: Obsessed?

As he walked, Li Beifei stopped. He turned around and looked back. Although he didn’t see anything, he knew that there were two little tails following him.

Everything he could see was yellow sand. If it weren’t for the sun in the sky, he wouldn’t know how to tell the direction.

Li Beifei stared at a certain raised sand dune. Behind the sand dune, he was very sure that those two little girls were hiding. To hell with any reason he had for stopping by. He had been walking for two days, and those two little girls were still there. Follow him, even if you are looking for a passage to the next level, you don’t have to follow him for two consecutive days.

Li Beifei had the intention to use Shrink to an inch to get rid of them, but they were like candy, they just got rid of them for a while, and when he stopped to recover his spiritual power, they followed him again. Although the magical power of Shrinking to an inch is very powerful, Oh, but, the consumption is not that big. I don’t know how Gu Tianjun can walk as usual. Is the spiritual power of the holy body endless?

He felt helpless towards these two little girls, so he raised his sword and killed them? But these two little girls never had any murderous intention towards him. They were so stupid.

“I’m not leaving, let’s see what you do.”

Li Beifei looked around, jumped on a ten-foot-sized sandstone, sat down cross-legged, and took out the Biangan flower he had grabbed earlier, and… a turtle.

After Li Beifei explained to Li Wangba, Li Wangba suddenly became reluctant.

“Isn’t it appropriate for that dead dog to do this? Why let me do this kind of thing to look out for the wind?”

Faced with Li Wangba’s dissatisfaction, Li Beifei had no choice but to tell him about the incident of trapping the black dragon in Yunhe Feizhou. After hearing this, Li Wangba gave a thumbs up (I don’t know how a turtle gives a thumbs up 0.0).

“Good boy, don’t worry, I guarantee that no one can disturb you.”

Li Wangba beamed, as long as it was about tricking the big black dog, he would fully support it.

Li Beifei glanced at the sand dune and said: “There are two little girls hiding there. Pay attention. If they take the opportunity to attack me, don’t hold back and kill them directly.” ”

Damn, can’t we just kill them now? It’s so troublesome. .” Li Wangba muttered.

“A bastard is a bastard. He doesn’t know how to care about women.” Li Beifei looked at him disdainfully. This old turtle has probably been a single turtle for who knows how many years.

“Tch, you know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, so you still say that you will destroy it?” Li Wangba disagreed with Li Beifei’s words. If this boy knew what pity was, he could attract countless female monks to pursue him just with his skin. But it is a pity. All these years, this guy has been pursuing that girl, and he has really wasted his time on that beautiful girl.

Li Beifei ignored him and focused on refining the Biangan flower in his hand.

The Flower of the Other Shore can help monks widen the divine sea. It is undoubtedly a treasure for monks, and its value is comparable to that of holy medicine.

Li Beifei closed his eyes tightly and refined the Bianhua flower according to the information he received. Refining the other shore flower does not rely on swallowing it, but relies on the divine consciousness in the divine sea to connect the divine consciousness to the other shore flower, and then use the divine consciousness to absorb the magical medicinal effects of the other shore flower into the divine sea, so as to widen the divine sea. the goal of.

Li Beifei dropped a piece of spiritual consciousness onto the Flower of the Other Side. In an instant, his divine sea was like a sponge, frantically absorbing the magical medicinal effects of the Flower of the Other Side.

Li Wangba looked at Li Beifei and muttered: “I don’t know if this kid is too brave or too stupid. He is just refining treasures outside in broad daylight. Tsk tsk.”

At this time, the two sisters hiding on the sand dunes also Li Beifei’s movements were discovered.

“Sister, he…he…actually refined the Flower of the Other Side here, he…he didn’t want to die?”

My sister saw Li Beifei’s bold appearance, and her pretty face was full of shock. They had never seen this kind of situation before. , simply unheard of.

My sister was also shocked, but when she thought of Li Beifei’s powerful strength before, she said: “He should be very confident, confident that nothing in the desert sea can hurt him.” ”

Sister, do you think he hasn’t discovered it yet? Have we been following him?” my sister asked.

“I probably don’t know this yet, otherwise I wouldn’t be so bold in refining the flower of the other side.” My sister looked like an analytical emperor.

“Hehe, if we keep following him like this, we don’t have to be afraid even if we meet Gu Tianxing.” The younger sister smiled, quite proudly.

Mentioning Gu Tianxing, a look of fear flashed in my sister’s eyes. When she saw it, she said, “Sister, don’t be afraid of him. I think that person is definitely better than Gu Tianxing.”

That person was naturally referring to Li Beifei.

“Yeah!” My sister nodded.

“Sister, should we follow him?” My sister asked. When she said following, there was no strange expression on her face, just like they follow the strong, just like ordinary people walking and eating.

“What if he doesn’t agree?” My sister was worried.

“How is it possible? We are both so beautiful and we are still virgins. I don’t believe that he is not attracted to her.” My sister said.

“That’s right.” My sister said.

The two sisters chatted with each other, and even talked about using seduction techniques to seduce Li Beifei if he didn’t agree with them following them. The two sisters chatted enthusiastically, and time passed quickly.

Two hours later, Li Beifei had completely refined the flower in his hand. He opened his eyes and looked at the completely dead flower. He blew gently, and the dead flower turned into powder and scattered.

“The Divine Sea is nearly 10% wider than before!” Li Beifei felt the change in the Divine Sea, which was equivalent to an expansion of one-tenth. Don’t underestimate this one-tenth. Previously, the area covered by his divine consciousness was only a few hundred square meters. Miles, and now, no object or sound within a thousand miles can escape the detection of his spiritual consciousness.

Fully doubled!

Li Beifei extended his consciousness to the sand dune where the two sisters were hiding, wanting to see what they were doing. Then, his expression became extremely weird.

“Sister, I think he is only twenty years old, a few years younger than us. I have read about it in books. It is the most uncontrollable at such an age. As long as we seduce him a little, I don’t believe he won’t let him. Let’s follow him.”

“Where did you read the book?”

“It was on a street stall in Cangmang City not long ago. Look, I bought it all, and I’ll show it to you!”

“What kind of book are you talking about? The content is so…so explicit, I’m about to throw it away.”

“Sister, don’t throw it away. I think it’s very well written and makes sense. If he doesn’t agree to it then, let’s give it a try.”

“Holy shit , don’t throw it away. , these two little bitches actually want to seduce me? Am I the kind of person who can’t move when seeing a beautiful woman?”

Li Beifei thought disdainfully, but in the end his probing consciousness was still reluctant to leave the two sisters.

“I want to see what plan they have. As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. Yes, that’s the truth… Hey, I’ll read the book… Okay!”

Li Beifei’s expression was very exciting, which made Li Wangba on the side suspect that he was It’s not that something went wrong while refining the Biangan flower, and he went crazy.

“Boy, boy!”

Li Wangba called twice, but Li Beifei didn’t respond.

“I’m going, I’m really crazy. Boy, let me save you!”

As he said that, Li Wangba jumped up, spun his body in the air a few times, and then hit Li Beifei hard with a “bang”.

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