The clay figurine making technique is extremely poor

When Gu Changsheng returned to the Gu family, he found that the Yaochi Holy Land had actually sent someone to visit.

In the reception hall, the head of the family, Gu Wei, was discussing something with the Holy Master of Yaochi. The smiles on their faces grew thicker. It was obvious that the matter discussed was beneficial to both parties.

At this time, Gu Changsheng walked in, and the Holy Master of Yaochi was startled. She wondered how someone could barge in so boldly. She was discussing important matters with the Gu family head about two immortal forces.

But she was shocked the next moment when she saw Gu Wei quickly stood up from his seat, walked up to Gu Changsheng, and saluted respectfully.

“I’ve met the ancestors!”


The Holy Lord of Yaochi caught this key word. The ancestor of the Gu family was obviously the one who founded the Gu family, but she thought of a deeper level. The ancestor of the Gu family was the first son-in-law from the Gu family in their Yaochi Holy Land. From that time on , their Holy Land and the Gu family are like relatives, and this relationship has been maintained to this day. During this period, many generations of saints in the Yaochi Holy Land have been combined with the Gu family’s divine sons, making the relationship between their two families even closer. Now, this generation of saints and the Gu family has The Son of God can be said to be childhood sweethearts. The Saint of Yaochi is called Gu Tianjun, brother, and Gu Tianjun is called Saint of Yaochi, the younger sister, because they have known each other since childhood.

Is the young man in green shirt in front of me really that person?

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through the mind of the Holy Master of Yaochi, but as the owner of a holy land, she came back to her senses in an instant, saluted Gu Changsheng, and said, “Senior!”

“Senior?” Gu Changsheng Hehe smiled and said, “According to seniority, I should be your ancestor’s brother-in-law.”

“Who are you?” Although he had already guessed in his heart, the Holy Lord of Yaochi still chose to ask.

“Gu Changsheng, Yao Ji’s husband.” Gu Changsheng smiled.

“Pfft!” The Holy Master of Yaochi knelt down without any regard for his identity.

“The 219th generation descendant of the Yaochi Holy Land has met Patriarch Changsheng.”

Gu Changsheng quickly helped her up and said, “Get up, it’s hard to talk when you’re kneeling.”

“Thank you, Patriarch Changsheng!” Holy Lord Yaochi said, she There were many doubts in my heart at this time, but I didn’t ask them.

“What were you talking about just now? Can I listen?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Ancestor, it’s like this. We want Tianjun and Yuxian to make a marriage contract. The purpose of the Yaochi Holy Master coming today is to discuss this matter.” Gu Wei said.

“Oh? That’s good. That girl looks very comfortable to me.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile. He naturally knew about the Saint of Yaochi. Coupled with Honghong’s relationship, Aiwujiwuxia, he also knew the Saint of Yaochi. Very promising.

“Ancestor, do you agree?” Gu Wei was overjoyed. As long as the ancestor agreed, the matter would be a done deal.

The Holy Master of Yaochi on the side also looked happy. Before Gu Changsheng came out, although she and Gu Wei had a happy conversation, Gu Wei didn’t agree, as if he was thinking about something. Now it seems that Gu Wei is thinking about it. The feelings of the Immortal Ancestors, now that the Immortal Ancestors agree, then this matter has been completed.

However, Gu Changsheng asked, “Have you asked those two children about their wishes?”


The two of them looked troubled, and Gu Changsheng knew that the two of them had a sense of killing first and telling the story later.

Gu Wei said, “Ancestor, I don’t think Tianjun will object.”

“The same goes for Yuxian,” the Holy Master of Yaochi also said.

“This is what you think. Now that we are advocating freedom of love, we still have to respect the wishes of young people.”

Gu Changsheng said seriously. Naturally, the two of them did not dare to say no. Gu Changsheng spoke for a while. Then he left, and the two of them bowed to say goodbye, and then they looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

“Don’t you know, Ancestor Changsheng?” Holy Lord Yaochi asked.

Gu Wei shook his head and said, “My ancestors were not in the Gu family at that time. Naturally, they didn’t know what happened to Tianjun and Yuxian when they were young. If they had known, they probably wouldn’t have said that.”

“I see.” Holy Lord Yaochi A sudden realization.

“Haha, just do what the ancestors did, or ask them.” Gu Wei said with a smile.

“That’s right.” Holy Lord Yaochi also smiled.

Not long after the Holy Master of Yaochi adopted Ye Yuxian, he brought her to visit the Gu family. Gu Tianjun was also a little kid at that time. When he saw the cute and charming Ye Yuxian, he clamored to play with Ye Yuxian. At that time, they were led by two The children went to play, but what did they play with? They actually went to the church to get married, which made both adults dumbfounded. Gu Tianjun cried and wanted to marry Ye Yuxian when he grew up. Ye Yuxian didn’t understand what marriage was at that time, so he agreed casually.

Now that Gu Tianjun and Ye Yuxian have grown up, I wonder if they still remember each other’s childhood.

“I wonder, Brother Gu Dao, if you can answer my doubts.” At this time, the Holy Lord of Yaochi asked.

“But it doesn’t matter.” Gu Wei said with a smile. He naturally understood what the other party meant. It was just to ask about the ancestors. Since the ancestors came out to see her, there was no need to hide it, and now everyone in the world knew about it.

As Gu Wei told him, the shock on the face of the Holy Master of Yaochi became more and more intense. He never expected that the uncle of his Holy Land was actually His Majesty the Holy Emperor. To them, this was more difficult than how Gu Changsheng could survive to this day. Still shocked now.

Gu Changsheng naturally didn’t know about this. Now he found Gu Youxian and brought Gu Youxian to the inheritance place of the ancient gods.

At this time, Hou Tu was piling up clay figurines on the ground when he suddenly noticed that Gu Changsheng was back and quickly stood in front of the clay figurines.

“Huh? Such a big person still plays with mud.” Gu Changsheng walked to Houtu and looked at the clay figures she made. He found that they were all based on the surrounding stone statues, but let’s talk about the degree of restoration…

“When these stone statues were built, you didn’t make any suggestions, did you?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“How do you know?” Hou Tu was stunned. Could it be that the other party was reading minds again? Isn’t that right? I didn’t think about this just now, or did I say that I had this memory in my memory?

Gu Changsheng said, “It’s okay, otherwise I wouldn’t have recognized it was you.”

Hou Tu was startled, and then he almost became angry. Didn’t Gu Changsheng mean that her skills in making clay figurines were poor?

“Isn’t it similar?”

Hou Tu asked the newcomer Gu Youxian.

“Ah?” Gu Youxian was eating the melon in confusion, but he didn’t expect the melon owner to ask him.

“That…” Gu Youxian didn’t know how to answer. Judging from their conversation just now, the other person seemed to know his grandfather, and he was so beautiful. It couldn’t be that his grandfather was lonely… ”


Before Gu Youxian could finish imagining what was going to happen next. Gu Changsheng slapped him in the face, “What are you thinking about? This is the protector I found for your aunt.” ”

Oh, it turns out it’s not the case!” Gu Youxian was very sorry, why did he say “again” Well, because the White Tiger Demon King thought the same way before.

“This is my eldest grandson, Gu Youxian. The one with extremely poor clay figurine making skills is called Hou Tu.”

Gu Changsheng briefly introduced the two parties with a very casual attitude. Especially when he said that the clay figurine making skills were extremely poor, Hou Tu was rustic. His chest was undulating.

Gu Youxian was ashamed. His grandfather could have such a casual attitude, but his grandson could not be so casual. Gu Youxian respectfully called Senior Houtu, which made Houtu calm down.

“Then tell me, is my skill at shaping clay figures really poor?” Hou Tu asked again.

“Senior, I…” Gu Youxian was about to burst into tears. Can you ask my grandpa what a little person at the peak of a quasi-emperor does?

“Okay, you have to admit your poor skills. Why are you embarrassing my grandson? If you have the ability, ask me?” Gu Changsheng came out to help Gu Youxian.

“You…hum!” Hou Tu snorted coldly. My brothers and sisters all praised me for how nice my pinch was, but you don’t know how to appreciate it.

“Either they let you go, or they have poor vision.” Gu Changsheng said.

“You…read my mind again?” Houtu was anxious, really anxious. It would be fine if she was still a conscious body, but now that she has a physical body, it is completely different.

Gu Changsheng ignored him and said, “Speaking of which, four groups of people have only entered the ancient land in eight chaotic eras. It’s a waste. Let me use it.”

“What do you want to do?” Hou Tu looked at him warily. Gu Changsheng.

“Senior, I can say this!” Gu Youxian raised his hands and said, feeling that he had finally found a chance to interrupt.

After Gu Youxian told him, Hou Tu also knew Gu Changsheng’s plan. She stared at Gu Changsheng, bit her lip, and asked: “You actually want the inheritance of my ancient god clan to become the inheritance of your human clan?” ”

Yes. “Don’t you understand what my grandson said?” Gu Changsheng nodded calmly.

“You…” Hou Tu still wanted to say harsh words, but after seeing Gu Changsheng admit it generously, he was also discouraged. Now she is the only one left in the Ancient God Clan. In what Gu Youxian just said, the inheritance of the Ancient God Clan and its legacy It is better to take it out and use it for human beings than to waste it here. Of course, these words are what Gu Changsheng meant, otherwise he would not dare to tell Hou Tu.

When Gu Changsheng decided to intervene in the development of the human race, he would naturally not be unprepared. The ancient land inherited by the ancient gods happened to appear, which made him think of the inheritance hall of the twelve ancestor gods. The ancient land inherited by the ancient gods, it was twelve The inheritance of a strong man in the Broken Dao Realm, as well as countless cultivation techniques in the wild world, even if he did not obtain the inheritance of the Twelve Ancestral Gods, it would be good to obtain other inheritances. The skills that can be favored by the Twelve Ancestral Gods are obviously not bad. goods.

Gu Changsheng knew that Hou Tu would have objections, but so what, Hou Tu was resurrected by her, so if you have any opinions, just have them. He was here to rob me, and he only asked to show respect, and he couldn’t allow others to have opinions. ?

Hou Tu naturally understood, but as the ancestor of the ancient gods, it was very painful to watch the inheritance of his race being used by others.

Gu Changsheng said: “Of course, I won’t use it in vain. You can choose twelve people who have inherited the inheritance of your twelve ancestor gods to become your disciples. If they are willing, they can also become members of your ancient god clan.”

Hou Tu Silent, although even so, the ancient gods will not truly recover, but this is indeed the best choice at the moment.

In the end Hou Tu agreed, and Gu Changsheng waited for the Golden Ancient Emperor and Gu Wei to come out, and then talked about the twelve temples and twelve stone statues to take away. In front of these temples, there were twelve more stone tablets. It was just established by Hou Tu and recorded the names and lives of the Twelve Ancestor Gods. To put it simply, it is the biography of the Twelve Ancestor Gods. Anyone who enters the inheritance temple will have the deeds of the Twelve Ancestor Gods imprinted in their minds.

This is the last condition Hou Tu strives for. The bloodline of the ancient gods can disappear from the long river of history, but the spiritual will cannot just disappear. This is Hou Tu’s idea.

Gu Changsheng also understands this kind of spiritual inheritance. Don’t forget, he was the Holy Emperor of the Human Race who led the rise of the Human Race. He knows better than anyone how Hou Tu feels at this time, but he is the Holy Emperor of the Human Race, even if he has deep feelings Kuang Guang will give priority to the human race first.

“Actually… I have a way to make the Ancient God Clan rise again.”

Gu Youxian said at this time.


Gu Changsheng and Hou Tu looked at him curiously, wanting to see what he could say.

“Actually, it’s not difficult. Just like our Gu family, there were just two people in the beginning, grandfather and grandmother. Five hundred thousand years have passed, and there are hundreds of thousands of direct and collateral blood relatives. This is still a situation that is deliberately controlled. Otherwise, how many people can we have? One billion is possible, Senior Houtu, you are so beautiful…”

“Get out of here!”

Gu Changsheng’s face darkened. He thought Gu Youxian had some good ideas, but it turned out to be a human being!

Hou Tu also looked at Gu Youxian with a strange expression.

“Ahem, I won’t talk anymore. I won’t talk anymore. I’ll go see what’s going on inside. You guys can talk.”

Gu Youxian ran away quickly, randomly picked a heritage temple and walked in. Only Gu Changsheng and Hou Tu were left in the square. .

“Actually, I think what my grandson said is right. Although your cultivation level is too high and it is difficult to get pregnant, you still have a chance to find someone with the same cultivation level. It just so happens that I know two old bachelors…”

“Yes.” Why don’t you go in and take a look, sir?”

Before Gu Changsheng could finish speaking, Hou Tu interrupted, saying that the two of them, the grandfather and the grandson, are really not the same family.


Gu Changsheng smiled politely but not awkwardly.

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