World Predator

In the boundless chaos, five immortal-level airships crossed. Each airship’s physique was comparable to that of the Tianhuang Star. Their destination was the world of mortals where the Great Dao was about to revive.

There is no reference in the chaos. The speed of the five airships seems to be slow, but it is a few points faster than the speed of the powerful Immortal King. It is obvious that these five airships are all Immortal King level in terms of level. Flying boat.

At this time, a wave of spiritual thoughts flashed within the field formed by the five Immortal King-class flying boats.

“How far is it?”

“Three worlds!”

The mysterious and powerful existence was silent. How far is naturally how far it is from the world of mortals. Three worlds, which means that it has to pass through three worlds on the way. The distance of three worlds, if an ordinary true immortal flies through chaos at extremely fast speeds, it would take at least hundreds of thousands of years to reach the world of mortals. However, these five Immortal King-level airships were built for the purpose of traveling. Coupled with various acceleration formations, the time has been shortened to the extreme.

Three years.

This may seem exaggerated, but the distance between a true immortal and an immortal king is just that exaggerated.

At this time, the fluctuation of spiritual thoughts started again.

“Are there any strong people in the recent world?” A spiritual thought came down and asked.

“The nearest world is called Yuanyang Realm. Perhaps because of the Emperor of the Red Dust, no world close to the Red Dust Realm can give birth to a powerful person above the Immortal King.” Another divine thought fell and answered the previous question in a sideways way. .

The owner of the previous divine thought was silent for a long time, and finally sent out another divine thought.

“Go to Yuanyang Realm and supply!”

As his spiritual thoughts fell, the five Immortal King-level airships slightly adjusted their direction, and then the five airships raised countless formations. The formations exuded golden divine brilliance, and then the gods The brilliance continued to gather in front, and only a subtle cracking sound was heard. The chaos in front of the five airships broke. Then the formation patterns on the airships dissipated, the divine brilliance disappeared, and even the breath became sluggish, and the airships sailed slowly. Entered the broken chaotic area, and then disappeared.

The broken chaos was quickly repaired by the breath of chaos. At this moment, a main hall appeared next to it.

Zulong Palace!

Zulong, who had repaired his body, walked out of the Zulong Palace, frowning.

“The world plunderer has appeared again, but you have no choice in choosing a target. You are seeking death in the world of mortals. Tsk, tsk, no matter how strong the people behind you are, they will probably be disappointed this time.”

Zu Long’s face A gloating smile appeared. The World Predator is an organization, and this organization has a very long history. This organization has existed for as many Chaos Era as he has lived. Obviously, the mastermind behind this organization is… Like him, he is one of the three thousand chaos gods and demons, or more.

The World Predators, as the name suggests, is an organization with the purpose of invading and plundering other worlds. Since the eighteen Chaos Era, they have plundered countless worlds. Every time the catastrophe of the era occurs, the members of this organization will undergo a major change. After all, Only those who surpass the Immortal Emperor can survive the catastrophe of the era.

And Zulong knew that the five airships just now were just a small team of the World Predator Organization, but this small team was enough to suppress any world without the existence of the Immortal Lord.

In his opinion, Yuanyang Realm is in danger.

However, Zu Long ignored it. He had nothing to do with Yuanyang Realm and there was no need to take action.

Seven days passed quickly. The Yunhe flying boat landed on an empty artificial platform. Li Beifei got off the flying boat and looked at the desert ahead. The desert extended to the end of the horizon, like a desert ocean. This is the destination of this trip, the desert sea.

There were many monks who came down from the Yunhe Flying Boat. Most of them were natives of the Cangwu Star. They came to the Desert Sea not to find the ancient path in the starry sky, but to find the Flower of the Other Side. However, a small number of them had deep and hidden auras. Li Beifei knew that these people were not simple people. .

After getting off the flying boat, many people chose a familiar direction to enter the desert sea. Li Beifei didn’t know the desert sea. Just when he was about to find a direction, a man with a wretched look came to her.

“Sir, here is Rui Xia, a well-known guide in the Desert Sea. Do you need a guide?” Fang Rui looked at Li Beifei with a smile on his face.

“Oh?” Li Beifei was surprised. The desert sea is a dangerous place in Cangmanxing. Someone dares to be a guide. Moreover, he looked at Fang Rui’s cultivation level. He was at the ninth level of life and death realm, and his aura was unstable. He probably only broke through not long ago. With this level of cultivation, wouldn’t entering the depths of the desert sea mean seeking death?

As if aware of Li Beifei’s inner doubts, Fang Rui explained with a smile: “Of course, I usually work in the outer and middle areas. If you are on the outer area, I will have one thousand high-grade source crystals, and if you are in the middle area, I will have five thousand high-grade source crystals.” ”

You.” Do you know where there are flowers of the other side?” Li Beifei said bluntly.

Fang Rui’s eyes flashed with a strange look, but he quickly regained his composure, but in his heart he labeled Li Beifei as a fool. How could anyone ask so directly, but it just so happened that it was best to lie to such a person.

Fang Rui quickly said: “Sir, what you said is true. If I knew where the other shore flower was, why would I be working so hard as a guide? I would just pick the other shore flower and sell it. The source crystals would be enough for me to cultivate to freedom. It’s already here.”

Because the Flower of the Other Shore has the effect of widening the Divine Sea, it is extremely precious, even comparable to ordinary holy medicines. Fang Rui is not exaggerating when he says this.

“But…” Fang Rui changed his tone, “Although I don’t know where there are flowers of other shores, I do know a few dangerous places where flowers of other shores have appeared. However, this basic place is close to the inner desert sea. With my strength, it is really You can’t go so deep, but if you really want to go, Fang will sacrifice your life to accompany you, but as for Yuan Jing…”

The implication is already obvious, if you want me to take you to find the Flower of the Other Side, you have to pay more!

“Oh, I understand.” Li Beifei said with an “I understand” expression, and then he took out a few Source Crystals in his hand, and Fang Rui’s eyes instantly bulged out.

The Source Crystals in Li Beifei’s hands turned out to be several top-grade Source Crystals. This was something Fang Rui never expected. If he hadn’t known that he couldn’t beat Li Beifei, he would have snatched them away now.

At this time, Li Beifei said: “I can’t believe everything you say, right? Why don’t you point me in the direction, the direction where the Flower of the Other Side once appeared.” There was a

big loophole in this statement, but Fang Rui was completely impressed by the best quality in Li Beifei’s hands. The source crystal attracted him, and he subconsciously raised his finger in a direction. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a “bang” sound breaking through the air. He was stunned for a moment, and then rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Where is the source crystal? My top quality source crystal? Why did it disappear?

Not only did the source crystal disappear, but Li Beifei also disappeared. At this time, he was already galloping in the direction pointed by Fang Rui. He originally planned to choose a random direction, but now with Fang Rui’s guidance, it would not be a loss even if he couldn’t find the Flower of the Other Shore. After all, he didn’t pay any price. Once you really meet it, you will make a lot of money.

Regarding Fang Rui who suddenly came to the door and recommended himself, Li Beifei was not so naive as to ask him to be his guide. It was better to be careful when going out.

Fang Rui, on the other hand, took advantage of his situation to find his boss and told him about the top-quality source crystal that Li Beifei had just taken out. He knew that he was no match for Li Beifei, but he also felt that Li Beifei had played tricks on him just now. I didn’t intend to just let it go.

His boss is a strong man in the extraordinary realm!

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