Looking for your senior brother

In the vast chaos, the distance between the world and the world is extremely far. Gu Changsheng took Li Beifei and Xiaobai through the chaos.

Li Beifei, who had already experienced traveling through chaos once, was no longer so curious about the scene of chaos. He asked, “Master, where are we going?”

“Looking for your senior brother,” Gu Changsheng responded.

“Senior brother, where did I get my senior brother from? Hey, wait… the Ancient Emperor!”

Li Beifei suddenly remembered the man he had never met but who had heard his name since he was a child, the Emperor of the Ancient Age, the master’s biological son, Gu Sheng.

When he thought of this, Li Beifei’s heart became active. In the world of mortals, who didn’t regard Emperor Huangu as his idol and the goal that inspired him to move forward when he was young? Not to mention him, Senior Sister Honghong alone worshiped Emperor Huangu even more than Master.

For some reason, Li Beifei was very excited, as excited as if he was about to see an idol.

“The Ancient Emperor?” The White Tiger Demon Emperor was stunned. To be honest, she had never heard of him.

“That’s my son.” Gu Changsheng explained.

“Oh, master already has a family, so it’s normal to have a son.” The White Tiger Demon Queen realized it later, but didn’t go into details. For her, the only person in her world was Gu Changsheng, and now there was just another Xiao Fei. Feifei, there was also a girl in red in the impression, but Xiao Feifei was the most impressed. After all, he was the first to call himself Aunt Bai.

“Master, what strength does senior brother have now?” Li Beifei is still curious about Gu Sheng’s cultivation. Half a million years have passed. With senior brother’s talent and talents, it is certain to become an immortal, and it is not difficult to attain the status of Immortal King. , maybe they are all immortals now.

“You will know when the time comes.”

Gu Changsheng just smiled and did not answer.

Chaos gave birth to the heavens and the worlds, and among the worlds, there are some individual worlds that have become unsuitable for living beings to survive due to the war. But as long as the world is not completely destroyed, even if the origin of the avenue is defective, after tens of millions of years, the damaged world will sprout. The world of mortals is a good example.

The Qianyuan Realm also suffered a devastating blow countless years ago, but countless years later, the Qianyuan Realm gave birth to a great avenue again, and at this time the origin of the great avenue was revived.

At this time, the Qianyuan world is like a newborn baby, but it is a little stronger than the world of mortals at this time. Among other things, local true immortals have appeared in the Qianyuan world, which is incomparable to the world of mortals. Of course, , this has to exclude Gu Changsheng and his son, they really cannot be role models.

The newly reborn Qianyuan Realm is currently facing an extraordinary world-destroying crisis. If this crisis cannot be overcome, then the Qianyuan Realm will truly be eliminated from the world.

Above the nine heavens, two majestic figures were confronting each other. The aura of one was raging and exploding, like an ancient ferocious beast, exuding the aura of devouring everything in the world.

His opponent’s aura is also extremely domineering, but if you feel it carefully, you can feel a protective will from this person, guarding the world with incomparable domineering power.

“Huanggu, you have no cause or effect with the creatures in this world, why do you want to stop me?” The figure with a raging and bursting breath spoke. He was questioning his opponent, questioning this opponent who had been confronting him here for a hundred thousand years. Without this Opponent, he has long since swallowed up this new world, and then broke through the existing world.

A world like the Qianyuan World that was broken and then established was difficult to find throughout the ages. He also encountered this world when he was traveling in Chaos. He wanted to devour this world when it revived, but he didn’t expect that when he did it, , a figure blocked in front of him, and this block lasted for a hundred thousand years.

“Taotie, you have no cause or effect for the creatures in this world, why do you want to destroy them?” said the man known as Huang Gu, and the person in front of him was the ancient ferocious beast Taotie.

“Cultivation, qualifications, the weak eat the strong.”

Taotie responded coldly. Although there were only eight short words, the words were concise and concise. In Taotie’s eyes, the Qianyuan Realm and the countless creatures in the Qianyuan Realm were just food on his path of cultivation. Taotie believes in the law of the jungle where the weak eat the strong. Now that he has encountered a rare world like the Qianyuan World, he will naturally not show mercy.

Faced with Taotie’s cold response, Huang Gu also responded: “I want to take care of it!”

In just three words, he showed his dominance.


Taotie snorted coldly, but he didn’t say any cruel words. He had said all the cruel words in the past 100,000 years, and now he just needed to take action directly.

Taotie’s figure moved, and in an instant, the aura of self-exaltation filled the entire Qianyuan world, making the creatures in the Qianyuan world tremble. They all knew the crisis facing the Qianyuan world, but fortunately, a strong man took action to stop this world-destroying crisis.

As soon as Taotie took action, the avenues of heaven and earth trembled, the void exploded, and the world-destroying divine light struck the ancient times like the creation of heaven and earth.

In fact, powerful people above the Immortal King do have the power to create heaven and earth. The powerful Immortal Emperor can even open up a world that is no less than the world of all parties. As for the chaotic gods and demons like Zulong and others, they can already It is easy to open up big worlds. For example, the demon world among all the worlds was opened by Hun Kun.

Taotie’s cultivation level has reached the half-step level of the Immortal Lord. He is only a few steps away from the Immortal Lord. However, this has blocked him for tens of millions of years, and the Qianyuan Realm is the qualification for his promotion to the Immortal Lord. As the saying goes, blocking someone’s path to wealth is like killing one’s parents. Huang Gu’s attempt to stop him from devouring the Qianyuan Realm was more than just blocking his path to wealth. He simply wanted to cut off his path to cultivation. For this, he could only fight to the death.

Facing Taotie’s world-destroying divine light, Huang Gu was not afraid.

I saw Huang Gu let out a soft drink, and a vast bright moon rose behind him, while the sound of crashing waves came from all around.

Vision – the moon rises over the sea!

It is already clear who Huangu is, the great emperor of Huangu, Gu Sheng. The rising moon on the sea is one of the nine visions that come with the Holy Eucharist.

Among the nine major visions of the Holy Body, some visions are greatly weakened after reaching the Immortal King. For example, the Immortal King is coming to Jiutian. Under the Immortal King, the Immortal King is coming to Jiutian. It can be said that the power of the Immortal King is the most powerful among the nine visions. Yes, but after reaching the Immortal King, the bonus of this kind of vision to combat power is greatly reduced. On the contrary, the power of natural phenomena such as the bright moon on the sea is not reduced.

This is also the reason why Gu Shenghui immediately used Sea Rising Moon. Tens of thousands of years ago, he used Immortal King Jiutian on Taotie and suffered a small loss.

In fact, he has a feeling that with the improvement of his cultivation, his physique is not as easy as drinking water as it used to be. At the level of the Immortal King, whose physique will be weaker than whom?

He even felt that as he got further back, his physique would become a fetter for him.

The radiance emitted by the vast bright moon seemed weak, but when Taotie’s destructive divine light came in front of it, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, unable to make any waves.

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