Old Fox

The emperor of the Tianjian Dynasty, Murong Tianjian, was in court at this time. When he learned that the leader of the Seven Star Sword Sect came to visit him, he immediately left the throne and walked out of the palace to greet him in the surprised eyes of many powerful ministers.

“Sect Master Li, I have admired you for a long time!” In the welcoming hall, Murong Tianjian was very polite. He did not look down on Li Beifei at all because he only had the first level of Nirvana realm. Instead, he paid more attention to him in his heart.

According to his understanding of the Seven Star Sword Sect, it seems that the master behind Li Beifei gave him a trial mission when the Seven Star Sword Sect was established. However, as the controller of a quasi-emperor force, he is in a high position, but he knows very well that he needs to establish a force. How difficult it was. At least his son Murong Xun would not be able to create a sect force similar to the Seven Star Sword Sect even with the full support of the Tianjian Dynasty.

Therefore, he paid enough attention to both Li Beifei and the master behind Li Beifei.

“Your Majesty, why do you owe me so much? A small gift is not a sign of respect.” Li Beifei saw that Emperor Tianjian was giving him such respect, and naturally he would not lose his etiquette. He motioned to Duan Fei beside him. Duan Fei understood in his heart and took out the prepared The gifts are ready to be wrapped. This time I am asking for help. This step must not be omitted.

Upon seeing this, Murong Tianjian motioned to the guards on the side to take it over, and then said: “Thank you so much, Sect Master Li!”

With Murong Tianjian’s status and experience, it is impossible not to see the purpose of Li Beifei and others’ trip, but He did not mention at all why Li Beifei wanted to give gifts. Obviously, he wanted Li Beifei to say it himself. In this case, if it is a small matter, it will be helpful if it is helped. If it is a big matter, they have the ability to help, but it will cost a lot. Then we have to talk about chips.

Although the Tianjian Dynasty has strongly supported the Seven Star Sword Sect in the past few years, provided various policy conveniences, and even gave the Seven Star Sword Sect a territory of 100,000 miles to the Seven Star Sword Sect, but all this is based on their Tianjian Sect. The Sword Dynasty can obtain enough benefits from the Seven Star Sword Sect. Otherwise, even if it knows that the Seven Star Sword Sect has a strong backer, it would not be able to support it so strongly.

After all, the Tianjian Dynasty is not a charity, and profit is the eternal hub.

Although Li Beifei was not good at running a sect, he would not foolishly think that if he asked Tianjian Dynasty to help, they would have to do it, so the gift he gave was not a small gift.

“Your Majesty the Emperor might as well open it and take a look.” Li Beifei said.

“Huh?” Murong Tianjian was startled at first, and then asked the guard at the side to open the gift box in confusion.

After the gift box was opened, there were two white bottles of sheep jade lying inside. Murong Tianjian immediately recognized that they were two bottles of elixirs, and asked with a smile: “I wonder what elixirs are inside?”

He originally thought that Li Beifei would say, ” You’ll know when you open it,” but Li Beifei’s answer instantly made him almost slip off his chair.

“There are three Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills in the bottle on the left. As for the effectiveness of the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills, His Majesty the Emperor doesn’t need Li to introduce them, right?” Li Beifei said with a smile on his face.

“What? Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill?” After hearing this, Murong Tianjian didn’t care about the pretense and directly picked up the bottle of pill that Li Beifei mentioned. After opening it, the rich fragrance of the pill overflowed from the bottle and instantly spread all over the place. The whole hall.

Murong Tianjian’s pupils shrank, and he could actually feel that the hidden wounds left by previous battles in his body were slowly being repaired. The elixir alone had such a miraculous effect, the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill, this was really the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill!

“Sect Master Li, this… this gift is too valuable…”

Before Murong Tianjian could finish speaking, Li Beifei said again: “His Majesty the Emperor might as well open another bottle of elixir and take a look.”

Murong Tianjian heard this. , stretched out his hand to the second bottle of elixir. After experiencing the baptism of the Nine Transformations Life-Sustaining Pill, Murong Tianjian felt that it didn’t matter what the second bottle of elixir contained, but when he opened it, his hand suddenly Shivering, the elixir in his hand almost fell to the ground. It is impossible for a person’s hands to be trembling when he is a peak cultivator in the Xiaoyao Realm, unless the thing in his hand exceeds his imagination, or in other words, the thing in his hand is exactly what he needs very much.

“Breaking Saint Pill!”

Murong Tianjian’s eyes were full of disbelief. Breaking Saint Pill, as the name suggests, is a pill that can help monks at the peak of Xiaoyao Realm break through the shackles of cultivation and reach the realm of saints. This pill is the same as the Nine Turns Life-Sustaining Pill. They are all legendary elixirs, and in terms of value alone, to Murong Tianjian, the value of the Holy-Breaking Pill is higher than the Nine-Revolution Life-Sustaining Pill, because he still has a lot of lifespan, but the Holy-Breaking Pill can Help him enter the realm of saints.

Murong Tianjian took a few deep breaths, closed the jade bottle, opened it again, looked at it, closed it again, opened it again, repeated this several times, and then stopped after confirming that the elixir inside was real.

“Everyone, I’m really sorry. I was too rude.” Murong Tianjian apologized to Li Beifei and the others. He looked just like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. This kind of metaphor is actually applied to him, the emperor of a quasi-emperor dynasty. , it can be seen that Li Beifei’s four pills had an impact on him.

Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pills are almost extinct in the universe because of Gu Changsheng. Maybe an ancient Taoist system will have one or two, but it definitely does not include the Tianjian Dynasty. The Holy-Breaking Pill is even more remarkable, because the Holy-Breaking Pill uses the essence and blood of a saint. It can be said that the birth of a Holy-Breaking Pill means that a strong saint once fell.

“Sect Master Li, if you have anything to say, you can just say it. As long as I, Murong Tianjian, can do it, I will definitely do it.” Murong Tianjian said seriously.

After hearing this, Li Beifei secretly scolded Murong Tianjian as an old fox. He said that it was his duty to do what Murong Tianjian could do, but not his Tianjian Dynasty, but this was enough. He had never thought about the Tianjian Dynasty returning to Tianjian Dynasty with all his strength. help him.

“Let Duan Fei tell you, I just learned about this not long ago.” Li Beifei said.

Duan Fei explained in detail the current troubles faced by the Seven Star Sword Sect, and finally said: “Your Majesty the Emperor, we just want to ask the Heavenly Sword Dynasty to support a group of strong men so that we can fight against those who pretend to be us. People from the Seven Star Sword Sect.”

“That’s it.” Murong Tianjian breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He had also heard about Beichen Xing’s craze for pretending to be a disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect, but he didn’t understand it in detail. Now after listening to Duan Fei’s narration, I know that this matter has a great impact on the Seven Star Sword Sect, but for their Tianjian Dynasty, it is not difficult to solve this matter. It is nothing more than killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Kill all those who pretend to be the strongest people in the Seven Star Sword Sect, and those weak ones will naturally be afraid.

But he didn’t know that Li Beifei planned to kill all those who ruined the reputation of the Seven Star Sword Sect.

“This is easy to handle!” Murong Tianjian nodded, and then said to the void next to him: “An Commander!”


As the voice fell, a man in black robes appeared.

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