The square is small

After Li Beifei stayed temporarily in Zuixianju for two days, he planned to leave Cangmang City and head to the Desert Sea.

The desert sea is a dangerous place in Cangmang City, and it is also a wonder. The desert sea not only contains various powerful monsters and ferocious beasts, but also has a strange flower that can open up the divine sea. The people of Cangmang Star call it the flower of the other side. The Flower of the Other Shore is very rare and hidden in the depths of the desert sea, and in the depths of the desert sea, the passage to the next level is also hidden.

Whether it was for the Flower of the Other Shore or the passage to the next level, Li Beifei needed to go to the Desert Sea.

The Desert Sea is a million miles away from Cangmang City, and the Escape Boat has been returned to Gu Xiruo. If Li Beifei wants to go to Desert City, he still needs to take Cangmang City’s exclusive magic flying boat.

Yunhe Flying Boat, this is the name of the magical flying boat that Li Beifei is riding at this time. It is extremely fast. Of course, it is dwarfed by the Sky Escape Boat, but it is more than ten times faster than Li Beifei’s personal journey. It takes seven days to take a flying boat from Cangmang City to the Desert Sea, and the ticket costs 10,000 high-grade source crystals. Obviously, merchants do not want to rip off the poor.

Li Beifei doesn’t have many Origin Crystals on his body now. Basically all the Origin Crystals he earned from robbing the underground black market and the Stone Fighting Festival were given to Duan Fei to develop the Seven Star Sword Sect. He now only has one. There are more than 100 million high-grade source crystals, hundreds of thousands of top-grade source crystals, and more than a dozen divine sources, but these things are obviously not suitable to be exposed. He does not want to be hunted down by countless people in a place he is not familiar with.

However, these ten thousand high-grade source crystals are not a waste of money, because each room is equipped with a small spirit gathering array. For seven days on the ship, as long as you are strong enough and absorb the energy of heaven and earth quickly enough, you will be able to make back your money. Therefore, the ordinary source crystals People who come on board the ship basically spend time in their own rooms.

But Li Beifei had no such idea. He was standing on the deck, looking at the whistling clouds, feeling relaxed and happy.

“By this time, the old guy won’t be spying on me, right?” At this moment, he was still wondering if Gu Changsheng was secretly spying on him.

At this moment, several noisy sounds attracted Li Beifei’s attention.

I saw four graceful figures walking out of the deck from the path on the left side of the flying boat and arriving on the deck. When they saw Li Beifei, they were also stunned. At this time, everyone else was absorbing the energy of heaven and earth in the room. Unexpectedly, there was a human race following them. The four sisters are the same.

However, they only took one more look and then ignored Li Beifei. Instead, they stood on the other side of the deck, comforting their youngest sister.

When Li Beifei saw these four beauties who looked exactly the same, he naturally couldn’t help but look at them a few more times, but it was just a few more looks. In his opinion, no matter how beautiful they were, they were not as beautiful as his Qingyi beauty, but the quadruplets It was just a bonus, but their words caught Li Beifei’s attention.

“Okay, okay, Xiaoxiao, don’t be so emotional. It’s just a beast’s excrement. You’re nothing, so you don’t have to be so serious.” said the mature elder sister.

Xiaoxiao? Li Beifei couldn’t help but look at a certain part. It was not small, and it didn’t live up to its name!

“Hmph, I will definitely find the dog named Black Dragon.” Tian Xiaoxiao frowned slightly. They rushed to Cangmang City yesterday, but because the Black Dragon had already entered the special space in Li Beifei’s body at that time, they used the Black Dragon to stay The hair on his lower body was traced to Cangmang City and lost its trace, but they have determined that the black hair was left by a dog.

“Okay, okay, let’s help you vent your anger together when we have the chance.” The eldest sister Tian Yuanyuan comforted, “Don’t forget our purpose.” ”

Yes, eldest sister!” The three sisters immediately responded, and the younger sister Tian Xiaoxiao I also collected my emotions and put aside what happened that day.

But Li Beifei heard their words clearly and understood. The dog named Black Dragon in Tian Xiao’s novel was obviously the Black Dragon in the space inside his body. As for the excrement, it was obviously the one that the Black Dragon spread on the Starry Sky Ancient Road. Peed.

“This damn dog will eventually cause trouble because of his low quality.” Li Beifei said gloating in his heart, but his body couldn’t help but move towards the quadruplets.

The four Tian sisters frowned when they saw Li Beifei walking towards them.

“Four fairies, hello, I’m Bai Yifei of Tianhuangxing Tianji Pavilion, how polite you are!”

Li Beifei took out a folding fan from somewhere, imitating the real Bai Yifei, pretending to wave the fan lightly, feeling very cool.

“Tianhuang Star?”

“Tianji Pavilion?”

The four sisters were stunned. Apparently they had heard of the name of Tianhuang Star Tianji Pavilion, or in other words, Tianji Pavilion was also famous in the universe.

After hearing Li Beifei’s self-introduction, although the four Tian sisters were still wary, since the other party had already announced his name, they could not lose their etiquette, otherwise if word spread, they would say that their clan did not understand etiquette.

“The sky of the Heavenly Snake clan is round and round.”

“The sky of the Heavenly Snake clan

is square.” “The sky of the Heavenly Snake clan is upright.”

“The sky of the Heavenly Snake clan is small!” The sky of the Sky Snake clan

is round and square… This name… Li Beifei didn’t know how to complain in his heart. Yes, but he had heard about the Heavenly Snake Clan. The Heavenly Snake Clan had its own ancient star and was also a powerful clan in the universe. However, he did not expect that the Heavenly Snake Clan would actually produce quadruplets who were as beautiful as flowers. If word spreads, I don’t know how many fanatic fans will be harvested.

“Are you looking for a dog?” Li Beifei asked.

The eldest sister Tian Yuanyuan hadn’t spoken yet, but Tian Xiaoxiao spoke up first.

“How do you know? Have you been following us secretly?”


“Xiaoxiao!” Tian Yuanyuan glanced at Tian Xiaoxiao angrily, and then said to Li Beifei: “I’m sorry, Mr. Bai, little sister He has an out-of-touch personality and can’t speak. I hope you don’t blame me.”

Li Beifei shook his head and said, “I should apologize for this. I overheard it when you were discussing just now.”

Li Beifei’s attitude instantly made Tian Yuanyuan Her favorability increased greatly, and at the same time she was doubting her father’s words in her heart. Her father told them to be careful of the human race. The human race was very cunning. Now she could not wait to bring this human race named “Bai Yifei” to confront her father.

“Young master Bai, you don’t have to say that. It’s the four of us sisters who disturbed you.” Tian Yuanyuan said.

“Let’s get back to the topic. I happen to know the dog you’re talking about.” Li Beifei smiled softly and then withdrew the topic to the black dragon.

Regarding the matter about the black dragon, Tian Xiaoxiao was naturally the most anxious one. She quickly said: “Mr. Bai, do you know where it is?”

Li Beifei shook his head and said, “Although I don’t know where it is, but But I know that it also comes from the Tianhuang Star. He is obviously a big black dog, but he often says that he is a dragon. He does all kinds of evil in the Tianhuang Star. He is an eight-thousand-year-old man… No, eight Everyone from ten-year-olds to three-year-old children have been bullied by him…”

Li Beifei rambled and denounced the crimes committed by Black Dragon’s Tianhuang Star. If it had been anyone else, he would have definitely heard that Li Beifei was talking nonsense. Badao, but the four sisters of the Heavenly Snake clan… well, they actually listened.

“It’s so abominable!” The eldest sister Tian Yuanyuan’s pretty face was cold.

“I wish I could eat it!” Second sister Tian Fangfang said in a cold voice.

“Everyone who finds it will be punished!” Third sister Tianzheng’s face was filled with murderous intent.

“Don’t get caught by me. If you do, I’ll castrate him!” Tian Xiaoxiao had the loudest voice and the most vicious method, which made Li Beifei’s crotch feel cold.

“Actually, we can cooperate. Since he has also come to Cangmang Star, he will definitely go to Desert Sea. By then, we will definitely meet him.” Li Beifei suggested.


The four sisters hesitated. After all, the person in front of them had just met. Apart from their name, they knew nothing else. Is it too early to talk about cooperation now?

When Li Beifei saw this, he knew that he was too proud. Just when he was thinking of how to make amends, Tian Yuanyuan spoke.

“Mr. Bai, I don’t think cooperation is necessary, but if you meet that dog, we will definitely help you get revenge.”

In Li Beifei’s story just now, Li Beifei portrayed himself as a victim who had his treasure robbed by the black dragon, and He is looking for revenge on the black dragon.

When Li Beifei saw this, he said, “I was the one who was rude.”

After a brief exchange, Li Beifei became acquainted with the four sisters of the Sky Snake Tribe. However, this was not his purpose. His purpose was simply to trick the black dragon.

However, Li Beifei felt a little guilty for the four sisters of the Tian Snake clan. They didn’t offend him, so it was a bit bad for him to trick them like this.

Li Beifang only had a small flash of guilt in his heart, and then it disappeared. For a sixth-year old man, this little guilt was enough.

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