Li Beifei’s Changes

Li Beifei was flying over the desert sea. At this time, there was nothing but yellow sand or rivers around him. Except for the different colors of the sky, everything he saw was yellow-brown.

“How could something as magical as the Flower of the Other Shore grow in such a monotonous place?”

Li Beifei was confused in his heart, but he didn’t take it to heart. The Cangmanxing Star was only the first level of his ancient starry sky path, and the passage to the second level was In the depths of the desert sea, it is obvious that passing through the desert sea is the first test.


At this moment, three long and huge whips suddenly stretched out from a sand dune ahead and struck Li Beifei in the sky.

The sudden change did not panic Li Beifei. With a slight wave of his right hand, a sword energy struck the oncoming whip, instantly cutting off three whips.


A roar sounded, followed by yellow sand rolling, smoke and dust filling the sky, and then a huge scorpion beast jumped out from the yellow sand. It roared angrily at Li Beifei in the sky, and what Li Beifei just cut off was the one behind it. Three tails.

Three-tailed vicious scorpion!

Li Beifei recognized the origin of this ferocious beast, but Li Beifei didn’t take it to heart at all. He didn’t even have the strength to reach the Nirvana realm, so he dared to come out and attack him.

“A ferocious beast is a ferocious beast, it has no brains at all.” Li Beifei complained, a sword energy fell, and the huge three-tailed ferocious scorpion was cut in half by the sword energy.

The roar stopped abruptly.

“Huh?” Li Beifei was stunned. He saw a corpse that had not yet completely decomposed falling out of the stomach of the three-tailed scorpion. The body was accompanied by the thick stomach acid of the three-tailed scorpion.

Li Beifei’s face looked a little ugly. Although the body was already rotting, he was still sure that it was a human race, and it might even be a human race that came off the same flight as him.

“It’s actually eating people!”

Li Beifei’s face was cold, and then he exuded surging sword energy. “Bang”, “bang” and “bang” hundreds of invisible sword energy sank into the yellow sand, constantly making “puff” and “puff” This sound of cutting flesh.

“Roar!” “Roar!” “Roar!”…

Tragic roars emanated from the yellow sand. Powerful air waves stirred up vast tracts of sand and dust, and half of the sky was dyed yellow.

Scorpions are originally social animals, and so are the three-tailed vicious scorpions. Their groups are spread over hundreds of miles, but now, Li Beifei exudes cold sword intent, and uses his sword intent to activate the traceless sword technique, hundreds to invisible and colorless The sword energy went towards their respective targets.

For the three-tailed vicious scorpion, which was only at the third level of Nirvana, Li Beifei’s traceless sword energy was a one-sided massacre.

Soon, the yellow surrounding hundreds of miles was dyed with a strong blood color, and a strong smell of blood filled the air and spread far and wide with the wind.

In the Gu family of Tianhuang Star, Gu Changsheng was enjoying the tea poured for him by his great-granddaughter Gu Qingcheng. Suddenly, he was surprised.

“Grandpa Zu, what’s wrong? Does the tea made by Qingcheng not taste good?” Gu Qingcheng asked.

Gu Changsheng shook his head and said: “It’s nothing, it’s none of your business. The tea you make is countless times better than your father’s.”

Gu Youxian looked at Gu Changsheng with a look of helplessness. Grandpa, although I’m very happy that you praise my daughter so much, but can you please stop comparing her to me.

But Gu Qingcheng glanced at Gu Youxian proudly. Gu Youxian used to be very strict with her and her brother. Otherwise, their brothers and sisters would not have cultivated to quasi-emperors so quickly. But now that you have the support of your grandfather, let’s see if you still dare. So strict.

Gu Changsheng ignored the “intrigue” between his father and his daughter, and instead focused on Li Beifei, who was far away in the Cangmanxing.

“This kid, when did he have such thoughts?”

Gu Changsheng thought in his heart, Li Beifei would destroy the three-tailed vicious scorpion tribe because of a dead human race. This was something Gu Changsheng did not expect.

“It seems that this boy has changed a lot!”

Gu Changsheng sighed. He didn’t need to know what prompted Li Beifei to change, but in his opinion, this change was very pleasing to the eye.

Li Beifei didn’t know that he was praised by Gu Changsheng for killing the three-tailed scorpion as if to vent his anger. If he had known, his first reaction would have been disbelief, and then his butt would probably be raised to the sky.

After killing all the three-tailed vicious scorpions in this area, Li Beifei continued to move deeper. Less than a cup of tea after Li Beifei left, a small Dharma boat came flying by. When they passed the area with three vicious scorpions, they smelled a strange smell.

“What smell?”

The leader frowned. His name was Li Qiming, Fang Rui’s boss. His cultivation had reached the third level of the Transcendent Realm. He was also a well-known strong man in the desert sea area. After hearing from Fang Rui about Li Beifei’s body, When he had the best source crystal, he took a few of his men and set off to intercept Li Beifei.

On the boat, besides him, there was a monk at the first level of the Transcendent Realm, named Li Qifeng, who was his younger brother. In addition, there were three strong men at the eighth level of the Nirvana Realm, a total of five people. As for Fang Rui, There’s no way he’s qualified to come along.

“Brother, it smells of blood.” Li Qifeng said, “Look, there are blood stains below.” Li

Qifeng pointed to the yellow sand below. In the desert, blood stains are easily buried by the yellow sand, but Li Beifei killed hundreds of The first three vicious scorpions would bleed like seas of blood elsewhere. Only in an environment like the desert sea would they appear less ferocious and bloody. However, despite this, the blood stains were not completely covered by the yellow sand. Was discovered by Li Qifeng.

Looking at the bloodstains in Datan, Li Qiming frowned slightly and said: “I remember that this is the activity area of three-tailed scorpions. Whenever someone passes by, no matter how strong or weak they are, they will attack. We stayed for so long, but one and three-tailed scorpions… None of the vicious scorpions appeared. It seems that they have all been killed.”

“It seems so.” Li Qifeng nodded, but neither brother was shocked by this. They just killed a group of three-tailed vicious scorpions. The five of them Anyone can do it, it just takes some time.

“It seems that the person Fang Rui mentioned is in front. Chase him!”

Li Qiming gave the order and drove the boat towards Li Beifei’s direction. Just as the boat disappeared into the sky, four graceful figures came from the direction they came from.

“Hey, is there a war happening here?” The eldest sister Tian Yuanyuan noticed the blood stains on the yellow sand and smelled the strong smell of blood.

But the younger sister Tian Xiaoxiao said at this time: “Sister, don’t worry, we are already behind the Dharma boat. If we are later, the other shore flower will be gone.” At

this time, Tian Xiaoxiao was holding a strange compass in his hand. There is a pointer, and the direction of the pointer is exactly the direction Li Beifei is heading.

“Then let’s go!”

Tian Yuanyuan said, and the four sisters used their escape skills to move forward quickly.

At this time, Li Beifei didn’t know that there were two waves of people coming towards him behind him.

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