The opportunity of the Golden Ancient Emperor

At this time, Gu Youxian also came out. He really just took a look at it as he said. This made Hou Tu very speechless and helpless, because everyone only had one chance for each temple, which meant that Gu Youxian just took a look at it casually. An opportunity to gain inheritance was wasted.

Who are the people in this family? Hou Tu really wanted to open their heads to see what was inside and why their ideas were so different.

“Now that we’ve finished reading, it’s time to leave.”

Gu Changsheng said.

“Huh? Grandpa, didn’t you say that Senior Golden Ancient Emperor is also there? Don’t wait until he comes out to join us?” Gu Youxian said.

“No, grandpa, I just sent him back to Tianhuang Star.” Gu Changsheng said, and then raised his hand, and he collected the twelve stone statues and their corresponding inheritance temples.

Hou Tu looked at the place where he had stayed for countless years with complicated emotions.

“What’s the matter, do you miss this place?” Gu Changsheng asked.

“Let’s go, let’s go right away.” Hou Tu said immediately, nostalgic? It’s impossible. I wish I could leave here as soon as possible. She has been in prison here for countless years.

At this time, in a small town in the southern wilderness of Tianhuang Star, a group of beggars were gathering around a large pit, looking into the pit.

“Uncle, why don’t you come out?” asked a little boy with a dirty face.

Golden Ancient Emperor: “…”

“Uncle, why are there shoe prints on your butt?” a little girl asked.

The Golden Ancient Emperor was still speechless.

“Did this uncle fall from the sky and fall unconscious?” the little girl continued.

“Idiot Xiao Wu, this uncle must be a legendary immortal, how could he fall so stupid?” The oldest beggar among the group patted the little girl’s head.


The eyes of the few beggars lit up, and they looked at the Golden Ancient Emperor with a little more curiosity. Although they were all homeless and unaccompanied little beggars, they had also heard many legends about immortals. Especially the recent legend of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, they have heard several versions.

The Golden Ancient Emperor was watched like a monkey by these children. Apart from being a little depressed, he had no other negative emotions in his heart. He jumped up from the pit, patted the dust on his body, and then looked at the children. .

“Aren’t you afraid of me?” the Golden Ancient Emperor said.

“Don’t be afraid!”

Several little beggars shook their heads.

“What if I am a bad guy and sell you all?”

“Okay, okay, sell us.”

Unexpectedly, several little beggars jumped up happily and even chirped in front of him. They discussed what kind of family they were sold to, but the topic they discussed was always inseparable from one topic, and that was having meat to eat.

The Golden Ancient Emperor looked at these children dumbfounded. If others heard his name, they would stop the children from crying, but at least they would not ignore him like this.

However, the appearance of these little beggars enjoying themselves made the Ancient Golden Emperor very interesting. He was born in the Ancient Golden Clan. Begging, wandering, not having enough to eat and drink, etc. had nothing to do with him. But now that he met them, he Don’t have a taste.

“Is there anything to eat?” asked the Golden Ancient Emperor.

Unexpectedly, several little beggars looked at him with contempt.

A little boy named Agou looked at the Golden Ancient Emperor with contempt and said, “You actually asked a beggar if he had anything to eat. I think you must not do well in the world of immortality.”

The other little beggars nodded and asked the beggar for something. Food, this is the first time I have seen it.

“Uh…” The Golden Ancient Emperor was startled, and then touched his nose awkwardly, but he still said: “Then you are wrong. In this world, I am also one of the top three strong people.”

Except for the boss . There is also that unfathomable woman. It is reasonable for her to be the third in the world of mortals. Why can’t she do well? Forget it, Tong Yanwuji and Tong Yanwuji are not as knowledgeable as him.

Naturally, the few beggars didn’t believe it. They even tried to get food from them. How could they be so powerful? They should only brag about it.

“How about you eat mine.” At this time, the little girl Ah Wu took out a half steamed bun wrapped in leaves and handed it to the Golden Ancient Emperor. This half steamed bun was her breakfast this morning, and she was reluctant to finish it. , stayed for dinner, in case I couldn’t beg for any money or food today.

The Golden Ancient Emperor was startled, then he smiled and said, “I ate your steamed buns, so what did you eat? It’s almost noon.” ”

We were about to go out to beg, and we happened to see you fall from the sky, so we were curious. I came over to take a look. I originally thought it was some big treasure, but I didn’t expect it to be a living person. It’s really unlucky.”

said a boy who looked about ten years old. He was the oldest among the five little beggars, so As a matter of course, he shoulders the responsibility of the eldest brother. He usually takes care of the other four younger brothers and sisters. Of course, they are not related by blood, but they are both poor people. Under the arrangement of fate, they have become not relatives but Better than family relationships.

The big boy’s name is Axiong, and the other little beggars call him Brother Axiong.

The Golden Ancient Emperor felt depressed when he heard Ah Xiong’s complaining and dissatisfied tone. He decided not to pretend anymore and showed his cards. He said to several people: “I won’t hide it anymore. In fact, I am the Golden Ancient Emperor.”

“Golden Ancient Emperor?”

The eyes of the few beggars lit up, and their eyes changed when they looked at the Ancient Golden Emperor. They became very excited. When the Ancient Golden Emperor saw this, he was very relieved. This time he knows how powerful I am.

“Then are you rich?” Ah Wu asked, still holding the half steamed bun in her hand.

“What?” The Ancient Golden Emperor was confused.

“Idiot Ah Wu, since he is called the Golden Ancient Emperor, you can tell he is very rich just by his name.” Ah Xiong patted Ah Wu’s little forehead and said.

“…” The Golden Ancient Emperor was truly speechless now.

“Haven’t you heard of my name?” The Golden Ancient Emperor asked with unyielding heart.

Several children shook their heads, and Agou said: “We have heard about His Majesty the Holy Emperor recently.” ”

Yes, yes, when we were begging recently, we heard others discussing His Majesty the Holy Emperor on the street. It sounded like He’s a very rich man.”

“It would be great if we could be sold to the Holy Emperor’s family. Then we would definitely have meat to eat every day. I’m not greedy, just have meat for three meals a day.”

“You greedy Si, you can’t even call it greedy. All I need is a meal of meat.”

A few people began to discuss again. After hearing this, the Golden Ancient Emperor seemed to be touched deep in his heart. , the lifelong dream of these little kids is probably to be able to eat well, drink well, and be well clothed. Compared to monks like them, these dreams are undoubtedly very ridiculous and childish, but to them, this is their pursuit.

“The world of mortals… what is the world of mortals?”

The ancient golden emperor felt something in his heart, and began to think about what the world of mortals was and what the world of mortals was.

“Uncle… eh, are you asleep?”

“In that case, let’s go begging. It’s already noon, and we’ve wasted a lot of time. The good seats have been taken up by others.” ”

Oh, oh, hurry up. Go quickly.”

When several children saw the Golden Ancient Emperor’s eyes closed, they thought he was asleep, so under the leadership of their eldest brother A Xiong, they rushed to the town with their eating utensils.

But because of a few words from a few children, the Golden Ancient Emperor entered the state of enlightenment that monks dream of.

Gu Changsheng, who had just brought people back to Gu’s house, felt something. He looked at Nanhuang and murmured: “It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Oh no, I am not a disaster.”

Gu Changsheng shook his head. He originally thought that Xiaobai became a success in the Qianyuan Realm. The Immortal Society is faster than Lao Huang. Now it seems that Lao Huang has walked out of his own immortal way.

Feel the world of mortals and become an immortal in the world of mortals!

“Forget it, I’d better think about how to use these twelve inheritance temples.”

(The next few chapters will describe the Golden Ancient Emperor, it won’t be very long)

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