Lao Huang, I have something to show you

Hou Tu continued to play with the clay figurine brothers and sisters she had made, and Gu Changsheng was bored and looked closer.

“I said that you are also the ancestral god who controls the laws of earth. Isn’t it within your domain to make clay figures? Why do you make them so ugly? Look, the head doesn’t look like a head, and the hands don’t look like hands either. Okay. An ancestral god has been made into different shapes by you.”

Gu Changsheng pointed at the clay figurine on the ground, which made Hou Tu very speechless. Finally, Hou Tu was annoyed and asked: “Why don’t you pinch a clay figure of yours? What does the couple look like?”

After saying that, Hou Tuyu waved his hand lightly, and some clay appeared in front of Gu Changsheng. Hou Tu looked at Gu Changsheng leisurely and said, “Please enlighten me!” ”


Gu Changsheng hesitated. After taking action, Hou Tu said: “You can’t use your cultivation, please give me advice!” ”


Gu Changsheng still hesitated to take action. Finally, Gu Changsheng yawned and said, “I’m tired after waiting for so long. You go on, I’ll go to the side and squint first.”

“Haha!” Hou Tu smiled politely and not awkwardly this time.

When Gu Changsheng saw this, he looked calm on the outside, but he was cursing in his heart. He wouldn’t have complained if he had known better.


At this time, the door of the Time Heritage Temple opened, and Gu Wei walked out of it. She had just broken through to the Great Sage Realm, but now her cultivation had reached the fifth level of the Great Sage. It was obvious that she had gained something in the Time Heritage Temple. Quite a lot.

“How is it?”

Gu Changsheng asked, and Hou Tu also turned his attention to Gu Wei. She was naturally curious about whether Gu Wei had received the inheritance from her brother Zhu Jiuyin, but Gu Wei shook her head regretfully and said: “I’m sorry, ancestors. I’m so useless. I haven’t been recognized by the inheritance.”

“It’s okay, it’s just an inheritance. Don’t worry too much.” Gu Changsheng comforted him.

Hou Tu on the side couldn’t help but twitching when he heard Gu Changsheng’s words. What do you mean by “just an inheritance”? That is the inheritance of the law of time. It is the supreme inheritance of the Dao-breaking level. Put it in the three thousand The chaotic world can set off a series of bloody super inheritances. How come it is like a bun from a street stall when it comes to you? If you don’t have it today, you can buy it tomorrow?

Hou Tu felt very unhappy and snorted softly.

“Huh?” Gu Changsheng looked at her doubtfully. He didn’t seem to complain about you this time, right?

“Hmph!” Houtu snorted again, then squatted down and carefully put away the dried clay figures one after another.

Gu Changsheng looked at her and felt confused. Could it be menopause? I’ve never heard that female monks also have menopause, or does it mean that monks have to live for countless years to qualify for menopause?


At this time, the door of the Golden Heritage Temple suddenly opened, and a golden figure shot out from inside like a meteorite, smashing a large human-shaped crater into the hard ground.

“Ahem, don’t you just don’t want to accept the inheritance? Do you need to be so rough?”

The Golden Ancient Emperor stood up cursing, with a look of displeasure on his face. He dusted himself off, came to Gu Changsheng, and complained: “Boss, you judge, don’t I just not accept the inheritance of the Golden Law? I have already walked out on my own golden path. Wouldn’t accepting the inheritance be equivalent to denying the path of cultivation for so many years? This is not acceptable. Guess what happened in the end? , that old guy who calls himself the weapon spirit of the Golden Heritage Temple, actually kicked me out. Damn, except for the boss, I have never seen him so unreasonable. Damn it.” ”

…” Gu Changsheng.

“Old Huang, what you said earlier is very good, but I have something to show you.” Gu Changsheng looked at the Golden Ancient Emperor with a smile.

“What is it?” The Golden Ancient Emperor’s eyes lit up. From the perspective of his boss, what he was looking for was definitely not simple. Could it be some kind of peerless fairy treasure? No, fairy treasures can’t attract the boss’s interest. The more I thought about it, the more curious I became.

“Turn around first.” Gu Changsheng said.

“Oh, boss, you’re still trying to be mysterious.” The Golden Ancient Emperor turned around with a smile.

After putting away the clay figures, Hou Tu and Gu Wei also looked over curiously, wanting to see what Gu Changsheng was doing so mysteriously.

“Old Huang, how are you doing recently? Is there anything wrong with your heart?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Boss, look at what you said, is that okay?” The Golden Ancient Emperor responded with a smile, but he was really looking forward to what Gu Changsheng said. He was paying attention to his physical condition. Could it be that the baby is too good and he is afraid that his heart will bear it? Can’t live?

“Are you ready?” Gu Changsheng asked again,

“Don’t worry, boss, just come.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said.

“Okay…I’m going to…fuck you!”

Gu Changsheng kicked the Golden Ancient Emperor on the butt, and the Golden Ancient Emperor disappeared into the sky before he even had time to scream.

After kicking him, Gu Changsheng clapped his hands and sneered: “You call me unreasonable. If I don’t teach you a lesson, will you have to eat, drink and shit on my head in the future?” “…

” Hou Tu was speechless. , who is this person, doing so much foreplay, just to kick someone.

However, what Hou Tu paid most attention to was what the Ancient Golden Emperor said. From what the Ancient Golden Emperor said just now, she already knew that the Ancient Golden Emperor was already qualified to obtain the inheritance from the Golden Heritage Temple, but was rejected by himself. This made Hou Tu Tu didn’t know what to say.

A Tao-breaking level inheritance refused even if he said no, and the other party was just a monk with only the highest peak of cultivation, not even an immortal. He actually refused the inheritance of the Golden Heritage Temple. If this was the center of those who coveted the inheritance of their ancient gods, If the people in the God Realm knew about it, they would probably immediately travel through the chaos and crush him to ashes.

Finally, Hou Tu turned his attention to Gu Changsheng again. He knew that the reason why the Golden Ancient Emperor was so arrogant was because he followed such an unfathomable boss. In the final analysis, it was this guy who was responsible.

Humph, finally someone who can inherit the Law of Gold appeared, but it was messed up because of you.

Gu Changsheng didn’t know that Hou Tu had dumped the blame on him for the Ancient Golden Emperor’s unwillingness to accept the inheritance of the Golden Law. At this time, he was thinking about how to use these twelve inheritance temples.

The core inheritance of each of these twelve inheritance temples of the ancient gods is the Tao-breaking level. This is not right for the current world of mortals. For all the worlds in the world, this is the inheritance of a transcendent existence.

At the beginning of this era of chaos, the person who walked into the inheritance place of the ancient gods and obtained the inheritance of the twelve ancestor gods was none other than the Immortal Emperor Hongchen Heavenly Emperor of the world of mortals. The Hongchen Heavenly Emperor not only relied on his super understanding to understand the laws of the twelve ancestor gods , and even created the Thirty-Three Days of Creation Immortal Technique, a terrifying combat magic. The Red Dust Heavenly Emperor was able to be on an equal footing with the Chaos Black Turtle, but it was not because the Chaos Black Turtle was an amiable old turtle. The two sides actually fought. In the field, it is obvious that the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor has been recognized by the Chaos Black Turtle with his Immortal Emperor realm. In other words, the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor can rival Po Dao with the Immortal Emperor realm. This has the bonus of the thirty-three days of good fortune. There is also the reason for the inheritance of the twelve ancestor gods as the foundation.

It’s just that the Hongchen Heavenly Emperor seems to be too lucky. As the saying goes, things must turn against each other at the extreme. Before he could break through the realm, he was targeted by enemies outside the chaos, so that in the end he could only end up dead. As a result, the world of mortals has become a barren land where immortality is now impossible.

In the past, the inheritance of the Twelve Ancestral Gods created a mortal emperor, and it might be possible to create a second one in the future. Such an important inheritance must not be abused. How to use the inheritance of the Twelve Ancestral Gods, Gu Changsheng has to make long-term plans.

“Oh, if I had known I wouldn’t have come back, it would have been a big headache!”

Gu Changsheng muttered. In the past, the life of pretending to be dead and hiding in seclusion was extremely comfortable. It was great not to have to worry about anything. But now that he has chosen to come back, he can’t just do it casually. Just do it casually.

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