
Three days have passed, and many people in Ziwei Holy Land have become prisoners. The weakest of them have entered the holy realm, and the strongest have reached the peak of the Great Sage. These people have participated in or know What Ziwei Holy Land has done in the past 30,000 years, Qian Sheng Patriarch can swallow tens of millions of newborn babies without being noticed. Naturally, there are people who help him, including the contemporary Holy Master of Ziwei Holy Land.

At this time, his face was full of bitterness. As the Holy Lord of the Immortal Holy Land, he has now become a prisoner. He must be the most failed Holy Lord in history. But even if he is unwilling, there is nothing he can do. Their cultivation was sealed by His Majesty the Holy Emperor himself. They can no longer resist, so what if they are able to resist? Even the ancestors of the imperial soldiers did not dare to take action, their fate was already doomed.

As for regrets, he didn’t have much in his heart. One general succeeded and thousands of bones were withered, but they were the loser.

In the sky, Gu Youxian stared at these people coldly. After he learned what the ancestor Qian Sheng had done, he wished he could destroy the Ziwei Holy Land. But grandpa was right, Emperor Ziwei had made great contributions to the human race. Although merits and demerits cannot be offset, there are always many uninformed people in Ziwei Holy Land. These people are innocent and their crimes will not lead to death.


At this time, Zixin, who had been suppressed by Gu Youxian’s powerful spiritual hand, finally broke the suppression force and stood up from the ground. His hair stood on end like a thunderous war god. He came to Gaotian Mountain , said to the person who suppressed him: “I remember, you are the son of the ancient emperor, Gu Youxian!” “…” There


silence for thousands of miles, and the faces of those who were sealed and cultivated underground had pale faces. They already knew that their It’s over. Nothing in the outside world can attract their attention. No matter how strong the Zixin ancestor is, he has been suppressed by the other party. They can no longer change anything.

Zixin also noticed that something was wrong in the atmosphere. He looked down and his pupils shrank. He saw people who were also from Ziwei Holy Land, but now they were escorting a group of people from Ziwei Holy Land whose cultivation base was sealed.

“What happened?”

Zixin asked loudly.

“Zixin, you don’t know yet?”

At this time, the two quasi-emperors of Ziwei Holy Land came over.

“What do you know? I just broke through the suppression and saw this scene. What on earth are you doing?” Zi Xin looked confused.

“You weren’t knocked unconscious by Gu Youxian’s palm, were you?” A quasi-emperor asked. The Holy Emperor even came forward, but you didn’t know it unless you were unconscious at the time.

Zi Xin’s expression changed. He was indeed knocked unconscious by Gu Youxian’s huge palm, but could this be said? A strong man at the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor was knocked unconscious. This was even more embarrassing than being beaten to death.

“The time has come!”

At this time, Gu Youxian said.

The faces of the two quasi-emperors changed slightly, but they didn’t say anything. Only Zixin was still in the dark at this moment. He didn’t understand that he just fainted and Ziwei Holy Land became something he didn’t recognize.

But Gu Youxian has no obligation to explain so much to him. He only needs to be responsible for taking action. In three days, Grandpa gave Ziwei Holy Land the last mercy and let them handle the funeral affairs. Now that the three days have come, he has endured Can’t stand it anymore.


Gu Youxian shouted angrily, waved his hand, and countless heavenly knives appeared in the air, and then fell decisively, slashing at those people.

Zi Xin wanted to stop him, but was blocked by two quasi-emperors. One of the quasi-emperors sent out a divine thought and told him what happened. Zi Xin, who learned the whole story, looked very ugly. His surname was Zi. , has the same surname as Emperor Ziwei, and Emperor Ziwei is his ancestor. He naturally has deep feelings for Ziwei Holy Land, and he always abides by the teachings of Ziwei Holy Land, but he did not expect that these younger disciples of his would actually do something like this. Such an outrageous thing.

Now he wants to clean up the house himself, but unfortunately, those who participated or knew about it have been beheaded by Gu Youxian’s heavenly sword. The once prosperous Ziwei Holy Land is now bleeding like a river.

Zi Xin knew that the Ziwei Holy Land founded by his ancestor, Emperor Ziwei, would be completely removed from the list starting today.

“His Majesty the Holy Emperor is merciful and has not made the mistakes of these people public.” A quasi-emperor said to Zixin.

Zi Xin was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that His Majesty the Holy Emperor must have left Ziwei Holy Land with the last trace of dignity for the sake of Ziwei the Great, but no matter what the outcome was, Ziwei Holy Land would not be able to exist in the future.

On this day, several airships left the Tianhuang Star from the far east of the Eastern Territory and flew to the eight wastelands of the universe. The world did not know what crime Ziwei Holy Land had committed, but it was able to attract His Majesty the Holy Emperor, who had disappeared for millions of years. If they come forward in person, then Ziwei Holy Land must have made an unforgivable mistake. This is what they firmly believe.

The news of the fall of Ziwei Holy Land quickly spread throughout the Tianhuang Star, and then spread to other star regions at an extremely fast speed.

But this news is not the most shocking. The most shocking thing is naturally the birth of the Holy Emperor of the human race. After hearing the news, the human race was naturally extremely excited, especially the mortal nations in the Gu family’s territory in the Eastern Region. Since Gu Changsheng returned to the Gu family, the Gu family has deliberately spread the legend of the human race’s Holy Emperor in the Eastern Region.

Now that the Holy Emperor has reappeared, it has naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

In a restaurant in Xuanwu City, Yan State, in the Eastern Region, a blind old man was playing an old erhu on the central round table of the restaurant. With his qualifications, he could naturally buy a high-quality erhu, but this erhu had been with him for most of his life. His indispensable partner in making a living.

“Open your eyes!”

At this time, a sound from the guzheng sounded. Next to the blind old man, there was a little girl about ten years old. The little girl’s face was pink and tender, and she was really cute. She had slender jade fingers, and she was a She is a good girl who plays the guzheng. She is excited and nervous at the same time. This is the first time that her grandfather has taken her to read a book together.

The restaurant was already overcrowded. They all came here to listen to the blind old storyteller in front of them.


The blind old man adjusted his voice, and then said with great energy: “Today I won’t talk about the Ancient Emperor. Today I will talk about the legend of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, the Immortal Emperor.” ”

Okay! ”

The people below applauded. They knew that what the old man was going to say today was His Majesty the Holy Emperor, so they gathered here. They had heard about the deeds of the Ancient Emperor since they were young, and some of them could even recite them by heart. But His Majesty the Holy Emperor, that was First time.

“Xiaoxian, don’t be nervous, just follow the rhythm I told you before.”

The blind old man looked to the side and said.

“Okay, Grandpa, but Grandpa, I’m here, you saw it wrong.” said the little girl named Xiaoxian.

“Oh, I’m old, I’m old!” The old man smiled cheerfully. Xiaoxian was the little girl he met on the way home two years ago. After he confirmed that she was unrelated, he took her with him. By his side, he taught her the art of guzheng, and now he took her to read books. He thought that even when he gets old, Xiaoxian will still have the skills to eat, so that he will not live on the street.

Just as the blind old man began to speak, a figure hurriedly walked in, interrupting the old man’s rhythm.


Everyone looked at him, but he did not feel embarrassed. Instead, he said: “I, Mr. Zhao, have reserved the money for the drinks for everyone here today, so feel free to drink!” As soon as he

finished speaking, a man in a green shirt in the corner was startled. Then he shook his head and said, “It’s great to be able to have sex for free again.”

Then he looked at the little girl on the round platform with an incomprehensible look.

“Little immortal, a person is an immortal in front of the mountain. This little girl turned into a human form, but she probably lacks strength and has lost her memory, haha!”

Gu Changsheng drank the wine in his hand and left. Today, on a whim, I returned to this small town, and sure enough I found the little fairy who was enlightened by him.

After Gu Changsheng left, Xiaoxian felt something in his heart and looked at his leaving figure.

“Grandpa, I seem to see His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” Xiaoxian said thoughtfully.

“Nonsense, it’s time to start, focus.” The old man said.

“Oh!” Xiaoxian quickly corrected her posture and stroked the guzheng with both hands. As her slender little hands floated, sweet music sounded in the restaurant.

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