The Soaring Snake Rides the Mist

Li Beifei’s wish to form a team to hunt for treasures has not come true. The four sisters of the Sky Snake tribe look naive, and even the four of them can’t even put together a brain, but they are not stupid enough to form a team with someone they have just met for the second time. Adventure treasure hunting or something.

At this time, they were already in the core area of the desert sea. Looking around, they saw nothing but yellow sand. This place was sparsely populated and inaccessible. The chance of encountering ferocious beasts was less, but the ferocious beasts they encountered were basically no less than extraordinary. At the fifth level, although Li Beifei’s combat power was strong, after all, he had already surpassed his own cultivation level by a dozen small realms, so it would still take a certain amount of time to kill him.


Li Beifei suddenly sighed while walking on the yellow sand.

“Master, why are you sighing?”

Liu Yanran asked.

“I feel like I’ve missed countless treasures. What a pity!”

At this time, they had been separated from the four sisters of the Heavenly Snake tribe for two days. During these two days, Li Beifei expressed deep regret that he could not hunt for treasures with the four sisters of the Heavenly Snake tribe. .

“Young Master, I and my sister can also accompany you to hunt for treasure!” My sister Liu Yuran puffed out her plump chest. In her opinion, the Young Master must think that the four sisters of the Heavenly Snake Tribe are too beautiful, so she wants to form a team with them. , after all, there is no plot like this in the books about quadruplets sisters!

Li Beifei didn’t know Liu Yuran’s inner thoughts. After hearing Liu Yuran’s words, he ignored her actions and said, “You know how to hunt for treasure?” “The

slave family… the slave family doesn’t!” Liu Yuran said frustratedly, could it be that Can’t we go treasure hunting together if we don’t know the art of treasure hunting?


At this time, a roar came from the front and attracted the attention of the three people. Li Beifei frowned slightly. He could feel a domineering aura from the roar.

“Let’s go and have a look!”

As soon as Li Beifei said the words, he took the lead in shrinking to an inch and headed towards the direction where the roar came from.

“Master, wait for us!”

Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran shouted and hurriedly followed.

Tens of miles away, a pitch-black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. A giant beast that was as black as ink and a hundred feet in size stood under the dark cloud. The giant beast had a huge snake head, and was surrounded by clouds and mist. It looked like a pair of lanterns. Its eyes are glowing and bright. It looks like a black giant python, but strangely, there is a pair of huge wings on the top of its head. These wings are like eagle wings, and the roar just now , which is what it emits.

Li Beifei landed far away on a sand dune outside the range of dark clouds, staring at the huge figure.

The two sisters behind him quickly followed. When they saw the huge figure, Liu Yuran couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Soaring snake?”

After shouting, she quickly covered her mouth because of those pair of Lantern-like eyes turned towards them.

“Sir, I’m sorry…” Liu Yuran apologized immediately.

Li Beifei waved his hand to signal her not to speak, and the giant beast just glanced at them and ignored them. In its eyes, Li Beifei and the others were not worth mentioning at all.

Li Beifei looked at the figure of the giant beast and thought of the legendary monster, Soaring Snake.

The Soaring Snake has a body shape like a snake, but has a pair of huge wings on its head. Although it has “snake” in its name, it is a dragon-like creature with the blood of the dragon clan. In terms of bloodline alone, among all the worlds, the Soaring Snake is the most powerful. Also very famous.

But now, this soaring snake is preparing to overcome the tribulation, and it is also the great tribulation of becoming a saint.

This is why Teng She took one look at them and ignored them. Their cultivation was only at the Nirvana level. Compared with the current Teng She, it was far behind. Li Beifei was not completely sure of defeating them either. A Soaring Snake who has entered the Holy Realm, but if he runs away, he is confident that even ten Soaring Snakes will not be able to catch up with him.

But… Li Beifei looked at the two women behind him and said, “You leave first!”

“Sir, why?”

Liu Yanran asked.

“I’m going to try to see if I can get it later. To be honest, I’m not sure about your young master.” Li Beifei said.

“Ah, then we can’t leave even more. The slave family and sister can also help the young master defend against the enemy.” Liu Yuran pulled out the sword with a “swish”, looking like he was ready to die heroically at any time. Liu Yanran on the side did not say anything. He also drew out his sword.

Li Beifei sweated profusely when he saw this, and said, “You can only hold me back if you stay here.” He did not say that he could run away at any time, because it would be too humiliating.


The two sisters looked at each other and felt discouraged. Although they had become followers of Guchenxing before, they were also famous genius sisters in Guhuaxing. Otherwise, the Gu family would not have agreed to Baihelou, but Now after meeting Li Beifei, they feel that their talents are useless. Now the young master wants a monster. Although the monster is a little bit powerful, they can’t help at all, and they are even disliked by the young master. It’s a burden.

When they thought of this, the two sisters, who were originally full of energy, suddenly looked like wilted eggplants, lowering their heads and becoming extremely depressed.

“Take these elixirs.”

At this time, Li Beifei took out several bottles of elixirs, including the holy healing medicine Nine Turns of Life-Sustaining Pill, and the Invisibility Pill and the Disguise Pill, which are extremely effective when used together. The effect of Rong Dan was told to the two women, and then he pointed at the Nine-turn Life-Sustaining Pill and said, “Take one if you are injured.”


Liu Yanran wanted to say something, but in the end she didn’t. She held it in her hand She received three bottles of elixirs, but she was extremely moved in her heart. They followed Gu Chenxing before, and Gu Chenxing only treated them as servants and maids, but she could feel that Li Beifei did not treat them as servants at all, and how could he let them go when he was in danger? A master whose servant leaves first?

But Liu Yuran, who had a carefree personality, didn’t feel so much. When she heard the magical effects of the Hidden Pill and the Disguise Pill, her eyes suddenly brightened up when she was originally in a low mood.

She poured out a disguise pill, swallowed it, and then transformed into another woman.

“Sir, do you think my family looks good?” Liu Yuran said with a sweet smile.

Li Beifei looked back.

“Holy shit…what are you doing?” Li Beifei was shocked.

“Young Master, don’t you like it?” Liu Yuran asked strangely. She has now turned into a round sky. Doesn’t Young Master like rough waves? Why can’t I feel Young Master’s joy?

“You…change back quickly.” Li Beifei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. What was this girl thinking in her heart?

“Oh!” Liu Yuran changed back after hearing this, but he was a little happy in his heart. It seems that the young master doesn’t like that big-breasted woman. Also, the young master already has a wife. With his handsome appearance and strong strength , His wife must be very beautiful.

“You guys should leave first!”

Li Beifei was afraid that this stupid girl Liu Yuran would do something wrong again, so he immediately asked them to leave.

“Well, young master, where should we meet?” Liu Yanran asked.

“Uh…” Li Beifei was stunned. He looked around and saw that it was all yellow sand. There was no special place at all. He thought for a while and finally said: “Meet at the Starry Sky Ancient Road heading to the next level. Be careful. “Come on, the ferocious beasts here are stronger than you, just run away when you encounter them, you know?”

Li Beifei was afraid that they were too stupid, so he couldn’t help but warn them.

“Thank you for your concern, Master!”

the two sisters said, “Master, you should also be careful.”

Li Beifei nodded.

The two women left immediately, heading deeper into the desert sea.

At this time, Teng Snake’s catastrophe also began.

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