Two little girls

In the vast star, deep in the desert sea, the strength of the ferocious beasts here generally exceeds the sixth level of extraordinary. Even Li Beifei has to move forward cautiously, for fear of provoking a group of ferocious beasts. By then, he will have to fight hard. For a sixth-year old, he would never let himself fall into such a situation.

Fortunately, he had a concealment pill on him. After taking one, those ferocious beasts with big heads, no brains, and well-developed limbs could no longer sense his presence.

In the ruins of an ancient city, the entire city was covered in yellow sand, with only a few buildings emerging. A stream of light appeared, and the light dispersed, revealing Li Beifei’s figure.

Looking at this ancient ruins, Li Beifei raised his eyebrows slightly and said softly: “It should be here.”

Li Beifei landed on the yellow sand and stepped on the soft yellow sand. He always felt that the sand was too soft and it felt like stepping on it. Fluid sensation.

“The desert sea really feels like stepping on the sea.” Li Beifei sighed. He didn’t go too far into the feeling of stepping on the sand. As an ancient star on the first stage of the ancient starry sky road, this vast star has a history of at least a hundred years. It has been ten thousand years, and the world is full of wonders. Even the monk’s divine sea can become an ocean, and the sand can become an ocean. It is not unacceptable, and he doesn’t have that much time to study it deeply.

“Flowers of the other shore, flowers of the other shore, I hope there are flowers of the other shore here.” Li Beifei sang a line as if he was singing. It was so unpleasant that he quickly shut up, even he couldn’t stand it.

Li Beifei happened to land in front of the city gate of the ancient ruins. The city gate happened to be one of the few buildings that could stand out in the yellow sand. Li Beifei raised his head and looked at the city head. It was in tatters and severely weathered, but it could survive millions of years. If it hadn’t completely decayed, it would probably have been a powerful force back then.

It was so dilapidated that there was nothing famous about it, let alone the previous name of this ancient site. Li Beifei lamented that time was wasted, so he raised his left foot and was about to step into the city, but his left foot just fell into the city. When he was within range, a sense of danger flashed through Li Beifei’s heart, and he subconsciously retracted his feet.


A sword light mixed with sharp sword intent fell from the sky and struck the place where he had just landed. With a “boom”, yellow sand rolled and stirred up to a height of dozens of feet.

Li Beifei stepped back more than ten meters and looked up.

I saw two women with cold and arrogant faces looking at him coldly. One of them said: “This is a warning. This place has been spotted by my young master. Those who know better should leave, otherwise don’t blame me if you lose your life.”

The voice was very loud . It’s cold, and the breath on his body is also very cold.

The cultivation level of both women is the first level of Nirvana Realm. Judging from their age, they are only more than 20 years old. Even if they are in Tianhuangxing Humanity Academy, they are geniuses. Such a person is just someone else’s attendant. So how old is his son? Powerful, that’s intriguing.

But is Li Beifei afraid? The answer is…

“Two fairies, may I ask which genius your young master is?” Li Beifei showed a smile on his face, as if he was not angry at all because of the attack just now, but anyone who is familiar with him knows that this sixth man is How could he have anger written on his face?

Sure enough, when the two women saw that Li Beifei’s face was not angry, but showed what they thought was a flattering smile, the woman spoke first and said, “My young master will not change his name or surname, so does Gu Chenxing!”

“Gu Chenxing of the Gu family? “Li Beifei murmured. After living in Cangmang City for two days, the most he heard was the name “Gu Family Gu Chen Xing”. He couldn’t remember it even if he didn’t want to, but he really didn’t know who Gu Family Gu Chen Xing was, because When Cangmanxing discussed Guchenxing, they didn’t say anything about his origins, but they seemed to be very familiar with him, which made it impossible for Li Beifei to find out any useful information.

“It seems that you have heard the name of my young master. Now that you know my young master, you should leave quickly. This is not the place you should be.”

Another woman spoke. She was very arrogant and asked Li Beifei to leave.

“Hey, I came here to look for the Flower of the Other Shore. Since Mr. Gu is here, I naturally don’t dare to disturb you, but I would like to ask, is there really the Flower of the Other Shore in there? You don’t have to think too much, I just really want to know. That’s all. If not, I can only regret coming here. If so, let me know that I didn’t come in vain this time.”

Li Beifei asked with a smile.


At this moment, an earth-shattering sound came from the ancient ruins. The expressions of the two women changed. The arrogant swan-like woman said coldly to Li Beifei: “This matter has nothing to do with you. Leave quickly or else your life will be saved.” No guarantee.” Then she and another woman turned into divine rainbows and flew towards the ancient ruins.

“This little girl has a very arrogant temper. She must be like this because no one likes her. My Qingyi is better. She is strong yet gentle. My Qingyi, when can I see you again…”

Li Beifei said. The lovesickness is painful, but the pace is not slow. One step is hundreds of feet away. If Gu Tianjun were here, he would find that Li Beifei was using the magical power of shrinking the ground into an inch. This magical power was tricked by him from the black dragon… …No, what was exchanged was just what the Black Dragon needed, and he still owed it.

After a few breaths, Li Beifei arrived in the center of the city. He hid in a dilapidated house and looked outside.

At this time, two young men were fighting in the sky. One was dressed in white and had a handsome appearance, while the other had a pair of horns on his head. He looked not human at first sight.

The two women who had just scolded Li Beifei to leave were now standing in the distance behind the man in white, watching the battle, and their eyes fell on the man in white. The man in white was obviously Gu Chenxing.

As for his opponent, if Li Beifei’s estimate is correct, he should be a dragon. Don’t ask why he is so sure, because he has eaten a dragon. (Forgot to look back at the three-headed dragons when the Immortal Emperor’s Tomb was first born…)

Both of them are at the first level of the Nirvana Realm, but both of them are very powerful. During the collision of fists and feet, a burst of energy erupted. The energy aftermath can severely damage ordinary fifth-level Nirvana monks. It is obvious that both of them are geniuses who can fight in a war.


Li Beifei looked away from them and landed in an arc-shaped pit below them. An extremely charming flower took root there, with two green leaves growing on a thumb-thick stem. , on two green leaves, there are three petals.

Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, and two gives birth to three. This is exactly in line with the description of the flower on the other side.

“Wonderful!” Li Beifei almost couldn’t help but exclaim, but fortunately Lao Liu’s quality allowed him to endure it.

(Update one chapter first in the morning)

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