsheng’s words made the two powerful Immortal Kings extremely embarrassed. Making fun of the Immortal King was probably a rare thing in the entire ancient history of the world.

“I know what you are thinking. Don’t you just want to train me, a rebellious disciple, into an immortal and save your world?” ”

Fellow Taoist is wise!” Chi Yan and Xuan Ye smiled bitterly at the same time. Their inner thoughts were unexpectedly affected by this person in front of them. The mysterious strong man has complete insight.

“Really? Is this a good relationship? How many resources do you have for me?” At this time, Li Beifei looked at Chi Yan and Xuan Ye like a pig brother. If he wants to cultivate himself into an immortal, then he must have at least a few every day. Is it the source of the gods?

“Well…if you are willing, we will use all the resources of the Heavenly Sword World to help you cultivate to the level of Immortal Lord, but…”

Before Chi Yan could finish speaking, Li Beifei said: “No, I can’t. …”

“You want a hammer!” Gu Changsheng kicked him out. Seeing this, the White Tiger Demon King tapped his jade feet and went to pick up Xiao Feifei.

“…” What a fierce master. This is the inner thought of the two Immortal Kings at this moment.

“Heavenly Sword World, a world dominated by humans…”

Gu Changsheng seemed to be asking the two of them, and seemed to be talking about something.

“Since I have destroyed your Immortal Lord, it would not be good if you ignore this world. Just wait, I will help you bring a strong man over.” After saying that,

Gu Changsheng disappeared, along with Li Beifei and the White Tiger Demon King in the distance also disappeared.


“He didn’t lead someone to run away, right?” Xuan Ye, who had been silent, spoke up.

“I don’t know!” Chi Yan was also confused.

“Wait a minute, he just said he would destroy the Immortal Lord in our world?” Chi Yan asked.

“Is there any?” Xuan Ye asked.

“I clearly heard it just now.”

“Really? I’m not sure!”

(Gu Sheng’s background board should also come out to bask in the sun.)

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