Distinctive Sisters

“What the hell…who attacked me?”

Li Beifei felt a sharp pain and came back to his senses instantly. Li Wangba’s physical body was not comparable to his. Being hit by Li Wangba like this, even though his physical body was unparalleled at the same level, The pain was excruciating too.

“What are you doing?” Li Beifei looked at the culprit Li Wangba angrily.

Li Wangba spread his hands and said innocently: “I saw that you had a tendency to go crazy just now, so I had to use this method to wake you up.” ”

I…” Li Beifei was speechless for a moment. Could he say that he was really peeping just now… …No, are you observing the enemy’s movements? Moreover, even if I really went crazy, did you hit me because you thought I wouldn’t die quickly enough?


In the end, Li Beifei could only curse.

“Hey, boy, those two little girls you mentioned are coming towards us. It seems they want to attack us. I’m going to kill them right now.”

At this time, Li Wangba noticed that the pair of sisters were approaching them . When they came, they immediately followed Li Beifei’s previous instructions to go up and kill them.

“Wait.” Li Beifei stopped him decisively.

“What?” Li Wangba looked at Li Beifei doubtfully.

Li Beifei did not answer, but looked at the two sisters walking towards him.

At this time, they no longer saw Leng Ao from before. Li Beifei even felt that the Leng Ao of these two girls was disguised. He had just heard a lot of their conversations, Leng Ao? The sand sculpture is pretty much the same.

As for why Li Beifei behaved so coldly and arrogantly before, he didn’t know.

“Don’t you have a crush on these two little girls?” Li Wangba asked at this time.

“Get lost!” Li Beifei glared at him. When Li Beifei saw this, he shrank his head, knowing that Li Beifei was not attracted to the sisters.

“Since it’s none of my business, I’ll go back.” Li Wangba was too lazy to care about this and returned to the space inside Li Beifei’s body.

At this time, the two sisters also walked up to Li Beifei.

“Um…” My sister didn’t know how to speak for a while. They had already practiced how to speak to Li Beifei before, but when she walked up to Li Beifei, she was stunned.

Seeing this, my sister quickly said, “We want to follow you. My sister and I are both virgins. We…” ”

I agree.”

Before she could finish speaking, Li Beifei agreed. He didn’t want these two little girls to The strategy we had discussed in private was used on him. Although he was very confident in his will, what if something happened? That’s something I’m sorry for Qing Yi.


The two women looked at Li Beifei in disbelief. He agreed so simply. Could he be lying to them? The plan they had discussed for a long time had not yet been implemented.

“I said, I promise you, just follow me for the time being, and when you meet my wife, you will become her sword attendant.”

Li Beifei said, this is the decision he made just now, sooner or later he will attain enlightenment and become the emperor. Yes, Qing Yi will be his empress by then. Since he is the empress, how can there be no one around to serve him? These two little girls are quite talented, but they are qualified to become Qing Yi’s sword attendants.

The two sisters were stunned for a moment, came to their senses, and quickly thanked Li Beifei. Although they did not really become Li Beifei’s followers in the end, they were very satisfied with the result.

“My name is Li Beifei, what are your names?” Li Beifei asked.

“Go back to the young master, Liu Yanran.” Sister Liu Yanran said.

“Liu Yuran, I have met the young master.” My younger sister Liu Yuran is much more lively than her older sister Liu Yanran.

Li Beifei nodded, then said with a cold face: “Since you have chosen to follow us, I have only one request, and that is not to betray, otherwise I will send you to see Gu Chenxing immediately.”

A murderous intention rose from Li Beifei, The two women were immediately frightened as if they had fallen into an ice cave. The scene of Li Beifei killing the third prince Jiao in an instant flashed through their minds. Although they did not see Li Beifei kill Gu Chenxing with their own eyes, it was probably the result of a single move. When they thought of this , they shuddered.

“The slave family will never betray the young master.”

The two sisters swore quickly.

Seeing this, Li Beifei restrained his murderous intent and said, “Tell me your origins.”


The two women did not dare to disobey and quickly began to tell their origins.

After learning about their origins, Li Beifei immediately understood why they were “keen” to become followers. It turned out that in their world view, they had always been subordinate to the strong.

The two sisters came from an ancient star called Guhua Star, and the Gu family was one of the two overlords of Guhua Star. The other overlord force was the Hua family, and Guhua Star got its name from this.

There is a special force on the Gu Hua Star called Lily Tower. The Lily Tower is not as powerful as the Gu family and the Hua family, but because of its special nature, it can do quite well under the two major forces. Lily House only recruits women, and those who are neither genius nor beautiful will not be accepted. Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran were both from Lily House.

They were adopted by Lily House since they were young, and the education they received since childhood was that they would become followers of the strong in the future. Not long ago, Lily House wanted to cooperate with the Gu family, so they gave the two sisters to the Gu family, and they became Followers of the Ancient Morning Star.

Due to the education they received since childhood, the two sisters have no objection to becoming followers of Guchenxing, and they don’t even feel anything at all. Becoming followers of the strong is a value they have established since childhood. For them, becoming a strong person Followers are just like ordinary people who want to eat and drink.

So after Li Beifei powerfully killed Prince Jiao and Gu Chenxing, they naturally wanted to become Li Beifei’s followers.

And they vowed not to betray Li Beifei. The premise is that Li Beifei is not dead, just like Gu Chenxing. If he dies, they will not follow Guchenxing. This is their world view and values. Li Beifei does not have too much concern about this. Asking them makes me feel deeply pitiful for them.

He and Senior Sister Honghong were both orphans. He thought that his childhood experience as an orphan was the most painful in the world. But now after learning about the experiences of these two sisters, Li Beifei felt that he had been incredibly happy as a child. At least, his Both mind and body are free.

“Don’t you…have any plans to change?” Li Beifei couldn’t help but ask.

“Change? Why change?” Sister Liu Yanran asked strangely.

“Yes, Master, this is our way of life. The slave family thinks this is very good and there is no need to change.” Sister Liu Yuran said.


Li Beifei forced himself to accept their values. Their world view and values have been finalized. If he forced them to change, it would be like denying everything they had before, and even denying the value of their existence. If so, they might What stupid things will he do?

It would be impossible for Li Beifei to do something stupid, but these two sisters would rather sacrifice their appearance in order to become his followers. Becoming a follower is their life goal, just like countless monks who want to attain enlightenment and become an emperor.

“Then you can follow me for now.” Li Beifei sighed.

“Thank you, sir!”

the two women said in unison.


Suddenly, Li Beifei’s expression changed, and he hurriedly said to the two women: “Wait, my name is Bai Yifei. Remember, my name is Bai Yifei, Tianhuangxing Tianji Pavilion Bai Yifei.”

Before the two women could respond, in the sky Then four streaks of light came.

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