Take action, the human race has a traitor (two-in-one)

The big hand also accelerated suddenly, the sky exploded, and the saint’s aura filled the entire ancient star. The strong sense of oppression caused Prince Tianpeng’s speed to drop sharply. Seeing the big hand getting closer and closer, Prince Tianpeng’s eyes were determined, and he was about to use blood escape again. technique, but was stopped by Honghong.


As soon as he finished speaking, a figure in a green shirt appeared.


Hong Hong’s face was surprised.

The person who came was naturally Gu Changsheng. He did not expect that his eldest disciple would be so unlucky. He fell into the lair of an ancient tribe in the first pass, and now he has been chased by a strong saint. If it were someone else, , he can ignore it, but Honghong is his beloved disciple.

“I have met His Majesty the Holy Emperor.”

Prince Tianpeng was also overjoyed. Gu Changsheng appeared, so they would naturally be safe.

Gu Changsheng snorted coldly, and Gao Tian’s big hand suddenly fell apart.

“Huh? Who are you?”

The voice was full of majesty.

Gu Changsheng didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, so he just waved his hand and wiped it away.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, and another bloody rain began.


Hong Hong came to Gu Changsheng. Gu Changsheng turned to look at her pale face and said unhappily: “Master gave you so many pills, why don’t you use them?” ”

Hey, Hong Hong, Thinking that this is an experience, some super things can be used if you can, otherwise the effect of the experience will be gone.” Honghong chuckled, she naturally understood what Gu Changsheng meant, she had a lot of nine-turn life-sustaining pills on her body , whether it is excessive consumption or injury, as long as a nine-turn life-sustaining pill is needed, all problems can be solved. However, she deliberately restrains herself from using such pills that are beyond common sense. As she said, she will lose her experience if she does this. meaning.

“You!” Gu Changsheng flicked her head, but did not blame her. Honghong could think so, and it was too late for him to be happy. It would be great if the traitor thought so too.


At this time, Prince Tianpeng had returned to his human body. He coughed up two mouthfuls of blood. The blood escape technique he had just used had already damaged his foundation. If not treated in time, he might not be able to improve his cultivation at all in this life.

But with Gu Changsheng here, there was no need to worry about this problem. Gu Changsheng just waved his hand gently and restored Prince Tianpeng’s injuries.

“Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” Prince Tianpeng said gratefully.

Gu Changsheng shook his head and then said to Hong Hong: “Master will send you to the ancient starry sky path.”

“Master, are you reliable?” Hong Hong asked quickly.

Gu Changsheng’s face darkened, “Can I trick you as a teacher?”

As he said that, he led the two of them to an altar made of stones of five colors.

“Stand up.” Gu Changsheng said to the two of them.


Hong Hong stood up obediently, while Prince Tianpeng stood respectfully behind Hong Hong. After they stood still, Gu Changsheng flicked his fingers, and a subtle energy fell on the five-color altar. The five-color altar A colorful light instantly emitted, covering the two of them, and suddenly they were teleported away from the planet and entered the ancient starry sky road to the second level.

Gu Changsheng turned around and looked into the void.

Soon, several figures came out of the void. The aura they exuded distorted the space. The cultivation level of each of them was no less than the realm of the Holy King. The strongest person at the head had actually reached it. At the peak of the Great Sage, exuding a vague imperial power, it was obvious that he was about to break through to the quasi-emperor realm.

Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly. As the first level of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, it is obviously very abnormal for a strong person above the saint to appear, not to mention that the strongest ones are already involved in the quasi-emperor. If he hadn’t taken action, Honghong would have been in serious trouble. not enough.

“Where is the gatekeeper!”

Gu Changsheng shouted coldly.

Every level, every city, has a gatekeeper.

No one responded.

Gu Changsheng’s eyes turned cold. Back then, he used his great supernatural powers to build the Ancient Star Road. Each level had powerful restrictions. The first level was the most powerful. It isolated the way of the saint and it was impossible for anyone above the saint to appear. Even the Xiaoyao Realm is impossible, and now this ancient star level, which is full of ancient tribes, has given birth to so many strong men. It is obvious that serious changes have occurred here.

“Human race, since you have discovered it, you have only one way to die.” After

the ancient race at the peak of the Great Sage finished speaking, he stretched out a big hand. The big hand grew in the wind, and instantly turned into a palm that could cover the sky and the sun. Just like Tathagata Buddha’s Five Finger Mountain, he wanted to suppress Gu Changsheng.

But Gu Changsheng just glanced at him, and his body exploded into blood mist with a bang.

“How is that possible?”

The remaining people looked at Gu Changsheng with calm expressions and disbelief on their faces, but Gu Changsheng didn’t have time to accompany them in shock and horror. To these little shrimps, he just waved his hand gently and put them away. They blew up.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the rain of blood became heavier and heavier, almost covering the entire planet.

“When blood rains from the sky, there must be a holy fall.”

In Tiangu City, a middle-aged man looked at the vision of blood rain in the sky. Although his face was calm, his heart was extremely happy. His name is Ye Xin’ao, he is the city lord of Tiangu City and the gatekeeper of Tiangu Star in this generation. He looks only middle-aged, but he is over five thousand years old. He only has the strength of the ninth level of a saint, and now he has Entering old age.

But he, the gatekeeper, lived an extremely miserable life. Three thousand years ago, he was sent to Tiangu City to take over the important task of the previous gatekeeper. Before the previous gatekeeper passed away, he told him sincerely: “Don’t worry about anything.” “Things.”

He didn’t understand at first, but gradually, he understood that for some unknown reason, a large number of powerful people appeared among the ancient tribes on Tiangu Star, including saints, saint kings and even great saints. He was frightened. You have to know that he had just stepped into the threshold of a saint back then. There were so many saints, and he couldn’t bear it even if no one punched him.

But I don’t know why, those strong men of the ancient tribe didn’t take action against him, and they seemed to be trying not to offend the river. He was confused at the time, but soon he understood that the ancient tribe on Tiangu Star was different from the human race. A certain force reached a cooperation. As for what the cooperation was, he didn’t know, and he didn’t know what force it was, because those people hid their identities when they came, and he, a mere rookie who had just become a saint, didn’t know. Dare to get closer and inquire.

But he was unwilling to accept that as a gatekeeper, he was living a life as if he was being given alms. So one day, he left Tiangu Star and wanted to tell the great power of the human race about the situation here, but unfortunately, As soon as his front foot left, his back foot was stopped by the Holy King of the ancient tribe.

The other party did not kill him, but severely injured him. He was picked up by the neck and thrown back to Tiangu City like a dog. The other party said nothing, but he knew what the other party meant.

The other party did not kill him, because if he died inexplicably, the human race would definitely send strong people to check, and then the secret of Tiangu Star would be known. At that time, no matter how powerful the ancient tribe of Tiangu Star was, they would be The human race is powerful in suppressing him, but the other party did not kill him just to avoid alerting the enemy, and severely injured him just to warn him not to meddle in his own business.

He is not a person with a fearless spirit of sacrifice. He also has a family. If he dies, his family will be avenged by his enemies, so he cannot die.

But he was still unwilling in his heart. Just now he heard someone calling “gatekeeper”, but he ignored it. He knew that this might be his only chance to break the situation.

Looking at the seemingly endless rain of blood in the sky, and then sensing that the familiar and disgusting aura suddenly disappeared, he knew that his unwillingness could be eliminated a little bit, but he still didn’t know which force of the human race was still unwilling. .

At this time, the space in front of Ye Xin’ao was distorted. He was not surprised, and was even ready to die. He had undoubtedly been derelict in his duties as the gatekeeper of the ancient star for these thousands of years. Such dereliction of duty, Even if he is a saint of the human race, he can only die to apologize.

When Gu Changsheng walked out of the void, Ye Xin’ao knelt down before he could question him.

“Ye Xin’ao knows that he has committed a heinous crime and cannot escape death, but I beg you to give me a chance to go home. I haven’t gone back to see my people in three thousand years.”

Ye Xin’ao said in a sincere and hopeful tone.

“Huh?” Gu Changsheng narrowed his eyes, “I don’t like people kneeling and standing up to talk.”

“Yes!” Ye Xin’ao didn’t dare to disobey. After he stood up tremblingly, he realized that the person in front of him was So young, but he knew that the man in front of him looked young, but with the strength he had just easily killed the Holy King, his cultivation level was at least the quasi-emperor level, and he might be much older than him.

Gu Changsheng found a chair and sat down, and then said: “Tell me, what is going on?”

Ye Xin’ao was startled, but since the Lord asked him to say it, he would say it. Then Ye Xin’ao told everything he knew, and finally said: “Xin’ao is incompetent. He failed to send the news back to the human race.”

Gu Changsheng did not speak. He said calmly: “Tell me, which one is it?” Is the immortal force collaborating with the ancient tribe here?”

“Immortal force?”

Ye Xin’ao trembled, “I don’t dare to guess.”

“I want you to say it?” Gu Changsheng had a tough attitude.

Ye Xin’ao’s heart trembled. This kind of game involving immortal forces was something that a mere saint would dare to interfere with. However, when he thought that he was already about to die, Ye Xin’ao’s heart trembled and he said randomly. Got a name.

“Ziwei Holy Land.”

“Huh? How do you know? Don’t you know what kind of force it is?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Didn’t your Excellency ask me to guess?” Ye Xin’ao couldn’t laugh or cry, he just guessed randomly.

“Oh, then why do you guess that Ziwei Holy Land has a grudge against them?” Gu Changsheng asked curiously.

“Uh…” Ye Xin’ao was embarrassed, because Gu Changsheng was right. He did have a grudge against Ziwei Holy Land, and it was also a grudge against his wife.

“Hey, tell me.” Gu Changsheng’s fire of gossip that had been dormant for millions of years was ignited.

Ye Xin’ao looked weird, but he still said it.

“My wife was taken from the Holy Son of Ziwei Holy Land back then.”

“Eh… you didn’t say the opposite, did you?” Gu Changsheng asked.

Ye Xin’ao shook his head.

“Then it’s because they have a grudge against you, not you against them. Do you understand that you’re getting an advantage and being nice?” Gu Changsheng said with a smile.

Ye Xin’ao scratched his head and said, “But I really can’t stand the Ziwei Holy Land.”

“Well, you are so lucky.” Gu Changsheng praised.

“Ah… thank you, sir.” Ye Xin’ao thought that Gu Changsheng praised him for being able to snatch his wife from the Holy Son of Ziwei Holy Land.

“Okay, I’m leaving. You don’t even have any tea. It’s too shabby. I’ll give you some.”

Gu Changsheng waved his hand, leaving an ordinary jar on the table, and then left. He came here mainly for The purpose is to understand what kind of person Ye Xin’ao is. If he is related to the ancient clan of Tiangu Star, then wipe it out. Now it seems that Ye Xin’ao is just a poor person who wants to be imprisoned here. That’s all.

“Ah… Sir, I…” Ye Xin’ao, who was ready to die, was stunned and called out to Gu Changsheng.

“Oh, I forgot, you want to go home and take a look, right? That’s okay, you can go back, I will arrange someone else to take your place, but you have to watch over me during this period.”

After that, Gu Changsheng left.

“…” Ye Xin’ao.

Is this not punishing me? Also, will I be able to go home soon?

Ye Xin’ao was confused in his heart. He slowly walked to the table and picked up the tea leaves left by Gu Changsheng. The jar was an ordinary container. It must not be precious tea leaves, but since it was left by an adult, let’s Take it.

Ye Xin’ao opened the tea can with complicated emotions. When he saw the tea leaves inside, Ye Xin’ao’s pupils shrank. The tea leaves come in all kinds of shapes, including unicorns, real dragons, real phoenixes… and there is also a mysterious aura of the avenue, but these auras are all sealed by the tea cans and cannot be revealed at all.

“This is…enlightenment tea!!”

Ye Xin’ao’s expression changed drastically. He chased him out, only to find that Gu Changsheng had already disappeared without a trace.

In the Gu family, Gu Wei looked at Gu Changsheng coquettishly.

“Ancestor, let me go. I have broken through to the Great Sage. I just want to go out for some training. Just let me go.”

Gu Changsheng looked at Gu Wei helplessly. This little girl was still respectful to him at first. , but after several years of getting along with each other and figuring out his own personality, he started acting like a coquettish person. What can Gu Changsheng do? This is my granddaughter who has lived for who knows how many generations, so she has to be pampered.

Gu Wei on the side looked at his usually domineering great-aunt with a shocked expression. He never expected that his great-aunt could act coquettishly.

Now that Gu Wei has also broken through to the realm of a saint, the overall strength of the Gu family has increased several times compared to before.

“Okay, okay, you go, you go, but I agreed in advance not to torment the ancient tribes there too much, otherwise I will have to find a suitable planet to serve as a trial level.” Gu Changsheng still didn’t. After trying to defeat Gu Wei, she still told her not to be too fussy. There were only a few saints left in the ancient clan of Tian Guxing, and those above the saint kings had been suppressed and killed by Gu Changsheng.

“Thank you, ancestor!” Gu Wei was happy. As for what Gu Changsheng told her, wouldn’t she be able to do whatever she wanted when she was alone there?

“By the way, remember to find out the secret of Tian Gu Star.” Gu Changsheng said again. There are people in the human race who want to cooperate with the ancient people of Tian Gu Star even at the risk of betrayal. Tian Gu Star obviously hides some secrets.

“Ancestor, can’t you know this at a glance?” Gu Wei asked.

“Yes. But I didn’t watch. Otherwise, if I asked you to go, you would think that I would just let you go and play.” Gu Changsheng said amusedly.


“Then can I not go?” Gu Wei said with a headache. What she disliked the most was this kind of mission-related thing. Otherwise, with her strength back then, she would be the head of the Gu family, even though she was She is a woman, but in the history of the Gu family, there have been times when a woman was the head of the household.

But she is just too lazy. Apart from practicing, she is too lazy to do anything else. She is too lazy to even find a partner.

“Okay, let me see which father-in-law is good enough to marry you.”

“I’ll go!”

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