I haven’t stopped breastfeeding at the age of three

(Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I originally promised a certain book friend to update one more chapter, but I am too busy today. I will make up for it later, sorry!)

Gu Shengding looked at the man who called himself Li Beichen, and after a while, he said: ” You said you are my father’s friend, why have I never heard my father mention you?” It’s

strange that you have. You were a person from 500,000 years ago, and Li Beichen was a person from 300,000 years ago. It’s totally nonsense. No relationship. Secretly, Li Beifei was complaining crazily in his heart. He was very upset about the fact that Gu Changsheng had turned into Li Beichen. He looked exactly like Li Beichen. If he turned into Li Beichen and deceived him, wouldn’t it be equivalent to becoming him who deceived him in the future? If senior brother knew that he had been cheated, he would also be looking for trouble with him.

Damn it, old guy! Li Beifei cursed secretly.

Just when Gu Changsheng was about to answer Gu Sheng’s question, Gu Sheng actually asked and answered it himself.

“Actually, it goes without saying that I know that my mother was severely damaged after giving birth to me and died when I just learned to walk. My father also died of depression a few years later. I had just stopped breastfeeding at that time. He mentioned you to me, and I didn’t know either.”

Listening to Gu Sheng’s questions and answers, especially when he heard that he died in depression, Gu Changsheng almost changed back and grabbed Gu Sheng’s ear and said, “Dad,” I am here, but in order to make his son more motivated to practice, he held back.

Who told us to fake death and hide out in the first place!

Gu Changsheng followed Gu Sheng’s words and said, “Indeed, when you were three years old, you still hadn’t stopped breastfeeding!”

Gu Sheng’s eyes flashed with embarrassment, and he laughed and said, “It seems that you are really my father. I’m my friend.”

“I wonder why you suddenly came to see me?” Gu Sheng asked straight to the point.

“You want to resurrect your parents, right?” Gu Changsheng asked.

Gu Sheng nodded. The other person was naturally his father’s friend, and he could not see through his strength. Maybe he had been paying attention to his actions over the years, so it was not difficult to know that he wanted to resurrect his parents.

“How many times have you died with your Nine Deaths Art?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Huh?” Gu Sheng was stunned. Hearing that the other party even knew the Nine Deaths Art, he was now completely convinced of what the other party said.

“This…hasn’t died yet!” Gu Sheng said.

“Hmm… Then you should die. You must have felt it, right? The physique you were most proud of in the past has now become your shackles. It is not easy to cut off this shackles.”

Gu Changsheng intends to raise a point, but the wording is a bit different. What does “should die” mean? No one wants to die unless they die.

However, Gu Sheng also understands the truth. At the same time, he is also very amazed at the Nine Deaths Art that his father left for him. He can only achieve it by dying nine times, and this is equivalent to nine more lives. He doesn’t know where his father’s Nine Deaths Art came from. Yes, but he knew that the person who could create the supreme mystical skill of Nine Deaths was definitely a powerful man with astonishing talents and talents.

During these hundreds of thousands of years, in addition to looking for a way to resurrect his parents, he was also looking for clues about the person who created the Nine Deaths Art. He believed that the person who could create the Nine Deaths Art would never die. But unfortunately, he found He found a way to resurrect his parents, but he could never find the author of the Art of Nine Deaths.

As mentioned before, the method he found was to cultivate to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and then modify the cause and effect against the will of heaven, so that his father and mother can live naturally until now, because this involves multiple influences such as time, space, fate, cause and effect, etc. Only by cultivating the Immortal Emperor can one resist these influences.

“Senior, I wonder if you know the author of the Nine Deaths Art?” Gu Sheng asked. Since he is friends with his father, he probably knows where his father obtained the Nine Deaths Art. This may help him find the author of the Nine Deaths Art. .

“I know!” Gu Changsheng said.

“Who is it?” Gu Sheng asked quickly.

“Me!” Gu Changsheng, who transformed into Li Beichen, said lightly. He was indeed not lying, but Gu Sheng didn’t believe it.

“Senior, please stop playing tricks on me.” Gu Sheng shook his head.

Gu Changsheng shrugged and said, “I can’t help you if you don’t believe it.”


“Really?” Gu Sheng still didn’t believe it.

But the next moment, Gu Changsheng exuded a unique and mysterious aura. This aura was not unfamiliar to him because he had also practiced it.

“Do you believe it now?” Gu Changsheng asked.

Gu Sheng still shook his head and said, “You are friends with my father. My father was able to obtain the Nine-Death Art, so it seems reasonable for you to do the same, right?”

I… Gu Changsheng almost cursed, but he still held it back.

“If you don’t believe it, don’t believe it.” Gu Changsheng said helplessly.

“Okay, I believe it.” Gu Sheng suddenly believed it at this time.

“???” Gu Changsheng, you kid is playing tricks on your father and me.

“Naughty!” Gu Chang smiled angrily, exuding an aura that Gu Sheng felt was dangerous.

“Senior, please forgive me, I was joking just now.” Gu Sheng quickly gave up.

Li Beifei, who was hiding in the void, couldn’t help laughing when he saw this scene. As for who he was laughing at, it was definitely not Senior Brother.

After Gu Sheng gave up, he said to Gu Changsheng: “Since the senior is the author of the Nine Death Art, he must have participated in nature. I have a request…” “There is

no need to say a request.” Gu Changsheng shook his head, “I can’t Take action.”

“Why, aren’t my father and you friends?” Gu Sheng was stunned.

“Let me ask you, are you practicing to resurrect your parents, or do you have other goals?” Gu Changsheng’s tone was a bit harsh.

When Gu Sheng heard this, he looked thoughtful.

Seeing this, Gu Changsheng continued: “You have experienced countless life-and-death battles since your cultivation. What is the motivation that supports your cultivation? Do you understand?” ”

Your motivation is to become stronger through cultivation and then resurrect your parents. You still want to climb to the peak of the avenue, have you ever thought about it?”

“If you become an Immortal Emperor and resurrect your parents, will you still have the motivation to climb the peak?”

Gu Changsheng asked repeatedly, if it were anyone else, cultivating the Immortal Emperor would already be at the top of the mountain. The pinnacle of all heavens and realms, but Gu Sheng is none other than his son. Facing Gu Sheng, he always has more expectations, hoping that Gu Sheng can finally reach his own state, although he also knows that it is impossible. , but this is what a father expects from his son.

As a father, who doesn’t want his son to surpass his father, and Gu Changsheng is no exception. (Wang Quan Jingxing deserves to die, ahem, I’m off topic)

So Gu Changsheng is helping Gu Sheng clarify his Taoist heart at this time.

“I want to climb the peak of the avenue, but I also want to resurrect my parents. The two have nothing to do with each other!”

In the end, Gu Sheng said this answer. This answer made Gu Changsheng the most satisfied. He was afraid that Gu Sheng would resurrect his parents. This motivation is carried through to the end.

“Very good, let’s go then!”

Gu Changsheng nodded with satisfaction, he is indeed my son.

“Where to go?” Gu Sheng asked.

“Didn’t I tell you?” Gu Changsheng asked back.

“…” Gu Sheng.

“Heavenly Sword World, go and protect that world!” Gu Changsheng said, and gave Gu Sheng the coordinates of the Heavenly Sword World.

Gu Sheng nodded, then cupped his hands to Gu Changsheng and said, “Junior, farewell!”

After saying that, Gu Sheng left.

After Gu Sheng left, the White Tiger Demon Emperor and Li Beifei walked out, and Gu Changsheng also changed back to his original appearance.

But as soon as Li Beifei came out, he was kicked in the butt by Gu Changsheng.

“Ouch, what are you doing?” Li Beifei rubbed his butt in confusion.

“Haha, were you smiling happily just now?” Gu Changsheng looked at him with a pleasant look.


You are definitely taking out your anger on senior brother on me, I’ll go!

“Master, why don’t you recognize him?” asked the White Tiger Demon King.

“It’s still early, let’s wait another thousand years.” Gu Changsheng smiled.

“Why?” The White Tiger Demon King was puzzled. There must be no difference between now and more than a thousand years later.

“When you see a child, you have to bring the child with you!” Gu Changsheng’s face showed a rare tenderness.

Li Beifei stopped rubbing his butt immediately. He seemed to have heard something terrible just now.

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