The Reputation Crisis of the Seven Star Sword Sect

Today’s Seven-Star Sword Sect is very different from three years ago. In the past three years, although the Seven-Star Sword Sect was still within the scope of the Tianjian Dynasty, when Gu Changsheng domineeringly destroyed the saints of the other three quasi-emperor forces, , Tianjian Dynasty took a fancy to the future potential of the Seven Star Sword Sect. During the past three years, it not only cooperated with the Seven Star Sword Sect to help the Seven Star Sword Sect expand the pure Yuanjing market to the entire Beichen Star, but also expanded the Seven Star Sword Sect’s radius of ten Wanli’s territory was allocated to the Seven Star Sword Sect.

Nowadays, the Seven Star Sword Sect is not as powerful as other big forces on the surface, but it is also a big force that countless monks in Beichen Star want to join.

The address of the current Seven Star Sword Sect has not changed, but the size of the sect has increased nearly ten times compared to when Li Beifei left three years ago.

As the deputy sect leader of the sect, Duan Fei’s status has also risen. Even if he is now only at the peak of the Shattering Void Realm, the emperor of the Tianjian Dynasty will give him three portions of thin noodles when he meets him.

In the past few years, the Seven Star Sword Sect has also recruited many talented disciples, but the most outstanding disciple is not the disciple who joined the Sword Sect later, but Yang Fan, who only had Yuefan strength at the beginning. When he faced the threat from the Blood Cloud Tower, , he was still in the early stage of Yue Fan, but he had a heart to advance and retreat with the sect.

In the past three years, the first batch of people who had been baptized by Gu Changsheng’s sermons had improved by leaps and bounds. The strongest one was even stronger than Duan Fei, the deputy sect leader. And when Yang Fan broke into the Demon Suppression Tower, he won Gu Changsheng’s power. With this inheritance, Yang Fan stood out and became the strongest disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect.

His cultivation has reached the third level of life and death realm, which is stronger than Duan Fei, the deputy sect master.

However, everyone in the Seven Star Sword Sect knows that Duan Fei, the deputy sect master, is strongest not in cultivation, but in formation formation. As long as he is given time to set up formations, he can trap even the extraordinary realm, even the elders of the sect, Sirius. Dare to make a date with the deputy sect leader.

You must know that Elder Tianlang broke through to the Saint Realm a year ago. He felt overwhelmed when facing the deputy sect master’s formation. Naturally, others did not dare to underestimate Duan Fei, who was only at the peak of the Shattering Void Realm.

At this time, our deputy lord is having a huge headache.

Standing in front of him was Chen Fan.

“Elder Chen, how many new people have been pretending to be our Seven Star Sword Sect during this period?” Duan Fei asked.

“Three thousand three hundred and thirty-eight!” Chen Fan responded with a wry smile.

Ever since Gu Changsheng issued a warning to the three major quasi-emperor forces, people have continued to pretend to be members of the Seven Star Sword Sect, and these people have all offended the three major forces. The three major forces are helpless. Although they know that these people are pretending to be the Seven Star Sword Sect, they do not dare to take action against them. What if one of them is really real?

Thinking of Gu Changsheng’s warning, the three major forces shuddered. They could not attack the Seven Star Sword Sect’s people, and they could only endure it if the Seven Star Sword Sect’s people attacked them.

With this coming and going, more and more people are using the banner of the Seven Star Sword Sect. It is not that the Seven Star Sword Sect has never stopped this kind of thing, but the effect is very low. Beichen Star is so big that they can’t control it.

More and more people are pretending to be the Seven Star Sword Sect, causing countless monks in Beichen Star to be deceived and killed. This has brought a lot of infamy to the Seven Star Sword Sect.

Duan Fei also had a headache due to this matter.

“If this continues, the reputation of our Sword Sect will be destroyed.” Duan Fei felt his head hurt. If he had the teacher’s invincible strength, he would definitely slap those who pretended to be the Seven Star Sword Sect to death. , but it is a pity that the current Seven Star Sword Sect, the strongest one is Xiaoyue Sirius, cannot do such a domineering thing.

“Reputation?” Chen Fan smiled bitterly, “The pure Yuan crystal business outside the Tianjian Dynasty has been affected, and even the local small and medium-sized forces have united to boycott our Pure Yuan Building.” “There are

no three major forces behind this, right?” Duan Fei asked.

Chen Fan shook his head and said: “This doesn’t require them to take action at all.”

Duan Fei thought about it. Those who pretended to be the Seven Star Sword Sect were cheating and abducting people everywhere, and even killed people and bought goods. It was because the three major forces did not dare to provoke the Seven Star Sword Sect. You can take the initiative to avoid them if you don’t provoke them, but it’s different for those small and medium-sized forces. They are the worst deceived and deceived. They can’t tell who is the true disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect and who is the fake disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect, so they will naturally point the finger. Pointing to the Seven Star Sword Sect’s industry.

What can the Seven Star Sword Sect do? Eradicate all forces? Don’t say that they don’t have the strength now, even if they do, they can’t do this.

It can be said that although the Seven Star Sword Sect is developing rapidly now, it is also facing a crisis. If this matter is not handled well, there will be no place for the Seven Star Sword Sect in Beichen Star in the future.

“Trouble!” Duan Fei had a headache.

“What’s the trouble?”

At this time, Gu Changsheng and Li Beifei came in, and naturally it was Li Beifei who asked.

“Teacher, boss!” Duan Fei was startled for a moment, then jumped up from the chair in excitement.

“I’ve met the sect master, I’ve met the Supreme Ancestor!” Chen Fan also quickly saluted the two of them.

“What trouble did you just say?” Li Beifei asked.

“That’s it…” Duan Fei quickly explained the problems the sect was facing now. After hearing this, Li Beifei looked at Gu Changsheng with strange eyes.

“Master, have you expected this situation a long time ago?” Li Beifei asked.

Gu Changsheng shrugged and said: “Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. When I supported you as a master, it will certainly bring great convenience to the development of Jianzong, but it will also be used by some people with good intentions. How can it be possible that all the good things will go to you?” Taken?”

“That’s the truth, but the current situation is too troublesome.” Li Beifei also copied Duan Fei’s words.

“What’s the trouble? Just suppress all the pretenders.”

Gu Changsheng said calmly.

“Ahem, teacher, the problem is that our sect doesn’t have the strength, and you still want to take action personally?” Duan Fei looked at Gu Changsheng expectantly, and Chen Fan was also excited. Back then, Gu Changsheng killed the blood with great force. Yunlou then strongly deterred the three major forces, which is still vivid in his mind.

Can we see the power of the Supreme Ancestor again?

“While I’m thinking of a way to go, I’m old and don’t have enough energy!”

Gu Changsheng yawned and left.

Low on energy? Li Beifei’s mouth twitched. Do you dare to find a better reason?

“Boss, what should we do now?” Duan Fei asked.

“Recruit help!” Li Beifei said decisively.

“Who are you looking for?” Duan Fei asked.

“Nonsense, of course it’s the Tianjian Dynasty. Do you want to find the other three major forces?” Li Beifei rolled his eyes at him.


The other three major forces want their Seven Star Sword Sect to die, so how can they help them.

However, it’s not like Duan Fei never thought of asking them for help from Tianjian Dynasty, but this is a big favor.

“As long as you owe the favor.”

Li Beifei responded. Then that day, Li Beifei and Duan Fei, led by Xiaoyue Sirius, went to the palace of the Tianjian Dynasty.

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