Breakthrough to Nirvana


Gu Changsheng noticed something and immediately hid Li Beifei and Xiao Bai, and he turned into Li Beichen again. At this time, there was a fluctuation in the space, and the next moment, Gu Sheng came back.

“Is there anything else?” Gu Changsheng asked calmly.

“Senior, this junior would like to ask a question.” Gu Sheng said.

“Say!” Gu Changsheng said softly, showing off his airs and having the demeanor of an outsider, which made Li Beifei secretly complain in his heart.

“Senior, since you are the creator of Heavenly Art, may I ask, senior, how many times have you died?” Gu Sheng asked.

When Gu Changsheng heard this, he almost couldn’t help it. He kept telling himself in his heart that this was his own son, and it was his choice to tell white lies to him. After thinking about it, he calmed down.

“Although I created this technique, I haven’t even perfected the first level.”

Gu Changsheng said calmly, and Gu Sheng immediately understood, that is to say, he has never died.

“Senior, besides you, who else has practiced this technique?” Gu Sheng asked.

“Plus you two.” Gu Changsheng asked.

“What about the other person now?” Gu Sheng continued to ask.

“You are living well, and your cultivation can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds. Are there any other problems?” Gu Changsheng replied, Gu Xichao is indeed living well, and his cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds.

“No, junior, take your leave!”

Gu Sheng cupped his hands and disappeared.

After confirming that Gu Sheng was far away, Gu Changsheng returned to his true self and said, “This kid actually doubts my skills.”

How could he not know what Gu Sheng was thinking, which was just to determine whether there were any hidden dangers in the Nine Deaths Skill.

“Master, you have such a powerful technique, why don’t you pass it on to me and Senior Sister Honghong?”

Li Beifei and the White Tiger Demon Emperor walked out, while Li Beifei looked confused.

“Do you think everyone can practice my master’s Nine Death Art?” Gu Changsheng glared at him angrily.

The Nine-Death Technique is a technique he created tailor-made for himself. The prerequisite for practicing the Nine-Death Technique is having his blood in the body. This is only a prerequisite, but in the Gu family, only Gu Sheng and Gu Xichao are suitable for practicing the Nine-Death Technique.

Otherwise, as long as he passes on the Nine Death Art to the person he cares about, that person will still die?

“Master, where should we go next?” the White Tiger Demon King asked.

“Go and see the Qianyuan Realm!”

After saying that, Gu Changsheng led the two of them into the Qianyuan Realm.

After Gu Sheng killed Taotie, the crisis of annihilation in the Qianyuan world was lifted. The dignified atmosphere caused by Taotie that had lasted for 100,000 years finally dissipated, and the creatures in the Qianyuan world returned to a peaceful and peaceful life.

Half a year later, in a simple courtyard on a high mountain, Li Beifei closed his eyes tightly, and the sacred golden light emitted from his body was surrounded by nine divine rainbows transformed from blood and energy. Coupled with the golden light emitted by his body, Make him look like a god.

At this time, he was practicing the Immortal Sutra.

Beside, Gu Changsheng was sitting on a stone chair, drinking tea comfortably, while the White Tiger Demon Emperor was standing making tea for Gu Changsheng.

Gu Changsheng looked at Li Beifei and asked the White Tiger Demon Emperor: “Xiao Bai, is there something you don’t understand?”

When Gu Changsheng and others first entered the Qianyuan Realm half a year ago, Gu Changsheng learned from the golden quasi-emperor’s skull. The method of cultivating the Immortal Sutra was extracted. Not everyone can practice the Immortal Sutra. Because Li Beifei had Lao Liu in his body, he was able to successfully practice the Immortal Sutra with the help of Lao Liu.

But the White Tiger Demon Emperor was different. Even if Gu Changsheng introduced the cultivation methods of the Immortal Sutra into her mind, the White Tiger Demon Emperor could not understand it. So Gu Changsheng combined the White Tiger Demon Emperor’s physique and borrowed the methods of the Immortal Sutra. Characteristics, created a technique for her.

The name of this technique is White Tiger Immortal Body. Gu Changsheng just asked her what else she didn’t understand about White Tiger Immortal Body.

“Yes!” the White Tiger Demon Queen said softly. She has always been straightforward with Gu Changsheng and will not hide anything. Whatever Gu Changsheng asks her, she will answer truthfully.

When Gu Changsheng heard this, he asked the White Tiger Demon Emperor to express his inner doubts. The White Tiger Demon Emperor did not hesitate and directly told all the confusions he encountered while practicing the White Tiger Immortal Body. Gu Changsheng explained the confusions to the White Tiger Demon Emperor one by one.

“Thank you, Master!” After receiving Gu Changsheng’s guidance, the White Tiger Demon Emperor felt like he had a sudden enlightenment.

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be so polite.


At this moment, there was an abnormal sound coming from Li Beifei’s side. He could only hear sounds such as “bang” and “click” coming from his body, and Li Beifei also had a look of pain on his face.

“Master, is Xiao Feifei okay?”

The White Tiger Demon King looked at Li Beifei worriedly. The sound coming from Li Beifei’s body was the sound of bones breaking.

Gu Changsheng did not answer, but looked at Li Beifei with squinted eyes. In his eyes, he could see that the bones in Li Beifei’s body were breaking, shattering, and then being healed instantly by a mysterious force, and this process was ongoing. He repeated it quickly, but every time the fracture and healing process ended, the strength of the bones in Li Beifei’s body would increase.

Like nirvana!


Suddenly, Li Beifei’s cultivation broke through the shackles of the realm of life and death and entered the realm of Nirvana. If you look closely, the bones in his body already have an extremely light golden color. This touch of gold, even if it is Li Beifei’s own Even his spiritual consciousness couldn’t detect it, but he couldn’t avoid Gu Changsheng’s discernment.

Immortal Sutra Seal!

With the help of Lao Liu, Li Beifei finally obtained the recognition of the Immortal Sutra after half a year, and imprinted the imprint of the Immortal Sutra on his body. In other words, only Li Beifei is now qualified to practice Immortal Sutra. through.

As for Li Beifei’s cultivation, he had already reached the peak of life and death three months ago. But now, because of the Immortal Sutra, his cultivation has also successfully reached the realm of Nirvana. Of course, the reason why he can Such a rapid breakthrough in cultivation is mostly due to the fact that the vitality of heaven and earth in the Qianyuan Realm is more advanced and richer than that in the Mortal Realm.


Li Beifei opened his eyes and felt the changes in his body, but his face was full of joy.

“Don’t be complacent, let’s survive the thunderstorm first.” Gu Changsheng said in a blow.

“Thunder Tribulation?”

Li Beifei was startled, and then his expression changed drastically. Breaking through the Realm of Life and Death in the Breaking Void Realm requires overcoming the Tribulation of Life and Death, and breaking through the Nirvana Realm in the Realm of Life and Death requires overcoming Thunder Tribulation. Only after passing through can one truly enter the world. If you can’t get through the Nirvana realm… there won’t be any dregs left.

In the world of mortals, Nirvana is a watershed for monks. Monks in Nirvana are called great monks, while those from the demon race are called great demons.

Under normal circumstances, there are only nine paths to the Nirvana Thunder Tribulation, but when Li Beifei looked into the sky, he saw dark clouds that were closed and as thick as ink, with lightning and thunder, and thunder snakes crisscrossing the sky. From this look, it didn’t seem like there were only nine paths.

“Come on, Xiao Feifei!”

The White Tiger Demon King encouraged Li Beifei from the side.

Li Beifei thought that with his current strength, wouldn’t it be easy to achieve the Nirvana Thunder Tribulation?

“Aunt Bai, look at me!”

Li Beifei greeted, then stood up and rushed into the sky.

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