Let Hou Tu work for the human race

Mo Fan and Uncle Gu disguised themselves, and as expected, no one who knew them could recognize them. They arrived at Zixuan Pavilion smoothly. Just as the waiter wanted to ask them, Mo Fan said, “Arrange a place for us.” The location is pretty good.”

Mo Fan pointed at the location next to the Golden Ancient Emperor and the others.

The waiter brought them over, and after Mo Fan ordered a few dishes at random, he sent the waiter away. Then Mo Fan looked distracted. Even the mortal Gu Bo beside him was calmer than him.

At this time, Ah Xiong and the others were feasting, and Ah Wu, a little girl, didn’t look like a girl at all. She was holding a chicken leg in her left hand, and chopsticks in her right hand to pick up vegetables. Her mouth was full of food, and her mouth was greasy, and she couldn’t eat at all. .

But when it comes to eating better, what surprised the Ancient Golden Emperor was Ah Si, a little glutton. Although he also ate and drank a lot, he always finished the food in his mouth before picking up the food. The Ancient Golden Emperor asked him, he He said, “This is the only way to taste the taste of every dish. If you eat it like Ah Wu, you won’t be able to taste the taste.” ”


Ah Wu expressed his disagreement with Ah Si’s words and continued to eat.

The Golden Ancient Emperor said: “Don’t be impatient, eat slowly. If it’s not enough, just scream.”

“Master, you can eat too,”

Axiong said.

“Haha, Master, I haven’t eaten any delicacies from the mountains and seas. You can eat them.” The Golden Ancient Emperor said, the above dishes are rare delicacies for ordinary people, but to him, they are nothing more than that. He is not like the boss. He has a craving for food, but he doesn’t pursue much in terms of eating.


Several people nodded repeatedly and continued to feast.

But after Mo Fan listened to the words of the Golden Ancient Emperor, he thought in his heart that he was worthy of being a powerful senior, and it was normal to look down on secular dishes. But in this way, he would have one less chance to talk to him. He originally thought about using food to strike up a conversation, but now it seems that it is impossible.

Uncle Gu could see Mo Fan’s distress, but he didn’t know how to help him.

“Master, what should we do now?” Gu Bo asked.

Mo Fan shook his head and looked like he had a headache. Immortal destiny was right in front of him, but he couldn’t find a chance to get close. This was too painful for him.

“Master, was the magic you used to change our clothes just now?”

Ah Wu licked the oil on his hand and asked curiously. Mo Fan on the side immediately pricked up his ears and was highly focused.

The Ancient Golden Emperor chuckled and said: “What kind of magic is this? It’s just some small tricks. When you become successful in cultivation, you can do it.”

Mo Fan nodded secretly and agreed with what the Ancient Golden Emperor said. He thought He wanted to continue listening, but Ah Wu just said oh and continued to eat the food in front of him. This made Mo Fan anxious in his heart. My aunt, you can eat at any time, but now the opportunity is rare.

Mo Fan now wants to continue asking for Ah Wu, but this is just a thought, he does not dare to move.

Time gradually passed, and Ah Wuji and the others had already wiped out all the food on the table. It was hard to imagine that such a small group of children could eat so much. They all touched their bulging bellies and looked satisfied.

“Are you full? Let’s go when you are full. This place is too small. I will take you to a wider place.” The Golden Ancient Emperor smiled.


At this time, Mo Fan finally couldn’t help but stand up. He didn’t want to miss this opportunity to improve his strength, so when he heard that the Golden Ancient Emperor was about to leave, he couldn’t sit still.

“Are you… okay?” The Golden Ancient Emperor said calmly. Mo Fan turned his attention to him as soon as he came in. He could naturally feel it, but he didn’t feel any malice from Mo Fan, so he didn’t Pay attention.

“Senior, junior Mo Fan, please give me your advice without hesitation!” Mo Fan took off his disguise and revealed his true face. Others were surprised when they saw Mo Fan. Mo Fan is the only immortal master in Mojia Town. Normally, Shenlong is invisible, but he didn’t expect to meet him in Zixuan Pavilion today. However, at this time, he respectfully called his senior, which made everyone look at the Golden Ancient Emperor and his entourage in shock.

The Golden Ancient Emperor frowned slightly. He knew what Mo Fan was thinking after a moment’s thought, but he shook his head and said: “With your qualifications, it is already the limit to be able to cultivate to the Concentration Realm. If you want to break through, it is impossible.”

When Mo Fan heard this, his expression was gloomy, but he still refused to give up and asked: “Is there no other way?”

“Yes, but it makes no difference to you whether I have it or not.” The Golden Ancient Emperor shook his head, wanting to change A person’s qualifications, in addition to high-level elixirs, also include a strong person who is willing to spend his energy to cleanse and cut the marrow. This is what the Golden Ancient Emperor will do for the five little guys next. No elixir can compare with it. An ancient emperor cleansed the menstruation and strengthened the marrow for them.

But obviously, Mo Fan does not have these two things, otherwise he would not still be in the concentration state after being over fifty years old.

“Let’s go!”

The Golden Ancient Emperor said to the five Axiongs.

After several people walked out of Zixuan Pavilion, Ah Wu said: “Master, the mayor uncle is very kind. When Ah Wu was sick, it was the mayor uncle who used magic to cure him.” The

Golden Ancient Emperor was stunned. Then he asked Axiong: “Is this happening?”

Axiong and others nodded, and Axiong said: “The mayor will treat people in the town every once in a while. Not only does he not charge money, but even beggars like us get sick. We also tried to find a way to wait until the mayor saw a doctor and let him treat him. Ah Wu had a fever before and we didn’t have money to see a doctor. Fortunately, the mayor came to see a doctor the next day and Ah Wu was cured. ”

The Golden Ancient Emperor nodded, then he took out a bottle of elixir and said to Axiong: “Give this to him.” ”


Axiong took the elixir and ran into Zixuan Pavilion. He would be back soon. .

“Let’s go!” The Golden Ancient Emperor waved his hand and left Mojia Town with several young disciples. Started his journey in the world of mortals.

In Zixuan Pavilion, Mo Fan’s body was trembling and he was holding the elixir in his hand. What Ah Xiong said to him echoed in his mind: “Thank you for saving Ah Wu.” He didn’t know who Ah Wu was, and he didn’t even know who he was. Because he did some good deeds that were not worth mentioning to him, he changed his life.

Mo Fan arrived outside Zixuan Pavilion. The Golden Ancient Emperor and the others had disappeared. Mo Fan knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times to the front.

The Golden Ancient Emperor began his journey to become an immortal, and Gu Changsheng was also thinking about how to make reasonable use of the inheritance of the ancient gods.

In the Gu family of the Eastern Region, twelve inheritance temples are suspended over the Gu family. In front of the twelve inheritance temples, there are twelve stone statues. Houtu’s stone statue was also restored by him. The Gu family did not feel any strange about this. From their point of view, even if the ancestors brought back a fairyland, it would be reasonable.

In a courtyard, Hou Tu was holding a clay figurine in boredom. After Gu Changsheng brought her back and asked Gu Youxian to arrange a place for her, he ignored her. This made her very puzzled. She agreed to let herself be your apprentice. The guardian came, but now he has disappeared.

“Ha, man!”

Hou Tu said disdainfully.

“Who provoked you? I was so angry when I first came in?” Gu Changsheng walked in at some point, walked up to Hou Tu and found that she was making clay figurines again. This time, it was not her brothers and sisters. But just because of this, Gu Changsheng didn’t see what it was at all.

“You’re really good at it. You finally figured out something I couldn’t understand.” Gu Changsheng complained.

“I said, you broke into my yard without my consent, is that okay?” Hou Tu ignored his complaints and counterattacked directly.

“Haha, this is my home, do I still need your permission?” Gu Changsheng smiled disdainfully.


“Why did you come to me?” Hou Tu asked.

“I almost forgot about the real thing. It’s all because of your poor clay figurine skills. I can’t help complaining…” “Just tell me if you have

something to say!” Hou Tu suppressed the anger in his heart. If he really couldn’t beat her, she might have Just give Gu Changsheng a kick like he kicked the Golden Ancient Emperor.

Gu Changsheng immediately told her the purpose of coming to her. After Hou Tu heard this, his eyes became angry or helpless.

“You actually want me to help you manage the development of the human race?” Hou Tu said in a weird tone, “Hey, please, I am the ancestor of the ancient gods, not the ancestor of the human race. You just want me to help you manage the development of the human race? Putting aside whether it’s suitable or not, do you really believe me so much?

“Yes, you see, you used to be one of the twelve ancestral gods of the Ancient God Clan, and the Ancient God Clan was one of the three major races in the wilderness. You must have a lot of experience in managing the development of ethnic groups. I will give you the opportunity to use it now. Of course you There’s no need to thank me, it’s just a pleasure to help others!” Gu Changsheng said.

“You still want me to thank you?” Hou Tu looked at Gu Changsheng, how could this man be so thick-skinned? What kind of logic is this in thanking him even if he wants to do things for him?

“I refuse.” Hou Tu said.

“Give me a reason.” Gu Changsheng continued to fight.


If you want a reason, then make one up.

“Although I am one of the twelve ancestral gods of the Ancient God Clan, I have never participated in the management of the development of the tribe. It is all done by my brothers. So you said that I have rich management experience. I’m sorry, but I don’t.”

Hou Tu was talking nonsense, but Gu Changsheng exposed her lies with one word.

“Oh, you still want to lie to me, don’t forget, I have explored your memory. In your memory, you are almost entirely responsible for the development of the ancient god clan. Your brothers are stronger than you, but They are all big-headed and brainless. If they were allowed to manage the Ancient God Clan, they would definitely be wiped out quickly.”


Hou was so arrogant. You stinky guy actually said that my brother is a big-headed and brainless kid. You are the big one. Brainless, his whole body is full of brainlessness.

“Don’t forget, I want to be your apprentice’s protector, but I don’t have time in this world. Your apprentice has to go to other worlds to practice, right?” Hou Tu sneered, little guy, I don’t believe this can’t cure you.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about this. Hong Hong is only in the Nirvana realm now. It’s still early to experience the strength of the heavens. You can just help me manage the human race during this period.” Gu Changsheng said with a smile. .

“What? Your disciple is in Nirvana?” Houtu was surprised.

“Yeah, didn’t I tell you?” Gu Changsheng asked back.

“What the hell!” Hou Tu finally couldn’t help but uttered his first curse word in countless years.

“Oh, it’s not too late to say it now, it’s settled anyway, you eat my food and sleep in my house, you have to do something for me, right?” Gu Changsheng said.

“What about you?” Hou Tu asked.

“Me? Of course I’m watching you help me manage it. If anything goes wrong, I can correct it.” Gu Changsheng said matter-of-factly.


“Go to hell!”

In the end, Hou Tu succumbed to Gu Changsheng’s power, took over Gu Changsheng’s responsibilities, and officially started working for Gu Changsheng.

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