The Determination of Followers


A lightning tribulation fell, and the snake did not move at all, letting the thunder tribulation fall. The first thunder tribulation fell on its huge body, only a little lightning flashed, and then disappeared without a trace.

Here we need to explain the level of thunder tribulation. The Nirvana thunder tribulation that Li Beifei crossed before was normally one nine thunder tribulations, with only nine paths, while the thunder tribulation in the extraordinary realm was twenty-nine heavenly tribulations, and so on, until the great enlightenment. During the tribulation, it is the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation. Each level of promotion will correspond to a level of thunder tribulation.

At this time, the thunder tribulation that Teng Snake is passing through is to enter the holy thunder tribulation, that is, the three nine thunder tribulations. There will be a total of twenty-seven heavenly tribulations. If it is passed safely, then it will truly enter the holy realm. Otherwise, they can only die.

Although Teng She’s Thunder Tribulation of Sainthood was so powerful, Li Beifei felt that it was not as oppressive as his own Nirvana Thunder Tribulation. This was why he stayed. He still didn’t know what his true strength was. , and now Teng Snake’s appearance just allows him to confirm his cultivation achievements in the past few years.


The thunder roared and could be heard for thousands of miles around. Some of the ferocious beasts that were rooted nearby were trembling with fear from the aura emitted by the calamity. The ferocious beasts that had not yet developed their intelligence were frightened. This is so, and those monster beasts that have opened their spiritual intelligence know the existence of Soaring Snake.

Teng Snake can be said to be an overlord-level existence in the Desert Sea. Previously, with the strength of the peak of the Transcendent Realm, he had a battle with another monster in the Desert Sea that had entered the Saint Realm. In the end, it ended in a draw. If Teng Snake successfully passed through the During the Holy Thunder Tribulation, his strength will definitely increase. By then, he will be the strongest person in the Desert Sea.

But obviously, the other monster overlords in the Desert Sea don’t want the snake to sit on their heads and dominate.

Just when the first thunderstorm fell, Li Beifei keenly sensed the abnormal fluctuations in the surrounding heaven and earth energy. His consciousness spread outward and his face changed slightly.

Within a thousand miles, there are three monsters with powerful auras coming from different directions. These three monsters are all in the holy realm, and one of them is heading in the opposite direction to Liu Yanran’s two sisters.

“You two silly girls, why don’t you take the Hidden Pill?”

Li Beifei’s face flashed with a hint of anxiety. The two sisters Liu Yanran obviously didn’t take the Hidden Pill, because even his spiritual consciousness could see them, and the result would be It’s obvious.

Li Beifei didn’t have time to take another look at Teng She who was undergoing a catastrophe, and directly used all his strength to shrink to an inch. If he hesitated again, the two sisters Liu Yanran would encounter the monster that had entered the holy realm. With their combined strength, It is equivalent to the ordinary first-level Transcendent Realm. Facing the monsters entering the Holy Realm, I am afraid that they will not be able to survive a round.

“Sister, have you heard the sound of thunder falling from the sky? Teng She is going through the tribulation. As long as he survives, he will be a strong man in the Saint Realm.” Liu Yuran said with envy.

“Yeah, I heard it. It’s best to chop it to death with a catastrophe, so that Young Master doesn’t have to take risks.” Liu Yanran prayed to God to be more powerful and chop the snake to death.

Both women were imagining that the heavenly tribulation would kill the snake, but they didn’t know that there was a terrifying giant beast in the direction they were heading.


At this time, the ocean paved with yellow sand suddenly shook violently, and the two women immediately discovered something unusual. Before they had time to figure out the situation, a tornado with a height of several hundred feet was flying rapidly a hundred miles away. Come to them.

And in the yellow sandstorm, a pair of eyes as sharp as blades appeared.

“It’s a monster!”

The two women were immediately shocked. They saw each other, and the other party obviously saw them, and the direction the other party was heading was the direction they were in, and the other party was very fast. Even if they wanted to run, It was too late.

“Sister, does Teng She know that Young Master is going to cause trouble for him, and is looking for help?”

Liu Yuran thought wildly.

Liu Yanran was shocked, “It’s possible, but no, we can’t run away. We have to rush back and tell the young master.”

Liu Yuran nodded, and then the two of them turned around and flew back.

The monster that caused the shocking sandstorm seemed to think that the two of them were going to escape, so it accelerated. The distance that was originally more than a hundred miles was reduced by half in an instant.

The two sisters also discovered that the monster was accelerating, but there was nothing they could do. Although they were also geniuses, in the final analysis, their cultivation level was only at the level of Nirvana. The gap between the level of the Nirvana level and the Saint level was two big levels. It was not something that ordinary people could make up for.

Seeing the sandstorm getting closer, Liu Yanran suddenly said: “Sister, you go back and inform the young master, I will stay and buy you time.”

“No, you will die!”

Although Liu Yuran seemed a bit stupid, he was not It’s really stupid. The gap between the two sides is so big. My sister will never be a match for that monster. The only way to stay is to die.

“Even if you die, you have to go back and tell the young master. Don’t forget that we are the young master’s followers. Just now the young master asked us to leave for our safety. Now that the young master is about to be in danger, we must also consider the young master.”

Liu Yanran The tone was extremely decisive. From the moment they became Li Beifei’s followers, the lives of the two sisters no longer belonged to them. If Gu Chenxing had not abandoned them and escaped, they would have risked their lives to resist Gu Chenxing. Li Beifei, this is their determination as followers.

But there is no if in the world, Gu Chenxing is dead, and they are now Li Beifei’s followers.

Liu Yuran obviously knew this very well, but one was her lifelong pursuit and the other was her biological sister, which made it difficult for her to choose.

“Let’s go!”

Liu Yanran shouted, then turned around and rushed towards the monster with her sword.


Liu Yuran shouted, wanting to rush forward to fight the monster with her sister, but in the end she chose to listen to her sister and go back to report the news to the young master.

“Huh?” The demonic beast that stirred up vast tracts of yellow sand became angry when he saw that Liu Yanran not only did not run away, but instead rushed towards him.

“Seeking death!”

An angry shout came from the sandstorm, and then, countless yellow sand rose from the ground, and then condensed into a spear. The yellow sand spear was three feet long, solid like magical iron, and exuded a terrifying force. The breath is suspended in front of the sandstorm.


A sound broke through the air, and the spear pierced Liu Yanran at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Liu Yanran’s expression changed slightly, she waved the sword in her hand, and a sharp sword light was slashed out, aiming at Huangsha’s spear.

It fell with a “bang”, and the sword light was instantly shattered by the spear, but the power of the spear did not weaken at all. The huge gap between the two sides can be seen from this.

It’s over!

Liu Yanran felt a fatal danger, an attack she could not resist.

“In the end, I still couldn’t buy some time for my sister. I’ve only been with the young master for a few days, and I’m really not willing to die like this!” Liu Yanran thought, as the Yellow Sand Spear was already close at hand.

At this moment, a powerful sword energy descended from the sky, instantly cutting off the spear. The spear exploded with a “collision” and turned into yellow sand. The exploded yellow sand fell on Liu Yanran, but she did not Pay attention.

“Young Master!”

Liu Yanran said in surprise. Although she had only seen the Young Master’s sword a few times, it was so powerful every time.

“Damn it, the consumption of being reduced to an inch is too scary. Damn it, I need to ask Gu Tianjun for advice when I find a chance. How can he do it as if there is no consumption.” At

this time, Li Beifei came over cursing, his breath a little empty. , those who didn’t know thought he was overindulging.

“But I finally caught up!”

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