: Swear to God, are you going to let me destroy the world?

In the starry sky above the vast stars, two figures, one green and one gold, are sitting in the void. Between them, there is a chessboard. The green figure is holding the black piece. At this time, he is holding the black piece in his hand and staring at the chessboard. The black piece is in absolute position. The disadvantage seems to be irreversible.

The golden figure looked at Gu Changsheng with a smile on his face, and his smile was quite proud. It turned out that the boss was not invincible. Let’s just talk about playing chess. He was slightly more confident.

“Boss, it doesn’t matter. We have more time, so you can continue to think about it.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said with a smile that didn’t deserve a beating.

Gu Changsheng ignored his words and asked: “Old Huang, how long do you plan to play the Mysterious Man game with my nephew? You have tortured him every day for the past few years and you still don’t get tired of it?”

For a million years, The only people who could be his friends were the Ancient Golden Emperor and Sword Emperor Li Beichen. Sword Emperor Li Beichen had been alone all his life and had no disciples, let alone heirs. So the nephew he was talking about was naturally the son of the Ancient Golden Emperor.

Mentioning the Ancient Golden Prince, the Ancient Golden Emperor was so energetic. He smiled and said: “Boss, don’t tell me, I finally know why you always like to fake your death. It turns out that this feeling of manipulating behind the scenes is so refreshing. , But, if my son wasn’t stupid, he would have guessed my identity by now. But now I feel that he has a lot of resentment towards me, and he shouldn’t be!” ”

Haha, your son is not stupid, but My imagination is not that rich, who would have thought that my dead father would do such a sneaky thing? Mysterious man, bad taste!”

Gu Changsheng said with disdain.

“Boss, you are still talking about me. You are not the same. Your son doesn’t know that you are still alive?” the Golden Ancient Emperor retorted.

“Tch, how can your son compare with my son? My son is already half-level of Immortal Master now, and he will be able to achieve the status of Immortal Master in a few years. As for your son…even Gu Tianjun, who is separated from me by who knows how many generations? Can’t even beat them.”

Gu Changsheng smiled with a smile. The golden ancient prince wanted to refute, but when he thought about Gu Tianjun’s strength, it was even stronger than when he was young. Forget it, the facts were in front of him. After all, it was his son who was not strong enough. ah.

“No, I have to train him more intensively when I have time.” Golden Ancient Prince said coldly.

“Okay, you lose!”

At this time, Gu Changsheng said something off-topic.

“What?” The Ancient Golden Emperor was startled, and then looked at the chessboard in front of him. Most of his white chess pieces had been slaughtered. The Ancient Golden Emperor suddenly looked up at Gu Changsheng and asked, “Boss, what are you doing? God swear, did you mention my son on purpose to distract me and then operate behind the scenes?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor thought of this possibility. No, it’s not a possibility, it’s a certainty. Obviously the situation in black and white just now was not like this. His White had the absolute upper hand, but now he lost inexplicably. Apart from the fact that the chess game had been changed, he couldn’t think of the second possibility.

Gu Changsheng said with a serious face: “That’s nonsense. I, the Holy Emperor of the human race, the most powerful emperor in history, how can I swear to God casually? Aren’t you afraid that the avenue of heaven and earth will be frightened to death? What on earth are you thinking? I swear to God, are you an undercover agent sent by so-and-so? Want to use my hand to destroy the world?” “I’m

sorry, boss, I was wrong. I just had memory confusion. It’s my fault, don’t say it again. ” The Ancient Golden Emperor was afraid that if Gu Changsheng continued to speak, he would commit suicide due to guilt, so he quickly bowed his head and admitted his mistake, but boss, you have to find a real person to find an excuse, who is “so-and-so”?

“Well, knowing your mistakes and being able to correct them is a great thing, but you are almost an immortal after all, and you still have symptoms of Alzheimer’s such as memory confusion. You have to be careful.”

Gu Changsheng said with a caring tone, holding the hand in his hand. But the movement didn’t stop, and he removed the chessboard casually, which seemed to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces.

“Yes, yes, the boss is right, I will pay attention.” The Golden Ancient Emperor nodded and bowed, without any dignity as an ancient emperor.

“Very good!” Gu Changsheng was very satisfied with his attitude. If my traitor had this attitude, I wouldn’t have to use my fists and kicks so much.

“But boss, to be honest, your traitor’s luck with women is very good. It’s not like you, who has been fifty… um… um…” Before the

Golden Ancient Emperor could finish his words, his mouth seemed to be… It was sealed and could only make a “wuwu” sound.

Gu Changsheng took out the pot of wine, and the old god took a sip, and then said, “I’ll give you a chance to reorganize your language.”

“Hmm…” The Golden Ancient Emperor nodded desperately.

Gu Changsheng lifted his seal and waited for the Ancient Golden Emperor’s words, but after a while, the Ancient Golden Emperor said nothing.

“Didn’t I lift your seal?” Gu Changsheng was confused.

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“I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but I haven’t organized my words well, so I just won’t say it anymore.” Ancient Golden Emperor replied.

“Nah!” Gu Chang smiled angrily. Doesn’t your silence like this equivalent to acknowledging that what you just said is what you want to say now?

The Golden Ancient Emperor shrank his neck when he saw this, but found that Gu Changsheng had not made a move. He just breathed a sigh of relief when he felt like a slap on the back of his head, which made him dizzy.

“Boss, did you hit me?”

The Ancient Golden Emperor was confused. Gu Changsheng didn’t even move just now. How could he hit him?

Gu Changsheng chuckled and said, “Have you ever heard of the Traceless Sword Technique?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor nodded. It was Li Beifang’s own sword technique. It was invisible and formless, and it was difficult to defend against. It was difficult for people of the same level not to fall prey to it.

“He can create a traceless sword technique, so why can’t I change it and create a traceless palm technique?”

“You… are awesome!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor couldn’t laugh or cry. He should feel very honored, right? The majestic Holy Emperor of the human race, Changsheng Emperor, specially created a palm technique in order to slap him. Who else but him would receive such treatment?

“You should feel honored.”

Gu Changsheng took a sip of wine and said quietly.

The Golden Ancient Emperor took a deep breath, and sure enough, this was the boss.

“Boss, why don’t we go see how your traitor can become the sixth child?”

The Golden Emperor took the opportunity to change the subject. He didn’t want to discuss this with Gu Changsheng anymore. He couldn’t beat him again and again, and he couldn’t argue with him again and again. How could he deal with this? You can only avoid it!


Gu Changsheng said decisively.


“Then… go and see Hong Hong?” the Golden Ancient Emperor asked tentatively.

Now Gu Changsheng hesitated. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go, but that he was afraid that if he saw Hong Hong in a little bit of adversity, he wouldn’t be able to help but take action. There was no way, Hong Hong was his most beloved disciple. As for Li Beifei, As long as a traitor cannot die, there is no need to ask for so much.

Just when Gu Changsheng was hesitating, a jade slip on his body emitted a golden light. When he took it out and looked at it, a sound came from the jade slip.

“Grandpa, help me!”

It was Gu Wei’s voice.


Gu Changsheng’s figure disappeared, leaving only the Golden Ancient Emperor here blowing the cold wind!

At this moment, a big hand popped out of the void, grabbed his collar and disappeared.

“I’ll go, boss, don’t scratch your neck!”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

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