Special Treatment Method


The sandstorm has arrived in front of Li Beifei, and the monster controlling the sandstorm has finally revealed its true face in Lushan.

It’s a sand fox that’s all yellow.

Shahu’s lantern-like eyes stared at Li Beifei, as if he were looking at a dead person.

Li Beifei glanced at him, and then said to Liu Yanran: “Go and wait for me over there.”

Li Beifei pointed in a direction, and there was a sand dune in the distance. At this time, Liu Yuran was waving hard on the sand dune.


Liu Yanran knew that the situation was special at this time, so she left without saying anything more.

Li Beifei faced Sha Hu alone, with a solemn expression in his eyes. Even though he had just struck a sword, he had used all the other methods available to him except for the thirty-three days of creation magic. This only shattered the spear that Sha Hu had gathered casually.

Entering the Holy Realm, which occupies the word “Saint”, is indeed not comparable to the Extraordinary Realm. Even this sand fox is only at the first level of the Holy Realm.

Li Beifei was cautious on the inside, but calm on the outside.

The huge sand fox stared at Li Beifei, the contempt in its eyes not concealed at all.

“Human race, die!”

The sand fox didn’t waste any time. It took action directly. It slapped Li Beifei with its huge claws. Li Beifei raised his sword to block. It fell with a “bang” and Li Beifei’s body was sent flying into the yellow sand. There were waves of sand more than ten meters high.

“A mere human race in the Nirvana realm dares to stand in front of me and seek death!” the

sand fox said disdainfully. It thought it had killed Li Beifei with just one blow. Then it glanced at the two sisters on the sand dune in the distance and didn’t know. Instead of attacking them, he jumped up, his huge body leaping high, and flew towards the place where Soaring Snake was going through the tribulation. Its purpose of coming was mainly to stop Soaring Snake. It met a few human ants along the way and beat them to death. That’s it.

The reason why Shahu stopped attacking Liu Yanran and the two sisters was that they were in a direction that was not in the direction of Tengshe’s tribulation. Shahu felt that there was no need to surrender his identity and change direction to prevent Tengshe from two ants. Snakes are the most important thing.

The sand fox disappeared quickly, and Liu Yanran and Liu Yuran saw Li Beifei being slapped into the yellow sand with their own eyes, and they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

“Master, Master!”

The two women came to Li Beifei’s position, knelt on the ground and dug into the yellow sand frantically.


A hand stretched out from the sand, and then Li Beifei’s whole body emerged from the yellow sand.

“Bah, bah, bah…” Li Beifei quickly spat out all the sand in his mouth.

“Damn, I was careless, I didn’t dodge!”

After spitting out the sand, Li Beifei regretted it extremely. He just wanted to test his strength in the Saint Realm, but he forgot that no matter how strong his combat power was, his cultivation was only at the first level of the Nirvana Realm. , and the body size difference between him and Sha Hu was too big, so he resisted Sha Hu’s claw. Although he was okay, his body was also rushed into the yellow sand by the huge force.

“Great, sir, you’re okay!”

The two sisters looked at Li Beifei in surprise, and Liu Yanran quickly patted the yellow sand off Li Beifei’s body.

“It’s okay. With its little attack power, it can’t break through your young master’s defense. You know, your young master can even withstand Gu Changsheng’s slap.” Speaking of the physical body, Li Beifei was naturally very proud. His physical body is so strong that even he himself doesn’t know how strong it is, but after the test just now, at least his physical body can enter the holy realm and hit him casually.

“Master, who is Gu Changsheng?” Liu Yuran caught the key point.

“Don’t worry, this old guy will conquer under my sword one day.” Li Beifei said.

“Yes, yes, we all believe in the young master.”

Although they did not know who Gu Changsheng was, they were indeed impressed by the strength displayed by Li Beifei.


Suddenly, Li Beifei stretched out his right hand and slapped himself. His body, which was strong enough to withstand the blow of the Sand Fox in the Saint Realm, now had a clearly visible slap mark on his face.

“Master… you… what are you doing?” Liu Yanran looked at Li Beifei in confusion, why did he suddenly hit himself so hard, and hit him so hard, as if his face was not his own.

Li Beifei said with a stiff smile: “It’s okay, I just suffered internal injuries. This is my special treatment method…”

As soon as he finished speaking, the other hand hit the other side of the face with a “snap”, and another blood-red Palm prints appear.

Before the two women could ask, Li Beifei immediately said, “The internal injuries he just suffered were a bit serious, so we need to take a two-pronged approach.” In his heart, he was begging Gu Changsheng frantically for mercy.

“Traitor, if you play the zither again, you will be physically castrated.”

Gu Changsheng’s voice sounded in Li Beifei’s mind. He suddenly felt a chill in his lower body and quickly begged for mercy and said he would never dare again.

“Haha!” Gu Changsheng smiled. Every time this traitor was beaten, he said he would never dare to do it again. As a result, he turned out to be the kind of bastard who didn’t have a roof over his head for three days. The scars healed and he forgot about the pain. , what should I do after being beaten?

“Ah! The slave family knows!”

Suddenly, Liu Yuran shouted, startling Li Beifei.

“What do you know? Don’t be surprised, it will scare people to death.” Li Beifei was freed from Gu Changsheng’s fear, but was frightened by Liu Yuran again, and his heart almost exploded no matter how good he was.

“Hehe, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Liu Yuran apologized quickly.

“Tell me, what do you know?” Li Beifei asked.

“The slave family knows about Young Master’s special healing method.”

Liu Yuran looked like I had seen through it a long time ago, which made Li Beifei blush for a while, but Liu Yuran said to himself: “Just now, Young Master, you said you suffered a serious injury. Internal injuries, so you hit your face with both hands to transfer the congestion in your body to your face, and those red palm prints are actually congestion, are you right?” Looking at

Liu Yuran’s face asking for credit, he couldn’t tell Li Beifei nodded quickly at the truth.

“But, Master, why do you want to transfer congestion to your face? Can’t it be done in other parts?” Liu Yanran asked.

“I know, I know…” Before Li Beifei could answer, Liu Yuran spoke again, “Because Young Master’s special treatment method requires both hands, so I hit him on the face. Hey, sister, look at Young Master’s face. The palm prints on his face have disappeared, what a miraculous healing method.”

Li Beifei was helpless for a while, he could eliminate the palm prints on his face by using his spiritual power. As for any special treatment methods, they were all bullshit.

In order to prevent the two sisters from continuing to delve into his treatment method, Li Beifei said: “Let’s go back to find Soaring Snake.”

Since those monsters that have entered the holy realm are looking for trouble for Soaring Snake, as a sixth child, this kind of person who has the ability to knock sap opportunity, it is impossible for him not to participate.

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