Unlucky Honghong

The four sisters from the Sky Snake Tribe soon arrived at the place where Li Beifei had fought just now. They felt that the energy of the heaven and earth fluctuated very violently, and they concluded that a battle had just occurred and that the battle ended quickly.

“Very strong!”

Tian Fangfang, the second among the four sisters, looked solemn. Although the four sisters are quadruplets and look exactly the same, they are good at different things. The eldest sister Tian Yuanyuan is very powerful and is the strongest among the four sisters. The strongest person, the elder Tian Tianzhengzheng, is quite accomplished in formations. He also created a combined attack formation that only the four sisters can use perfectly. The younger sister Tian Xiaoxiao is good at finding objects and is the treasure-hunting snake among the four sisters. !

As the second child, she is extremely sensitive to the battlefield. She can judge the intensity of the battle that has occurred through the fluctuations of the heaven and earth’s vitality, and can even sense how many people are fighting.

At this time, Tian Fangfang’s eyes were slightly closed, and a mysterious aura emitted from his body, which resonated with the surrounding vitality of heaven and earth.

Tian Fangfang said: “There are six people in total, two of them have reached the Transcendent Realm, three are above the seventh level of Nirvana Realm, and one is at the first level of Nirvana Realm. However, the strongest aura left in the scene is the one who is at the first level of Nirvana Realm. ”

Said, Tian Fangfang opened his eyes and looked at eldest sister Tian Yuanyuan, “Eldest sister, that person is just like you, a genius who can easily reach greater heights.”

Tian Yuanyuan’s eyes flashed, not knowing what was going on. What was she thinking, but she said: “I think that person probably has the same purpose as us, looking for the flower of the other side, so we have to speed up.” ”


The three sisters responded in unison, and then the four sisters didn’t know how to use it. What secret technique was used, the speed was several times higher than before, and only four divine rainbows were seen flying over the yellow sand.

At this moment, Honghong has encountered the biggest crisis in her life.

“Miss, you go first, I’ll stay to stop them!” Prince Tianpeng transformed into a golden-winged roc, but a lot of the golden feathers fell off his body. His body was scarred and covered in blood. The blood on his body was both his own and others. enemy’s.

Honghong stood on the golden-winged roc. Although there were no scars on her body, her face was pale and her spiritual energy was almost exhausted.

“No!” Honghong directly rejected Prince Tianpeng’s suggestion.

“Miss!” Prince Tianpeng was anxious. In the past few years, he had completely adapted to his identity. It has been a natural thing since ancient times for a mount to protect its master.

“If it doesn’t work, it won’t work. I am the master or you are the master.” Hong Hong said coldly.

At this time, Honghong also felt depressed in her heart. She felt that she was so unlucky. The ancient star that fell into the first level was not the ancient star of the human race, but the ancient race. Moreover, it was an ancient race that hated the human race. After Honghong came, Before arriving here, geniuses from other star regions had fallen into their hands. If Hong Hong and Prince Tianpeng weren’t weak, they might have followed in the footsteps of others.

Although Honghong and Prince Tianpeng are very strong, they can’t stand against the opponent’s large number of people. They can only fight and retreat, looking for a way to enter the next level.

“You want to run away, have you asked me?”

At this time, a figure appeared in front of them. The person’s aura was powerful, and the aura on his body shattered the sky. His eyes were like lightning, and he stared coldly at Prince Tianpeng under Hong Hong. He didn’t know Prince Tianpeng, but he knew that Prince Tianpeng also belonged to the ancient clan.

“The dignified ancient clan has actually been reduced to being the mount of the human race. It is such a disgrace to our ancient clan. You will be killed today to avoid spreading the word and letting other races ridicule our ancient clan for its incompetence.”

Prince Tianpeng’s eyes revealed a trace of Ning Zhong, the person in front of him is the strongest person among them who is chasing and killing. His cultivation has reached the peak of the extraordinary realm. It is he who can push the two of them to this point.

“As for you…” The man turned his attention to Honghong. Now Honghong is over eighteen years old. She is wearing a fiery red dress and her beautiful face. Even if her cultivation has reached the peak of the extraordinary realm, she can’t help but be attracted by Honghong. The red face attracts.

“I happen to be short of a concubine. Although you are a human, you are also qualified to be my concubine.” The man sneered.

“How dare you insult the young lady!”

Prince Tianpeng’s eyes showed crazy murderous intent. Honghong’s status in his heart was extraordinary. The words of the person in front of him were undoubtedly equivalent to touching his back scale.

Prince Tianpeng wanted to rush forward and fight with him, but was blocked by Honghong.

Honghong looked at the other party, and then took out a feather with a calm expression. When Prince Tianpeng saw the feather, his pupils shrank.

Honghong seemed to be talking to herself: “I shouldn’t have used it during training, but now I can’t.”

The man looked confused. He didn’t feel any powerful aura from the feathers at all. He sneered. : “Do you think you can defy heaven by taking out a broken feather?”

Honghong ignored his taunt, she just gently flapped the feather at him.


A storm suddenly emerged, sweeping the surrounding heaven and earth energy towards the opponent.

“What?” The man was frightened by the breath coming from the storm. He quickly wanted to dodge, but was firmly sucked by the suction force coming from the storm. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape the storm. Instead, his body was moving toward the storm. Fly away.


After the man was sucked into the storm, he just screamed and was instantly torn apart by the storm.


The storm hit a 10,000-foot-high sacred mountain in front of it, shattering it instantly, and the storm gradually dissipated.

Honghong put away Kunpeng’s feathers and looked at the devastation in front of her because of the feathers. She muttered: “Master, don’t blame me for using feathers. That bastard actually wants to take me as a concubine. I’m your great disciple. I can only be so angry for my concubine.”

“…”Prince Tianpeng, miss, are your focus wrong?


“Who killed my son!”

At this moment, an angry roar resounded through the world, and the aura beyond the Xiaoyao realm filled the entire ancient star. Her red face changed, and her Kunpeng feathers only It can transcend three realms, and can only compete with the first level of Xiaoyao Realm at most. The existence that appears now has obviously surpassed Xiaoyao Realm.


“Run!” Hong Hong exclaimed, and Prince Tianpeng rushed towards the ancient starry sky path without her reminding him.


A big hand covering the sky suddenly appeared, crushing the void and pressing towards the two of them.

Prince Tianpeng felt the strong sense of oppression, and the soul of the dead emerged. He shouted loudly: “Miss, stand firm.”

With a sound, Prince Tianpeng spit out a mouthful of blood, and used the blood escape technique, and his speed suddenly increased. several times.


The owner of the big hand said in surprise, “You want to run away after killing my son? What a dream!”

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