Master, we don’t know the words

When the six people came to Zixuan Pavilion, they were blocked from the door.

The waiter glanced at Axiong and the others behind Golden Ancient Emperor, and then said to Golden Ancient Emperor: “Sir, you can go in, but they can’t. Our store has rules and does not accept disheveled guests.”

Golden Ancient Emperor looked at him Only then did these five disciples notice their ragged clothes.

When the five people from Axiong heard that the waiter said that they were disheveled, their faces turned red in a rare way.

“Master, why don’t we leave?”

Ah Xiong said,

“Why are we leaving? I promised you that even if you want the stars in the sky, I can help you pick them. Since I promised you to come here to have a meal, “Okay, then I will definitely do what I say.” Golden Ancient Emperor said.

In the opinion of the waiter, the Golden Ancient Emperor is just bragging and wants to pick the stars in the sky. Why don’t you go to heaven? However, the waiter in the shop just complained in his heart, and at the same time felt sorry for Ah Xiong and the others. They found such a boastful master, and they would be worried about it for the rest of their lives.

The waiter said: “Sir, you can bring them in if you want, but you must at least prepare a set of clean clothes for them and then freshen up, right?”

“You are right.” The Golden Ancient Emperor agreed with the waiter If so, he didn’t have any ill feeling towards the waiter who blocked him. He also followed the rules and didn’t come up arrogantly and chase A Wuji away. Naturally, he wouldn’t embarrass the waiter.

So the Golden Ancient Emperor waved his hand, and the original ragged and unkempt appearance immediately changed. Each of them was covered with a golden satin dress. The cloud patterns on the clothes were the same as those on the Golden Ancient Emperor’s clothes. They are exactly the same, they look like assembly line production, but the sizes are different. And their originally dark skin immediately became much whiter and tenderer, finally looking a bit like children.

This scene not only shocked the waiter in the shop, but also shocked A Xiong and others.

This method of turning decay into magic is the legendary fairy method, right? The few children thought, and finally had a vague understanding of their master. At least they were now convinced that if they followed the master, they would definitely have meat for every meal.

If the Golden Ancient Emperor knew what they were thinking, they would definitely be dumbfounded. The Ancient Emperor was a majestic person, and even saying his name in the world of immortal cultivation could scare off Xiaoxiao. Unexpectedly, in the hearts of Axiong and the other children, they only had meat to eat every meal. .

But it’s not surprising that Ah Xiong and the others have such thoughts. The oldest of them is only ten years old, and the youngest Ah Wu is only seven years old. Their life experience is only begging. They live in Mojia Town, a border town where the only mayor is a monk. How rich can their imagination be?

The waiter in the shop was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted. He nodded and bowed, and said humbly: “I didn’t know that the immortal master was coming. I was negligent. Please forgive me.” ”

Ignorance is not a crime. Okay, please take us in.” .” The Golden Ancient Emperor waved his hand and was very satisfied with the attitude of the waiter. Normally, he would not have such emotions, but the current performance of the waiter has earned him enough face in front of his apprentice.

“Yes, thank you Immortal Master!”

The waiter in the shop breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the Ancient Golden Emperor did not blame him, and quickly and carefully led the Ancient Golden Emperor in. He originally wanted to take the Ancient Golden Emperor and the others to Zixuan Pavilion. It was a private room, but Zixuan Pavilion was indeed the most luxurious restaurant in Mojia Town. The private room was full at this time, which made him hesitate.

The Golden Ancient Emperor said: “Just find a spacious place in the lobby.” There were six of them, so they naturally needed a spacious place, and he had no intention of wanting a private room. He was here this time This is the first time in his life for a person who has traveled around the world to sit and eat in the same place with many people. This is naturally very interesting to him now.

He felt that as long as he entered the state of enlightenment he had yesterday once or twice more, he would be confident that he could become an immortal under the suppression of heaven in this world of mortals.

When the waiter heard the Golden Ancient Emperor’s request, he immediately led a few people to a seat by the window and sat down.

The Golden Ancient Emperor said to Ah Xiong and the others: “Just order whatever you want to eat.”

There was a menu on the table, which listed various dishes of Zixuan Pavilion. Ah Xiong picked up the menu and opened it. Like reading a book from heaven.

“Agou, please order.” Axiong handed the menu to Agou. Agou took it and looked at it and immediately transferred it to Asan, “Asan, you better come. You know, I can eat what I have.” .”

Ah San felt dizzy when he saw it. What are the symbols on it? How could he understand it? So he quickly passed the menu to Ah Si.

“Ah Si, you are the most gluttonous, please order some.”

Ah Si happily took the menu, but was also dumbfounded.

“What are you all doing? Give it to me.” Ah Wu grabbed the menu, and his reaction was no better than the previous ones.

“What’s wrong? The food is not good?” asked the Golden Ancient Emperor.

When the waiter heard this, he immediately became nervous. If an ordinary person said that the food was not good, he might have to argue a few words, but this person in front of him is an immortal master who knows the magic of immortality, and several others will also be minor immortal masters in the future. He would not dare to Retort verbally.

Ah Wu stood up and tiptoed to hand the menu to Ancient Huang Huang, and said bitterly: “Master, we don’t know how to read.” ”



“I didn’t think carefully enough.” The ancient emperor slapped his forehead. These little guys were beggars before. Such young beggars must be orphans without fathers and mothers. How could they be literate? As a master, I am really incompetent. To be serious, I But if the five disciples made a fool of themselves in public, he could feel the strange looks from the people around him. Fortunately, these five little guys were so pure and kind at heart that they didn’t care about other people’s looks at all.

Perhaps they experienced more strange looks when begging than they do now, and they have become accustomed to it.

Perhaps this will be a rare asset for them in the future.

Many thoughts flashed through the Golden Ancient Emperor, and then he ordered some of the most expensive dishes in Zixuan Pavilion. He had never eaten the dishes in Zixuan Pavilion, but the principle is the same. Delicious food does not necessarily need to be expensive, but expensive food must be good. eat.

After Ah Xiong and others sat down, they looked at Zixuan Pavilion curiously. They had always dreamed of having a good meal here, but they didn’t expect it to come true. This made them think they were dreaming, but even if they were dreaming, it would be fine. , never wake up.

The magical method that the Golden Ancient Emperor just performed in Zixuan Pavilion was also seen by another person besides the waiter.

After Huang Jinhuang and others entered Zixuan Pavilion, this man quickly rushed to the mayor’s house. When he arrived at the mayor’s house, he said a few words to the servant, and the servant immediately took him in.

In the hall, Mayor Mo Fan got the report and came out in a hurry. He saw that the people coming were from the town patrol team. Mojia Town is not big and has no city guards, but a patrol team has been set up to maintain security. There are not many people in the patrol team, so Mo Fan clearly remembers the appearance and names of the people in the patrol team.

“Liang Yan, is what you just said true?” Mo Fan asked.

“Report to the Mayor, Liang Yan saw with his own eyes that the man just waved his hand and the five little beggars immediately changed their appearance, like the legendary fairy children, carved from pink and jade.”

Liang Yan said quickly.

“Okay, very good, I plan to expand the patrol team. The leader of the new patrol team is yours.” Mo Fan said.

“Thank you, sir!”

Liang Yan knelt down and kowtowed in thanks.

Mo Fan waved his hand and said, “You go down first.”

“Yes!” Liang Yan nodded and left the hall.

At this time, an old butler came out. He walked up to Mo Fan and said, “Master, what do you think that person is?”

Hearing this, Mo Fan smiled bitterly and said, “Uncle Gu, you think too highly of me. If If it is really like what Liang Yan said, the other party’s methods can turn decay into magic. This kind of strength is not even possessed by the national masters of the Zhou Kingdom.” The cultivation level of the national masters of the Zhou Kingdom

is only at the Shattering Void Realm. That’s it, he is already the strongest person in Zhou Kingdom, and he can’t even compare with the city lords of the cities affiliated with the cultivating sects.

Mo Fan is only in the early stage of the Concentration Realm, but he has a dream in his heart, that is, he can meet those legendary powerful monks. He also wants to become stronger. Although this chance is very slim, but in case of powerful monks What about his qualifications?

Therefore, he has always asked people to pay attention to the movements in Mojia Town, and any supernatural events must be reported to him.

“Come on, Uncle Gu, let’s go meet the senior.” Mo Fan said anxiously.

“Wait a minute, sir, if we go like this, will we collide with that strong man?” Gu Bo said.

“This…” Mo Fan hesitated. He was also confused by the sudden news. If he went there directly, what if he offended the other party? It’s a small thing for the other party to ignore them, but what if they lose their lives because of it?

However, Mo Fan remembered what Liang Yan said just now. Since the strong man didn’t care about the waiter, he was obviously not a murderous person.

“How about this, how about we dress up and pretend to be strangers to meet them by chance?” Mo Fan said.

“Is this possible?” Gu Bo asked.

“Then what should I do?” Mo Fan was at a loss. Since he wanted to contact the other party, he had to go and see him.

“…” Uncle Gu didn’t know what to do. If he were asked to govern Mojia Town, he would do a better job than Mo Fan, but when it comes to the issue of monks, he, an ordinary person, is not qualified to say anything. .

Finally, the two strangers left in a hurry from the back door of Mo’s house. They hurried towards Zixuan Pavilion.

The Golden Ancient Emperor didn’t know that he had attracted the attention of others with just a few tricks. He could only say that Mojia Town was too small.

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